- Mongolian Green Party
Core topicsSchoolsOrganizationsin Africa
in the Americas
Asia-Pacific Green Network
European Green Party
Young European Greens
Global Greens
Global Young Greens
Green Zionist Alliance
Green partiesRelated topicsThe Mongolian Green Party (Mongolyn Nogoon Nam) was founded in 1990 when Mongolia became a democracy, becoming the first Green party founded in Asia. From 1996 until 2000 the party was in the governing coalition with the Mongolian Social Democratic Party, Democratic Party, and the Mongolian Democratic Religion Party.
The party has around 6,000 members and has worked towards improving human rights and democracy in Mongolia and protecting the environment.[citation needed]
Party leader D. Enkhbat won a parliamentary seat in the State Great Khural for the party after a vote recount in January 2009.[1]
See also
External links
- Mongolian Green Party: official website
- Mongolian Greens page at Global Greens
Categories:- Green political parties
- Political parties established in 1990
- Political parties in Mongolia
- Asian political party stubs
- Mongolia stubs
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