- Department of Space
The Department of Space (DoS) is an Indian government department responsible for administration of the Indian space program.
The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) is the primary research and development arm of the DoS. The other agencies of the Department of Space (DOS) include the Physical Research Laboratory (PRL), National Atmospheric Research Laboratory (NARL), North Eastern Space Applications Centre[1] (NE-SAC) and the Semi-Conductor Laboratory (SCL).
The Indian Space programme under the DoS aims to promote the development and application of space science and technology for the socio-economic benefit of the country. It includes two major satellite systems, INSAT for communication, television broadcasting and meteorological services, and Indian Remote Sensing Satellites (IRS) system for resources monitoring and management. It has also developed two satellite launch vehicles, Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) and Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV), to place IRS and INSAT class satellites in orbit.
In 1961, the Government of India entrusted the responsibility for space research and for the peaceful use of outer space to the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), then under the leadership of Dr. Homi J. Bhabha. In 1962, the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) set up Indian National Committee for Space Research (INCOSPAR), with Dr. Vikram Sarabhai as Chairman, to organize a national space programme.
In 1969, INCOSPAR was reconstituted as an advisory body under the India National Science Academy (INSA) and the Indian Space Research Organisation was formed. The Government of India constituted the Space Commission and established the Department of Space (DoS) in 1972 and brought ISRO under DoS management on 1 June 1972.
Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) Robotic missions PastCurrentFutureSatellites Earth observationBhaskara Satellite series · IRSCommunication & WeatherNavigationLaunch vehicle
fleetExpendable launch systemReusable launch systemAVATAR RLV (planned)Human spaceflight
programmeTechnology demonstrationCrew vehicleLaunch vehicleAstronomy and
planetary sciencesInstitutionsNational Atmospheric Research Laboratory · Indian Institute of Astrophysics
· Indian Institute of Space Science and TechnologyObservatoriesPeople AstronautsScientistsOther Bhuvan · List of Indian satellitesPublic sector space agencies Africa North AfricaSub-SaharanAmericas North AmericaSouth AmericaAsia East AsiaSoutheast AsiaSouth AsiaSouthwest AsiaCentral AsiaEurope Oceania World See also: Timeline of first orbital launches by country · 1 Preceded by the Soviet space program Categories:- Ministry of Science and Technology (India)
- Indian space program
- Indian government stubs
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