- Federation of Green Parties of Africa
The Federation of Green Parties of Africa is the organization of Green parties in
Africa , similar to other continental Green Party groupings like in the Americas, Asia and the Pacific, and Europe.Member parties
Benin : Les Verts du Benin
*Burkina Faso : Rassemblement Des Ecologistes du Burkina Faso
*Cameroun :Defense de l'Environment Camerounais (DEC) [http://www.global.greens.org.au/cameroon.html]
*Côte d'Ivoire :Parti pour la Protection de l'Environnement
*Guinea :Parti des Ecologistes Guineens
*Guinea-Bissau :Liga Guineense de Protecçao Ecologica
*Kenya :Mazingira Green Party
*Mali :Parti Ecologiste du Mali
*Mauritius :Movement Republicain - the Green Way
*Morocco : Les Verts
*Niger :Rassemblement pour un Sahel Vert
*Nigeria :Green Party of Nigeria
*Senegal : Les Verts
*Somalia :Somalia Green Party
*South Africa :Green Party of South Africa Other African non-members and observers
Algeria :
**Ecology and Liberty Party
*Angola :
**National Ecological Party of Angola
*Burkina Faso :
**Ecologist Party for the Development of Burkina
**Ecologist Party for Progress
**Union of Greens for the Development of Burkina Faso
*Cameroon :
**Green Party for Democracy in Cameroon
**Rally of Ecologic Forces for the Stimulation of the Economy
**Union of Ecologists of Cameroon
*Central African Republic :
**Movement of Greens of Centrafrique
*Republic of the Congo :
**Movement of Greens of Congo
*Democratic Republic of the Congo :
**Rally of Congolese Ecologists - The Greens
**Party of Congolese Ecologists
*Côte d'Ivoire :
**Ecologic Party of Greens of Côte d'Ivoire
*Egypt :
**Green Party of Egypt
*Gabon :
**Gabonese Ecologist Front
*Mauritius :
**Green Brothers
**The Greens
*Madagascar :
** Rassemblement des Verts de Madagascar/Madagasikara Tany Maitso
** Union nationale pour la démocratie et le développement
*Morocco :
** Écologie et développement
** Parti de l'environnement et du développement
**Partido dos Verdes de Moçambique
*Niger :
** Rassemblement des Verts-Ni'ima
*Rwanda :
**Party of Ecologists
*Senegal :
** Parti africain écologiste du Sénégal
*Sudan :
**Sudan Green Party
*South Africa
**Independent Democrats for the Environment
*Togo :
**Pan-African Ecologist Party
**Parti des verts pour le progrès
** Tunisie verte
**Uganda Green Party
**Liberal Green Party of Zambia ee also
*Conservation movement
*Conservation ethic
*Environmental movement
*Earth Science
*Global Greens
*Global warming
*List of environmental organizations
*Natural environment
*Worldwide green parties External links
* [http://www.globalgreens.info/federations.php Green Party Federations]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.