- Green Party of Pakistan
The Green Party was founded on
April 28 in2002 and since has been active in local politics. Members of the political party are known as the "Pakistan Greens". It is a member of theAsia-Pacific Green Network .Liaquat Ali heads the legal party.10 basic values
The ten basic values, or policy positions of the Pakistan Greens are similar to the ten principles of the
United States "Green Party ":* Grassroots
*Social Justice andEqual Opportunity
*Ecological Wisdom
*Decentralization of Authority fromPower to the People
* Community-basedEconomics and Economic Justice
* Gender Equity
*Respect for Diversity
* Personal and Global Responsibility
* SustainabilityExternal links
* [http://www.pakistangreens.org The Green Party of Pakistan Official Website]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.