- Global Greens
The Global Greens is a global network of
Green parties and political movements. It was founded in 2001 inCanberra ,Australia at the First Global Greens CongressFact|date=July 2008, where the Global Green Charter was approved [ [http://www.globalgreens.org/globalcharter Global Greens Charter - 2001] ] .The Global Greens has a 12-member steering committee called the Global Green Coordination [ [http://www.globalgreens.org/ggc/ggc_homepage Global Greens Coordination] ] and a network of members called the Global Greens Network [ [http://www.globalgreens.org/ggn/ggn_homepage Global Green Network] ] .
Member parties
The Global Green Network brings together Green parties and interested individuals from Africa, the Americas, the Asia-Pacific region and Europe. Its member parties (as of October 2005, [http://www.globalgreens.info/index.php source] ) are:
**Benin : Les Verts du Bénin
**Burkina Faso :Rassemblement des écologistes du Burkina Faso
**Cameroun :Defense de l'Environment Camerounais (DEC)
**Côte d'Ivoire :Parti pour la protection de l'environnement
**Guinea :Parti des écologistes Guinéens
**Guinea-Bissau :Liga Guineense de Protecçao Ecologica
**Kenya :Mazingira Green Party of Kenya
**Mali :Parti Ecologiste du Mali
**Mauritius :Movement Republicain - the Green Way
**Morocco : Les Verts
**Niger :Rassemblement pour un Sahel Vert
**Nigeria :Green Party of Nigeria
**Senegal :Les Verts (Senegal)
**Somalia :Somalia Green Party
**South Africa :Green Party of South Africa *
The Americas
**Brazil : Partido Verde do Brasil
**Canada : Green Party of Canada/Parti Vert du Canada
**Chile :Green Party of Chile
**Colombia :Green Party of Colombia Option Center
**Colombia :Partido Verde Oxigeno
**Dominican Republic :Partido Verde Dominicano
**Mexico : Partido Verde Ecologista de México
**Nicaragua : Partido Verde Ecologista de Nicaragua
**Peru : Partido Ecologista Alternativa Verde del Peru
**United States : Green Party of the United States
**Uruguay :Partido del Sol
**Venezuela :Movimiento Ecológico de Venezuela *
Asia-Pacific region
**Australia :Australian Greens
**Japan :Rainbow and Greens
**Mongolia : Mongolyn Nogoon Nam
**Nepal :Green Nepal Party
**New Caledonia :Verts en Nouvelle-Calédonie
**New Zealand :Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand
**Papua New Guinea :Papua New Guinea Green Party
**Pakistan :Green Party of Pakistan
**Philippines :Green Party of the Philippines
**Polynesia :Heiura Les Verts Polynésiens
**South Korea :Korea Greens
**Sri Lanka :Green Movement of Sri Lanka
**Taiwan :Green Party Taiwan
**Vanuatu : La Confédération des Verts du Vanuatu*
**Austria : Die Grünen
**Belgium : Groen!
**Belgium :Ecolo
**Bulgaria : Zelena Partija
**Cyprus : Kinima Oikologoi Perivallontistoi
**Czech Republic : Strana Zelenych
**Denmark :De Grønne
**Estonia : Erakond Eestimaa Rohelised
**Finland : Vihreät
**France : Les Verts
** Georgia: Georgia Greens
**Germany : Bündnis 90/Die Grünen
**Greece : Ecologoi-Prasinoi
**Hungary :Zöld Demokraták
**Ireland : Green Party / Comhaontas Glas
**Italy : Federazione dei Verdi
**Latvia :Latvijas Zala Partija
**Luxembourg : Déi Gréng
**Malta :Alternattiva Demokratika
**Netherlands : De Groenen
**Netherlands : Groenlinks
**Norway : Miljøpartiet De Grønne
**Poland : Zieloni 2004
**Portugal :Os Verdes
**Romania : Partidul Verde
**Russia : Zelyonaya Alternativa
**Slovakia : Strana Zelenych na Slovensku
**Spain : Confederatión de Los Verdes
**Sweden : Miljöpartiet de Gröna
**Switzerland : Grüne / Les Verts
**Ukraine :Partija Zelenych Ukrajiny
**United Kingdom :Green Party of England and Wales /Scottish Green Party The Global Green Networks cooperates with the four continental Green Federations:
Federation of Green Parties of Africa
*Federation of Green Parties of the Americas
*Asia-Pacific Green Network
*European Federation of Green Parties ee also
*Conservation movement
*Conservation ethic
*Environmental movement
*Earth Science
*Global Greens Charter
*Global warming
*Global Young Greens
*List of environmental organizations
*Natural environment
*Worldwide Green parties References
External links
* [http://globalgreens.org/ Global Greens website]
* [http://www.globalgreens.org/globalcharter Global Greens Charter]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.