List of Marvel Comics publications A-M

List of Marvel Comics publications A-M

Marvel Comics is an American comic book company. These are some of the publications it has released in its history, while this is a complete list of published titles. See also Timely Comics and Atlas Comics, Marvel's 1940s and 1950s precursors, respectively.

*List of Marvel Comics publications N-Z


*"1602" #1–8 (November 2003–June 2004)
*"" #1-5 (November 2006–March 2007)
*"" #1–5 (August 2005–January 2006)
*"" #1 (1976 one-shot)
*"2001: A Space Odyssey" #1–10 (December 1976–September 1977)
*"2010" #1–2 (April–May 1985)
*"2099 A.D." #1 (May 1995 one-shot)
*"2099 Apocalypse" #1 (December 1995 one-shot)
*"2099 Genesis" #1 (January 1996 one-shot)
*"" #1 (March 1998 one-shot)
*"2099 Unlimited" #1–10 (July 1993–October 1995)
*"" #1 (May 1995 one-shot)
*"" #1–8 (September 1996–April 1997)
*"4" #1–30 (April 2004–July 2006)


*"A-1" #1–4 (November 1992–February 1993)
*"A-Next" #1–12 (October 1998–September 1999)
*"The A-Team" #1–3 (March–May 1984)
*"The A-Team Storybook Comics Illustrated" (December 1993 one-shot)
*"Abominations" #1–3 (December 1996–February 1997)
*"Abraham Stone" #1–2 (July–August 1995)
*"Action Force" #1–50 (March 1987–February 1988)
*"Actual Confessions" #13–14 (October–December 1952) (continues from "Love Adventures")
*"Actual Romances" #1–2 (October 1949–January 1950) (continues as "True Secrets")
*"Adventure into Fear" #10–31 (October 1972–December 1975) (continues from "Fear")
*"Adventure into Mystery" #1–8 (May 1956–July 1957)
*"Adventure into Terror" Volume 1 #43–44 (continues from "Joker Comics")
*"Adventure into Terror" Volume 2 #3–31
*"Adventures into Weird Worlds" #1–30 (1952–1954)
*"Adventures of Captain America" #1–4 (October 1991–January 1992)
*"Adventures of Cyclops and Phoenix" #1–4 (May–August 1994)
*"Adventures of Homer Ghost" #1–2 (June–August 1957)
*"Adventures of Pinky Lee" #1–5 (1955)
*"Adventures of Snake Plisskin" #1 (1997)
*"Adventures of Spider-Man" #1–12 (April 1996–March 1997)
*"Adventures of the Thing" #1–4 (April–July 1992)
*"Adventures of the Uncanny X-Men" #1 (1995)
*"Adventures of the X-Men" #1–12 (April 1996–March 1997)
*"Adventures on the Planet of the Apes" #1–11 (October 1975–December 1976)
*"Age of Apocalypse" #1–6 (2005)
*"Age of Apocalypse: The Chosen" #1 (1995)
*"Age of Innocence" (1995)
*"Agent X" #1–15 (September 2002–December 2003)
*"Agents of Atlas" #1–6 (October 2006–March 2007)
*"Air Raiders" #1–5 (November 1987–March 1988)
*"Airtight Garage" #1–4 (July–October 1993)
*"Akira" #1–38 (September 1988–December 1995)
*"Akira Collection" #1–10 (February–November 1993)
*"Aladdin" #1–12 (October 1994–September 1995)
*"ALF" #1–50 (March 1988–February 1992)
*"Alias" #1–28 (2002–2004)
*"Alien Legion" #1–20 (1984–?); #1–18 (1987–?)
*"" #1 (1993)
*"" #1 (1992)
*"" #1–3 (1993)
*"" #1–4 (1990)
*"" #1–2 (1991)
*"All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z: Update" #1 (2007)
*"All-Select Comics" #1–11 (1943–1946) (continues as "Blonde Phantom")
*"All Surprise" #1–12 (1943–1946)
*"All Teen Comics" #20
*"All-True Crime" #26–52 (continues from "Official True Crime Cases")
*"All Western Winners" #2–4 (1940s) (continues from "All Winners Comics" and as "Western Winners")
*"All Winners Comics" Volume 1 #1–19 (1941–?)
*"All Winners Comics" Volume 2 #1 (1948) (continues as "All Western Winners")
*"Alpha Flight" Volume 1 #1–130, Annual #1–2 (August 1983–?)
*"Alpha Flight" Volume 2 #1–20, #-1, Annual 1998 (August 1997–March 1999)
*"Alpha Flight" Volume 3 #1–12 (May 2004–April 2005)
*"Alpha Flight Special" Volume 1 #1–4
*"Alpha Flight Special" Volume 2 #1
*"Amazing Adult Fantasy" #7–14 (December 1961–July 1962)
*"Amazing Adventures" (1961 series) #1–6 (June 1961–November 1961)
*"Amazing Adventures" (1970 series) #1–39 (August 1970–November 1976)
*"Amazing Adventures" (1981 series) #1–14 (December 1979–November 1981)
*"Amazing Adventures" (1988 series) #1 (November 1988)
*"Amazing Comics" #1 (Fall 1944) (continues as "Complete Comics")
*"Amazing Detective Cases" #3–14 (1950–1952)
*"Amazing Fantasy" #15 (August 1962)
*"Amazing Fantasy" #16–18 (December 1995–March 1996)
*"Amazing High Adventure" #1–5 (1984–1987)
*"Amazing Scarlet Spider" #1–2 (November 1995–December 1995)
*"Amazing Spider-Girl" #1— (2006— )
*"Amazing Spider-Man" Volume 1 #1–441, #-1, #500—, Annual #1–28 (1963–1998), (2003— )
*"Amazing Spider-Man" Volume 2 #1–58 (1999–2003)
*"Amazing X-Men" #1–4
*"American Tail II" #1–2 (1991–1992)
*"Animax" #1–4 (1986–1987)
*"Annex" #1–4 (1994)
*"Annie" #1–2 (1982)
*"Annie Oakley" #1–11 (1948–1956)
*"Annihilation" #1— (2006— )
*"Ant-Man" #1–4 (February–May 2004)
*"Ant-Man's Big Christmas" (1999)
*"Apache Kid" #11–19 (December 1950–April 1956) (continues as "Western Gunfighters")
*"Apache Skies" #1–4 (September–December 2002)
*"Archangel" #1 (1996)
*"Arizona Kid" #1–6 (1951–1952)
*"Arrgh!" #1–5 (1974–1975)
*"Arrowhead" #1–4 (1954)
*"Astonishing" #3–63 (continues from "Marvel Boy" Volume 1)
*"Astonishing Tales" #1–36 (August 1970–?)
*"Astonishing X-Men" Volume 1 #1–4 (1995)
*"Astonishing X-Men" Volume 2 #1–3 (1999)
*"Astonishing X-Men" Volume 3 #1— (2004— )
*"Atomic Age" #1–4 (1990)
*"" #1–3 (September–November 2000)
*"The Avengers" Volume 1 #1–402 (September 1963–1996); (2004) #500–503
*"The Avengers" Volume 2 #1–13
*"The Avengers" Volume 3 #1–84 (February 1998–August 2004)
*"Avengers: Celestial Quest" #1–3 (2001)
*"Avengers Forever" #1–12 (1998–1999)
*"Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes" vol. 2, #1— (2006— )
*"Avengers Icons: Tigra" #1–4 (2002)
*"Avengers Icons: The Vision" #1–4 (October 2002–January 2003)
*"Avengers Infinity" #1–4 (2000)
*"Avengers Log" #1 (1994)
*"Avengers Next" #1— (2006— )
*"Avengers Spotlight" #21–40 (1989–?)
*"Avengers Strikefile" #1 (1994)
*"Avengers: The Crossing" #1 (1995)
*"Avengers: The Terminatrix Objective" #1–4 (1993)
*"Avengers: Timeslide" #1 (1996)
*"Avengers Two: Wonder Man and the Beast" #1–3 (2000)
*"Avengers/Ultraforce" #1 (1995); crossover with Malibu Comics
*"Avengers: United They Stand" #1–7 (1999–2000)
*"Avengers Universe" #1–3 (June–October 2000)
*"Avengers Unleashed" #1 (1996)
*"Avengers Unplugged" #1–6 (October 1995–August 1996)
*"Avengers West Coast" #47–102 (August 1989–January 1994) (continues from "West Coast Avengers")


*"Balder the Brave" #1–4 (November 1985–February 1986)
*"Banner" #1–4 (2001)
*"Barbie" #1–66 (January 1991–?)
*"Barbie Fashion" #1–63 (January 1991–?)
*"Battlestar Galactica" #1–23 (March 1979–December 1981)
*"Battletide" #1–4 (1990)
*"Battletide II" #1–8 (1993)
*"Battletide III" #1–4 (1994)
*"Beast" #1–3 (1997)
*"Beauty and the Beast" #1–13 (1992–1993)
*"Beavis and Butt-head" #1–28 (March 1994–?)
*"Before the Fantastic 4: Grimm and Logan" #1–3 (2000)
*"Before the Fantastic 4: Reed Richards" #1–3 (2000)
*"Before the Fantastic 4: The Storms" #1–3 (2000)
*"Biker Mice from Mars" #1–3 (1993)
*"Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey" #1 (November 1991)
*"Bill & Ted's Excellent Comics" #1–12 (1991–1992)
*"Bishop" #1–4 (1994)
*"Bishop: The Last X-Man" #1–16 (1999–?)
*"Bishop: Xavier's Security Officer" #1–3 (1997–1998)
*"Bizarre Adventures" #25–34 (continues from "Marvel Previews")
*"Black Goliath" #1–5 (February 1976–November 1976)
*"Black Knight" #1–4
*"Black Panther" Volume 1 #1–15 (January 1977–May 1979)
*"Black Panther" Volume 2 #1–4 (July 1988–October 1988)
*"Black Panther" Volume 3 #1–62 (November 1998–September 2003`)
*"Black Panther" Volume 4 #1— (2005)
*"Black Rider" #8–27 (continues from "Western Winners" and as "Western Tales of Black Rider")
*"Black Widow" #1–3
*"Blackstone, The Magician" #2 (1948)
*"Blackstone, The Magician Detective #3–4 (1948)
*"Blackwulf" #1–10 (June 1994–March 1995)
*"Blade" Volume 1 #1–3 (November 1998–January 1999)
*"Blade" Volume 2 #1–6 (May–October 2002)
*"Blade" Volume 3 #1— (2006— )
*"" (May 2002 one-shot)
*"Blade: Crescent City Blues" #1 (March 1998 one-shot)
*"Blade: Sins of the Father" #1 (October 1998 one-shot)
*"Blade: The Vampire Hunter" #1–10 (June 1994–April 1995)
*"Blade: Vampire Hunter" #1–6 (December 1999–May 2000)
*"Blade Runner #1–2 (October–December 1982)
*"Blaze" #1–12
*"" #1–4
*"Blaze, the Wonder Collie" #2–3 (October 1949–February 1950)
*"Blink" #1–4 (March–June 2001)
*"Blonde Phantom" #12–22 (continues as "Lovers")
*"" #1–4 (February–April 1988)
*"Bloodseed" #1–2 (October–November 1993)
*"Bloodstone" #1–4
*"Blueberry" #1–5 (1989–1990)
*"Book of the Dead" #1–4 (December 1993–March 1994)
*"The Bozz Chronicles" #1–6 (December 1985–November 1986)
*"Brand Echh" #1–4 (continues as "Not Brand Echh")
*"Brats Bizarre" #1–4 (January–April 1994)
*"The Brotherhood" #1–9
*"Brute Force" #1–4 (August–November 1990)
*"Buck Duck" #1–4 (June–December 1953)
*"Buckaroo Banzai" #1–2 (December 1984–February 1985)
*"Bullet Points" #1— (2006— )
*"" #1–5 (November 2004–March 2005)
*"Bullwinkle and Rocky" #1–9 (March 1988–March 1989)


*"Cable" Volume 1 #1–2
*"Cable" Volume 2 #1–107
*"Cable & Deadpool" #1-50
*"Cadillacs and Dinosaurs" #1–6 (November 1990–April 1991)
*"The Call of Duty" #1–4 (June–September 2003)
*"" #1–5 (September 2002–January 2003)
*"The Call of Duty: The Wagon" #1–4 (October 2002–January 2003)
*"Cage" Volume 1 #1–20
*"Cage" Volume 2 #1–6
*"Camp Candy" #1–6 (May–October 1990)
*"Captain America" Volume 1 #100–454 (continues from "Tales of Suspense")
*"Captain America" Volume 2 #1–13
*"Captain America" Volume 3 #1–50
*"Captain America" Volume 4 #1–32
*"Captain America" Volume 5 #1—
*"Captain America and the Falcon" #1–14 (May 2004–June 2005)
*"Captain America Comics" #1–78
*"Captain America: Dead Man Running" #1–3 (March–May 2002)
*"Captain America: Red, White and Black" #1–7 (January–July 2003)
*"Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty" #1–12 (September 1998–August 1999)
*"Captain America: What Price Glory?" #1–4 (May 2003)
*"Captain Britain" Volume 1 #1–39 (October 1976–July 1977)
*"Captain Britain" Volume 2 #1–14 (January 1985–February 1986)
*"Captain Britain" Annual #1 (December 1978)
*"Captain Britain" Summer Special #1 (1980)
*"Captain Confederacy" #1–4 (November 1991–February 1992)
*"Captain Justice" #1–2 (March–April 1988)
*"Captain Marvel" Volume 1 #1–62
*"Captain Marvel" Volume 2 #1
*"Captain Marvel" Volume 3 #1
*"Captain Marvel" Volume 4 #1–6
*"Captain Marvel" Volume 5 #1–35
*"Captain Marvel" Volume 6 #1–25
*"Captain Planet and the Planeteers" #1–12 (October 1991–September 1992)
*"Captain Savage and His Battlefield Raiders" #9–19 (December 1968–March 1970) (continues from "Captain Savage and His Leatherneck Raiders")
*"Captain Savage and His Leatherneck Raiders" #1–8 (January–November 1968) (continues as "Captain Savage and His Battlefield Raiders")
*"Captain Universe/Daredevil" #1
*"Captain Universe/The Incredible Hulk" #1
*"Captain Universe/Invisible Woman" #1
*"Captain Universe/Silver Surfer" #1
*"Captain Universe/X-23" #1
*"Car Warriors" #1–4 (June–September 1991)
*"Care Bears" #1–20 (November 1985–January 1989)
*"Casey-Crime Photographer" #1–4 (August 1949–February 1950) (continues as "Two-Gun Western")
*"The Cat" #1–4 (November 1972–June 1973)
*"Chamber of Chills" #1–25 (November 1972–November 1976)
*"Chamber of Darkness" #1–8 (October 1969–December 1970) (continues as "Monsters on the Prowl")
*"Champions" #1–17 (October 1975–January 1978)
*"Children of the Voyage" #1–4 (September–December 1993)
*"Chili" #1–26 (May 1969–March 1974)
*"Chiller" #1–2 (November–December 1993)
*"Cholly and Flytrap" #1–3 (1991)
*"Chuck Norris and the Karate Kommandos" #1–5
*"Cindy Comics" #27–38 (continues from "Krazy Komics" and as "Cindy Smith Comics")
*"Cindy Smith Comics" #39–40 (continues from "Cindy Comics" and as "Crime Can't Win!")
*"Citizen V and the V Battalion" #1–3 (June–August 2001)
*"Citizen V and the V Battalion: The Everlasting" #1–4 (March–July 2002)
*"Civil War" #1–7
*"Clan Destine" #0–12 (October 1994–September 1995)
*"Classic X-Men" #1–45 (September 1986–March 1990) (continues as "X-Men Classic")
*"Clive Barker's Book of the Damned" #1–3 (October 1991–November 1992)
*"Clive Barker's Hellraiser" #1–20 (March 1989–February 1993)
*"Clive Barker's Hellraiser: Dark Holyday Special" #1 (1992)
*"Clive Barker's Hellraiser: Spring Slaughter" #1 (1994)
*"Clive Barker's Hellraiser: Summer Special" #1 (1992)
*"Clive Barker's Nightbreed" #1–25 (April 1990–March 1993)
*"Clive Barker's Nightbreed: Nightbreed Genesis] " #1 (1993)
*"Clive Barker's The Harrowers" #1–6 (December 1993–May 1994)
*"Cloak and Dagger" Volume 1 #1–4
*"Cloak and Dagger" Volume 2 #1–11
*"Cloak and Dagger" Volume 3 #14–19 (continues from "The Mutant Misadventures of Cloak And Dagger")
*"" #10–13 (July–October 1987) (continues from "Spitfire and The Troubleshooters")
*"Code of Honor" #1–4 (January–May 1997)
*"" #1–4 (January–May 1993)
*"Combat" #1–11
*"Combat Casey" #6–34 (continues from "War Combat")
*"Combat Kelly" #1–44
*"Combat Kelly and The Deadly Dozen" #1–9 (June 1972–October 1973)
*"Comedy Comics" #9–34 (continues from "Daring Mystery Comics" and as "Margie Comics")
*"Comet Man" #1–6 (February–July 1987)
*"Comix Book" #1–3 (1974)
*"Commando Adventures" #1–2 (June–August 1957)
*"Complete Comics" #2 (Winter 1944–1945) (continues from "Amazing Comics")
*"Complete Mystery" #1–4 (August 1948–February 1949) (continues as "True Complete Mystery")
*"Conan" Volume 1 #1–11 (August 1995–June 1996)
*"Conan Classic" #1–11 (June 1994–April 1995)
*"The Conan Saga" #1–97 (May 1987–April 1995)
*"Conan the Adventurer" #1–14 (June 1994–July 1995)
*"Conan the Barbarian" Volume 1 #1–275 (October 1970–December 1993)
*"Conan the Barbarian" Volume 2 #1–3 (July–October 1997)
*"Conan the Barbarian Annual" #2–12 (1976–1987) (continues from "Conan the Barbarian King Size")
*"Conan the Barbarian: Death Covered in Gold" #1–3 (September–November 1999)
*"Conan the Barbarian: Flame and the Fiend" #1–3 (August–October 2000)
*"Conan the Barbarian Giant" #1–5 (September 1974–1975)
*"Conan the Barbarian: Horn of Azroth" #1 (1990 one-shot)
*"Conan the Barbarian King Size" #1 (1973) (continues as "Conan the Barbarian Annual")
*"Conan the Barbarian Movie Special" #1–2 (October–November 1982)
*"Conan the Barbarian: Red Nails" #1 (December 1984 one shot)
*"Conan the Barbarian: Return of Styrm" #1–3 (September–November 1998)
*"Conan the Barbarian: River of Blood" #1–3 (June–August 1998)
*"Conan the Barbarian: Scarlet Sword" #1–3 (December 1998–February 1999)
*"Conan the Barbarian: The Lord of Spider" #1–3 (March–May 1998)
*"Conan the Barbarian: The Skill of Set" #1 (1989 one-shot)
*"Conan the Barbarian: The Usurper" #1–3 (December 1997–February 1998)
*"Conan the Destroyer" #1–2 (January–March 1985)
*"Conan the King" #20–55 (January 1984–November 1989) (continues from "King Conan")
*"Conan the Savage" #1–10 (August 1995–May 1996)
*"Conan vs. Rune" #1 (November 1995 one shot)
*"Coneheads" #1–4 (June–September 1994)
*"Conspiracy" #1–2 (February–March 1998)
*"Contest of Champions" #1–3
*"Contest of Champions II" #1–5
*"" #1–4 (June–September 1992)
*"Cosmic Powers" #1–6 (March–August 1994)
*"Cosmic Powers Unlimited" #1–5 (May 1995–May 1996)
*"Count Duckula" #1–15 (November 1988–January 1991)
*"Cowboy Action" #5–11 (continues from "Western Thrillers" and as "Quick-Trigger Western")
*"Cowboy Romances" #1–3 (October 1949–March 1950) (continues as "Young Men")
*"Cowgirl Romances" #28 (January 1950) (continues from "Jeanie Comics")
*"Coyote" #1–16 (April 1983–January 1986)
*"Craptacular B-Sides" #1–3 (November 2002–January 2003)
*"Crash Ryan" #1–4 (October 1984–January 1985)
*"Crazy" Volume 1 #1–7 (December 1953–June 1954)
*"Crazy" Volume 2 #1–3 (February–June 1973)
*"Crazy Magazine" #1–94 (October 1973–April 1983)
*"Crazy Summer Special" #1 (October 1975)
*"Creatures on the Loose" #10–37 (March 1971–September 1975) (continues from "Tower of Shadows")
*"Creatures on the Loose King Size" #1 (1975)
*"The Crew" #1–7 (July 2003–January 2004)
*"Crime Exposed" #1 (June 1948 one shot)
*"Crime Exposed" #1–13 (December 1950–June 1952)
*"Crime Fighters Always Win" #11–13 (September 1954–January 1955) (continues from "Crimefighters")
*"Crimefighters" #1–10 (April 1948–October 1949) (continues as "Crime Fighters Always Win")
*"Criminal" #1— (2006— )
*"Crimson Dynamo" #1–6 (October 2003–April 2004)
*"Crypt of Shadows" #1–21 (January 1973–November 1975)
*"Crystar" #1–11
*"Cupid" #1–2 (December 1949–March 1950)
*"Curse of the Weird" #1–4 (December 1993–March 1994)
*"Cyberspace 3000" #1–8 (July 1993–May 1994)


*"D.P.7" #1–32 (November 1986–June 1989)
*"D.P.7 Annual" #1 (1987)
*"Daily Bugle" #1–3 (December 1996–February 1997)
*"Dakota North" #1–5 (June 1986–February 1987)
*"Damage Control" Volume 1 #1–4
*"Damage Control" Volume 2 #1–4
*"Damage Control" Volume 3 #1–4
*"Dances with Demons" #1–6 (September 1993–February 1994)
*"Daredevil" Volume 1 #1–380
*"Daredevil" Volume 2 #1—
*"Daredevil and Batman" #1 (January 1997 one-shot)
*"Daredevil: Father" #1— (July 2004— )
*"Daredevil: Ninja" #1–3 (December 2000–February 2001)
*"Daredevil: The Man without Fear" #1–5 (October 1993–February 1994)
*"Daredevil: The Target" #1–4 (January–April 2003)
*"Daredevil: Yellow" #1–6 (August 2001–January 2002)
*"Daredevil/Black Widow" #1 (July 1993 one-shot)
*"Daredevil/Shi" #1 (February 1997 one-shot); crossover with Crusade Comics
*"Daredevil/Spider-Man" #1–4 (January–April 2001)
*"Daredevil/The Punisher" #1 (1988 one-shot)
*"Daredevil vs. Vapora" #1 (1993 one-shot)
*"The Daredevils" #1–11 (January–November 1983)
*"Daring Comics" #9–12 (continues as "Jeanie Comics")
*"Daring Mystery Comics" #1–8 (splits in "Daring Comics" and "Comedy Comics")
*"Dark Angel" #6–16 (December 1992–December 1993) (continues from "Hell's Angel")
*"The Dark Crystal" #1–2 (April–May 1983)
*"Dark Guard" #1–4 (October 1993–January 1994)
*"Darkhawk" #1–50, Annual #1–3
*"" #1–16 (October 1992–January 1994)
*"Darkman" Volume 1 #1–3 (September–December 1990)
*"Darkman" Volume 2 #1–6 (April–September 1993)
*"Darkman Movie Adaptation" (1990 one-shot)
*"A Date with Millie Volume 1 #1–7 (October 1956–October 1957)
*"A Date with Millie Volume 2 #1–7 (October 1959–October 1960) (Continues as "Life with Millie")
*"Day of the Defenders"#1 (March 2001 one-shot)
*"Daydreamers" #1–3 (August–October 1997)
*"Dazzler" #1–42
*"Dead of Night" #1–11 (December 1973–August 1975)
*"Deadline" #1–4 (June–September 2002)
*"The Deadly Foes of Spider-Man" #1–4 (May–August 1991)
*"Deadly Hands of Kung Fu" #1–33
*"Deadly Hands of Kung Fu: Special Album Edition" #1 (1974 one-shot)
*"Deadpool" Volume 1 #1–4
*"Deadpool" Volume 2 #1–4
*"Deadpool" Volume 3 #1–69
*"Deadpool" Annual 1998
*"Death metal" #1–4 (January–April 1994)
*"Death Metal vs. Genetix" #1–2 (December 1993–January 1994)
*"The Death of Groo the Wanderer" #1 (one-shot)
*"Death Wreck" #1–4 (January–April 1994)
*"Death3" #1–4 (September–December 1993)
*"Death's Head" #1–10
*"Death's Head II" Volume 1 #1–4
*"Death's Head II" Volume 2 #1–16
*"Death's Head II: The Origin of Die-Cut" #1–2 (August–September 1993)
*"Deathlok" Volume 1 #1–4 (July–October 1990)
*"Deathlok" Volume 2 #1–34 (July 1991–April 1994)
*"Deathlok" Volume 3 #1–11 (September 1999–June 2000)
*"Deathlok Annual" #1–2 (1992–1993)
*"Deathlok Special" #1–4 (May–June 1991)
*"The Defenders" Volume 1 #1–152
*"The Defenders" Volume 2 #1–12
*"Defenders of Dynatron City" #1–6 (February–July 1992)
*"Defenders of the Earth" #1–4 (January–April 1987)
*"Della Vision" #1–3 (April–August 1955) (continues as "Patty Powers")
*"Dennis the Menace" #1–13 (November 1981–November 1982)
*"Dennis the Menace Comic Digest" #1–3 (April–August 1982)
*"The Destroyer" Volume 1 #1–9
*"The Destroyer" Volume 2 #1–4
*"Devil Dinosaur" #1–9 (April–December 1978)
*"Devil Dinosaur Spring Fling" #1 (June 1997 one-shot)
*"Devil-Dog Dugan" #1–3 (continues as "Tales of the Marines")
*"Dexter the Demon" #7 (continues from "Melvin the Monster")
*"Die-Cut" #1–4 (November 1993–February 1994)
*"Die-Cut vs. G-Force" #1–2 (November–December 1993)
*"Digitek" #1–4 (December 1992–March 1993)
*"Dino-Riders" #1–3 (March–may 1989)
*"District X" #1–12
*"Doc Samson" #1–4 (January–April 1996)
*"Doc Savage" #1–8 (October 1972–January 1974)
*"Doc Savage Giant" #1 (1975 one-shot)
*"Doc Savage Magazine" #1–8 (August 1975–1977)
*"Doctor Strange" Volume 1 #169–183 (continues numbering from "Strange Tales" Volume 1)
*"Doctor Strange" Volume 2 #1–81 (June 1974-February 1987)
*"Doctor Strange" Volume 2 Annual #1 (1974)
*"Doctor Strange" Volume 3 #1–90 (a.k.a. "Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme")
*"Doctor Strange" Volume 4 #1–4
*"Doctor Strange Classics" #1–4 (March–June 1984)
*"Doctor Strange and Doctor Doom: Triumph and Torment" #1 (October 1989 one-shot)
*"Doctor Strange & Ghost Rider Special" #1 (April 1991 one-shot)
*"Doctor Strange: The Oath" #1— (2006— )
*"Doctor Strange vs. Dracula" #1 (March 1994 one-shot)
*"Doctor Strange: What Is It That Disturbs You, Stephen?" (1997 one-shot)
*"Doctor Who" #1–23 (October 1984–August 1986)
*"Doctor Zero" #1–8 (April 1988–June 1989)
*"Domination Factor" #1–8 (November 1999–February 2000)
*"Domino" Volume 1 #1–3 (January–March 1997)
*"Domino" Volume 2 #1–4 (June–August 2003)
*"Doom" #1–3 (October–December 2000)
*"Doom: The Emperor Returns" #1–3 (January–March 2002)
*"Doom 2099" #1–44 (January 1993–August 1996)
*"Dopey Duck Comics" #1–2 (continues as "Wacky Duck")
*"Double Dragon" #1–6 (July–December 1991)
*"Dracula Lives!" #1–13 (June 1973–July 1975)
*"Dracula Lives! Annual" #1 (1975)
*"Dracula: Lord of the Undead" #1–3 (December 1988)
*"Dragon Lines" #1–4 (May–August 1993)
*"Dragon Lines: The Way of the Warrior" #1–2 (November 1993–January 1994)
*"Dragon's Claws" #1–10 (July 1988–April 1989)
*"Dragonslayer" #1–2 (October–November 1981)
*"Dreadlands" #1–4 (1992)
*"Dreadstar" #1–26 (November 1982–August 1986) (continues under First Comics publisher)
*"Dreadstar and Company" #1–6 (July–December 1985)
*"Dreadstar Annual" #1 (December 1983)
*"Druid" #1–4 (May–August 1995)
*"Dune" #1–3 (April–June 1985)
*"Dynomutt" #1–6 (November 1977–September 1978)


*"Earth X" #0–12 (March 1999–April 2000)
*"Earth X" #X (June 2000 one-shot)
*"Earthworm Jim" #1–3 (December 1995–February 1996)
*"Ectokid" #1–9 (September 1993–May 1994)
*"Ectokid Unleashed" one-shot
*"Eden's Trail" #1–6 (January–June 2003)
*"Elektra" Volume 1 #1–19; #-1 (November 1996–June 1998)
*"Elektra" Volume 2 #1–35 (September 2001–June 2004)
*"Elektra & Wolverine: The Redeemer" #1–3 (January–March 2002)
*"Elektra: Assassin" #1–8 (August 1986–March 1987)
*"Elektra: Glimpse & Echo" #1–4 (September–December 2002)
*"Elektra Lives Again" #1 (March 1991 one-shot)
*"Elektra Megazine" #1–2 (November–December 1996)
*"Elektra: Root of Evil" #1–4 (March–June 1995)
*"The Elektra Saga" #1–4 (February–May 1984)
*"Elektra: The Hand] " #1–6 (November 2004–February 2005)
*"Elfquest" #1–32 (August 1985–March 1988)
*"The Elsewhere Prince" #1–6 (May–October 1990)
*"Emma Frost" #1–18
*"Epic" #1–4 (January–April 1992)
*"Epic Illustrated" #1–34
*"Epic Lite" #1 (September 1991 one-shot)
*"Essential Marvel Team-Up" #1 (May 2002)
*"Essential Thor" #1 (February 2001)
*"The Eternal" #1–6 (August 2003–January 2004)
*"The Eternals" Volume 1 #1–19 (July 1976–January 1978)
*"The Eternals" Volume 2 #1–12 (October 1985–September 1986)
*"The Eternals Annual" #1 (October 1977)
*"The Eternals: The Herod Factor" #1 (November 1991 one-shot)
*"Eternals" #1–12 (October 1985–September 1986)
*"Europa" #0–4
*"Excalibur" Volume 1 #1–125; #-1 (October 1988–October 1998)
*"Excalibur" Volume 2 #1–4 (February 2001–May 2001)
*"Excalibur" Volume 3 #1–14 (July 2004–July 2005)
*"Excalibur: Air Apparent" (December 1991)
*"Excalibur: Majo Mayhem" (December 1989)
*"Excalibur: Sword of Power" #1–4 (February–May 2002)
*"Excalibur: The Possession" (July 1991)
*"Excalibur: The Sword is Drawn" (1987)
*"Excalibur: Weird War III" (December 1990)
*"Excalibur: XX Crossing" (July 1992) (also known as "Excalibur vs the X-Men] ")
*"Excalibur Annual" #1–2 (1993–1994)
*"Exiles" #1—


*"FOOM" #1–22 (February 1973 – September 1978)
*"Factor X" #1–4 (March–June 1995)
*"Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser" #1–4 (October 1990 – Jan. 1991)
*"Faithful" #1–2 (November 1949 – February 1950)
*"Falcon" #1–4 (November 1983–February 1984)
*"Fallen Angels" #1–8 (April–November 1987)
*"Fantastic Five" #1–5 (October 1999–February 2000)
*"Fantastic Force" #1–18 (November 1994–April 1996)
*"Fantastic Four" Volume 1 #1–416, #500—
*"Fantastic Four" Volume 2 #1–13
*"Fantastic Four" Volume 3 #1—
*"Fantastic Four: 1 2 3 4" #1–4
*"Fantastic Four 2099" #1–8
*"Fantastic Four: Atlantis Rising" #1–2
*"Fantastic Four: Big Town" #1–4
*"Fantastic Four: Fireworks" #1–3
*"Fantastic Four: The End" #1— (2006— )
*"Fantastic Four: The World's Greatest Comics Magazine" #1–12
*"Fantastic Four Unlimited" #1–12
*"Fantastic Four Unplugged" #1–6
*"Fantastic Four: Unstable Molecules" #1–4
*"The Fantastic Four vs. the X-Men" #1–4
*"Fantasy Masterpieces" Volume 1 #1–11 (February 1966–October 1967) (continues as "Marvel Super-Heroes" Volume 1)
*"Fantasy Masterpieces" Volume 2 #1–14 (December 1979–January 1981)
*"Fear" #1–9 (continues as "Adventure into Fear")
*"Feud" #1–4
*"Firestar" #1–4
*"Fish Police" #1–6
*"Flash Gordon" #1–2
*"The Flintstone Kids" #1–11
*"The Flintstones" #1–9
*"Foofur" #1–6
*"Foolkiller" #1–10
*"Force Works" #1–22
*"Fraggle Rock" Volume 1 #1–8
*"Fraggle Rock" Volume 2 #1–6
*"Frankenstein" #6–18 (continues from "The Monster of Frankenstein")
*"Freddy Krueger's A Nightmare on Elm Street" #1–2
*"Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-Man" #1— (2005— )
*"Frontier Western" #1–10
*"Funny Frolics" #1–5
*"The Funtastic World of Hanna-Barbera" #1–2 (continues as "Laff-A-Lympics")
*"The Further Adventures of Cyclops and Phoenix" #1–4
*"The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones" #1–34
*"Fury" #1–6
*"Fury/Agent 13" #1–2
*"Fury/Black Widow: Death Duty" #1
*"Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D." #1–4


*"G.I. Joe" #1–155
*"G.I. Joe and the Transformers" #1–4
*"G.I. Joe Special Missions" #1–28
*"G.I. Joe Yearbook" #1–4
*"G.I. Joe: Order of Battle" #1–4
*"G.I. Tales" #4–6 (continues from "Sgt. Barney Baker")
*"G.L.A." #1–4
*"Galactic Guardians" #1–4
*"Galactus The Devourer" #1–6
*"Gambit" Volume 1 #1–4
*"Gambit" Volume 2 #1–4
*"Gambit" Volume 3 #1–25
*"Gambit" Volume 4 #1–10
*"Gambit & Bishop: Sons of the Atom" #1–6
*"Gambit & the X-Ternals" #1–4
*"The Gargoyle" #1–4
*"Gargoyles" #1–17
*"Gene Dogs" #1–4
*"Generation NeXt" #1–4
*"Generation M 2005-2006 #1–6
*"Generation X" #1–75; #-1; #½
*"Generation X Annual" 1995; 1996; 1997; 1998; 1999
*"Generation X/Gen¹³" #1 (one-shot); crossover with Wildstorm
*"Generation X Holyday" #1 (one-shot)
*"Generation X Underground Special" #1 (one-shot)
*"The Generic Comic Book" #1 (April 1984)
*"Genetix" #1–6
*"Georgie Comics" #1–19 (continues as "Georgie & Judy Comics"); #22–25 (continues from "Georgie & Judy Comics")
*"Georgie & Judy Comics" #20–21 (continues from and as "Georgie Comics")
*"The Getalong Gang" #1–6
*"Ghost Rider" Volume 1 #1–7 (February 1967–October 1967)
*"Ghost Rider" Volume 2 #1–81 (June 1973–October 1983)
*"Ghost Rider" Volume 3 #1–93 (May 1990–February 1998)
*"Ghost Rider" Volume 4 #1–6 (August 2001–January 2002)
*"Ghost Rider" volume 5 #1— (2006— )
*"Ghost Rider 2099" #1–12 (continues as "Ghost Rider 2099 A.D.")
*"Ghost Rider 2099 A.D." #13–25 (continues from "Ghost Rider 2099")
*"Ghost Rider Annual" #1–2 (1993–1994)
*"Ghost Rider/Ballistic"; crossover with Top Cow
*"Ghost Rider/Cable: Servants of the Dead" #1
*"Ghost Rider: Fear" #1
*"Ghost Rider Finale" #1 (2007)
*"Ghost Rider/Wolverine/Punisher: Heart of Darkness" #1
*"Ghost Rider/Wolverine/Punisher: The Dark Design" #1
*"Ghost Riders: Crossroads" #1
*"Giant-Size Avengers" #1–5
*"Giant-Size Captain America" #1
*"Giant-Size Captain Marvel" #1
*"Giant-Size Chillers" Volume 1 #1 (continues as "Giant-Size Dracula")
*"Giant-Size Chillers" Volume 2 #1–3
*"Giant-Size Conan" #1–5
*"Giant-Size Creatures" #1 (continues as "Giant-Size Werewolf")
*"Giant-Size Daredevil" #1
*"Giant-Size Defenders" #1–5
*"Giant-Size Doc Savage" #1
*"Giant-Size Doctor Strange" #1
*"Giant-Size Dracula" #2–5 (continues from "Giant-Size Chillers" Volume 1)
*"Giant-Size Fantastic Four" #2–6 (continues from "Giant-Size Super-Stars")
*"Giant-Size Hulk" #1
*"Giant-Size Invaders" #1
*"Giant-Size Iron Man" #1
*"Giant-Size Kid Colt" #1–3
*"Giant-Size Man-Thing" #1–5
*"Giant-Size Marvel Triple Action" #1–2
*"Giant-Size Master of Kung Fu" #1–4
*"Giant-Size Power Man" #1
*"Giant-Size Spider-Man" #1–6
*"Giant-Size Super Heroes" #1 (June 1974)
*"Giant-Size Super-Stars" #1 (continues as "Giant-Size Fantastic Four")
*"Giant-Size Super-Villain Team-Up" #1–2
*"Giant-Size Thor" #1
*"Giant-Size Tigra the Were-Woman!" #1
*"Giant-Size Werewolf" #2–5 (continues from "Giant-Size Creatures")
*"Giant-Size X-Men" #1–3
*"Girl Comics" #1–12 (continues as "Girl Confessions")
*"Girl Confessions" #13–35 (continues from "Girl Comics")
*"Girls' Life" #1–6
*"Godzilla: King of Monsters" #1–24
*"Golden Age of Marvel Comics"–This book was a top votegetter for the Comics Buyer's Guide Fan Award for Favorite Reprint Graphic Album for 1998
*"Gothic Tales of Love" #1–2
*"Green Goblin" #1–13
*"The Groo Chronicles" #1–6
*"Groo the Wanderer" #1–120
*"Groovy" #1–3
*"Guardians" #1–5
*"Guardians of the Galaxy" Volume 1 #1–62
*"Guardians of the Galaxy" Volume 2 #1–4
*"Guardians of the Galaxy Annual" #1–4
*"Gun Runner" #1–6
*"Gun-Slinger" #2–3 (continues from "Tex Dawson, Gun-Slinger")
*"Gun Theory" #1–2
*"The Gunhawk" #12–18 (continues from "Whip Wilson")
*"The Gunhawks" #1–7
*"Gunsmoke Western" #32–77 (continues from "Western Tales of Black Rider")


*"The Handbook of the Conan Universe" #1 (June 1985 one shot)
*"" Volume #1–3 {Vol. 1 starting in June 2006}
*"Hanna-Barbera's Laff-A-Lympics" #1–13
*"Harvey" #1–6
*"Havok & Wolverine: Meltdown" #1–4
*"Hawkeye" Volume 1 #1–4
*"Hawkeye" Volume 2 #1–4
*"Hawkeye" Volume 3 #1
*"Hawkeye" Volume 4 #1–12
*"Heathcliff" #1–56
*"Heathcliff's Funhouse" #1–10
*"Hedy Devine Comics" #22–35 (continues as "Hedy of Hollywood")
*"Hedy of Hollywood" #36–50 (continues from "Hedy Devine Comics")
*"Hellcat" #1–3
*"Hellhound" #1–4
*"Hellraiser/Nightbreed" #1–2
*"Hell's Angel" #1–5 (continues as "Dark Angel")
*"Hellstorm" #1–21
*"Hellstorm: Son Of Satan" #1— (2006— )
*"Hercules and the Heart of Chaos" #1–3
*"Hercules: The New Labors" #1–4
*"Hercules: Prince of Power" Volume 1 #1–4
*"Hercules: Prince of Power" Volume 2 #1–4
*"" #1–6
*"Heroes for Hire" Volume 1 #1–19
*"Heroes for Hire" Volume 2 #1— (2006—)
*"Heroes for Hire Annual" 1998
*"Heroes Reborn: The Return" #1–4
*"Hokum & Hex" #1–9
*"Hollywood Superstars" #1–5
*"Homer the Happy Ghost" Volume 1 #1–22
*"Homer the Happy Ghost" Volume 2 #1–5
*"The Hood" #1–6
*"Hook" #1–4
*"House of M" #1–8
*"House of M: Fantastic Four" #1–3
*"House of M: Iron Man" #1–3
*"House of M: Spider-Man" #1–6
*"Howard the Duck" Volume 1 #1–31
*"Howard the Duck" Volume 2 #1–6
*"Howard the Duck Annual" #1
*"Howard the Duck Holyday Special" #1
*"Howard the Duck Magazine" #1–9
*"Howard the Duck: The Movie" #1–3
*"Hugga Bunch" #1–6
*"Hulk" Volume 1 #1–6 (May 1962–March 1963)
*"Hulk" Volume 2 #1–11 (continues as "Incredible Hulk" Volume 2)
*"Hulk 2099" #1–10
*"Hulk Annual" 1999
*"Hulk: Gamma Games" #1–3
*"Hulk: Gray" #1–6
*"Hulk Magazine" #10–27 (continues from "The Rampaging Hulk" Volume 1)
*"Hulk: Nightmerica" #1–6
*"Hulk/Pitt" #1; crossover with Image Comics
*"Hulk Smash!" #1–2
*"Hulk/Thing: Hard Knocks" #1–4
*"Hulk Unchained" #1–3
*"Hulk Versus Thing" #1
*"Hulk/Wolverine" #1–4
*"The Human Fly" #1–19 (September 1977–March 1979)
*"Human Torch" Volume 1 #2–38 (continues from "Red Raven Comics")
*"Human Torch" Volume 2 #1–8
*"Human Torch" Volume 3 #1–12
*"Hyperkind" #1–9
*"Hyperkind Unleashed" one-shot


*"Iceman" Volume 1 #1–4
*"Iceman" Volume 2 #1–4
*"Ideal" #1–5 (continues as "Love Romances")
*"Ideal Comics" #1–4 (continues as "Willie Comics")
*"Identity Disc" #1–5
*"Idol" #1–3
*"Illuminator" #1–4
*"The Immortal Iron Fist" #1— (2006— )
*"Imperial Guard" #1–3
*"The Impossible Man Summer Vacation Spectacular" #1–2
*"The Incal" #1–3
*"The Incomplete Death's Head" #1–12
*"Incredible Hulk" Volume 1 #102–474; #-1 (April 1968–March 1999) (continued from "Tales to Astonish")
*"Incredible Hulk" Volume 2 #12— (2000— ) (continues from "Hulk" Volume 2)
*"Incredible Hulk Annual" #1–20; 2000; 2001
*"Incredible Hulk: Future Imperfect" #1–2
*"Independence Day" #0–2
*"Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade" #1–4
*"Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom" #1–3
*"Infinity Abyss" #1–6
*"Infinity Crusade" #1–6
*"Infinity Gauntlet" #1–6
*"Infinity War" #1–6
*"The Inhumanoids" #1–4
*"Inhumans" Volume 1 #1–12 (October 1975–August 1977)
*"Inhumans" Volume 2 #1–12
*"Inhumans" Volume 3 #1–4
*"Inhumans" Volume 4 #1–12
*"Inhumans Special: The Great Refuge" #1 (April 1990)
*"Interface" #1–8
*"The Invaders Annual" #1
*"The Invaders" Volume 1 #1–41
*"The Invaders" Volume 2 #1–4
*"Iron Fist" Volume 1 #1–15
*"Iron Fist" Volume 2 #1–4
*"Iron Fist" Volume 3 #1–4
*"Iron Fist" Volume 4 #1–6
*"Iron Fist/Wolverine" #1–4
*"Iron Man and Sub-Mariner" #1 (April 1968)
*"" #1— (2007— )
*"Iron Man" Volume 1 #1–322
*"Iron Man" Volume 2 #1–13
*"Iron Man" Volume 3 #1—
*"The Irredeemable Ant-Man" #1— (2006)
*"It's a Duck's Life" #1–11


*"J2" #1–12
*"Jack Kirby's Galactic Bounty Hunters" #1— (2005— )
*"Jack of Hearts" #1–6
*"James Bond: For Your Eyes Only" #1–2 (October–November 1981)
*"James Bond Jr." #1–12
*"Jann of the Jungle" #8–17 (continues from "Jungle Tales")
*"Jeanie Comics" #13–27 (continues from "Daring Comics" and as "Cowgirl Romances")
*"John Carter, Warlord of Mars" #1–28
*"John Carter, Warlord of Mars Annual" #1–3
*"Joker Comics" #1–42 (continues as "Andventures into Terror")
*"Journey into Mystery" Volume 1 #1–125(June 1952–February 1966) (continues as "Thor"); #503–521 (November 1996–June 1998) (continues from "The Mighty Thor")
*"Journey into Mystery" Volume 2 #1–19 (October 1972–October 1975)
*"Journey into Mystery Annual" #1 (1966)
*"Journey into Unknown Worlds" Volume 1 #36–38 (September 1950–January 1951) (continues from "Teen Comics")
*"Journey into Unknown Worlds" Volume 2 #4–59 (February 1951–August 1957)
*"Jubilee" #1–6
*"Jungle Action" Volume 1 #1–6
*"Jungle Action" Volume 2 #1–24
*"Jungle Tales" #1–7 (continues as "Jann of the Jungle")
*"Justice #1–32
*"Justice: Four Balance" #1–4
*"Justice Comics" #7–52 (continues from "Wacky Duck" Volume 1 and as "Tales of Justice")


*"Ka-Zar" Volume 1 #1–20
*"Ka-Zar" Volume 2 #1–20; #-1
*"Ka-Zar Annual" 1997
*"Ka-Zar The Savage" #1–34
*"Kathy The Teenage Tornado" #1–27
*"The Kellys" #23–25 (continues from "Rusty Comics" and as "Spy Cases")
*"Kent Blake of The Secret Service" #1–14
*"Kickers, Inc." #1–12
*"Kid Colt, Hero of the West" #1–8 (continues as "Kid Colt, Outlaw")
*"Kid Colt Outlaw" #5–229 (continues from "Kid Colt, Hero of the West")
*"The Kid from Dodge City" #1–2
*"The Kid from Texas" #1–2
*"Kid Komics" #1–10 (continues as "Kid Movie Komics")
*"Kid Movie Komics" #11 (continues from "Kid Komics" and as "Rusty Comics")
*"Kid 'n Play" #1–9
*"Kid Slade Gunfighter" #5–8 (continues from "Matt Slade Gunfighter")
*"Killpower: The Early Years" #1–4
*"Killraven" #1–6
*"King Arthur and The Knights of Justice" #1–3
*"King Conan" #1–19 (continues as "Conan the King")
*"Kingpin" #1–7
*"Kitty Pryde: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D." #1–3
*"Kitty Pryde and Wolverine" #1–6
*"Knights of Pendragon" #1–18
*"Knights of Pendragon: New Armor" #1–15
*"Krazy Komics" #1–26 (continues as "Cindy Comics")
*"Krazy Krow" #1–3
*"The Kree-Skrull War" #1–2
*"Krull" #1–2
*"Kull" #9–10 (continues from "Kull the Conqueror" Volume 3)
*"Kull and the Barbarians" #1–3
*"Kull the Conqueror" Volume 1 #1–10 (continues as "Kull the Destroyer")
*"Kull the Conqueror" Volume 2 #1–2
*"Kull the Conqueror" Volume 3 #1–8 (continues as "Kull")
*"Kull the Destroyer" #11–29 (continues from "Kull the Conqueror" Volume 1))


*"Labyrinth" #1–3
*"Lana" #1–7 (continues as "Little Lana")
*"" #1–4
*"The Last American" #1–4
*"The Last Starfighter" #1–3
*"The Last Temptation of Alice" #1–3
*"Lawbreakers Always Lose!" #1–10
*"Lawdog" #1–10
*"The Legion of Night" #1–2
*"The Lethal Foes of Spider-Man" #1–4
*"Lieutenant Blueberry" #1–3
*"The Life of Captain Marvel" #1–5
*"The Life of Christ: The Christmas Story" #1 (one-shot)
*"The Life of Christ: The Easter Story" #1 (one-shot)
*"Life with Millie" #8–20 (continues from "A Date with Millie" Volume 2 and as "Modelling with Millie")
*"The Light and Darkness War" #1–6
*"Li'l Kids" #1–12
*"Li'l Pals" #1–5
*"Linda Carter, Student Nurse" #1–9
*"Little Aspirin" #1–3
*"Little Lana" #8–9 (continues from "Lana")
*"Little Lenny" #1–3
*"Little Lizzie" Volume 1 #1–5
*"Little Lizzie" Volume 2 #1–3
*"The Little Mermaid" #1–12
*"Livewires" #1–6
*"Logan's Run" #1–7
*"Loki" #1–4 (July 2004–October 2004)
*"Longshot" Volume 1 #1–6
*"Longshot" Volume 2 #1
*"Lorna, The Jungle Girl" #6–26 (continues from "Lorna, The Jungle Queen")
*"Lorna, The Jungle Queen" #1–5 (continues as "Lorna, The Jungle Girl")
*"Love Adventures" #1–12 (continues as "Actual Confessions")
*"Love Classics" #1–2
*"Love Dramas" #1–2
*"Love Romances" #6–106 (continues from "Ideal")
*"Love Secrets" #1–2
*"Lovers" #23–86 (May 1949–August 1957) (continues from "Blonde Phantom")
*"Luke Cage, Hero for Hire" #1–16 (June 1972–December 1973) (cotinues as "Power Man")
*"Lunatik" #1–3


*"Machine Man" Volume 1 #1–19
*"Machine Man" Volume 2 #1–4
*"Machine Man 2020" #1–2
*"Machine Man/Bastion Annual" 1998
*"Mad About Millie" #1–17
*"Mad About Millie Annual" #1
*"Mad-Dog" #1–6
*"Madballs" #1–10
*"Magik" Volume 1 #1–4
*"Magik" Volume 2 #1–4
*"Magneto" Volume 1 #0 (September 1993)
*"Magneto" Volume 2 #1–4 (November 1996–February 1997)
*"Magneto: Dark Seduction" #1–4
*"Magneto Rex" #1–3
*"The Man Called Nova" #1–25 (September 1976–May 1979)
*"Man Comics" #1–28
*"Man from Atlantis" #1–7
*"Man-Thing" Volume 1 #1–22
*"Man-Thing" Volume 2 #1–11
*"Man-Thing" Volume 3 #1–8
*"Man-Thing Movie Prequel" #1–3
*"Mandrake the Magician" #1–2
*"Marc Spector, Moon Knight" #1–60
*"Margie Comics" #35–49 (continues from "Comedy Comics" and as "Reno Browne, Hollywood's Greatest Cowgirl")
*"Marines at War" #5–7 (continues from "Tales of the Marines")
*"Marines in Action" #1–14
*"Marines in Battle" #1–25
*"" #1–12
*"Mark Hazzard: Merc Annual" #1
*"Marshall Law" #1–6
*"Marvel Action Hour: Iron Man" #1–8
*"Marvel Action Hour: The Fantastic Four" #1–8
*"Marvel Adventure" #1–6
*"Marvel Adventures" #1–18
*"Marvel Adventures Fantastic Four" #1— (2005— )
*"Marvel Adventures Spider-Man" #1— (2005— )
*"Marvel Adventures The Avengers" #1— (2006— )
*"Marvel Age" #1–125
*"Marvel Boy" Volume 1 #1–2 (December 1950–February 1951) (continues as "Astonishing")
*"Marvel Boy" Volume 2 #1–6 (September 2000–March 2001)
*"Marvel Chillers" #1–7
*"Marvel Classics Comics" #1–36
*"Marvel Collectors' Item Classics" #1–22 (continues as "Marvel's Greatest Comics")
*"Marvel Comics" #1 (continues as "Marvel Mystery Comics")
*"Marvel Comics Presents" #1–175 (September 1988–March 1995)
*"Marvel Comics Super Special" #1–41
*"Marvel Double Feature" #1–21
*"Marvel Double Shot" #1–4
*"Marvel Encyclopedia" #1–6
*"Marvel Fanfare" Volume 1 #1–60 (March 1982–January 1992)
*"Marvel Fanfare" Volume 2 #1–6 (September 1996–February 1997)
*"Marvel Feature" Volume 1 #1–12
*"Marvel Feature" Volume 2 #1–7
*"Marvel Fun & Games" #1–13
*"Marvel Graphic Novel" #1–38 (April 1982–March 1989)
*"Marvel - Heroes and Legends" #1–2
*"Marvel Holyday Special" #1; 1992; 1993; 1994; 1996
*"Marvel Knights" Volume 1 #1–15
*"Marvel Knights" Volume 2 #1–6
*"Marvel Knights Double Shot" #1–4
*"Marvel Knights Magazine" #1–6
*"Marvel Mangaverse" #1–6
*"The Marvel Masterpiece Collection" Volume 1 #1–4
*"The Marvel Masterpiece Collection" Volume 2 #1–3
*"Marvel Masterworks" (November 1987— )
*"Marvel Milestone" #1
*"Marvel Mini-Books" #1–6
*"Marvel Movie Showcase" #1–2
*"Marvel Must Haves" #1–18
*"Marvel Mystery Comics" #2–92 (continues from "Marvel Comics" and as "Marvel Tales" Volume 1)
*"Marvel Portraits of a Universe" #1–4
*"Marvel Premiere" #1–61 (April 1972–August 1981)
*"Marvel Presents" #1–12 (October 1975–August 1977)
*"Marvel Preview" #1–24 (continues as "Bizarre Adventures")
*"Marvel Remix" #1–3
*"Marvel Requirer
*"Marvel Romance Redux" #1–5 (February 2006)
*"Marvel Saga" #1–25 (December 1985–December 1987)
*"Marvel Selects Fantastic Four" #1–6
*"Marvel Selects Spider-Man" #1–6
*"Marvel Special Edition Featuring..." #1–4
*"Marvel Spectacular" #1–19
*"Marvel Spotlight" Volume 1 #1–33 (November 1971–April 1977)
*"Marvel Spotlight" Volume 2 #1–11 (July 1979–March 1981)
*"Marvel Super Action" #1-? (1976)
*"Marvel Super-Heroes" Volume 1 #12–105 (December 1967–January 1982) (continues from "Fantasy Masterpieces" Volume 1)
*"Marvel Super-Heroes" Volume 2 #1–15 (May 1990–October 1993)
*"Marvel Super-Heroes Megazine" #1–6 (October 1994–March 1995)
*"Marvel Super-Heroes Special" #1 (October 1966)
*"Marvel Super Action" #1–37
*"Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars" #1–12 (May 1984–April 1985)
*"Marvel Swimsuit Special" #1–4
*"Marvel Tales" Volume 1 #93–159 (continues from "Marvel Mystery Comics")
*"Marvel Tales" Volume 2 #1–291 (December 1964–November 1994)
*"Marvel Tales Annual" #1–2 (1964–1965)
*"Marvel Team-Up" Volume 1 #1–150 (March 1972–February 1985)
*"Marvel Team-Up" Volume 2 #1–11 (September 1997–July 1998)
*"Marvel Team-Up" Volume 3 #1—
*"Marvel Team-Up Annual" #1–7 (1976 and 1979–1984)
*"Marvel Triple Action" #1–47
*"" #-12–#-1 (from #minus 12 to minus 1)
*"Marvel Treasury Edition" #1–28 (1974–1981)
*"Marvel Two-in-One" #1–100 (January 1974–June 1983)
*"Marvel Two-in-One Annual" #1–7 (1976–1982)
*"Marvel Universe" #1–7
*"Marvel Universe: The End" #1–6
*"Marvel vs DC" #1–4; crossover with DC Comics
*"Marvel Vision" #1–??
*"The Marvel X-Men Collection" #1–3
*"Marvel Year in Review" #1–6
*"Marvel Zombies" #1–5
*"Marvels" #0–4
*"Marvel's Greatest Comics" #23–96 (continues from "Marvel Collectors Item Classics")
*"Marville" #1–7
*"Mary Jane #1–4 (2004)
*" #1–4 (2005)
*"" #17–125 (continues from "Special Marvel Edition")
*"Masters of Terror" #1–2
*"Masters of the Universe" #1–13
*"Matt Slade Gunfighter" #1–4 (continues as "Kid Slade Gunfighter")
*"Maverick" Volume 1 #1
*"Maverick" Volume 2 #1–12
*"Maximum Security" #1–3
*"Meet Miss Bliss" #1–4
*"Mekanix" #1–6
*"Melvin the Monster" #1–6 (continues as "Dexter the Demon")
*"Men in Action" #1–9
*"Men's Adventures" #4–28 (continues from "True Adventures")
*"Menace" #1–11
*"Mephisto vs..." #1–4
*"Meteor Man" #1–6
*"Micronauts" Volume 1 #1–59
*"Micronauts" Volume 2 #1–20
*"Micronauts Annual" #1–2
*"Micronauts Special Edition" #1–5
*"Midnight Men" #1–4
*"Midnight Sons Unlimited" #1–9
*"The Mighty Marvel Western" #1–46
*"Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers" #1–9
*"Mighty Mouse" Volume 1 #1–4
*"Mighty Mouse" Volume 2 #1–10
*"The Mighty Thor" #413–502 (continues from "Thor" Volume 1 and as "Journey into Mystery")
*"Millie the Model" #1–207
*"Millie the Model Annual" #1–12
*"Miss America Comics" #1 (continues as "Miss America Magazine" Volume 1)
*"Miss America Magazine" Volume 1 #2–6 (continues from "Miss America Comics")
*"Miss America Magazine" Volume 2 #1–6
*"Miss America Magazine" Volume 3 #1–6
*"Miss America Magazine" Volume 4 #1–6
*"Miss America Magazine" Volume 5 #1–6
*"Miss America Magazine" Volume 6 #1–3
*"Miss America Magazine" Volume 7 #1–93
*"Miss Fury Comics" #1–8
*"" #1 (1996)
*"Misty" #1–6
*"Mitzi's Boyfriend" #2–7 (continues as "Mitzi's Romances")
*"Mitzi's Romances" #8–10 (continues from "Mitzi's Boyfriend")
*"Modelling with Millie" #21–54 (continues from "Life with Millie")
*"Moebius" #1–9
*"Molly Manton's Romances" #1–2 (continues as "Romantic Affairs")
*"Monster Menace" #1–4
*"The Monster of Frankenstein" #1–5 (continues as "Frankenstein")
*"Monsters On The Prowl" #9–30 (continues from "Chamber of Darkness")
*"Monsters Unleashed" #1–11
*"Monsters Unleashed Annual" #1
*"Moon Knight" Volume 1 #1–38
*"Moon Knight" Volume 2 #1–6
*"Moon Knight" Volume 3 #1–60
*"Moon Knight" Volume 4 #1–4
*"Moon Knight" Volume 5 #1–4
*"Moon Knight" Volume 6 #1— (2006— )
*"Moonshadow" #1–12
*"Morbius Revisited" #1–5
*"Morbius, the Living Vampire" #1–32
*"Morlock 2001" #1–3
*"Morlocks" #1–4
*"Mort The Dead Teenager" #1–4
*"Mortigan Goth" #1–4
*"Motormouth" #1–5 (continues as "Motormouth & Killpower")
*"Motormouth & Killpower" #6–13 (continues from "Motormouth")
*"Ms. Marvel" #1–23 (1977–1979)
*"Ms. Marvel" Volume 2 #1— (2006— )
*"Ms. Marvel Special #1 (2007)
*"The Muppet Babies" #1–26
*"The Muppets Take Manhattan" #1–3
*"The Mutant Misadventures of Cloak And Dagger" #1–13 (continues as "Cloak and Dagger" Volume 3)
*"Mutant X" #1–31
*"Mutant X Annual" 1999; 2000; 2001
*"Mutatis" #1–3
*"Muties" #1–6
*"My Diary" #1–2
*"My Love" Volume 1 #1–4
*"My Love" Volume 2 #1–39
*"My Love Story" #1–9
*"My Own Romance" #4–76 (continues from "My Romance" and as "Teen-Age Romance")
*"My Romance" #1–3 (continues as "My Own Romance")
*"Mys-Tech Wars" #1–4
*"Mystery Tales" #1–25
*"Mystic" #1–61
*"Mystic Comics" Volume 1 #1–10
*"Mystic Comics" Volume 2 #1–4
*"Mystical Tales" #1–8
*"Mystique" #1–24 (2003–2005)
*"" (2007)

ee also

*List of first appearances in Marvel Comics publications
*List of origins in Marvel Comics publications
*List of final appearances in Marvel Comics publications
*List of X-Men comics

Additionally, Marvel has published comics in a number of imprints, including:
*Epic Comics
*Marvel Knights
*Marvel MAX
*Marvel Music
*Marvel UK
*New Universe
*Ultimate Marvel

External links

* [ The Unofficial Handbook of Marvel Comics Creators] by "Paulo" and "Markus", a web site whose goal is "to list all comics [issues] ever published by Marvel Comics"

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