List of United States Presidential names

List of United States Presidential names

List of United States Presidential names contains lists of nicknames, name origins, and the first, middle, and last names of each President of the United States. Most of the nicknames listed are political, such as "Tricky Dick", which belonged to Richard Nixon, initialisms like '"T.R." (Theodore Roosevelt), personal nicknames, as in James Earl "Jimmy" Carter, Jr. or personal endearments, such as "The Gipper", given to Ronald Reagan.

Presidential nicknames

= George W. (Walker) Bush =

*43, B43, Bush II, Bush the Younger, [Robert Scheer, [ Making Money, the Bush Way] , "The Nation" (web-only content posted February 19 2002). Accessed 16 October 2006.
Ian Williams, [ Bush, Kerry & Vietnam] , "The Nation" (web-only content posted September 9 2004). Accessed 16 October 2006.
] Bush the Lesser, [Nick Gillespie, [ Bush the Lesser] , "Reason", Vol. 32, Issue 11 (April 2001). Accessed 27 September 2008.
Blog comment on "Washington Post" [ discussion forum] (web-only content posted February 4 2007). Accessed 27 September 2008.
] Bush Jr., [Elizabeth Drew [Bush Family Values] , "The Nation", posted February 12 2004 (March 1 2004 issue). Accessed 16 October 2006.] and Bush "fils" [ Bush Family Values ] ] All used to distinguish George W. Bush from George H.W. Bush
*Shrub [cite book|title=SHRUB: The Short But Happy Political Life of George W. Bush|author=Molly Ivins and Lou Dubose|publisher=Random House|year=2000] Coined by Molly Ivins. George W. Bush named his oil company Arbusto because he said "arbusto" is Spanish for "bush". The literal translation from Spanish to English is, in fact, "shrub".
*Temporary [ [ Newcomb: The Order of Skull and Bones and Geronimo : ICT [2006/06/02 ] ] Bush's nickname in Skull and Bones, never altered by Bush
*AWOL Bush [ [ - Home Page ] ] [ “Hey Hey Ho Ho! AWOL Bush Has Got To Go!”, by Mike Hersh, Mar 19, 2003] Often rendered as aWol Bush: referring to an alleged period of unauthorized leave of absence by Bush during his Vietnam War service in the Texas National Guard

*The Decider and The Decider-In-Chief [ [ Bush: The Decider-In-Chief, Dick Meyer On the Biggest Kid Of All - CBS News ] ] From remarks Bush made about Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld on April 18, 2006
*The Commander Guy [ [ Eugene Robinson - Lost in the Fog With Commander Guy - ] ] [ [ Bush: Im the Commander Guy - The Caucus - Politics - New York Times Blog ] ] Bush gave himself this nickname on May 2 2007, saying "My position is clear - I'm the commander guy."
*The Velcro President [ [ BBC NEWS | Americas | Velcro president faces final test ] ] A contrast to the "Teflon" nicknames given to Reagan and ; most scandals appear to "stick" to Bush.
*War President [cite web|url=|title=Transcript for Feb. 8th|accessdate=2006-09-09|date=2004-02-08|publisher=MSNBC] A name he used to describe himself during his 2004 re-election campaign. This name, or the variant "War Criminal President", is used by some critics for his involvement in the Afghanistan and Iraq Wars and the controversies at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay.
*Bush the Arrogant [cite web|url=,0,5494831.story]
*Baagel [cite web|url=|title=Mountlake "Baagel" Incident|accessdate=2008-09-09|date=2008-02-04|publisher=CNN ] A name derived from a bagel incident while visiting Mountlake Terrace, WA.

= Bill ("William" Jefferson) Clinton (name at birth: "William Jefferson Blythe III") =

* Bill [Encyclopedia Britannica Online, Articlendash ' Bill Clinton' ( describes "Bill" as the "byname of William Jefferson Clinton, original name William Jefferson Blythe III".] Generally went by his first name during his time in office and was only formally called 'William J. Clinton' or 'William Jefferson Clinton'.
*The First Black President [cite web |url= |title=Clinton as the First Black President |publisher=The New Yorker |date=1998-10-05] Used by Toni Morrison in reference to Clinton's noted support from and rapport with African Americans.
*The Comeback Kid [cite web|url=|title=Clinton thanks New Hampshire for making him the 'Comeback Kid'|author=Amy Herstek |publisher=CNN|date=2001-01-11|accessdate=2007-04-29
cite web|url=,,1336035,00.html|title=Thinner and frailer, the Comeback Kid puts heart into Kerry's campaign |author=Julian Borger |publisher=The Guardian (UK) |date=2004-10-26|accessdate=2007-04-29
] Coined by press after strong second place showing in 1992 New Hampshire primary, following polling slump due to Gennifer Flowers' revelation.
*Slick Willie [cite web|url= |title=The Choice '96: Stories of Bill |publisher=PBS Frontline |date=1996? |accessdate=2007-04-29] Coined by Paul Greenberg, editorial page editor of the "Arkansas Democrat-Gazette", as a comment on perceived incongruities between Clinton's rhetoric and his record during his unsuccessful 1980 campaign for a second term as governor of Arkansas.
*Teflon Bill, Dialogues, Reagan vs. Clinton, Dinesh D’Souza, “My point is that while the media speculate about "Teflon Bill" and "Teflon Ron," there is a world of difference in the motives that guided the two men into the scandals that plagued their administrations”.] Unimaginative reworking of "Teflon Ron," the nickname given to President Ronald Reagan a decade earlier; Teflon referred to a "non-stick" quality of public image, in that both presidents' personal approval ratings remained high even as prominent scandals brought disfavor on their respective administrations.
*Bubba [ [ RUDY BOPS BUBBA - New York Post ] ] [] Nickname that suggests a pejorative cultural stereotype for natives of the rural Southern United States.
*Klinton [cite book |last=Thomas|first=Kenn|authorlink= |coauthors= |editor= |others= |title=Cyberculture Conspiracy: A Steamshovel Press Reader|origdate= |origyear=1999 |origmonth= September|url=|format= |accessdate= |accessyear= |accessmonth= |edition= |series= |volume=One|date= |year= |month= |publisher=Book Tree|location= |language=English|isbn=978-1585091256|oclc= |doi= |id= |pages= 80|chapter= |chapterurl= |quote= ] A name used by Clinton detractors from all sides of the political spectrum to evoke German orthography, therefore painting Clinton as a Nazi.
*Clittin [cite video |people= George Carlin (Author)|date2= |month2= |year2= |title=Complaints and Grievances|url= |format= |medium= CD|publisher= |location= |accessdate=2008-07-30 |time= |quote=] A name coined in reference to Clinton's sexual allegations as president.
*Count Taxula [] : Nickname given by Rush Limbaugh.

= George H. W. (Herbert Walker) Bush =

*George I, Bush the Elder, [ [ The Skinny: Father Knows Best, Rumsfeld Is Out And Bush The Elder Is In At The News Mags - CBS News ] ] Bush "père", Daddy Bush and Papa Bush Only applied to him after his son became president, in order to distinguish between the two of them
*The Wimp President [FAIR (Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting), September 28 2001, “The Wimp Factor: Goading to Shed Blood” by Norman Solomon (] Given to him by "Newsweek" in 1988. In June 1991, Bush remarked that he would "never forgive" the magazine for their insult

= Ronald (Wilson) Reagan =

*The Gipper [‘The Sydney Morning Herald’, has an article at entitled, ‘How Reagan got his Gipper nickname’.] After his role as George "The Gipper" Gipp in the film "Knute Rockne, All American". Gipp's exhortation to his teammates to "Win one for the Gipper" came in useful during Reagan's election campaigns.
*The Great Communicator [ [] story covering his death] As much an attempt by media pundits to account for Reagan's electoral success as a compliment
*The Great Prevaricator [Time Magazine, George J. Church (October 11, 1982) ‘Taking Aim at Reagan’ (,8816,922985,00.html)] A less-complimentary play on his "Great Communicator" nickname
*Dutch [, Ronald Reagan, 1911–2004. ‘Small Town to Tinseltown’ (] Because of his [|"Dutch-boy"] haircut when he was a youth
*Bonzo [Website: ‘Ronald Reaganndash the Bonzo President’ (
Website: ‘Cleveland Jewish Radio’ (Ohio)ndash ‘Bonzo Goes To Bitburg’ ( “Bonzo refers to a nickname the president received from one of his past movie roles”
] From his role in the film, "Bedtime for Bonzo". Reagan played Prof. Peter Boyd, opposite Bonzo the chimpanzee.
*Ronnie Raygun [] Joking reference to the "Star Wars" Strategic Defense Initiative
*The Teflon President [ of the book, From Camelot to the Teflon President: Economics and Presidential Popularity Since 1960 (Contributions in Political Science) by David J. Lanoue (Greenwood Press, October 20 1988, ISBN-10: 0313263930,ISBN-13: 978-0313263934): “and concluding with a look at Ronald Reagan, who has often been termed the "Teflon President."] or Teflon Ron Because none of the scandals during his administration seemed to stick to him.

= Jimmy ("James" Earl) Carter (Jr.) =

*Jimmy [cite web|url=,9171,915809,00.html|title=The Question Now: Who Carter?|author=High Sidey|date=1977-12-12}accessdate=2007-04-20] First President to use his nickname in an official capacity. He was known as ‘Jimmy Carter’, ‘James Earl Carter’, or ‘James Earl Carter, Jr.’. He was never called ‘James Carter’ or ‘James E. Carter’
*President Malaise [Q&A with Steven F. Hayward on Jimmy Carter on National Review Online (, Jimmy Carter: a bitter irrelevant man (,(, The Real Jimmy Carter (] - a reference to his speech on July 15. 1979, where he talked about a "crisis of confidence," and alluded that the US was in decline. Three days after the speech, Carter asked for the resignations of all of his Cabinet officers, and ultimately accepted five. By asking the entire Cabinet, it gave the appearance that the White House was falling apart.

= Gerald (Rudolph) Ford (Jr.) (name at birth: "Leslie Lynch King, Jr.") =

*Jerry [POTUSndash Presidents of the United States, Gerald Rudolph Ford ( “38th President of the United States (August 9, 1974 to January 20, 1977). Nickname: "Jerry"”]
*Mr. Nice Guy [In "The Stranger: Seattle's Only Newspaper" (December 27 2006), Paul Constant] Because of his clean-cut and non-partisan image
*Jerry the Jerk [The Concord Monitor (New Hampshire) of April 30, 2006 carried a story by Eric Moskowitz entitled, ‘Ford Left Mark on State'] Coined by William Loeb, editor of the "Manchester Union Leader" (New Hampshire) in 1976

= Richard (Milhous) Nixon =

*Dick [, The USA Online: Interactive Website about the United States, Richard Nixon] When he announced his (short-lived) retirement from politics after failing to become Governor of California in 1962, he told the media, "You won't have Dick Nixon to kick around any more".
*Tricky Dick [] (also, Tricky Dickie) Coined by Democratic politician Helen Gahagan Douglas during the 1950 U.S. Senate race in California, in reference to Nixon's alleged use of dirty tricks during the campaign. Occasionally this name is also applied to current Vice President Dick Cheney.
*The Trickster [] A variant of "Tricky Dick"
*The Mad Bomber [ Allen J. Matusow, "Nixon as Madman"] (Review of "Nixon's Vietnam War," by Jeffrey Kimball, in "Reviews in American History," Vol. 27, No. 4, December 1999, pp. 623-629.)] ] Reference to Nixon's large-scale bombing of Cambodia, Laos, and North Vietnam during the Vietnam War; this was partly a self-cultivated image, intended to inspire fear in the leaders of North Vietnam (and other countries) in order to achieve a peace agreement on terms favorable to the United States.
*The Mad Monk ["The Education Forum: A Forum for Teachers and Educators" ( containing an extract from H. R. Haldeman’s "The Ends of Power,". A web page ( by Herb Taylor of the "Galveston Daily News" (Texas), written on November 5, 2000] Given to him by White House aide John Ehrlichman.
*Iron Butt [ The ‘New York Times’ of November 16, 2003 had an article by Ted Widmer entitled ‘The Man in the Mask ( which reviewed ‘Nixon’s Shadow: The History of an Image’ by David Greenberg, W.W. Norton & Company, New York, which described young Nixon as “a law student working so hard to better himself that he earned the nickname "Iron Butt"] Law school nickname because he studied so hard
*Gloomy Gus [ ‘Spectrum: Home and School Network’ has an article of May 2, 2007 called ‘Richard M. Nixon’ (,RichardM.html) which states that: “While a student at the Duke University Law School, Nixon was given the nickname of “Gloomy Gus” by his classmates because he was always so serious”] Another nickname awarded by his fellow students at Duke University School of Law, referring to his serious nature

= Lyndon B. (Baines) Johnson =

*L.B.J. [cite web
title=Lady Bird Johnson : Documentary Transcriptndash Part Two
last=Beschloss |first=Michael |authorlink=Michael Beschloss
coauthors= |date= |year= |month= |format= |work=
publisher=Public Broadcasting Service
pages= |language= |doi= |archiveurl= |archivedate=
quote=Three years later, came Luci Baines. Now there were 4 LBJs. The Johnson dog was named "Little Beagle Johnson" But there was no doubt who the most important LBJ was in that household.
] He liked to be known by this abbreviation, which was used in the slogan, "All the way with L.B.J." Coincidentally, when he married Claudia Taylor, who had been nicknamed Lady Bird since infancy, her initials also became L.B.J. Their two daughters Lynda Bird and Luci Baines shared the initials, and he even called his dog "Little Beagle Johnson".
*Landslide Lyndon ['Lyndon Johnson: Ruthless Senate Leader' by John Grizzi, November 4, 2002 [] 2002] Sarcastic reference to the hotly-disputed 87-vote win that took him to the Senate in 1949
*Light-Bulb Lyndon [ [ Presidency project at ucsb] ] Nicknamed so because he hated wasted electricity, and would often storm around the White House shutting off unnecessary lights.
*Uncle Cornpone [cite web
title=Lyndon Baines Johnson, 37th Vice President (1961-1963)
author= |last= |first= |authorlink= |coauthors=
year= |month= |format= |work= |publisher=United States Senate
pages= |language= |doi= |archiveurl= |archivedate=
quote=...the president's young aides, mostly ivy leaguers, snickered about "Uncle Cornpone."
] Derogatory reference to him as an older man from the rural South.

= John F. (Fitzgerald) Kennedy =

*J.F.K. [Miller Center for Public Affairs, University of Virginia, Academic Programs, American President: An Online Resourcendash In-depth information reviewed by prominent scholars on each president and administration, has full biographical information on Polk, ( including, Nicknames: "FK, Jack] Most prominent nickname and abbreviation of his full name.
*Jack [Miller Center for Public Affairs, University of Virginia, Academic Programs, American President: An Online Resourcendash In-depth information reviewed by prominent scholars on each president and administration, has full biographical information on Polk, ( including, Nicknames: JFK, Jack] Kennedy was usually referred to as either "John F. Kennedy" or "Jack Kennedy", only very rarely as "John Kennedy"
*The King of Camelot Two weeks after Kennedy’s assassination, his wife, Jacqueline, revealed that the score from the 1960 musical "Camelot", had been one of her husband’s favorites to listen to. Parallels were then drawn between the “one brief shining moment” of King Arthur’s reign (in the musical) and the mood of idealism and optimism that had characterized Kennedy’s presidency [ [ Camelot: One Brief Shining Moment ] ]

= Dwight D. (David) Eisenhower (name at birth: "David Dwight Eisenhower")=

*The Kansas Cyclone [‘All About Ike’ [] says, “As a star defensive back on the West Point football team, Eisenhower was known as the Kansas Cyclone”] His football nickname at West Point

Harry S Truman

*High-Tax HarryBaily, Thomas A.; & Kennedy, David M. (1994). The American Pageant (10th ed.). D.C. Heath and Company. ISBN 0-669-33892-3.]
*The Senator from Pendergast [cite web |url= |title=Senate |accessdate=2008-06-23 |work=Harry S. Truman: His Life and Times | ] Reference to his ties with Missouri political boss Tom Pendergast

= Franklin D. (Delano) Roosevelt =

*F.D.R. [Miller Center for Public Affairs, University of Virginia, Academic Programs, American President: An Online Resourcendash In-depth information reviewed by prominent scholars on each president and administration, has full biographical information on Polk, ( including, “Nickname: "FDR"”]
*The New Dealer [ Fleming ,Thomas J. "The New Dealer's War: FDR and the War Within World War II" (Basic Books, April 10, 2001. ISBN 13: 078-046502)] Referring to the Roosevelt Administration's "New Deal for the American people".

= Herbert (Clark) Hoover =

*The Great Engineer and The Great Humanitarian [The U. S. Department of the Interior’s site for the Bureau of Reclamation, Lower Colorado Region ( says that Hoover, “known early in his career as “The Great Engineer”, was now popularized as “The Great Humanitarian” for his “relief efforts in America’s stricken heartland”.] He was a civil engineer of some distinction and when the Mississippi burst its banks in 1927, engulfing thousands of acres of agricultural land, he volunteered his services and did extensive flood control work. The latter nickname would later be used facetiously in reference to his perceived indifference to the hardships faced by his constituents during the Great Depression.
*Hoo-Yah and Really Damn [ [ The Herbert Hoover Presidential Library and Museum ] ] Two nicknames that he picked up while in China

= (John) Calvin Coolidge (Jr.) =

*Cool Cal [‘Rebirth of Cool Cal’, December 1998, Reason Magazine, review of two books on Coolidge’s presidency by John Miller (] His reelection campaign used the slogan, "Keep It Cool With Coolidge"
*Cautious Cal
*The Sphinx of the PotomacSuggesting that he was as enigmatic as the mythological creature
*Silent Cal

= (Thomas) Woodrow Wilson =

*The Schoolmaster in Politics [‘Wilsonian Progressivism at Home and Abroad’ ( by M. Pecot summarizes the “Wilsonian Progessivism at Home and Abroad, 1912–1916” chapter of “The American Pageant” by David M. Kennedy, Lizabeth Cohen and Thomas A. Bailey (2002, ISBN-13: 9780618103492; ISBN-10: 061810349X) and refers to this nickname.‘Taqrir Washington’ has an article on The Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars ( by Andrew Masloski which also mentions the “Schoolmaster in Politics’ nickname] He was a bespectacled academic; compare to Italian Prime Minister (and former President of the European Commission) Romano Prodi's nickname "Il Professore" (the professor/schoolteacher).

*The Phrase-Maker [] As an acclaimed historian, Wilson had no need of speech-writers to supply his oratorical eloquence

William Howard Taft

*Big Chief when he was appointed Chief Justice of the Supreme Court by President Warren G. Harding in 1921.
*Old Bill [The Arlington National Cemetery Website page on William Howard Taft provides the full text of his ‘New York Times’ obituary of March 9, 1930, which states that “His standing among his college mates is indicated by the fact that he was known by them while at Yale and forever afterward as "Old Bill" Taft”.] His nickname at Yale University
*Big Lub [ [ William Howard Taft ] ] Boyhood nickname

= Theodore Roosevelt (Jr.) =

*T.R. [ [ The American Experience/TR's Legacy/Environment ] ] He liked to sign communications this way. The first president to be known by his initials.
*The Cyclone Assemblyman [The President Gerald R. Ford Library and Museum online has an article on Theodore Roosevelt ( with states that “At age 23, TR was elected to the State Assembly, its youngest member. He battled political corruption, pushed for civil service reform, became minority leader in a year, and earned the nickname of the Cyclone Assemblyman. “I rose like a rocket,” he later wrote”.] Elected to the New York State Assembly at only 23, he campaigned energetically against political corruption and for civil service reform, becoming minority leader within a year
*The Hero of San Juan Hill [The review ( of “Teddy Roosevelt at San Juan: The Making of a President” by Peggy and Harold Samuels (Texas a & M University Military History Series, September 1997 ISBN-13: 978-0890967713) by Peggy and Harold Samuels, says that “The authors reexamine the "Hero of San Juan Hill" to find that the heroic legend was manufactured”] He led his Rough Riders up San Juan Hill during the Battle of Santiago de Cuba in 1898
*The Lion [Non-Fiction Book Page have a review by Harry Merritt of ‘The Lion's Pride: Theodore Roosevelt and His Family in Peace and War’ by Edward J. Renehan, Jr. (Oxford University Press, ISBN 0195127196) ( which says, “Within six months, Roosevelt, "the Lion" was dead”]
*Old Four Eyes [The official website for the town of Medora, North Dakota has an article on Theodore Roosevelt ( which mentions that “Roosevelt earned the respect of his peers, who eventually dropped the nickname "Old Four Eyes"”] He was so myopic that he could only function wearing glasses
*Theodore the Meddler [Popularized by journalist James Creelman (1859–1915) who so entitled his article on President Roosevelt in ‘Pearson’s Magazine’ ed. Arthur W. Little (The Pearson Publishing Company; New York, January 1907). This information was found on web pages ( and ( . The cover of that edition featured a portrait of T.R. by George Burroughs Torrey] He was too active and legislative a president for some people's tastes

= William McKinley (Jr.) =

*The Napoleon of Protection [ The Northeast Ohio Journal of History has an article ( in its ‘Book Reviews’ section featuring “William McKinley and His America, Revised Edition”, by H. Wayne Morgan (Kent: Kent State University Press, 2003. ISBN 0-87338-765-1.). The review of this book states, “Known to contemporaries as “The Napoleon of Protection,” Representative McKinley was an unabashed champion of high tariffs”.] He was keen on protective tariffs
*The Major [( has an article on McKinley by Bethanne Kelly Patrick which states that “By [the Civil] war’s end, he had become a brevet major in the volunteers. For the rest of his life, many called him simply "The Major."”] A reference to his American Civil War rank: used by friends and family rather than publicly

Benjamin Harrison

*The Human Iceberg [ “He was known as the "Human Iceberg" because he was stiff and formal when dealing with people”.] Although he could warmly engage a crowd with his speeches, he was a very cold fish when you met him one-on-one
*Kid Gloves Harrison [“The wearing of kid gloves to protect his hands from skin infection earned him the nickname of "Kid Gloves" Harrison”.] He was prone to skin infection and often wore kid gloves to protect his hands
*The Front Porch Campaigner [The President Benjamin Harrison Home: From White House Studies, 2/22/2001. Author: Moore, Anne ( states that “He [Harrison] was called the "front porch campaigner" for giving nearly 90 impromptu speeches from his front door to enthusiastic crowds gathered in his front yard”.] During the 1888 election, he gave nearly ninety speeches from his front porch to crowds gathered in the yard of his Indianapolis home. This nickname has been widely but erroneously attributed to William McKinley

= (Stephen) Grover Cleveland =

*The Hangman of Buffalo [ of US Presidents, Grover Cleveland, A Swift Rise to the Presidency, First Presidential Term] As Sheriff of Erie County, New York, which has Buffalo as its county seat, he had personally hanged two men

*His Obstinacy [‘Tall, Slim and Erect: Grover Cleveland’ by Alex Forman (] He vetoed more bills than the first 21 presidents combined
*The Beast of Buffalo [“Hail to the Chiefs: Presidential Mischief, Morals, and Malarkey from George W. to George W” by Barbara Holland (Permanent Press, New York, January 1 2003. ISBN-10: 1579620817. ISBN-13: 978-1579620813) is quoted by an review of the book ( as writing of Cleveland, "People called him 'the Beast of Buffalo.' Web, History, Grover Cleveland, Biography
] Because of false rumors that he was a wife beater, spread by political opponents during the 1888 election
*The Stuffed Prophet [ Cleveland and the 1892 Election, 1997, by Cliff Vaughn, “Courting everyone from eastern capitalists to southerners, Cleveland used the press as a public relations tool. However, he fought an uphill battle since the editors of papers such as the Washington Post and New York Sun derided him on account of his weight, publicly referring to him as "the Stuffed Prophet" and "the elephantine economist"”.)] and The Elephantine Economist [ Cleveland and the 1892 Election, 1997, by Cliff Vaughn] Given to him by hostile newspapers during the 1892 presidential election, by which time his weight had gone up to 250 pounds

= Chester A. (Alan) Arthur =

*Prince ArthurMSN Encarta, Chester A. Arthur Quick Facts ( “Chester Arthur was fond of fine clothes and entertainment, earning him the nicknames 'Dude President,' 'Elegant Arthur,' and 'Prince Arthur'”] , and The Dude President He was renowned for his fancy attire and indulgence in extravagant luxury
*Walrus for having strange looking facial hair mostly touted by children

= Rutherford B. (Birchard) Hayes =

*Granny Hayes [“President Hayes did not drink, smoke, or gamble. His critics derisively called him “Granny” Hayes and “Queen Victoria in breeches.”” Search View: Rutherford B. Hayesndash MSN Encarta (] and Queen Victoria in Riding Breeches [He was also, inexplicably, referred to as “Queen Victoria in Riding Breeches” in some prominent journals of the time.”The Stanford Daily, February 16 2007, “Hayes: He’s no ‘fraud’ in the art of love’ by Kat Lewin (“President Hayes did not drink, smoke, or gamble. His critics derisively called him “Granny” Hayes and “Queen Victoria in breeches.”” Search View: Rutherford B. Hayesndash MSN Encarta (] Hayes did not drink, smoke, or gamble, and, together with his temperance-supporting wife, "Lemonade Lucy", maintained a very strait-laced White Housendash much to the disgust of some members of Washington society

*President De Facto [“The public gave him the razzing of a lifetime, calling him mean names like “Rutherfraud” and “President De Facto.””The Stanford Daily, February 16 2007, “Hayes: He’s no ‘fraud’ in the art of love’ by Kat Lewin (]
*The Great Unknown [, HAYES, Rutherford Birchard, (1822–1893) lists ‘Ranson, Frederick Duane. “The Great Unknown: Governor Rutherford B. Hayes of Ohio.” Ph.D. diss., West Virginia University, 1978’.] He had been an obscure candidate for the Republican nomination

= Ulysses S. (Simpson) Grant (name at birth: "Hiram Ulysses Grant")=

*Unconditional Surrender Grant [ [ "unconditional surrender" Grant] ] His uncompromising demand for unconditional surrender during the Battle of Fort Donelson in 1862 got a lot of favorable publicity. The fact that his initials suggested the words "unconditional surrender" led to it being used as a nickname
*Sam [“His classmates [at West Point] dubbed him “U.S.”, ”Sam,” and “Uncle Sam” Grant”. Ulysses S. Grant, Encyclopedia Article, MSN Encarta. (] Given to him at West Point because of his 'Uncle Sam' initials

Abraham Lincoln

*The Liberator [ of Lincoln Presenters, Lincoln Quotes, “LINCOLN had many nicknames such as Honest Abe, the Railsplitter, the Liberator, the Emancipator, the Ancient One, the Martyr”.] and '"The Great Emancipator"' For the emancipation of the slaves
*Uncle Abe [Library of Congress Presents ‘America’s Story from America’s Library’, U.S. Presidents, Abraham Lincoln (, refers to a song about Lincoln called, “Hey! Uncle Abe, are you joking yet?”] Lincoln was a kind and friendly man who in his later years came across as avuncular
*The Ancient One [ of Lincoln Presenters, Lincoln Quotes, “LINCOLN had many nicknames such as Honest Abe, the Railsplitter, the Liberator, the Emancipator, the Ancient One, the Martyr”.] A nickname favored by White House insiders because of his "ancient wisdom"
*The Tycoon [ Today’s Most Popular Study Guides, Abraham Lincoln Study Guide, 1862-1864 – Part 2“During a time of war, the executive always plays a stronger role than usual, and Lincoln was no exception to this rule. His uncompromising style as commander- in-chief, coupled with his ambitious domestic program to preserve and further the Union, earned him the nickname of "the tycoon".”] For the energetic and ambitious conduct of his Civil War administration
*Ignoramus Abe ["Distory: A Treasury Of Historical Insults" by Robert Schnackenberg (c) 2004, p. 23]
*Honest Abe [] originating as early as the 1830's in New Salem from his reputation for honesty. He was there reputed to have on several occasions walked miles to return to customers a few cents overpaid in error
*The Rail-Splitter [] from the Illinois State Republican Convention at Decatur on 9 May 1860, when colleagues marched into the convention hall with two fence rails placarded, "Abraham Lincoln, The Rail Candidate for President in 1860." Lincoln had, at one point prior to entering into law and politics, worked splitting logs into rails

= James Buchanan (Jr.) =

*Ten-Cent Jimmie A reference to his notorious claim during the 1856 election campaign that ten cents a day was enough for a working man to live on [ Britannica India, Born on this day, James Buchanan April 23 1791“During the [1856 election] campaign Republican speakers harped on Buchanan's seemingly heartless statement that ten cents a day was adequate pay for a workingman. They jeered him as "Ten-Cent Jimmy."”]

Franklin Pierce

*Young Hickory of the Granite Hills [This was used in the title of Roy Nichols’ biography, “Franklin Pierce: Young Hickory of the Granite Hills” (American Political Biography Press, August 1993) ISBN-10: 0945707061. ISBN-13: 978-0945707066)] "Young Hickory" compared his military deeds (in the Mexican-American War) with those of Andrew Jackson. "The Granite Hills" were his home state of New Hampshire
*The Fainting General [Online News Hour, ‘Old Wounds’, August 24, 2004, (] A sneering reference by political opponents to an incident during a Mexican War battle when an artillery blast blew the saddle off Pierce's horse and drove the saddle-horn hard into his abdomen, causing him to lose consciousness for a few minutes

= James K. (Knox) Polk =

*Young Hickory [Miller Center for Public Affairs, University of Virginia, Academic Programs, American President: An Online Resourcendash In-depth information reviewed by prominent scholars on each president and administration, has full biographical information on Polk, ( including, “Nickname: "Young Hickory"”] Because he was a particular protégé of "Old Hickory"ndash Andrew Jackson
*Polk the Plodder [History on NRO Weekend, September 30–October 1 2000: ‘The Veep’s Underwear: Getting nasty on the campaign trail’ by David Kopel of the Independence Institute ( mentions that in the face of scurrilous allegations from the Democrats about Whig candidate Henry Clay, the Democratic contender, "Polk the Plodder" had led too dull a life for the Whigs to respond in kind”] The validity of this nickname was disproved by his foreign policy when he became president
*Napoleon of the Stump [ [ Humanities Web - James K. Polk Biography] ] Because of his potent oratory during his campaign for the Tennessee state legislature.

William Henry Harrison

*General Mum [‘ From the World’s Largest History Magazine Publisher’, American History: 1840 U.S. Presidential Campaign by David Johnson ( says that, “While the Democrats adopted a platform denouncing federal assumption of state debts, opposing internal improvements, and calling for separation of public money from banking institutions, Weed decided to keep Harrison quiet and emphasize his war-hero record and humble character. The Democrats took aim at Harrison's silence, calling him "General Mum."”] As in the expression, "keep it mum". Because of his avoidance of speaking out on controversial issues during his election campaign
*Tippecanoe or also Old Tippecanoe [Latham, Edward (1904). "A Dictionary of Names, Nicknames and Surnames, of Persons, Places and Things", p.220. G. Routledge & Sons, Ltd.,] A reference to Harrison's victory at the 1811 Battle of Tippecanoe. This nickname was used in the campaign song Tippecanoe and Tyler Too during the 1840 Presidential election.
*Washington of the West [Latham, Edward (1904). "A Dictionary of Names, Nicknames and Surnames, of Persons, Places and Things", p.220. G. Routledge & Sons, Ltd.,] A reference to Harrison's victories at the 1811 Battle of Tippecanoe and 1813 Battle of the Thames.

Martin Van Buren

*The American Talleyrand [ About Stuff, Presidential Nicknames by Brian H. Scott]

Andrew Jackson

* [ Sharp Knife ] Given to him by the Creek Indians whom he fought in 1814
*The Caped Crusader [] Given to him for being the only President to wear a cape in his Presidential picture
*Old Hickory [Latham, Edward (1904). "A Dictionary of Names, Nicknames and Surnames, of Persons, Places and Things", p.218. G. Routledge & Sons, Ltd.,] Allegedly given to him by his soldiers for being as "tough as old hickory."

James Monroe

*The Era of Good Feelings President [Miller Center for Public Affairs, University of Virginia, Academic Programs, American President: An Online Resourcendash In-depth information reviewed by prominent scholars on each president and administration, has full biographical information on Monroe ( including, his nicknames of the "Era-of-Good-Feelings President"] "The Era of Good Feelings" was the period following the War of 1812, during which America became less divided politically, to the extent that the only opponents of the ruling Democratic Republicans, the Federalist Party, went out of existence. It was not until resistance to Andrew Jackson's policies produced the Whig Party that oppositional politics resumed in the United States

= James Madison (Jr.) =

*Little Jemmy“The enemies of the fourth President of the U.S. called him "little Jemmy," or "his little majesty," or "withered little apple-John."” Time Magazine Online, November 3 1961, ‘Mr. Madison’s War’ (,9171,897919-1,00.html)] or His Little Majesty At only 5' 4", he was the smallest president ever. The average adult male American at the beginning of the 19th century was about 5' 8"ndash an inch and a half shorter than today

Thomas Jefferson

*The Apostle of Democracy [Historic Families of Kentucky by Thomas Marshall Green, Cincinnati,1889, reprinted Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc. 1959. pp. 72–76. [Mercer county] . Samuel McDowell of Mercer County, Kentucky]
*Mad Tom [Encyclopedia Britannica Online shows a political cartoon from 1801 ( attacking the Jefferson Administration, which depicts Thomas Jefferson with the Devil, entitled, “Mad Tom in a Rage”.]
*The Negro President [Houghton Mifflin publishers have a page on their site about the book, “The Negro President: Jefferson and the Slave Power” by Gary Wills (ISBN-13/EAN: 9780618343980; ISBN-10: 0618343989)] For his victory in the election of 1800, won because of the three-fifths compromise
*The Man of the People [Miller Center for Public Affairs, University of Virginia, Academic Programs, American President: An Online Resource (]

= John Adams (Jr.) =

*The Duke of Braintree [, ‘John Adams Second President’, says “Nickname: Duke of Braintree”] A sarcastic reference to his grandiose airs
*The Colossus of Debate [Humanities Web, American Founders, John Adams, by John Lord, LLD. ( writes that, “Jefferson spoke of him as "the colossus of debate"”.] Given to him by Thomas Jefferson for his ability to argue a political case
*Old Sink or Swim [(] For the speech in which he vowed "To sink or swim; to live or die; survive or perish with my country"
*Your Superfluous Excellency [The Hoover Institution, Policy Review, Features, ‘The Vice Presidency Grows Up’ by Alvin S. Felzenberg (] Said by Benjamin Franklin when Adams was Vice President

George Washington

*The American Fabius [The True George Washington, Soldier, Strategy ( quotes Timothy Pickering as writing, "His great caution in respect to the enemy, acquired him the name of the American Fabius”.] For his military strategy during the Revolutionary War
*The American Cincinnatus [, ‘Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus: The Perfect Leader?’, “It's easy to see why history sometimes refers to George Washington as "the American Cincinnatus". Washington too did great things then went back to his farm”.] Like the famous Roman, he won a war, then became a private citizen instead of seeking power or riches as a reward
*The Indispensable Man

ee also

*List of British Prime Ministers by nicknames


* Paleta, Lu Ann, and Fred Worth. "The World Almanac of Presidential Facts". Pharos Books, 1993.
* DeGregario, William A. "The Complete Book of U.S. Presidents". Barricade Books, 1991.
* [ The White House website]

Presidential lists

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