- Green Party of Egypt
The Green Party of Egypt is a minor Green political party in
Egypt . It was founded by former diplomatHassan Ragab in 1990, experienced a hiatus in 1995, and was revived in 1998.The president of the Green Party, Dr.
Abdel Munem Ali Ali Al Aasar , serves in theShura Council and is probably the only Green Party member in theParliament of Egypt .See also
Conservation movement
*Environmental movement
*Green party
*Green politics
*List of environmental organizations External links
* [http://www.egyptiangreens.com/ Egyptian Greens]
* [http://www.arabdecision.org/show_func_3_14_8_1_3_327.htm Synopsis]
* [http://utopia.knoware.nl/users/oterhaar/greens/africa/egypt.htm 1997 Article on the Egyptian Green Party]
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