- Global Greens Charter
The "Global Greens Charter" is a document that 800 delegates from the Green parties of 72 countries decided upon a first gathering of the
Global Greens inCanberra ,Australia in April 2001 [http://www.global.greens.org.au/] .The signatory parties and
political movement s of the "Global Greens Charter" commit themselves toglobal partnership and to six guiding principles. These principles are:
*ecological wisdom
*social justice
*participatory democracy
*respect for diversity The Charter builds on earlier Greens statements including in 1992 at the Rio Earth Summit [http://www.globalgreens.org/statements/rio_planetary_meeting] , the Millennium Declaration made at Oaxaca in 1999 and the Accord between the Green Parties of the Americas and the Ecologist Parties of Africa.
The draft Charter was prepared by Louise Crossley (Australian Greens), based upon the following documents.
* Ten Key Values of the Green Committees of Correspondence (US)
* Taiwanese interpretation of the ten key values
* Ten Key Values of the Canadian Greens
* The Earth Charter - Benchmark Draft II, April 1999
* Declaracion de principios (Mexico)
* Declaracion de principios (Mexico) - English translation
* Valores fundamentais (Brazil)
* Guiding principles, including the Four Pillars of the European Greens
* Protocol between the African and American Green Party Federations
* Charter of The Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand
* Charter of The Australian Greens
* United Tasmania Group - The new ethic (1972)
* Beyond tomorrow - 1975 Values Party manifestoExternal links
* [http://www.globalgreens.org/globalcharter The text of the charter in English, German, Spanish, Esperanto, French, Portuguese and Swedish]
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