- 1280s in architecture
1280 - ThePiazza del Campo atSiena, Italy is begun (completed in1350 ).
*1280 - TheDurham Cathedral (inDurham, England ) is completed (begun in1093 ).
*1280 - The secondDoorwerth Castle , rebuilt of stone, on theRhine nearArnhem , was again besieged, and this time thebailey was burned down.
*1280 - At the site of present-daySheffield Cathedral , A second parish church was completed, but that church was mostly demolished and rebuilt about1430 on acruciform floor plan.*
1281 - TheBasilica de Sant Francesc is built inPalma , on a site where theMoors made soap.
*1282 - InNaples, Italy , original construction ofCastel Nuovo (Italian: "New Castle") is completed (begun in 1279); it has been expanded or renovated several times since.
*1283 - Construction ofHarlech Castle , located in Harlech,Gwynedd ,Wales , is begun by KingEdward I of England .
*1285 - The Cathedral of Saint-Pierre ofRatisbonne is redesigned in Gothic style.*
1289 -Pope Nicholas IV formally constitutes theUniversity of Montpellier inFrance bypapal bull , combining various existing schools under the mantle of a singleuniversity .
* 1289 - Construction ofConwy Castle , ordered by KingEdward I of England , is completed inWales .
*1289 - Construction of the Belaya Vezha tower inBelarus is completed.Births
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