- List of revolutions and rebellions
This is a list of
revolution s andrebellion s.BC
499 BC -493 BC :Ionian Revolt . Most of the Greek cities occupied by thePersians inAsia Minor andCyprus rose up against their Persian rulers.
*460 BC Inarus revolted against thePersians inEgypt with the help of hisAthenian allies.
*206 BC :Ziying , last ruler of theQin Dynasty ofChina surrenders himself toLiu Bang , leader of a popular revolt and founder of theHan Dynasty .
*181 BC -174 BC : The Celtiberian revolt in Spain; Romans eventually subdue the Celtiberians.
*154 BC : FailedRebellion of the Seven States by members of the royal family of theHan Dynasty .
*153 BC -133 BC : Celtiberians again revolted, and were not finally overcome until the capture ofNumantia .
*147 BC -139 BC : Lusitanian Rebellion against the Roman forces in modern dayPortugal , led by Lusitanian leader namedViriathus .
*73 BC -71 BC : The failed Roman Slave rebellion led bygladiator Spartacus .
*52 BC -51 BC : Revolt of the CelticGauls in modern dayFrance , led byVercingetorix , was crushed byJulius Caesar .1 - 1000
6 -9 : thePannonia ns, with theDalmatia ns and otherIllyrian tribes, revolted, and were overcome byTiberius andGermanicus , after a hard-fought campaign which lasted for three years.
*9 :Arminius revolt against theRoman Empire ; alliance of Germanic tribes led by Arminius ambushed and annihilated threeRoman legion s led byPublius Quinctilius Varus in theBattle of the Teutoburg Forest .
*18 :Red Eyebrow Rebellion inChina
*20 : Green Forest Rebellion inChina
*60 -61 :Boudica , queen of theCelt icIceni people ofNorfolk in Roman-occupied Britain, led a major uprising of the Briton tribes against the occupying forces of theRoman Empire . [Jason Burke, [http://observer.guardian.co.uk/uk_news/story/0,6903,406152,00.html "Dig uncovers Boudicca's brutal streak"] , "The Observer " , 3 December 2000]
*66 -70 :Great Jewish Revolt , the first of threeJewish-Roman wars that took place inIudaea Province against theRoman Empire . [ [http://www.datesofhistory.com/Rebellion-Roman-Empire.event.html History and chronology of Rebellion in Roman Empire] ]
*69 -70 :Batavian rebellion in theRoman province ofGermania Inferior .
*115 -117 :Kitos War , the secondJewish-Roman wars .
*132 -135 :Bar Kokhba's revolt , the third and lastJewish-Roman wars .
*184 :Zhang Jiao led an unsuccessful peasant revolt called the Yellow Turban Rebellion during the laterHan dynasty , which later collapsed due to destabilization and lack of co-ordination with other Yellow Turban forces across China.
*496 :Mazdak led a Persian socialistic movement and overthrowsShahanshah Kavadh I of the Persian empire.
*532 : Nika revolt inConstantinople , similar to the mayhem that erupts after asoccer championship in modern times, with nearly half the city being burned or destroyed.
*613 : Rebellion byYang Xuangan inChina was crushed bySui Dynasty .
*623 : Uprising ofSlavs led bySamo against Avars.
*685 -699 : Azraqi Khariji revolt inIraq andIran against theUmayyad Caliphate
*740 :Zaidi revolt against the Umayyad dynasty.
*740 -743 : The GreatBerber Revolt inMaghreb against the Umayyads marked the first successful secession from the Arab caliphate (ruled fromDamascus ).
*747 -750 : The successful Abbasid Revolt overthrew theUmayyad dynasty . When Abbasids declared amnesty for members of the Umayyad family, eighty gathered to receive pardons, and all were .
*755 :Abd ar-Rahman I landed atAlmuñécar inal-Andalus . Abd ar-Rahman I was the founder of a Muslim dynasty that ruled the greater part of Iberia for nearly three centuries.
*755 -763 : Rebellion by powerfulJiedushi An Lushan inTang Dynasty , which caused heavy damage inChina in terms of population and economy.
*782 -785 : Saxon revolt againstCharlemagne . Rebellion was part ofSaxon Wars .
*814 :Al-Hakam I crushed a rebellion of Iberian Muslims led by clerics in a suburb calledal-Ribad on the south bank of theGuadalquivir river.
*817 -837 : revolution of the IranianKhurramites led byBabak Khorramdin .
*824 -836 : The revolt ofArab troops inTunisia againstAghlabids was only put down with the help of theBerbers .
*828 : Failed rebellion by Kim Heon-chang againstSilla
*845 : Rebellion by famous naval commanderJang Bogo againstSilla . Rebellion was ended when Jang was assassinated.
*861 -1003 :Ya'qub bin Laith as-Saffar establishedSaffarid dynasty . He seized control of theSeistan region, conquering modern-day easternIran , much ofAfghanistan , and parts ofPakistan . Ya'qub bin Laith as-Saffar started his campaign as a bandit and formed his own army.
*869 -883 :Zanj Rebellion of black African slaves inIraq . The Zanj Rebellion was crushed in 883 by theAbbasids . [ [http://concise.britannica.com/ebc/article-9078242/Zanj Zanj rebellion] ]
*875 -884 : Rebellion by salt smugglerHuang Chao againstTang Dynasty China , which later collapsed due to the destabilization caused by the rebellion.
*884 :Umar ibn Hafsun led anti-Ummayad dynasty forces in southern Spain.
*893 :Abu 'Abdullah al-Shi'i began his efforts to estabish stronghold forFatimids in North Africa.
*899 -906 : TheQarmatians , an extremist Ismā'īlīMuslim sect centered in easternArabia , revolted againstAbbasids .
*943 -947 : The great revolt ofAbu Yazid , aKhariji Berber leader who assembled a large tribal coalition againstFatimid rule.
*982 : The great revolt of the paganPolabian Slavs of the lowerElbe against theHoly Roman Empire .1000-1600
1095 : Rebellion of northern nobles againstWilliam Rufus
*1125 : TheAlmohads began a rebellion in theAtlas Mountains
*1156 :Hōgen Rebellion succeeded in establishing the dominance of thesamurai clans and eventually the first samurai-led government in thehistory of Japan .
*1185 :Vlach-Bulgarian Rebellion againstByzantine Empire
*1233 -1234 : The Stedinger revolt in Frisia causedPope Gregory IX to call on a crusade.
*1242 -1249 : The First Prussian Uprising against theTeutonic Knights , which took place during theNorthern Crusades .
*1250 :Mamluk s Killed the last sultan ofAyyubid dynasty, and establishedBahri dynasty .
*1296 -1328 : First of theWars of Scottish Independence betweenScotland andEngland , leading to renewedScottish independence in1328 .
*1332 -1357 : The second long lasting instalment of theWars of Scottish Independence , leading again to renewedScottish independence fromEngland and theTreaty of Berwick .
*1302 :Battle of the Golden Spurs in Flanders, after which the French were ousted.
*1323 -1328 : beginning as a series of scattered rural riots in late 1323, thePeasant revolt in Flanders escalated into a full-scale rebellion and ended with the Battle of Cassel.
*1343 -1345 : theSt. George's Night Uprising inEstonia .
*1354 : revolt ofCola di Rienzi .
*1356 -1358 : a peasant revolt calledJacquerie took place in northern France, during the Hundred Years' War.
*1368 :Zhu Yuanzhang led peasantHan Chinese in a rebellion against the MongolYuan dynasty , establishing theMing dynasty .
*1378 :Revolt of the Ciompi .
*1381 : thePeasants' Revolt or Great Rising of 1381 took place inEngland .
*1400 -1415 The Welsh revolt led byOwain Glyndŵr .
*1418 -1427 :Vietnamese led byLe Loi revolted against Chinese occupation.
*1420 : BohemianHussites begin a rebellion against both Catholicism and the Holy Roman Empire. The wars that ensue are known as theHussite Wars .
*1434 : A Swedish peasant rebellion breaks out against the Danes.
*1437 : the Bobâlna (Bábolna) revolt broke out inTransylvania , using military tactics inspired by the Hussites wars.
*1444 -1468 :Skenderbeg 's rebellion in Ottoman-ruledAlbania
*1450 :Kent rebellion led byJack Cade .
*1462 -1485 :Rebellion of the Remences inCatalonia .
*1497 :Cornish Rebellion of 1497 inEngland .
*1501 -1509 :Ismail I founded theSafavid dynasty inAzerbaijan andIran , as well as he played a key role in the rise of theTwelver branch ofShia Islam in bothIran andAzerbaijan over the formerly dominantIsmaili andSunni .
*1514 : peasant's war led byGyörgy Dózsa in theKingdom of Hungary .
*1515 :Slovenian peasant revolt
*1515 -1523 :Frisian rebellion of theArumer Black Heap , lead byPier Gerlofs Donia andWijard Jelckama .
*1519 -1523 : the first "Revolta de les Germanies " in Valencia, an anti-monarchist, anti-feudal autonomist movement inspired by the Italian republics
*1519 -1610 :Jelali revolts inAnatolia against the authority of theOttoman Empire .
*1520 -1522 :Revolt of the Comuneros against the rule of Spanish king and Holy Roman Emperor Charles V.
*1524 -1525 :Peasants' War of in theHoly Roman Empire .
*1542 : Dacke Feud inSweden .
*1549 :Prayer Book Rebellion inCornwall andDevon ,United Kingdom .
*1549 :Kett's Rebellion
*1566 -1648 :Eighty Years' War ; revolt of the Low Countries against Spain.
*1568 -1571 :Morisco Revolt by the remnants of theMorisco community (Spanish Christian converts fromIslam ["crypto-Muslims"] inGranada , Spain.
*1573 :Croatian and Slovenian peasant revolt .
*1594 -1603 : TheNine Years War orTyrone's Rebellion inUlster ,Ireland against English rule inIreland
*1596 :Club War uprising inFinland .1600-1900
1606 -1607 :Bolotnikov rebellion for the abolition of serfdom, which was part of theTime of Troubles inRussia .
*1618 -1625 : Bohemian Revolt against theHabsburgs . Rebellion was part ofThirty Years' War .
*1637 -1638 :Shimabara Rebellion of Japanese Christians. [ [http://www.britannica.com/eb/topic-540634/Shimabara-Rebellion Shimabara Rebellion (Japanese history)] ]
*1640 : Portuguese Revolt againstSpanish Empire .
*1640 -1652 :Catalan Revolt .
*1640 -1644 : Vlach uprising againstHabsburg rule inMoravia .
*1641 :Irish Rebellion of 1641
*1642 -1653 : theEnglish Revolution , commencing as a civil war between Parliament and the King, culminates in the execution of Charles I and the establishment of a republican Commonwealth succeeded several years later by the Protectorate ofOliver Cromwell .
*1644 :Li Zicheng rebellion against theMing Dynasty .
*1647 : Naples Revolt.
*1648 :Khmelnytsky Uprising of Cossacks in Ukraine against Polish nobility in thePolish-Lithuanian Commonwealth .
*1648 -1653 : TheFronde , in France.
*1668 : Sikhs in theAnandpur revolted against theMughal Empire .
*1668 -1676 :Solovetsky Monastery Uprising
*1669 : Jat uprising underGokula . The HinduJat s in theAgra district revolted against the Mughal EmperorAurangzeb .
*1672 : Pasthun rebellion against theMughals .
*1672 -1674 : Lipka Rebellion, an uprising of Polish Tatars against thePolish-Lithuanian Commonwealth .
*1672 -1678 : Messina Revolt. The Sicilian revolt against Spanish rule took place during theFranco-Dutch War ofLouis XIV ; the rebels were supported by France.
*1675 -1676 :King Philip's War between Indians and English settlers, sometimes called Metacom's Rebellion. One in ten soldiers on both sides was injured or killed.
*1676 : Bashkir Rebellion against Russian rule.
*1680 :Pueblo Revolt against Spanish settlers inNew Mexico .
*1682 : Moscow Uprising of theMoscow Streltsy regiments.
*1688 :Siamese revolution (1688) the overthrow of pro-foreign Siamese kingNarai by MandarinPetracha
*1688 : TheGlorious Revolution overthrow in England of King James II and establishment of a Whig-dominated Protestant constitutional monarchy.
*1688 -1746 : The 'Jacobite Risings were a series of uprisings, rebellions, and wars in theBritish Isles occurring between1688 and1746 .
*1689 :Karposh's Rebellion againstOttoman Empire .
*1693 : the second "Revolta de les Germanies " in Valencia, prompted by feudal taxation.
*1698 :Streltsy Uprising in Russia.
*1702 -1715 : Camisard Rebellion inFrance .
*1703 -1711 : The Rákóczi Uprising against theHabsburgs .
*1707 -1709 :Bulavin Rebellion inImperial Russia .
*1709 :Mir Wais Hotak , an Afghani tribal leader, led a successful rebellion againstGurgin Khan , the Persian governor ofKandahar .
*1722 : Afghan rebels defeated Shah Sultan Hossein and ended theSafavid dynasty .
*1743 : Fourth Dalecarlian Rebellion inSweden .
*1745 -1746 : The Jacobite Rising inScotland .
*1763 -1766 :Pontiac's Rebellion by numerousNorth American Indian tribes who joined the uprising in an effort to drive British soldiers and settlers out of the Great Lakes region.
*1768 :Rebellion of 1768 by Creole and German settlers objecting to the turnover of theLouisiana Territory fromNew France toNew Spain
*1770 :Orlov Revolt inPeloponnese
*1773 -1775 :Pugachev's Rebellion was the largest peasant revolt inRussia 's history. Between the end of the Pugachev rebellion and the beginning of the 19th century, there were hundreds of outbreaks across Russia. [ [http://www.nybooks.com/articles/4503 The Slave Revolts] ]
*1774 -1783 : theAmerican Revolution establishes independence of the thirteen North American colonies from Great Britain, creating the republic of the United States of America. Awar of independence in that it created one nation from another, it was also a revolution in that it overthrew an existing societal and governmental order: the Colonial government in the Colonies. The American Revolution heavily influenced theFrench Revolution that followed it and led to the creation of a Constitutional form of government (seeU.S. Constitution ).
*1773 -1802 ?:Tay Son Revolt, annihilation of the ruling Trinh and Nguyen clans as well as the Le Dynasty in Dai Viet.
*1780 -1782 : José Gabriel Condorcanqui, known asTúpac Amaru II , raises an indigenous peasant army in revolt against Spanish control ofPeru . Julián Apasa, known asTupac Katari allied with Tupac Amaru and lead an indigenous revolt in Alto Peru (preset dayBolivia ) nearly destroying the city ofLa Paz in a siege.
*1789 : regarded as one of the most influential of all socio-political revolutions, theFrench Revolution is associated with the rise of the bourgeoisie and the downfall of the aristocracy.
United Irishmen by Government troops.Irish Rebellion of 1798 "]
*1791 -1804 : the successful slave rebellion led byToussaint Louverture establishesHaiti as the first free, black republic.
*1793 -1796 :Revolt in the Vendée was popular uprising against the Republican government during theFrench Revolution .
*1794 : Polish revolt
*1795 -1796 : rebels inGrenada led byJulien Fédon execute the governor and wrest control of most of the island from Britain, which maintains a stronghold in St. George's, the capital. The goal was to incorporate Grenada intorevolutionary France , but Fédon soon disappeared and was never heard from again.
*1796 -1804 : TheWhite Lotus Rebellion against the Manchu Dynasty in China.
*1797 :Spithead and Nore mutinies were two major mutinies by sailors of the British Royal Navy.
*1798 : TheIrish Rebellion of 1798 failed to overthrow British rule in Ireland.
*1803 : The rebellion ofRobert Emmet inDublin ,Ireland against British rule
*1804 -1813 : TheFirst Serbian Uprising against Ottoman rule.
*1808 :Dos de Mayo Uprising against the occupation ofMadrid by French troops.
*1808 -1814 : ThePeninsula war .
*1809 -1810 : The Rebellion ofVelu Thampi Dalawa ofTravancore .
*1810 -1821 : theMexican War of Independence , a revolution against Spanish colonialism
*1810 : the Viceroy of the Río de la Plata is deposed by local officers inArgentina
*1810 -1840 : the dictatorship ofJosé Gaspar Rodríguez de Francia inParaguay is dubbed the "autonomous revolution" by Paraguay specialist Richard Alan White. [White, Richard Alan. "Paraguay's Autonomous Revolution, 1810-1840". Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1978.] Influenced by the Jacobins of the French Revolution and the meritocratic theory of socialism propounded byHenri de Saint-Simon , Francia led his country on an isolationist path, emphasizing self-sufficiency and breaking the power of the traditional colonial elite with harsh, autocratic repression. His rule was know as tyrannical,anticlerical , and xenophobic. Paraguay remained one of South America's most advanced countries until theWar of the Triple Alliance .
*1812 : Peasant rebellion ofHong Gyeong-nae againstJoseon Dynasty ofKorea
*1817 : ThePernambucan Revolution , a republican separatist movement which resulted in the creation of the short-lived Republic of Pernambuco (March 7, 1817 - May 20, 1817).
*1817 : ThePentrich Revolution,Derbyshire ; an ill-fated attempt to overthrow the Government, unknowingly it was instigated by William Oliver, aka Oliver the Spy. Three men were executed in Nov 1817 & 14 men were transported to NSW. The event is known as 'England's Last Revolution' (June 9th-10th 1817).
*1820 : revolutions inSpain andPortugal .
*1820 -1824 : revolutionary war of independence inPeru led byJosé de San Martín
*1821 -1829 :Greek War of Independence
*1822 -1823 : republican revolution inMexico overthrows EmperorAgustín de Iturbide
*1825 :Decembrist revolt inRussian Empire
*1825 -1830 : TheJava War or Dipanegara Revolution, when the prince ofMataram Islam against the tax and land rent dommination from Dutch.
*1826 : Janissary revolt inOttoman Empire
*1827 -1828 : failed conservative rebellion inMexico led byNicolás Bravo
*1830 :July Revolution - the French Revolution of 1830 was a revolt by the middle class against Bourbon King Charles X which forced him out of office and replaced him with the Orleanist King Louis-Philippe (the "July Monarchy").
*1830: theBelgian Revolution was a conflict in the United Kingdom of the Netherlands that began with a riot in Brussels in August 1830 and eventually led to the establishment of an independent, Catholic and neutral Belgium
*1830 1831 -November Uprising in Poland
*1832 -1843 :Abdelkader 's rebellion in French-occupiedAlgeria
*1834 -1859 :Imam Shamil 's rebellion in Russian-occupied Caucasus.
*1835 -1836 : Texas secedes from Mexico in theTexas Revolution
*1835 -1845 :War of Tatters , Separatists gauchos revolutionaries declared the independence of theRio Grande do Sul fromBrazil .
*1837 -1838 :Rebellions of 1837 - failed republican revolutions against British rule in Canada.
*1841 -1842 : Afghan uprising. HostileAfghan tribes massacred Elphinstone's British army including some 12,000 civilian dependents and camp followers. [ [http://www.bl.uk/collections/afghan/summary1838to1842.html Summary: the First Anglo-Afghan War, 1838-42] ]
*1847 : Maya Rebellion inYucatán .
*1847 :Taos Revolt in New Mexico against the United States
*1848 : theRevolutions of 1848 are a wave of failed liberal and republican revolutions that sweptEurope .
*1848 :French Revolution of 1848 led to the creation of theFrench Second Republic
*1848 :Revolutions of 1848 in the Italian states
*1848 :Revolutions of 1848 in the German states
*1848 :Hungarian Revolution of 1848 grew into a war for independence fromAustrian Empire
*1848 :Young Irelander Rebellion of 1848 took place during theGreat Irish Famine
*1848 : rebellion in British-ruled Ceylon
*1851 -1864 :Taiping Rebellion against theQing Dynasty andManchu domination in China. In total between 20 and 30 million lives had been lost, making it the second deadliestwar inhuman history .
*1854 : Revolution inSpain against theModerate Party Government.
*1854 -1873 : TheMiao Rebellion in China.
*1854 -1855 :Revolution of Ayutla inMexico
*1855 -1873 :Panthay rebellion by ChineseMuslim s against theQing Dynasty
*1857 : failed Indian rebellion againstBritish East India Company , marking the end of Mughal rule in India. Also known as the 1857 War of Independence and, particularly in the West, theSepoy Mutiny .
*1858 :Mahtra War inEstonia .
*1858 -1861 :War of the Reform inMexico
*1859 : TheSecond Italian War of Independence
*1861 -1865 :American Civil War in theUnited States , between the United States and theConfederate States of America , which was formed out of eleven southern states.
*1861 -1866 :Quantrill's Raiders inMissouri .
*1862 : Sioux Uprising inMinnesota . [cite web| last =Kunnen-Jones| first =Marianne| title =Anniversary Volume Gives New Voice To Pioneer Accounts of Sioux Uprising| publisher =University of Cincinnati| date =2002-08-21| url =http://www.uc.edu/news/sioux.htm| accessdate = 2007-06-06 ]
*1862 -1877 : Muslim Rebellion by Chinese Muslims against theQing Dynasty .
*1863 :New York Draft Riots . [ [http://www.fairfield.edu/x5964.html Renowned author to speak about 1863 New York draft riots at Fairfield University's DiMenna-Nyselius Library] press releaseFairfield University ]
*1863 -1865 :January Uprising was the Polish uprising against theRussian Empire .
*1865 :Morant Bay rebellion
*1866 :Uprising of Polish political exiles in Siberia
*1866 -1868 :Meiji Restoration and modernization revolution in Japan.Samurai uprising leads to overthrow of shogunate and establishment of "modern" parliamentary, Western-style system.
*1867 :Fenian Rising An attempt at a nationwide rebellion by theIrish Republican Brotherhood against British rule.
*1868 : the Glorious Revolution inSpain deposes Queen Isabella II
*1868 : in theGrito de Lares , rebels proclaim the independence ofPuerto Rico fromSpain .
*1869 -1870 :Red River Rebellion , the events surrounding the actions of aprovisional government established by Métis leaderLouis Riel at theRed River Settlement ,Manitoba ,Canada .
*1871 :Paris Commune
*1871 -1872 :Porfirio Díaz rebels against PresidentBenito Juárez of Mexico
*1871 : liberal revolution inGuatemala
*1875 :Deccan Riots
*1875 :Herzegovinian rebellion , the most famous of the rebellions against theOttoman Empire inHerzegovina ; unrest soon spread to other areas of Ottoman Bosnia.
*1876 : a second rebellion byPorfirio Díaz against PresidentSebastián Lerdo de Tejada of Mexico
*1876 : theApril uprising , a revolt by the Bulgarian population against Ottoman rule.
*1877 :Satsuma Rebellion of Satsuma ex-samurai against theMeiji government .
*1882 :Urabi Revolt : an uprising inEgypt on June 11, 1882 against theKhedive and European influence in the country. It was led by and named after ColonelAhmed Urabi .
*1885 : a peasant revolt in theAncash region of Peru led byPedro Pablo Atusparía succeeds in occupying theCallejón de Huaylas for several months
*1885 :North-West Rebellion ofMétis inSaskatchewan
*1888 : theRebellion of Peasant in Banten , Indonesia.
*1893 : a liberal revolt bringsJosé Santos Zelaya to power inNicaragua
*1894 -1895 :Donghak Peasant Revolution :Korea n peasants led byJeon Bong-jun revolted againstJoseon Dynasty ; the revolt was crushed by Japanese and Chinese intervention, leading toFirst Sino-Japanese War
*1895 : revolution against PresidentAndrés Avelino Cáceres inPeru ushers in a period of stable constitutional rule
*1896 -1898 : thePhilippine Revolution , a war of independence against Spanish rule directed by theKatipunan society
*1898 : A mob ofwhite supremacist s forces out the city government ofWilmington, North Carolina . [ [http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=93615391 How The Only Coup D'Etat In U.S. History Unfolded] . NPR/Weekend Edition Sunday, August 17, 2008.]
*1899 -1901 :Boxer Rebellion against foreign influence in areas such as trade, politics, religion and technology that occurred inChina during the final years of theQing Dynasty .1900-1950
1903 : theIlinden Uprising of the Macedonians in theOttoman Empire breaks out.
*1904 : Liberal revolution inParaguay
*1905 : failed bourgeois-liberal revolution against Tsar Nicholas II inRussia .
*1905 -1906 : PersianIranian constitutional revolution
*1905 -1906 :Maji Maji Rebellion in German east Africa
*1907 : Romanian Peasants' Revolt
*1908 :Young Turk Revolution ,Young Turks force the autocratic ruler Abdul Hamid II to restore parliament and constitution in the Ottoman Empire.
Public demonstration in the Sultanahmet district of Istanbul, during theYoung Turk Revolution of 1908]
*1910 : theMexican Revolution overthrows the dictator Porfirio Díaz; seizure of power by Institutional Revolutionary Party.
*1910 : republican revolution inPortugal
*1910 -1911 : theSokehs Rebellion erupts in German-ruledMicronesia . Its primary leader,Somatau , is executed soon after being captured.
*1911 : theXinhai Revolution overthrows the ruling Qing Dynasty and establishment of the Republic of China.
*1914 : the Ten Days War was a shooting war involving irregular forces of coal miners using dynamite and rifles on one side, opposed to the Colorado National Guard, Baldwin Felts detectives, and mine guards deploying machine guns, cannon and aircraft on the other, occurring in the aftermath of theLudlow Massacre . The Ten Days War ended when federal troops intervened.
*1914 :Boer Revolt against the British inSouth Africa .
*1915 : Armenian Revolt in city ofVan against the Ottomans inTurkey resulting in the 1stgenocide of 20th century where a million and a halfArmenians were sent on death marches.
*1916 :Easter Rising inDublin, Ireland during which the Irish Republic was proclaimed.
*1916 : an anti-French uprising inAlgeria .
*1916 : Central Asian Revolt started when theRussian Empire government ended its exemption of Muslims from military service.
*1916 -1918 :Arab Revolt with the aim of securing independence from theOttoman Empire .
*1916 -1923 :Irish War of Independence , the period of nationalist rebellion, guerrilla warfare, political change and civil war which brought about the establishment of the independent nation, theIrish Free State .
*1916 -1947 :Gandhi 's Struggle for Indian Independence.
*1917 : French Army Mutinies.
*1917 : theFebruary Revolution overthrows Tsar Nicholas II in Russia.
*1917 : theGreen Corn Rebellion takes place in ruralOklahoma .
*1917 :October Revolution in Russia - Bolshevik seizure of power in Russia and the establishment of the Soviet Union.
*1918 :Christmas Uprising inMontenegro - Montenegrins (Zelenaši ) rebelled against unification ofKingdom of Montenegro withKingdom of Serbia .
*1918 :Wilhelmshaven mutiny
*1918 : German Revolution Overthrow of the Kaiser by a workers' revolution; establishment of theWeimar Republic .
*1918 -1919 : a wave of strikes and student unrest shakes Peru. These events influence two of the dominant figures of Peruvian politics in the 20th century:Víctor Raúl Haya de la Torre andJosé Carlos Mariátegui .
*1918 -1919 :Greater Poland Uprising (1918-1919) Polish uprising against German authorities
*1918 -1920 :Georgian-Ossetian conflict (1918-1920) , the southernOssetians revolted against Georgian rule. [ [http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/europe/article4498709.ece Analysis: roots of the conflict between Georgia, South Ossetia and Russia] ]
*1918 -1921 :Ukrainian Revolution
*1918 -1922 :Third Russian Revolution , a failed anarchist revolution against both Bolshevism and the White movement.
*1918 -1931 :Basmachi Revolt against Soviet Russia rule inCentral Asia .
*1919 -1921 :Tambov Rebellion , one of the largest peasant rebellions against theBolshevik regime during theRussian Civil War .
*1919 -1922 :Turkish War of Independence commanded byMustafa Kemal Atatürk .
*1919 :German Revolution
*1919 : revolution inHungary results in the short-livedHungarian Soviet Republic
*1920 :Pitchfork Uprising was a peasant uprising against the Soviet policy of thewar communism in what is todayTatarstan .
*1920 -1922 :Gandhi ledNon-cooperation movement .
*1921 :Battle of Blair Mountain ten to fifteen thousand coal miners rebel inWest Virginia , assaulting mountain-top lines of trenches established by the coal companies and local sheriff's forces in the largest armed, organized uprising in American labor history.
*1921 :Kronstadt rebellion of Soviet sailors against the government of the earlyRussian SFSR .
*1921 -1923 :Yakut Revolt
*1921 -1924 : a revolution in (Outer)Mongolia re-establishes the country's independence and sets out to construct a Soviet-stylesocialist state
*1922 -1923 :Irish Civil War , between supporters of theAnglo-Irish Treaty and the government of theIrish Free State and more radical members of the originalIrish Republican Army who opposed the treaty and the new government.
*1923 : Founding ofRepublic of Turkey by overthrowing theOttoman Empire , introduction ofAtatürk's Reforms .
*1923 :Klaipėda Revolt in theMemel territory that had been detached fromGermany after World War I.
*1924 -1927 :Sheikh Said Rebellion
*1925 : July Revolution inEcuador
*1925 -1927 : TheSyrian Revolution , a revolt initiated by theDruze and led bySultan al-Atrash against FrenchMandate .
*1926 : the so-called "National Revolution" inPortugal initiates a period known as the "National Dictatorship"
*1926 -1929 : theCristero War inMexico , an uprising against anti-clerical government policy
*1926 -1927 : the fristPKI - or Indonesian Communist Party - rebellion againstcolonialism andimperialism ofDutch Hindie .
*1927 -1931 : Kurdish Rebellion againstTurkey .
*1927 -1933 : rebellion led byAugusto César Sandino against the United States presence inNicaragua
*1930 :Brazilian Revolution of 1930 led byGetúlio Vargas .
*1930 :Salt Satyagraha , a campaign of non-violent protest against the Britishsalt tax incolonial India .
*1932 : aConstitutionalist Revolution against the provisional presidentGetúlio Vargas led Brazil to a short civil war.
*1932 : anAprista revolt inTrujillo, Peru . After about 60 officers are executed, the army responds with the killing of at least 1,000 people. The repression includes the first aerial bombing in South American history.
*1932 : theSiamese coup d'état of 1932 , sometimes called the "Promoters Revolution", ends absolute monarchy inThailand
*1933 : popular revolution against Cuban dictatorGerardo Machado
*1934 : In October, workers including radical socialists and anarchists stage coups in the Spanish regions ofAsturias andCatalonia . The immediate cause was the entrance of a right-wing Catholic party into the government of the unstableSecond Spanish Republic . The Asturian uprising was put down by GeneralFrancisco Franco .
*1936 : theFebrerista Revolution , oligarchic Liberal Party rule in Paraguay ended by Rafael Franco.
*1936 : General Francisco Franco leds a coup and starts theSpanish Civil War .
*1936 :Spanish Revolution
*1936 -1939 : a period of so-called "military socialism" inBolivia follows a revolution in which celebrated war heroDavid Toro takes power. A constitution establishing a corporative state is promulgated in 1938, following the nationalization ofStandard Oil and the passage of progressive labor laws.
*1937 -1938 :Dersim Rebellion was the most important Kurdish rebellion in modernTurkey .
*1937 : the "Jornadas de Mayo ", a workers' revolution inCatalonia
*1938 -1948 : TheZionist Revolution - the period ofJewish nationalist rebellion and guerrilla warfare against theBritish Empire inPalestine which brought about the establishment of theState of Israel . Mainly fought by theLehi andIrgun underground organizations but periodically joined by theJewish Agency 's officialHaganah militia.
*1940 -1944 : Insurgency in Chechnya
*1941 : June Uprising against theSoviet Union inLithuania
*1941 -1945 :Yugoslav People's Liberation War against theAxis Powers inWorld War II .
*1942 : Sri Lankan soldiers ignite theCocos Islands Mutiny in an unsuccessful attempt to transfer the islands to Japanese control
*1942 :The destruction of the German garrison in Lenin
*1943 :Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
*1943 : Uprising at Treblinka extermination camp
*1943 : Uprising atSobibór extermination camp
*1944 : Guatemalan Revolution overthrows the dictatorJorge Ubico by liberal military officers.
*1944 :Warsaw Uprising was an armed struggle during theSecond World War by the Polish Home Army ("Armia Krajowa") to liberateWarsaw from German occupation and Nazi rule. It started onAugust 1 1944 .
*1944 : Paris Uprising staged by theFrench Resistance against the German Paris garrison.
*1944 :Slovak National Uprising againstNazi Germany
*1944 : Uprising atAuschwitz extermination camp
*1944 -1947 : a Communist-friendly government is installed inBulgaria following a coup d'état and the Soviet invasion. The government was nominally a coalition called the Fatherland Front, but the Communist Party faction consolidated its power with Soviet support until 1947, when Soviet troops withdrew. Many royalist and fascist leaders from the previous Axis regime were given summary trials and executed.
*1944 : Following the liberation ofAlbania completed onNovember 29 , theCommunist Party of Albania underEnver Hoxha consolidates its control, moves forward with industrialization and modernization, and declares thePeople's Republic of Albania in January 1946.
*1944 -1949 :Greek Civil War .
*1944 -1965 : Forest Brothers Rebellion inBaltic states againstSoviet Union .
*1945 -1949 :Indonesian National Revolution against Dutch after them independence fromJapan . who lead bySoekarno ,Hatta ,Tan Malaka , etc. and the Dutch lead byVan Mook .
*1945 :Prague uprising against German occupation duringWorld War II .
*1945 :August Revolution led byHo Chi Minh declares the independence of theDemocratic Republic of Vietnam from French rule
*1945 : democratic revolution inVenezuela led byRómulo Betancourt
*1947 : Three months after an abortive coup, civil war breaks out inParaguay . Led byRafael Franco , the former head of the Febrerista (see above) government displaced in 1937, the rebellion was crushed by the government of dictatorHiginio Morínigo . A local commander, Lt. Col.Alfredo Stroessner , seized the presidency in 1954 and ruled until 1989.
*1946 -1951 :Telengana Rebellion aCommunist ledpeasant revolt that took place in theHyderabad State ,India .
*1947 -1952 : In theAlbanian Subversion , the intelligence services of the United States and Britain deploy exiled fascists, Nazis, and monarchists (especially members ofBalli Kombëtar and the "Legaliteti") in a failed attempt to foment a counterrevolution in Communist-ruled Albania. The exiles carried out some sabotage but found little popular support. Some exiles were captured and executed, along with some ordinary Albanians suspected of assisting them.
*1947 Indian Revolution ends with the British withdrawing all of its troops, governors and anyone else under its command from India, due to the extreme pressure being administered upon them, by the Indian populace, and their leaders, such as M.K. Gandhi.
*1948 : following the liberation of Korea, Marxist former guerrillas underKim Il Sung work to rapidly industrialize the country and rid it of the last vestiges of "feudalism."
*1948 -1960 :Malayan Emergency
*1949 : the Communist-led Chinese Revolution under chairman Mao overthrows the ruling Nationalist Party and establishes the People's Republic of China.
*1950 :Jayuya revolt in Puerto Rico, explosion in theBlair House , and shooting at Congress, all looking for Puerto Rican independence.
*1954 -1962 :Algerian War of Independence - revolutionary war of independence against French colonialism1950-2000
1950s :Mau Mau Uprising
*1952 : a popular revolution in Bolivia led byVíctor Paz Estenssoro and theRevolutionary Nationalist Movement (MNR) initiates a period of multiparty democracy lasting until a 1964 military coup.
*1952 :Rosewater Revolution inLebanon
*1953 :Vorkuta uprising was a major uprising of theGulag inmates inVorkuta in the summer of 1953. Like other camp uprisings it was bloodily quelled by theRed Army and theNKVD . [ [http://www.lituanus.org/2005/05_3_1Latkovskis.htm I. Baltic Prisoners of the Gulag Revolts of 1953 - L. Latkovskis] ]
*1954 :Kengir uprising in theSoviet prison labor campKengir .
*1954 : Uyghur uprising against Chinese rule inHotan .
*1955 -1960 : Guerrilla war against British colonial rule ofCyprus lead by theEOKA (National Organisation of Cypriot Fighters)
*1955 -1972 :First Sudanese Civil War was a conflict between the northern part of Sudan and a south that demanded more regional autonomy.
*1955 -1970 : TheUnion of the Peoples of Cameroon (UPC) engages in a guerrilla struggle against French colonialism in theFrench Cameroons . In 1955 the UPC was for all practical purposes banned, and in 1960 Cameroon achieved independence under the conservative government of PresidentAhmadou Ahidjo . After the gradual assassinations of many of its top leaders and the proclamation of a one-party state in 1966, the last significant remnants of the insurgency were extinguished in 1970. The UPC, unlike many other guerrilla organizations throughout Africa, never achieved state power.
*1956 -1962 :Border Campaign led by theIrish Republican Army against the British, along the border of the independentRepublic of Ireland and BritishNorthern Ireland .
*1956 : Hungarian Revolution, a failed workers' and peasants' revolution against the Soviet-supported communist state in Hungary.
*1956 : Tibetan rebellions against Chinese rule broke out inAmdo andKham .
*1958 : popular revolt inVenezuela against military dictatorMarcos Pérez Jiménez culminates in a civic-military coup d'état
*1958 : theIraqi Revolution led by nationalist soldiers abolishes the British-backed monarchy, executes many of its top officials, and begins to assert the country's independence from both Cold War power blocs.
*1959 : The failed Tibetan uprising against Chinese rule led to the flight of theDalai Lama .
*1959 :Cuban Revolution led by Fidel Castro removes the government of GeneralFulgencio Batista . By 1962 Cuba had been transformed into a declaredsocialist republic .
*1959 : theTutsi king ofRwanda is forced into exile byHutu extremists; racial pogroms follow an assassination attempt on Hutu leaderGrégoire Kayibanda
*1960 -1973 :Counterculture of the 1960s was a social revolution that originated in theUnited States andUnited Kingdom and eventually spread to other westernized nations. Themes of this movement included theanti-war movement , rebellion towards conservative norms, increase of drug use, and thesexual revolution .
*1961 -1991 :Eritrean War of Independence led by Isaias Afewerki against Ethiopia.
*1961 -1975 :Angola n Marxists and other radicals grouped in thePopular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA) begin guerrilla attacks on Portuguese infrastructure. With extensive military assistance fromCuba , the MPLA is able to outmaneuver two rival organizations and establish control ofLuanda in time for independence on November 11, 1975. Civil war between the MPLA government and the anti-communistUNITA continued on-and-off until 2002, when UNITA leaderJonas Savimbi was killed.
*1962 -1974 : The leftistAfrican Party for the Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde (PAIGC) wages a revolutionary war of independence inPortuguese Guinea . In 1973, the independentRepublic of Guinea-Bissau is proclaimed, and the next year the republic's independence is recognized by the reformist military junta inLisbon .
*1962 : revolution in northernYemen overthrows the imam and establishes theYemen Arab Republic
*1963 -1967 :Aden Emergency : nationalists in British-ruledAden , with an eye on recent events in North Yemen and in Palestine, declare war on the British under the umbrella of the National Liberation Front (NLF). The UK hands over control to an independent South Yemen in November 1967. In 1969, moderate PresidentQahtan Muhammad al-Shaabi is edged out in favor of more radical socialists, who convoke a constituent assembly and begin to develop the state along Marxist-Leninist lines. The result is the only Communist state in the Arab world and the first in a Muslim country.
*1964 : following an American school's provocative decision to raise only theflag of the United States , Panamanian students march into thePanama Canal Zone with theflag of Panama . After the latter flag is torn, thousands more become involved, starting huge riots that lasted three days. About 20 people were killed and hundreds more injured.
*1964 : theZanzibar Revolution overthrows the 157-year-old Arab monarchy, declares thePeople's Republic of Zanzibar , and begins the process of unification withJulius Nyerere 'sTanganyika
*1964 -1979 :Rhodesian Bush War also known as the Second Chimurenga or the Liberation Struggle, was a guerrilla war which lasted from July 1964 to 1979 and led to universal suffrage, the end of white-rule in Zimbabwe Rhodesia, and the creation of theRepublic of Zimbabwe .
*1964 : the October Revolution inSudan , driven by a general strike and rioting, forces PresidentIbrahim Abboud to transfer executive power to a transitional civilian government and eventually resign.
*1964 -1975 : theMozambican Liberation Front (FRELIMO), formed in 1962, commences a guerrilla war against Portuguese colonialism. Independence is granted on June 25, 1975; however, theMozambican Civil War complicated the political situation and frustrated FRELIMO's attempts at radical change. The war continued into the early 1990s after the government dropped Marxism as the state ideology.
*1964 -present: Colombian Armed Conflict.
*1965 :March Intifada inBahrain - ALeftist uprising demanding an end to the British presence inBahrain
*1966 :Kwame Nkrumah is removed from power inGhana by coup d'état.
*1966 -1976:Cultural Revolution , a maoist-led sociological repression in the People's Republic of China.
*1966 -1993 : A guerrilla warfare is conducted against the repressive government ofFrançois Tombalbaye from the Sudan-based groupFROLINAT . After the killing of field commanderIbrahim Abatcha in 1968, the movement jettisoned its socialist rhetoric and split into irreconcilable factions that often fought among themselves. Tombalbaye was brought down and executed in a 1975 military coup, and in 1979 the FROLINAT factions established theTransitional Government of National Unity (GUNT). This experiment lasted until 1982, when a FROLINAT splinter, led byHissène Habré , took control ofN'Djamena . Supporters of marginalized GUNT presidentGoukouni Oueddei held out for a few years at Bardaï, but the group eventually dissolved; but a new formation, theMPS , continued the civil war and brought to power in1990 Idriss Déby .
*1966 -1998 : TheUlster Volunteer Force is recreated by militant Protestant British loyalists inNorthern Ireland to wage war against theIrish Republican Army , and theRoman Catholic community at large.
*1967 -1970 :Biafra ; The former easternNigeria unsuccessfully fought for a breakaway republic of Biafra.After the mainly Ibo people of the region suffered pogroms in northern Nigeria the previous year.
*1967 :Naxalite Movement begins in India, led by theAICCCR .
*1967 :Anguilla ns resentful of Kittitian domination of the island expel the Kittitian police and declare independence from the British colony ofSaint Christopher-Nevis-Anguilla . British forces retake the island in 1969 and make Anguilla a separate dependency in 1980. There was no bloodshed in the entire episode.
*1967 : Cultural Revolution declared inMali by PresidentModibo Keita .
*1968 : revolution inRepublic of Congo
*1968 : Student protests and riots inEgypt in the wake of theSix-Day War lead to the ratification of theMarch 30 Program to deepen democratic processes.
*1968 :May 1968 revolt - students' and workers' revolt against the government of Charles de Gaulle in France.
*1968 :Socialist Cultural Revolution inGuinea launched by the government of PresidentAhmed Sékou Touré .
*1968 : coup byJuan Velasco Alvarado in Peru, followed by radical social and economic reforms
*1968 : a failed attempt by leader Alexander Dubček to liberalise Czechoslovakia in defiance of the Soviet-supported communist state culminates in thePrague Spring .
*1969 -1998 :Provisional Irish Republican Army and other Republican Paramilitaries wage an armed campaign against British Security forces and Loyalist Paramilitaries in an attempt to bring about aUnited Ireland in what is known asThe Troubles .
*1969 : a mass movement of workers, students, and peasants inPakistan forces the resignation of PresidentMohammad Ayub Khan
*1969 : overthrow of the pro-Western monarchy by Arab nationalist military officers inLibya
*1969 : multiparty system supplanted by a military socialist government under Siad Barre inSomalia
*1970 : Rebellion inGuinea by what its government identified as Portuguese agents.
*1971 : theBangladesh Liberation War led by theMukti Bahini establishes the independentPeople's Republic of Bangladesh
*1972 : revolution inBenin
*1972 : military-led revolution against the civilian government of PresidentPhilibert Tsiranana in theMalagasy Republic ; a Marxist faction takes power in 1975 underDidier Ratsiraka , modeled on the North Korean "juche " theory developed byKim Il Sung .
*1973 :Mohammad Daud overthrows the monarchy and establishes a republic inAfghanistan .
*1973 : worker-student demonstrations inThailand force dictatorThanom Kittikachorn and two close associates to flee the country, beginning a short period of democratic constitutional rule
*1974 : revolution inEthiopia
*1974 :Carnation Revolution overthrows of right-wing dictatorship in Portugal
*1975 : revolution inCambodia
*1975 : revolution inLaos overthrows the monarchy by guerrilla forces of the Pathet Lao
*1975 : revolution inCape Verde
*1976 : student demonstrations and election-related violence inThailand lead police to open fire on a sit-in atThammasat University , killing hundreds. The military seizes power the next day, ending constitutional rule.
*1977 : Market Women's Revolt inGuinea leads to a lessening of the state's role in the economy.
*1978 : theSaur Revolution led by the Khalq faction of the People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan deposes and kills President Mohammad Daud.
*1979 : the dictatorship of Eric Gairy overthrown by the New Jewel Movement inGrenada .
*1979 : the popular overthrow of the Somoza dictatorship by progressive/MarxistNicaraguan Revolution .
*1979 : theIranian Revolution overthrows the U.S.-backed Shah, resulting in an Islamist cleric-led theocracy.
*1979 :Cambodia is liberated from theKhmer Rouge regime by the Vietnam-backedKampuchean People's Revolutionary Party
*1980 :Santo Rebellion in the Anglo-French condominium ofNew Hebrides . The primary nationalist leader, FatherWalter Lini , favored Cold War nonalignment and opposed nuclear weapons in the Pacific. The French resident,Jean-Jacques Robert , who feared that an independent Vanuatu would provide inspiration to similar movements in New Caledonia and French Polynesia, collaborated with an uprising led byJimmy Stevens 'Nagriamel movement inEspiritu Santo . With logistical help and training from supporters of thePhoenix Foundation of the United States, Stevens declared independence as the State ofVemerana . The Nagriamel society had decisively lost elections to the territorial assembly in 1975 and 1979, which revealed its lack of a mass base of support. The revolt was put down by theVanuatu Mobile Force and Papua New Guinean troops soon after independence was granted on July 30, 1980. [Robie, David. "Blood on their Banner: Nationalist Struggles in the South Pacific". London: Zed Books, Ltd., 1989. pp. 66-80.]
*1980 -2000 : The Communist Party of Peru launched theinternal conflict in Peru .
*1983 : Overthrow of the ruling Conseil de Salut du peuple (CSP) by Marxist forces led by Thomas Sankara in Upper Volta, renamed Burkina Faso in the following year.
*1983 -2005 :Second Sudanese Civil War it was largely a continuation of theFirst Sudanese Civil War , and one of the longest lasting and deadliest wars of the later 20th century.
*1984 -1985 : Pro-independenceFLNKS forces inNew Caledonia revolt following an election boycott and occupy the town of Thio from November 1984 to January 1985. Thio is retaken by the French after the assassination ofÉloi Machoro , the security minister in the FLNKS provisional government and the primary leader of the occupation. [Ibid., pp. 116-126.]
*1985 :Soviet andAfghanistan P.O.W. rose against their captors at Badaber base.
*1986 : ThePeople Power Revolution peacefully overthrowsFerdinand Marcos after his two decade rule in thePhilippines .
*1987 -1991 :First Intifada , or the Palestinian uprising, a series of violent incidents betweenPalestinian s and Israelis
*1989 :Singing Revolution , bloodless overthrow of communist rule in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.
*1989 : the violent "Caracazo " riots inVenezuela . In the next few years, there are two attempted coups and PresidentCarlos Andrés Pérez is impeached.
*1989 :Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 were a series of demonstrations led by students, intellectuals and labour activists in thePeople's Republic of China betweenApril 15 ,1989 andJune 4 ,1989 .
*1989 : the bloodlessVelvet Revolution overthrows the communist regime inCzechoslovakia .
*1989 : theRomanian Revolution violently overthrows the communist state inRomania .
*1989 : theNagorno-Karabakh Armenian independence movement violently overthrows the Azeri government inAzerbaijan .
*1990 -1995 : theLog Revolution inCroatia starts, triggering theCroatian War of Independence .
*1990 -1995 : theFirst Tuareg Rebellion inNiger andMali .
*1991 : the Kurdish uprising against Saddam Hussein inIraqi Kurdistan .
*1991 : the Shiite Uprising inKarbala .
*1992 : Afghan Uprising against the Taliban byUnited Islamic Front for the Salvation of Afghanistan or Northern Alliance.
*1994 :1990s Uprising in Bahrain ,Shiite -led rebellion for the restoration of democracy inBahrain
*1994 :Zapatista Rebellion : Uprising in theMexican state ofChiapas demanding equal rights forindigenous peoples and in opposition to growingneoliberalism in North America
*1994 -1996 : First Chechen Rebellion againstRussia .
*1996 : Islamic movement in Afghanistan led by theTaliban
*1997 -1999 : Kosovo Rebellion against Yugoslavia.
*1998 : the election in Venezuela of socialist leader Hugo Chávez is called theBolivarian Revolution .
*1998 :Indonesian Revolution of 1998 resulted the resignation ofSuharto after three decades of the New Order period.
*1999 -present: Second Chechen Rebellion against Russia.2000-today
2000 :Second Intifada a continuation of theFirst Intifada . The wave of violence that began in September2000 between Palestinian Arabs andIsrael is.
*2000 : the bloodlessBulldozer Revolution , first of the fourcolour revolutions , overthrows Slobodan Milošević's régime in Yugoslavia.
*2001 :2001 Macedonia conflict .
*2001 :Taliban insurgency following the 2001 war in Afghanistan.
*2001 : The2001 EDSA Revolution peacefully ousts Philippine PresidentJoseph Estrada after the collapse of hisimpeachment trial .
*2001 : Supporters of Philippines former presidentJoseph Estrada violently and unsuccessfully stage a rally, so-called theEDSA Tres , in an attempt of returning him to power.
*2003 : theRose Revolution , second of thecolour revolutions , displaces the president of Georgia,Eduard Shevardnadze , and calls new elections.
*2003 :Iraqi insurgency refers to the armed resistance by diverse groups withinIraq to the US occupation of Iraq and to the establishment of aliberal democracy therein.
*2003 : theDarfur rebellion led by the two major rebel groups, theSudan Liberation Movement (SLM/A) and theJustice and Equality Movement , recruited primarily from the land-tilling Fur,Zaghawa , andMassaleit ethnic groups.
*2004 : Shi'ite Uprising against the US-led occupation of Iraq.
*2004 : afterViktor Yanukovych was declared the winner of a presidential election in theUkraine , theOrange Revolution arose and installedViktor Yushchenko as president, believing the election to have been fraudulent. This was the thirdcolour revolution .
*2004 : failed attempt at popular colour-style revolution inAzerbaijan , led by the groupsYox! and Azadlig
*2004 :Naxalite insurgency inIndia , led by theCommunist Party of India (Maoist)
*2005 : theCedar Revolution , triggered by theassassination ofRafik Hariri , asks for the withdrawal ofSyria n troops fromLebanon .
*2005 : theTulip Revolution (a.k.a. Pink/Yellow Revolution) overthrows the President ofKyrgyzstan , Askar Akayev, and set new elections. This is the fourthcolour revolution .
*2005 -2008 - Revolution Health Group [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revolution_Health_Group] seeks to transform healthcare [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Consumer_driven_health_care] by empowering the proletariat [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proletariat] .
*2006 :2006 democracy movement in Nepal
*2006 : the2006 Oaxaca protests demanding the removal ofUlises Ruiz Ortiz , the governor ofOaxaca state inMexico .
*2007 : The popular uprising againstal-Qa'eda by residents ofAnbar Province ,Iraq . [ [http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2007/10/08/wanbar308.xml Iraq insurgency: People rise against al-Qa'eda] ]
*2007 : Food riots in West Bengal.
*2007 : theSecond Tuareg Rebellion inNiger .
*2007 : Burmese anti-government protests.
*2008 : Tibetan uprising against the Chinese government's rule.
*2008 : Shiite uprising inBasra .
*2007 -2008 - Anti-government food riots in many countries across the world. [ [http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2007/dec/04/china.business Riots and hunger feared as demand for grain sends food costs soaring] ] [ [http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2008/feb/26/food.unitednations Feed the world? We are fighting a losing battle, UN admits] ] [ [http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1717572,00.html The World's Growing Food-Price Crisis] ]Cultural, intellectual, philosophical and technological revolutions
The term revolution has been used to denote great changes outside the political sphere. They are usually recognized as having transformed in society, culture, philosophy and technology much more than
political system s. Some can be global, while others are limited to single countries. Such revolutions include, in alphabetical order:
*Agricultural Revolution s, which include:
**Neolithic Revolution (perhaps 13000 years ago), which formed the basis for human civilization to develop. It is commonly referred to as the 'First Agricultural Revolution'.
**Green Revolution (1945- ), the use of industrial fertilizers and new crops greatly increased the world's agricultural output. It is commonly referred to as the 'Second Agricultural Revolution'.
**British Agricultural Revolution (18th century), which spurred urbanisation and consequently helped launch theIndustrial Revolution .
**Scottish Agricultural Revolution (18th st century), which led to theLowland Clearances .
*Cultural Revolution - a struggle for power within theCommunist Party of China , which grew to include large sections of Chinese society and eventually brought the People's Republic of China to the brink of civil war, and which lasted from 1966 to 1976
*Digital Revolution - the sweeping changes brought about bycomputing andcommunication technology from the later half of the 20th Century till today
*Industrial Revolution - the major shift of technological, socioeconomic and cultural conditions in the late 18th and early 19th centuries that began in Britain and spread throughout the world
**Second Industrial Revolution (1871–1914)
*Price revolution - a series of economic events from the second half of the 15th century to the first half of the 17th, the price revolution refers most specifically to the high rate of inflation that characterized the period acrossWestern Europe
*Quiet Revolution - a period of rapid change inQuebec ,Canada , in the 1960s. This leads to the separatist movement for Quebec sovereignty and two referendums.
*Scientific revolution - a fundamental transformation in scientific ideas around the 16th century
* The Counterculture Revolution (or The Hippie Revolution). A Social and Cultural Revolution that swept through the United States and much of the western world in the 1960s and 1970's. In America, it was a revolt against the conservative social norms of the 1950s, the political conservatism and social repression of the Cold War period, and the US government's extensive military intervention in Vietnam. The growing use ofpsychedelic drugs are also included.
**Sexual revolution - a change in sexual morality and sexual behavior throughout the Western world, mainly during the 1960s and 1970s.
*Upper Paleolithic Revolution - The emergence of "high culture", new technologies and regionally distinct cultures.References
ee also
List of fictional rebellions
*List of wars of independence (national liberation)
*List of civil wars
*List of coups d'état and coup attempts
*List of riots
*List of strikes
*List of usurpers
*Revolutionary wave
*Peasant revolt
*General strike
*Guerrilla warfare
*List of guerrillas
*Ghetto uprising
*Slave rebellion
*Janissary revolts
*Polish uprisings
*Chinese rebellions
*Resistance during World War II
*Popular revolt in late medieval Europe
*2007–2008 food riots
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