intestinal juice — n a fluid that is secreted in small quantity in the small intestine, is highly variable in constitution, and contains esp. various enzymes (as erepsin, lipase, lactase, enterokinase, and amylase) and mucus called also succus entericus * * * see … Medical dictionary
intestinal juice — clear to pale yellow, watery secretion composed of hormones, digestive enzymes, mucus, and neutralizing substances released from the glands and mucous membrane lining of the small (small intestine) and large intestines (large intestine).… … Universalium
intestinal juice — see succus entericus … The new mediacal dictionary
intestinal juice — noun secretions by glands lining the walls of the intestines • Hypernyms: ↑secretion … Useful english dictionary
juice — 1. The interstitial fluid of a plant or animal. 2. A digestive secretion. [L. jus, broth] appetite j. gastric j. secreted upon the sight or smell of food and at the time of eating, influenced by the attractiv … Medical dictionary
Сок Тонкой Кишки, Сок Кишечный (Succus Entericus, Intestinal Juice) — прозрачная щелочная жидкость, секретируемая железами тонкой кишки. В состав этой жидкости входят слизь и пищеварительные ферменты, включая энтеропептидазу, эрепсин, лактазу и сахаразу. Источник: Медицинский словарь … Медицинские термины
gastric juice — Synonyms and related words: absorption, assimilation, autacoid, bile, chalone, digestion, digestive secretion, digestive system, endocrine, gall, gastrointestinal tract, hormone, ingestion, intestinal juice, liver, mucus, pancreas, pancreatic… … Moby Thesaurus
Vasoactive intestinal peptide — (VIP, also polypeptide [eMedicineDictionary|vasoactive+intestinal+polypeptide] ) is a peptide hormone containing 28 amino acid residues and is produced in many areas of the human body including the gut, pancreas and suprachiasmatic nuclei of the… … Wikipedia
Grapefruit juice — is the fruit juice from grapefruits. It is rich with Vitamin C and ranges from sweet tart to very sour. Variations include white grapefruit, pink grapefruit and ruby red grapefruit juice.The World s Healthiest Foods; Grapefruit. The George… … Wikipedia
vasoactive intestinal polypeptide — n a protein hormone that consists of a chain of 28 amino acid residues, was first isolated from the gut of the pig, has been implicated as a neurotransmitter, and has a wide range of physiological activities (as stimulation of secretion by the… … Medical dictionary