Ductal lavage — is a method used to collect cells from milk ducts in the breast. A hair size catheter (tube) is inserted into the nipple, and a small amount of salt water is released into the duct. The water picks up breast cells, and is removed. The cells are… … Wikipedia
ductal lavage — A method used to collect cells from milk ducts in the breast. A hair size catheter (tube) is inserted into the nipple, and a small amount of salt water is released into the duct. The water picks up breast cells, and is removed. The cells are… … English dictionary of cancer terms
ductal carcinoma in situ — DCIS. A noninvasive condition in which abnormal cells are found in the lining of a breast duct. The abnormal cells have not spread outside the duct to other tissues in the breast. In some cases, ductal carcinoma in situ may become invasive cancer … English dictionary of cancer terms
ductal carcinoma in situ — n. DCIS, noninvasive malignant looking abnormal cells inside the ducts of breast in women … English contemporary dictionary
ductal carcinoma — The most common type of breast cancer. It begins in the cells that line the milk ducts in the breast … English dictionary of cancer terms
Mammary ductal carcinoma — Ductal Carcinoma Classification and external resources Histopathologic image from ductal cell carcinoma in situ (DCIS) of breast. Hematoxylin eosin stain. ICD 10 C … Wikipedia
Breast, infiltrating ductal carcinoma of — Infiltrating ductal carcinoma is one of several recognized specific patterns of cancer of the breast. It is so named because it begins in the cells forming the ducts of the breast. It is the most common form of breast cancer, comprising 65 85% of … Medical dictionary
Carcinoma of the breast, infiltrating ductal — Infiltrating ductal carcinoma is one of several recognized specific patterns of cancer of the breast. It is so named because it begins in the cells forming the ducts of the breast. It is the most common form of breast cancer, comprising 65 85% of … Medical dictionary
infiltrating ductal carcinoma — The most common type of invasive breast cancer. It starts in the cells that line the milk ducts in the breast, grows outside the ducts, and often spreads to the lymph nodes … English dictionary of cancer terms
carcinoma — Any of various types of malignant neoplasm derived from epithelial cells, chiefly glandular (adenocarcinoma) or squamous (squamous cell c.); the most commonly occurring kind of cancer. [G. karkinoma, fr. karkinos, cancer, + oma, tumor] Like other … Medical dictionary