- Wales Green Party
The Wales Green Party (WGP; _cy. Plaid Werdd Cymru) is a semi-autonomous regional party within the
Green Party of England and Wales (GPEW). It covers thenation ofWales , and is the only local party with autonomous status within the GPEW.The WGP fights
elections for theNational Assembly for Wales (as well as at the local, UK and European level) and has its own newsletters, AGMs andmanifesto . Members of the WGP are automatically members of the GPEW.The current leader is
Leila Kiersch and deputy leader is John Matthews. Wales is represented internally within the GPEW byKeith Ross and John Matthews on the Green Party Regional Council (GPRC). Both sets of positions are directly elected by postal ballot.Other positions within WGP (elected at AGM) are as follows:
*General Secretary
*Membership Secretary
*Press Officer
*Local Party Development Officer
*Campaigns Coordinator
*Green Wales Editor
*Conferences Coordinator
*Fund-raising OfficerHistory
In 1992, an electoral alliance culminated in Plaid Cymru's MP
Cynog Dafis being endorsed by the local Green Party in Ceredigion. The agreement broke down by 1995 [http://www.llgc.org.uk/Ymgyrchu/Pleidleisio/lleiafrifol/Werdd/index-e.htm] [http://www.llgc.org.uk/gwyb/gwyb_s_datganiad051028.htm] .2003
In the May 2003 election to the
National Assembly for Wales , the party fielded a list of candidates for each of the top-up regions but no candidates for the constituencies. The party failed to win any seats, coming closest in South Wales West with 4.8% of the vote.2004
In the 2004 elections, the Welsh party failed to gain any seats in the
European Parliament (with 3.6% of the vote for the four Welsh seats) and lost their onlycounty council seat (ofKlaus Armstrong-Braun inFlintshire ).2005
In the 2005 UK general election, the party failed to get any
Welsh MPs into Parliament. The results for the party's candidates in Wales, in alphabetical order of constituency, were as follows:2007
In the May 2007 election to the
National Assembly for Wales , the party fielded a list of candidates for each of the top-up regions but no candidates for the constituencies. The party failed to win any seats, coming closest in Mid and West Wales with 4.1% of the vote. The regionalparty list s were as follows:See also
Green party
*Green politics
*List of environmental organizations External links
* [http://walesgreenparty.org.uk/ Wales Green Party] (official web site)
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