

is a Japanese term to describe certain unaesthetic quality. "Yabo" is the antonym of "iki". "Busui" (無粋), literally "non-"iki"," is synonymous to "yabo". A non-"iki" thing is not necessarily "yabo", but it's probable. A "yabo" thing is usually unrefined, gigantic, coarse, childish, colorful, self-conscious, permanent, loud, superficial, vulgar, snobbish, boorish, etc.

The word "yabo" was often used by city dwellers ("chonin)" (especially, of Edo). It often refers to samurai and farmers ("nomin)" from outside of Edo, if not to another "chonin". The city dwellers of Edo sometimes called themselves "Edokko" (as in New Yorker or Parisian). They were proud of being born and grown up in Edo, and had a tendency to despise outsiders. It should be noted, however, that the origins of many of chonin could be traced back to the places outside of Edo.

The meaning of the term has expanded and generalized through the modernization of Japan. Today, the word "yabo" is used more frequently than "iki". This might be because "yabo" is more easily found than "iki".

"Yabo" and Japanese

Today "yabo" means unsophisticated or sometimes unimportant ("yabo yo"). It is interesting that the stereotypical views towards modern Japanese (especially Tokyoites) in various countries are typically "yabo". For example, sacrificing themselves to work, not being financially generous (reluctant to donate money), not knowing how to enjoy life, being cruel to those who seek help, being too efficient etc. - these properties are all considered "yabo". These are stereotypes and not necessarily true.

Many Westerners and older Japanese perceive the fashions and culture of modern Japanese youth to be garish, childish, frivolous and/or exaggerated, which fits the concept of "yabo".


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