
Traditional fabric shop in Nara with noren in front of the entrance
Noren with the sign, marking a bath house

Noren (暖簾) are traditional Japanese fabric dividers, hung between rooms, on walls, in doorways, or in windows. They usually have one or more vertical slits cut from the bottom to nearly the top of the fabric, allowing for easier passage or viewing. Noren are rectangular and come in many different materials, sizes, colors, and patterns.

Noren are traditionally used by shops and restaurants as a means of protection from sun, wind, and dust, and for advertising space.[citation needed] Sentō (commercial bathhouses) also place noren across their entrances, typically blue in color for men and red for women with the kanji (yu, lit. hot water) or the corresponding hiragana . They are also hung in the front entrance to a shop to signify that the establishment is open for business, and they are always taken down at the end of the business day.

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