Historical U.S. Census Totals for Hillsborough County, New Hampshire

Historical U.S. Census Totals for Hillsborough County, New Hampshire

This article shows U.S. Census totals for Hillsborough County, New Hampshire, broken down by municipality, from 1900 to 2000.

Like most areas of New England, Hillsborough County is (and has been at all times since well before the 20th century) entirely divided into incorporated municipalities. There is no unincorporated territory. For any census, adding up the totals for each municipality should yield the county total.

There are two types of incorporated municipalities in New Hampshire, towns and cities. The tables below differentiate between towns and cities.

For more information on the New England municipal system, see New England town.

Corporate changes since 1900

There have been no changes in Hillsborough County’s municipality roster since 1900.


County Total: 112,640

*Manchester (city) 56,987
*Nashua (city) 23,898
*Milford 3,739
*Goffstown 2,528
*Peterborough 2,527
*Hillsborough 2,254
*Wilton 1,696
*Greenville 1,608
*Weare 1,553
*Antrim 1,366
*Hudson 1,261
*Merrimack 1,234
*Amherst 1,231
*Bedford 1,148
*New Boston 1,002
*New Ipswich 911
*Hollis 910
*Pelham 875
*Francestown 693
*Lyndeborough 686
*Bennington 667
*Hancock 642
*Greenfield 605
*Brookline 505
*Deering 486
*Mason 459
*Mont Vernon 453
*Temple 313
*Litchfield 243
*Sharon 122
*Windsor 38


County Total: 126,072

*Manchester (city) 70,063
*Nashua (city) 26,005
*Milford 3,939
*Goffstown 2,579
*Peterborough 2,277
*Hillsborough 2,168
*Wilton 1,490
*Greenville 1,374
*Hudson 1,344
*Weare 1,325
*Antrim 1,235
*Bedford 1,110
*Amherst 1,060
*Merrimack 1,039
*New Boston 982
*Hollis 935
*New Ipswich 927
*Pelham 826
*Bennington 690
*Lyndeborough 660
*Hancock 642
*Francestown 602
*Greenfield 574
*Brookline 501
*Mont Vernon 413
*Deering 353
*Mason 325
*Temple 284
*Litchfield 255
*Sharon 71
*Windsor 24


County Total: 135,512

*Manchester (city) 78,384
*Nashua (city) 28,379
*Milford 3,783
*Peterborough 2,615
*Goffstown 2,391
*Hillsborough 2,229
*Hudson 1,954
*Wilton 1,546
*Greenville 1,346
*Weare 1,173
*Bedford 1,118
*Antrim 1,052
*Merrimack 1,022
*Pelham 974
*New Ipswich 869
*Amherst 868
*Hollis 775
*New Boston 768
*Bennington 568
*Brookline 546
*Hancock 531
*Lyndeborough 428
*Greenfield 417
*Francestown 385
*Mont Vernon 308
*Deering 287
*Mason 278
*Temple 263
*Litchfield 213
*Sharon 21
*Windsor 21


County Total: 140,165

*Manchester (city) 76,834
*Nashua (city) 31,463
*Milford 4,068
*Goffstown 3,839
*Hudson 2,702
*Peterborough 2,521
*Hillsborough 2,160
*Wilton 1,724
*Bedford 1,326
*Greenville 1,319
*Weare 1,287
*Antrim 1,254
*Amherst 1,115
*Merrimack 1,084
*Hollis 879
*New Ipswich 838
*Pelham 814
*New Boston 693
*Hancock 561
*Bennington 552
*Brookline 511
*Lyndeborough 399
*Greenfield 394
*Francestown 363
*Deering 324
*Mont Vernon 302
*Litchfield 286
*Mason 254
*Temple 239
*Sharon 38
*Windsor 22


County Total: 144,888

*Manchester (city) 77,685
*Nashua (city) 32,927
*Goffstown 4,247
*Milford 3,927
*Hudson 3,409
*Peterborough 2,470
*Hillsborough 2,269
*Wilton 1,855
*Bedford 1,561
*Weare 1,367
*Merrimack 1,253
*Greenville 1,236
*Amherst 1,174
*Antrim 1,127
*Hollis 996
*Pelham 979
*New Ipswich 940
*New Boston 773
*Bennington 655
*Hancock 631
*Brookline 561
*Lyndeborough 452
*Greenfield 407
*Deering 367
*Francestown 342
*Litchfield 341
*Mont Vernon 340
*Temple 258
*Mason 249
*Sharon 61
*Windsor 29


County Total: 156,987

*Manchester (city) 82,732
*Nashua (city) 34,669
*Goffstown 5,638
*Hudson 4,183
*Milford 4,159
*Peterborough 2,556
*Hillsborough 2,179
*Bedford 2,176
*Wilton 1,952
*Merrimack 1,908
*Amherst 1,461
*Weare 1,345
*Pelham 1,317
*Greenville 1,280
*Hollis 1,196
*New Ipswich 1,147
*Antrim 1,030
*New Boston 865
*Brookline 671
*Hancock 612
*Bennington 593
*Lyndeborough 552
*Greenfield 430
*Litchfield 427
*Francestown 405
*Mont Vernon 405
*Deering 392
*Temple 330
*Mason 288
*Sharon 62
*Windsor 27


County Total: 178,161

*Manchester (city) 88,282
*Nashua (city) 39,096
*Goffstown 7,230
*Hudson 5,876
*Milford 4,863
*Bedford 3,636
*Merrimack 2,989
*Peterborough 2,963
*Pelham 2,605
*Hillsborough 2,310
*Amherst 2,051
*Wilton 2,025
*Hollis 1,720
*New Ipswich 1,455
*Weare 1,420
*Greenville 1,385
*Antrim 1,121
*New Boston 925
*Brookline 795
*Hancock 722
*Litchfield 721
*Lyndeborough 594
*Bennington 591
*Mont Vernon 585
*Greenfield 538
*Francestown 495
*Temple 361
*Mason 349
*Deering 345
*Sharon 78
*Windsor 35


County Total: 223,941

*Manchester (city) 87,754
*Nashua (city) 55,820
*Hudson 10,638
*Goffstown 9,284
*Merrimack 8,595
*Milford 6,622
*Bedford 5,859
*Pelham 5,408
*Amherst 4,605
*Peterborough 3,807
*Hillsborough 2,775
*Hollis 2,616
*Wilton 2,276
*Antrim 2,122
*Weare 1,851
*New Ipswich 1,803
*Greenville 1,587
*Litchfield 1,420
*New Boston 1,390
*Brookline 1,167
*Greenfield 1,058
*Hancock 909
*Mont Vernon 906
*Lyndeborough 789
*Bennington 639
*Deering 578
*Francestown 525
*Mason 518
*Temple 441
*Sharon 136
*Windsor 43


County Total: 276,608

*Manchester (city) 90,936
*Nashua (city) 67,865
*Merrimack 15,406
*Hudson 14,022
*Goffstown 11,315
*Bedford 9,481
*Milford 8,685
*Amherst 8,243
*Pelham 8,090
*Peterborough 4,895
*Hollis 4,679
*Litchfield 4,150
*Hillsborough 3,437
*Weare 3,232
*Wilton 2,669
*New Ipswich 2,433
*Antrim 2,208
*Greenville 1,988
*New Boston 1,928
*Brookline 1,766
*Mont Vernon 1,444
*Hancock 1,193
*Lyndeborough 1,070
*Deering 1,041
*Greenfield 972
*Bennington 890
*Francestown 830
*Mason 792
*Temple 692
*Sharon 184
*Windsor 72


County Total: 336,073

*Manchester (city) 99,567
*Nashua (city) 79,662
*Merrimack 22,156
*Hudson 19,530
*Goffstown 14,621
*Bedford 12,563
*Milford 11,795
*Pelham 9,408
*Amherst 9,068
*Weare 6,193
*Hollis 5,705
*Litchfield 5,516
*Peterborough 5,239
*Hillsborough 4,498
*New Ipswich 4,014
*New Boston 3,214
*Wilton 3,122
*Brookline 2,410
*Antrim 2,360
*Greenville 2,231
*Mont Vernon 1,812
*Deering 1,707
*Hancock 1,604
*Greenfield 1,519
*Lyndeborough 1,294
*Bennington 1,236
*Francestown 1,217
*Mason 1,212
*Temple 1,194
*Sharon 299
*Windsor 107


County Total: 380,841

*Manchester (city) 107,006
*Nashua (city) 86,605
*Merrimack 25,119
*Hudson 22,928
*Bedford 18,274
*Goffstown 16,929
*Milford 13,535
*Pelham 10,914
*Amherst 10,769
*Weare 7,776
*Litchfield 7,360
*Hollis 7,015
*Peterborough 5,883
*Hillsborough 4,928
*New Ipswich 4,289
*Brookline 4,181
*New Boston 4,138
*Wilton 3,743
*Antrim 2,449
*Greenville 2,224
*Mont Vernon 2,034
*Deering 1,875
*Hancock 1,739
*Greenfield 1,657
*Lyndeborough 1,585
*Francestown 1,480
*Bennington 1,401
*Temple 1,297
*Mason 1,147
*Sharon 360
*Windsor 201

ee also

*United States Census
*Hillsborough County, New Hampshire

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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