- 1280s
The 1280s is the decade starting
January 1 ,1280 and endingDecember 31 ,1289 .Europe in the 1280s was marked by naval warfare on theMediterranean Sea and consolidation of power by the major states. Ongoing struggles over the control ofSicily provoked lengthy naval warfare: after theSicilian Vespers rebellion, the FrenchAngevin s struggled againstAragon for control of the island. KingRudolph I of Germany established theHabsburg dynasty inAustria when he invested his two sons with power there. InEngland , KingEdward I of England completed the conquest ofWales and annexed the territory via theStatute of Rhuddlan ; he also constructed a series of castles in Wales to suppress any future rebellions. Edward I also established several important legal traditions, including a court system to hear claims on the king's behalf and a codification of the separation of church and state legal powers. The death of KingAlexander III of Scotland fomented political wrangling inScotland which would soon lead to increased English influence over Scotland. InSweden , KingMagnus I of Sweden founded aSwedish nobility .In
Asia , theMongol Empire continued to expand, although at a slower pace and with less success than in previous decades.Kublai Khan 'sYuan dynasty established control over theKhmer empire inCambodia , the Pagan Empire inMyanmar , and a kingdom ofLaos , but failed a second attempted invasion ofJapan and was twice defeated in attempted invasions ofVietnam . The Thai kingdoms ofLanna and Sukhothai also exercised power in the region, avoiding conflict with the Mongol Empire to the north. Across the continent in theMiddle East , theMamluk sultanate ofEgypt continued to extinguishcrusader state s under the leadership ofQalawun , capturingMargat ,Latakia , and theCounty of Tripoli . InAnatolia ,Osman I became a local chief, or "bey ", planting the seed that would eventually grow into theOttoman Empire .The 1280s was also a busy decade in culture. In Thailand, King
Ramkhamhaeng the Great invented theThai alphabet . InHolland , theSt. Lucia's flood killed 50,000 while creating theZuider Zee , thus givingAmsterdam the sea access it would later need to rise to prominence as an important port. In legal reforms, KingEdward I of England started the use ofdrawing and quartering as punishment for traitors, KingPhilip IV of France created thegabelle , an onerous tax on salt, and the Scots Parliament passed laws allowing women to propose marriage to men, but only inleap year s. The northern branch of theGrand Canal of China was constructed during the first half of the decade, theUppsala Cathedral was begun, and a partial collapse set back construction of theCathédrale Saint-Pierre de Beauvais in a blow to the aspirations of itsGothic architecture . Colleges at the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge were founded. The cities ofAl Mansurah ,Egypt andGuiyang ,China were founded, whileHamburg ,Germany burnt to the ground in a catastrophic fire.Jew s continued to be persecuted across Europe, while Taoists suffered underKublai Khan in MongolChina .War and politics
War and Peace
Continental Europe and the British Isles
*1282 - March -
Dafydd ap Gruffydd , brother toPrince of Wales Llywelyn the Last , attacks an English castle; his brother feels compelled to support him despite poor preparation for war, quickly leading to the final English conquest ofWales by KingEdward I of England .
*1286 - Prussians settled in exile inSerbia stage a famous uprising.
*1288 -June 5 -John I of Brabant defeats the duchy ofGuelders in theBattle of Worringen — one of the largest battles in Europe of the Middle Ages — thus winning possession of theduchy of Limburg . The battle also liberates the city ofCologne from rule by theArchbishopric of Cologne ; it had previously been one of the major ecclesiastical principalities of theHoly Roman Empire .
*1288 -August 8 -Pope Nicholas IV proclaims a crusade against KingLadislaus IV of Hungary , who had lost credibility by favoring his semi-pagan Cuman subjects and in general refusing to conform to the social standards of western Europe.Mediterranean Europe
*1281 -
Pope Martin IV authorizes theNinth Crusade against the newly re-establishedByzantine Empire inConstantinople ; French and Venetian expeditions set out toward Constantinople but are forced to turn back in the following year.
*1281 - An offensive by theByzantine Empire significantly reduces the size of theKingdom of Albania , as it recaptures land seized from theDespotate of Epirus byCharles I of Sicily ten years earlier.
*1282 -March 30 - The Sicilian rebellion known as theSicilian Vespers begins against the rule ofAngevin KingCharles I of Sicily ; over the next six weeks, thousands of French are killed. The rebellion forces Charles to abandon theNinth Crusade while still en route to the target city ofConstantinople , and allows KingPeter III of Aragon to take over rule of the island from Charles (which in turn leads to Peter'sexcommunication byPope Martin IV ).
*1283 -July 8 - At the navalBattle of Malta atValletta , anAngevin fleet sent to help put down a rebellion onMalta is defeated by the fleet ofRoger of Lauria .
*1284 - KingCharles II of Naples is captured in a naval battle offNaples byRoger of Lauria , admiral to KingPeter III of Aragon .
*1284 - The Italiancity-state ofGenoa defeats its rivalPisa in the naval Battle of Meloria, ending Pisa's marine power and hastening the city's decline in power.
*1285 -September 4 -Roger of Lauria defeats KingPhilip III of France in a naval battle off ofBarcelona .
*1287 -January 17 - KingAlfonso III of Aragon captures the island ofMinorca from theMoors .Political entities
*1284 - The
Statute of Rhuddlan is created, formally incorporatingWales intoEngland in the entityEngland and Wales .
*1284 -Stefan Dragutin , king ofSerbia , receivesBelgrade ,Syrmia , and other territories fromHungary when his son marries the king of Hungary's cousin.Political reform
*1280 - King
Magnus I of Sweden founds aSwedish nobility by enacting a law accepting a contribution of acavalry -member in lieu of ordinary tax payments.
*1280 - KingEdward I of England forms the Court ofKing's Bench to hear petitions for justice instead of the king hearing them himself.
*1285 - Thewrit Circumspecte Agatis , issued by KingEdward I of England , defines the jurisdictions of church and state inEngland , thereby limiting the church's judicial powers to ecclesiastical cases only.People and dynasties
*1280 - The
Asen dynasty oftsar s ofBulgaria ends.
*1282 - Holy Roman EmperorRudolph I of Germany invests his sonsAlbert I of Germany andRudolph II of Austria as co-rulers of the duchies ofAustria and Styria, thus founding theHabsburg dynasty in those territories.
*1283 -June 1 - The young DukeRudolph II of Austria is forced to yield his claim on the Duchies ofAustria and Styria to his elder brother,Albert I of Germany , under theTreaty of Rheinfelden .
*1286 -March 19 - KingAlexander III of Scotland dies in a horse accident with QueenYolande de Dreux 's unborn child and the 3-year-old Margaret, Maid of Norway as heirs; this sets the stage for the First war of Scottish Independence and increased influence ofEngland overScotland .The Mongol Empire sphere of influence
The Yuan dynasty: east Asia
*1281 -
August 15 - The second Mongol invasion of Japan is foiled at theBattle of Kōan (or Battle of Hakata Bay) as a largetyphoon — famously called a "kamikaze ", or divine wind — destroys much of the combined Chinese andKorea n fleet and forces, numbering over 140,000 men and 4,000 ships.
*1281 - The Mon kingdom ofHaripunchai falls as its capitalLamphun (in present-dayThailand ) is captured by KingMengrai 'sLanna thai kingdom.
*1283 -Kublai Khan 'sMongol Empire invades theKhmer empire of present-dayCambodia ; KingJayavarman VIII decides to pay tribute rather than fight the invasion, buying peace and preserving the empire.
*1285 -Tran Hung Dao leadsVietnam ese forces in victory over an invadingYuan dynasty Mongol army.
*1286 - InLaos , KingPanya Leng is overthrown in acoup d'etat led by his sonPanya Khamphong , which is likely to have been supported by the regionally dominantMongol Empire (Yuan dynasty ofChina ).
*1286 -Kublai Khan plots a final Mongol invasion ofJapan , but aborts the plan due to a lack of necessary resources.
*1287 - KingsMengrai of theLanna kingdom andRamkhamhaeng the Great of theSukhothai kingdom agree to a peace pact in their region of southeastAsia (present-dayThailand ).
*1287 - TheTheravada Buddhist kingdom atPagan, Myanmar falls to the invadingMongol Empire in theBattle of Pagan .
*1288 -Vietnam ese generalTran Hung Dao sinks the entire fleet of an invadingYuan dynasty Mongol army by placing steel-tipped bamboo stakes in theBach Dang River, nearHalong Bay .
*1289 -Franciscan friars beginmissionary work inChina .The Ilkhanate: southwest Asia
*1281 - Second Mongol invasion of Syria. Defeated by
mamluks nearHoms .
*1287 - Mongol Ilhan Arghun Khan dispatchesRabban Bar Sauma to the leaders ofEurope to negotiate an alliance againstMuslim states, specifically theMamluk sultanate ofEgypt .The Golden Horde: Eastern Europe
*1285 - Second Mongol raid against
Hungary , led byNogai Khan .
*1287 - Third Mongol raid againstPoland .The Mamluk Sultanate sphere of influence: the Middle East
*1280 -
Syria attempts to secede from theMamluk sultanate ofEgypt , butQalawun defeats the rebels and keeps Syria within the Egyptian sultanate.
*1281 -October 29 -Mamluk sultanQalawun defeats an invasion ofSyria by Mongol IlkhanAbaqa Khan at theBattle of Homs .
*1281 -Osman I , founder of theOttoman Empire , becomes "bey " of theSögüt tribe in centralAnatolia ; in1299 he will declare independence from theSeljuk Turks , marking the birth of the Ottoman Empire.
*1284 -Mamluk sultan ofEgypt Qalawun signs a ten-year truce with the Crusader city of Acre; he will violate the truce on pretexts in1290 .
*1285 -April 25 -Mamluk sultanQalawun begins a siege of theCrusade r fortress ofMargat (in present-daySyria ), a major stronghold of theKnights Hospitaller thought to be impregnable; he captures the fortress a month later.
*1287 -Mamluk sultanQalawun captures the port city ofLatakia in present-daySyria .
*1289 -April 27 -Mamluk sultanQalawun captures theCounty of Tripoli (in present-dayLebanon ) after a month-long siege, thus extinguishing thecrusader state .Culture
Natural events
*1280 - The Wolf minimum of solar activity begins (approximate date).
*1282 - The most recent eruption ofLarderello , avolcano in southernTuscany , is observed.
*1287 -December 14 - A fringing barrier between theNorth Sea and a shallow lake inHolland collapses during a heavy storm, causing the fifth largest flood in recorded history which creates theZuider Zee inlet and kills over 50,000 people; it also gives sea access toAmsterdam , allowing its development as an important port city.
*1287 - The English city of Old Winchelsea onRomney Marsh is destroyed by catastrophic flooding during a severe storm; a new town of the same name is later constructed some two miles away on higher ground.cience, literature, and industry
*1280 to 1283 - The E codex of the
Cantigas de Santa Maria , a collection of Portuguese musical manuscripts, is dated to between1280 and 1283.
*1282 - The technology ofwatermark s is introduced bypaper manufacturers ofBologna ,Italy .
*1283 - TheLibro de los juegos , an earlyEurope an treatise on board games (includingchess ,dice , and a version ofbackgammon ), is commissioned by KingAlfonso X of Castile between1251 and 1283.
*1283 - KingRamkhamhaeng the Great of theSukhothai kingdom creates theThai alphabet , according to tradition.
*1284 -Jean de Meun translatesVegetius '4th century military treatiseDe Re Militari from Latin into French.
*1285 - The English romantic poem "The Lay of Havelok the Dane" is written (approximate date).
*1289 - The 5,452 meter (17,887 feet) highvolcano Popocatépetl is first ascended by members of theTecuanipas tribe in present-dayMexico .Civic laws and institutions
*1280 - The second of two main surveys of the
Hundred Rolls , an Englishcensus seen as a follow up to theDomesday Book completed in1086 , is completed; it began in1279 .
*1282 - The form for theTrial of the Pyx , during which it is confirmed that newly-minted coins conform to required standards, is established.
*1283 -October 3 - Death bydrawing and quartering is first used as a form ofcapital punishment (for the newly created crime ofhigh treason ) by KingEdward I of England in his execution ofDafydd ap Gruffydd , the last ruler of an independentWales .
*1284 - TheRepublic of Venice begins coining theducat , agold coin that is to become the standard ofEurope an coinage for the following 600 years.
*1285 - The Second statute of Westminster is passed inEngland , reforming various laws; it includes the famous clause "de donis conditionalibus ", considered one of the fundamental institutes of medieval law in England.
*1286 - KingPhilip IV of France imposes thegabelle — a tax onsalt in the form of astate monopoly — which would become immensely unpopular and grossly unequal, but persist until1790 .
*1288 - TheScottish Parliament creates a law allowing women to proposemarriage to men duringleap year s; men who refuse such proposals are required to pay a fine to the spurned bride-to-be.Art and architecture
*1280 - Construction on the northern section of the
Grand Canal of China is begun; it is completed in 1283.
*1280 - The final expansion of theLincoln Cathedral is completed.
*1283 - Construction ofCaernarfon castle ,Conwy Castle (completed in 1289), andHarlech Castle is begun inWales by KingEdward I of England as a system of defenses against possible future Welsh uprisings.
*1284 - Construction on theCathédrale Saint-Pierre de Beauvais is interrupted by a partial collapse of the choir; the event unnerves French masons working in the Gothic style.
*1286 - InGlasgow , the wooden Glasgow Bridge is constructed to span theRiver Clyde .
*1287 - TheAltar of St. James at theCathedral of San Zeno inPistoia ,Italy — a masterwork of thesilversmith ing trade containing nearly a ton ofsilver — is begun; it will not be completed for nearly 200 years.
*1287 - Construction on the Cathedral of Uppsala is begun; it will not be completed until1435 .
*1288 - The oldest surviving bell in the clocks atop the dome ofSt. Peter's Basilica inRome dates to 1288.
*1289 - Construction of the Belaya Vezha tower inBelarus is completed.Cities and institutions
*1280 - The
Egypt ian city ofAl Mansurah is founded.
*1282 - Hertford College is founded at theUniversity of Oxford .
*1283 - The city ofGuiyang is founded inChina .
*1284 - The German city ofHamburg is destroyed by a fire.
*1284 - Peterhouse, the oldest college at theUniversity of Cambridge , is founded byHugo de Balsham as "The Scholars of the Bishop of Ely".
*1289 -Pope Nicholas IV formally constitutes theUniversity of Montpellier inFrance bypapal bull , combining various existing schools under the mantle of a singleuniversity .Religion
*1285 -
January 6 - Archbishop Jakub Świnka orders all priests subject to his bishopry inPoland to deliver sermons in Polish rather than German, thus further unifying the Catholic Church in Poland and fostering a national identity.
*1286 -March 7 - TheCatholicon , a religiousLatin dictionary, is completed byJohn Balbi ofGenoa .Judaism
*1282 - The
Archbishop of Canterbury orders allsynagogue s ofLondon to close, and forbitsJew ish doctors from practicing on non-Jews.
*1283 - KingPhilip III of France causes a mass migration ofJew s when he outlaws their residence in the small villages and rural localities ofFrance .
*1286 - KingRudolph I of Germany declares allJew s to be "serfs of the Treasury", thus negating all their political freedoms.
*1287 - KingEdward I of England arrests the heads ofJew ish households, and demands their communities pay hefty ransoms for their release.
*1289 -Jew s are expelled fromGascony andAnjou inFrance .Taoism
*1281 -
Kublai Khan orders the burning of sacred Taoist texts, resulting in the reduction in number of volumes of theDao Zheng (Taoist Canon) from 4,565 to 1,120.Births
*1282 -
Louis IV, Holy Roman Emperor (d.1347 )
*1284 -April 25 - KingEdward II of England (d.1327 )
*1285 -William of Ockham , English Franciscan to whomOccam's Razor is attributed (approximate date; d.1349 )
*1286 - Duke Frederick I of Austria (d.1330 )
*1286 - Odoric of Pordenone, famous traveller (approximate date; d.1331 )
*1288 -Gersonides ,Jew ish philosopher, mathematician, and astronomer (d.1344 )
*1289 -October 4 - KingLouis X of France (d.1316 )Deaths
*1280 -
November 15 -Albertus Magnus , German philosopher (b. c.1193 )
*1280 - KingMagnus VI of Norway
*1282 -October 13 -Nichiren , founder ofNichiren Buddhism (b.1222 )
*1282 -December 11 -Llywelyn the Last , last independentPrince of Wales (b. c.1228 )
*1282 -December 11 - EmperorMichael VIII Palaeologus of theByzantine Empire (b.1225 )
*1282 -Abaqa Khan , Mongol Ilkhan (b.1234 )
*1284 -April 4 - KingAlfonso X of Castile (b.1221 )
*1285 -October 5 - KingPhilip III of France (b.1245 )
*1285 - EmperorYekuno Amlak of Ethiopia
*1286 -March 19 - KingAlexander III of Scotland (b.1241 )
*1288 -Ibn Nafis ,Arab ic scientist (b.1210 )
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