Danièle Rochon

Danièle Rochon
Danièle Rochon

La rosée bleue, 2002, oil on canvas
Born April 8, 1946(1946-04-08)
Ottawa, Canada
Nationality Canadian
Field Painting, Drawing, Printmaking

Danièle Rochon is a Quebec painter born on the 8th of April 1946, in Ottawa (Canada).[1] In 1992, she was elected a member of the Royal Canadian Academy of Arts. Her art is present in numerous public collections throughout the world.



After achieving a baccalaureate of arts degree from Laval University in Quebec City,[2] Danièle Rochon continued her studies in Political Science at Laval and Montreal Universities in Quebec.[3] She then started to work in creative advertising and in translation for several years.

In 1975, Danièle Rochon took courses at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts' school and at the Saidye Bronfman's college of art.[4] She also studied engraving for two years at the Graff studio in Montreal.[5] She subsequently spent seven years continuing her artistic research selecting pastels and oil as her principal mediums of expression.

From 1982, she began to exhibit her work in Canada and in the United States, particularly in New York and San Francisco.

In 1987, Danièle Rochon undertook the making of numerous lithographies at the studios of Pierre Chave and Bjorn Hansen in Vence in the south of France. She made a series of lithographies for the art book "La Nuit" of Claire Dé, a limited edition, published by Art Global.[6]

In 1990, she created a vast painting of 23 m x 6 m on a vaulted ceiling, entitled "Hymne à la vie" in Quebec City [1]. The same year, she settled in Provence in the south of France where she painted a triptych for the Roman church of Viens in the Luberon. During this period she exhibited her work in Europe, particularly in Paris, Barcelona and Copenhagen. Danièle Rochon continues to paint in both her studios in Montreal and in Provence.

In 1992, Danièle Rochon participated in an operatic project of Mardi Ellen Hill in New York, "Vaugirard", for which she created the decor and costumes.

Since then, Danièle Rochon has shown her work in more than forty solo exhibitions in various countries.


Danièle Rochon, Arcadia, 1991, oil on canvas
Danièle Rochon, Thrusting Out, 2008, acrylic on canvas
  • 2008 Harbour Gallery, Mississauga (Ontario) Canada
  • 2007 Galerie St-Laurent-Hill, Ottawa (Ontario) Canada
  • 2005 Galerie de Bellefeuille, Montreal (Quebec) Canada
  • 2003 Galerie de Bellefeuille, Montreal (Quebec) Canada
  • 2001 Trias Gallery, Toronto (Ontario) Canada
  • 2000 Wallace Galleries, Calgary (Alberta) Canada
  • 2000 Galerie de Bellefeuille, Montreal (Quebec) Canada
  • 1998 Galerie Saint-Laurent-Hill, Ottawa (Ontario) Canada
  • 1998 Les mystères de Brocéliande, Galerie Estampe Plus, Quebec City (Quebec) Canada
  • 1997 Galeries B.A.I., Barcelone, Espagne
  • 1996 Aux confins d'un ailleurs, Galerie de Bellefeuille, Montreal (Quebec) Canada
  • 1996 State Street Gallery, Sarasota (Floride) États-Unis
  • 1993 La cavale, Galerie Jean-Pierre Valentin, Montreal (Quebec) Canada
  • 1993 A sampler of Vaugirard, opéra-théâtre, costumes et décors, Steinway Hall, New York, États-Unis
  • 1992 Galerie l'autre équivoque, Ottawa (Ontario) Canada
  • 1992 Pavillon des arts, Sainte-Adèle (Quebec) Canada
  • 1992 Essentia Naturae, Délégation de l'Ontario, Paris, France
  • 1991 Essentia Naturae, Vorpal Gallery, SoHo, New-York, États-Unis
  • 1991 Essentia Naturae, Galerie Jean-Pierre Valentin, Montreal (Quebec) Canada
  • 1990 Vorpal Gallery, San-Francisco, États-Unis
  • 1990 Vorpal Gallery, SoHo, New York, États-Unis
  • 1988 Génie des lieux, Galerie L'Art Français, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
  • 1988 Génie des lieux, Délégation culturelle du Québec, New York, États-Unis
  • 1987 Couleurs de la passion, Galerie Estampe Plus, Quebec (Quebec) Canada
  • 1987 Pastel et huiles, Quan-Schieder Gallery, Toronto, (Ontario) Canada
  • 1986 Les belles Oaristys, aquarelles, Galerie l'autre équivoque, Ottawa (Ontario) Canada
  • 1986 Pastels et huiles, Galerie l'Art Français, Montreal (Quebec) Canada
  • 1985 Pastels, Galerie l'autre équivoque, Ottawa (Ontario) Canada
  • 1985 Pastels, Galerie Estampe Plus, Quebec (Quebec) Canada
  • 1984 Pastels, Galerie l'autre équivoque, Ottawa, (Ontario) Canada
  • 1982 Pastels et huiles, Galerie H.E.C., Université de Montréal, Montreal (Quebec) Canada


  • A.F.A. Assets, New York, NY
  • Alcan, Montreal, Quebec
  • American Express, Stockholm
  • Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto, Ontario
  • Astra Draco, Stockholm
  • Banque de Nouvelle-Écosse, Quebec, Quebec
  • BASF, Stockholm
  • Bibliothèque Gabrielle-Roy, Quebec, Quebec
  • Bibliothèque nationale du Québec, Montreal, Quebec
  • Blake, Cassels & Graydon, Ottawa, Ontario
  • Bombardier, Valcourt, Quebec
  • Canadian Peerless Carpet Corporation, Montreal
  • Canadian National, Montreal, Quebec
  • C.P. Hotels, Calgary, Alberta
  • Canadian Pacific Railway, Calgary, Alberta
  • Cape Breton College, Nova Scotia, Nouvelle-Écosse
  • Charles Bronfman, Montreal
  • Cognos Inc., Ottawa, Ontario
  • Commune de Viens, Vaucluse, France
  • Connor & Clark, Toronto, Ontario
  • Coopers & Lybrand, Copenhague
  • Côté & Associés, Montreal, Quebec
  • Den Norske Bank, Oslo
  • DuPont Canada Inc., Toronto, Ontario
  • ELF, Oslo
  • Ericsson Microwave, Stockholm
  • Fairmont Hotels, Toronto, Ontario
  • Fiducie Desjardins, Montreal, Quebec
  • Flynn, Rivard & Associés, Quebec, Quebec
  • General Electric of Canada Inc., Toronto, Ontario
  • Grupo Comdak, Mexico
  • Gullfiber, Stockholm
  • H.W.Y. Group, Okinawa, Japon
  • Imperial life du Canada, Toronto, Ontario
  • Journal Finance, Montreal, Quebec
  • Kaid Industries, Montreal, Quebec
  • Lang & Michener, Ottawa, Ontario
  • Lapointe Rosenstein, Montreal, Quebec
  • Loto-Quebec, Montreal, Quebec
  • MacMaster University Art Gallery, Hamilton, Ontario
  • Madacy Music Group, Montreal, Quebec
  • Micro Matic, Copenhague
  • Ministère des Affaires Extérieures, Ottawa, Ontario
  • Momura Security Internatioanl (La), New York, NY
  • Musée de Charlevoix, Pointe-au-Pic, Quebec
  • Musée du Québec, Quebec, Quebec
  • Musée de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Quebec
  • National Bank of Canada, Quebec, Quebec
  • Nobel Pharma, Stockholm
  • Ogilvy Renault, Montreal, Quebec
  • Pan Canadian, Calgary, Alberta
  • Philips Petroleum, Oslo
  • Pratt & Whitney, Longueuil, Quebec
  • Reader's Digest, Montreal, Quebec
  • Reprotech, Montreal, Quebec
  • Royal Bank of Canada, Montreal, Quebec
  • Saga Petrolium, Oslo
  • Scandinavian Airlines System, Oslo
  • Scandia, Stockholm
  • Segal Construction Corporation, Washington, DC
  • Shephard, Greenvill, Wood, Ottawa, Ontario
  • Seimens Elema, Stockholm
  • Société de gestion SDI, Montreal, Quebec
  • TAL Investment Society Inc., Montreal, Quebec
  • Ted Bates, Copenhague
  • Taddington Inc., Toronto, Ontario
  • Téléglobe Canada Inc., Toronto, Ontario
  • Telia, Stockholm
  • Tetra Pak, Stockholm
  • Trust Royal du Canada, Montreal, Quebec
  • T. Schiff Investment Inc., Toronto, Ontario
  • Unisource, Montreal, Quebec
  • Université d'Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario
  • Utilicorp Corporation Calgary, Alberta
  • Ville d'Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario
  • Volvofinans, Stockholm
  • Wasa, Stockholm,
  • Wharton Hotels, Toronto

See also


  1. ^ VALLÉE, Félix. Guide Vallée : biographies et cotes de 1000 artistes, Saint-Jérôme (Québec), Publications Charles-Huot, 1989, p. 601.
  2. ^ VALLÉE, Félix. Guide Vallée : biographies et cotes de 1000 artistes, Saint-Jérôme (Québec), Publications Charles-Huot, 1989, p. 601.
  3. ^ BERNIER, Robert. Un siècle de peinture au Québec, 1999, Montréal, Les Éditions de l'Homme, p. 338-339.
  4. ^ VALLÉE, Félix. Guide Vallée : biographies et cotes de 1000 artistes, Saint-Jérôme (Québec), Publications Charles-Huot, 1989, p. 601.
  5. ^ BERNIER, Robert. Un siècle de peinture au Québec, 1999, Montréal, Les Éditions de l'Homme, p. 338-339.
  6. ^ HOULD, Claudette. Répertoire des livres d'artistes du Québec 1981-1990, Montréal, Éditions de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec, Montréal, 1987, p. 144-145.


BERNIER, Robert. Un siècle de peinture au Québec, 1999, Montréal, Les Éditions de l'Homme, p. 338-339.

HOULD, Claudette. Répertoire des livres d'artistes du Québec 1981-1990, Montréal, Éditions de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec, Montréal, 1987, p. 144-145.

MACDONALD, Colin S. A Dictionary of Canadian Artists, Ottawa, Canadian Paperbacks, vol. 7, Ottawa, 1990.

Magazin'Art : répertoire biennal des artistes Canadiens en galeries, Montréal, Editart International, 2000, p. 82.

Magazin'Art : répertoire biennal des artistes Canadiens en galeries, Montréal, Editart International, 1996, p. 25.

VALLÉE, Félix. Guide Vallée : biographies et cotes de 1000 artistes, Saint-Jérôme (Québec), Publications Charles-Huot, 1989, p. 601.

External links

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