- List of law topics (A-E)
Law [FromOld English "lagu" "something laid down or fixed"; "legal" comes fromLatin "legalis", from "lex" "law", "statute" ( [http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?search=law&searchmode=none Law] , Online Etymology Dictionary; [http://www.m-w.com/dictionary/legal Legal] , Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary)] is a system of rules usually enforced through a set ofinstitution s. [Robertson, "Crimes against humanity", 90; seejurisprudence for extensive debate on what law is;H.L.A Hart argued law is a "system of rules" in his work "The Concept of Law " (Campbell, "The Contribution of Legal Studies", 184);John Austin said law was "the command of a sovereign, backed by the threat of a sanction" (Bix, [http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/austin-john/#3 John Austin] ); Ronald Dworkin describes law as an "interpretive concept" to achievejustice (Dworkin, "Law's Empire", 410); andJoseph Raz argues law is an "authority" to mediate people's interests (Raz, "The Authority of Law", 3–36).] Law-related topics include:#
lists, law related (see below) -- Acts (see below) --
"a fortiori" -- "
a posteriori " -- "a priori" -- "a priori assumption" --A.K.A. -- "ab extra " -- "ab initio " --Abandon --Abandoned property --Abandonment --Abate --Abatement -- Abduction --Abet --Abeyance --Able-bodied --Abolitionism --Abortion --Abortion, legal and moral issues --Abrogate --Abscond -- --Abstention doctrine -- Abstract --Abstract of judgment --Abstract of title --Abuse of discretion --Abuse of process --Abut --Acceleration --Acceleration clause --Accept --Acceptance --Acceptance of service -- Access --Accession -- Accessory -- Accommodation --Accomplice --Accord and satisfaction --Account stated --Accountability --Accounting period --Accounting reference date --Accounts payable --Accounts receivable --Accretion --Accrue --Accusation --Accused --Acknowledge --Acknowledgement of service -- Acknowledgment --Acquis --Acquisitive prescription --Acquit --Acquittal -- Act --Act of God --Act of Parliament -- Action --Actionable --Actual controversy --Actual malice --Actual notice -- "actus reus " -- "ad colligenda bona " -- "ad hoc " -- "ad idem " -- "ad infinitum " -- "ad litem " -- "ad quod damnum " -- "ad seriatim " -- "ad valorem " --Addendum --Adeem --Ademption --Adequate remedy --Adhesion contract --Adjourn --Adjournment sine die --Adjournment in contemplation of dismissal --Adjudication --Adjusted basis -- Adjuster --Administer -- Administration --administration order --Administrative hearing --Administrative law --Administrative law judge --Administrative procedure act -- Administrator -- Administrator --Admiralty --Admiralty actions --Admiralty court --Admiralty law --Admissible evidence --Admission --Admission against interest --Admission of evidence --Admission of guilt --Admission to bail --Admission to the bar --Admit --Adopt --Adoption --Adultery --Advance --Advance directive --Advancement --Adversary system --Adverse --Adverse interest --Adverse party --Adverse possession --Adverse witness --Advisory opinion --Advocate --Affiant --Affidavit --Affiliation --Affirm --Affirmation --Affirmative action --Affirmative defense --Affix --Affreightment --After-acquired property --After-acquired title --After-discovered evidence --Age discrimination --Age of consent --Age of majority -- Agency --Agency agreement -- Agent --Agent for acceptance of service --Aggravated assault --Agreed statement --Agreement --Aid and abet --Aleatory -- Alias --Alibi -- Alien -- Alienation --Alienation of affections --Alimony --Aliquot --Aliunde --All the estate I own --Allegation --Allege --Allocation questionnaire --Allocatur --Allocution --Allodial --Alluvion --Alodium -- "alter ego " --Alternate director --Alternative dispute resolution --Alternative Minimum Tax --Alternative pleading --ALWD Citation Manual --Ambiguity --Amelioration Act 1798 --Amend --Amended complaint --Amended pleading --American Academy of Appellate Lawyers --American Arbitration Association --American Bar Association --American Civil Liberties Union --American Civil Rights Movement --American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man --American Depositary Receipt --American Law Institute -- "amicus curiae " --Amnesty --Amnesty International --Amortization --An eye for an eye --Ancillary administration --Ancillary jurisdiction --Ancillary relief -- And --Animal rights -- "animus nocendi " -- "Animus revertendi " -- annual general meeting --Annuity --Annul --Annulment --Anomie --Answer -- "ante " --Antecedent (law) --Antenuptial (prenuptial) agreement --Anticipatory breach --Antidisestablishmentarianism --Antinomianism --Antitrust --Antitrust laws --Apartheid --Apparent authority --Appeal --Appeal bond --Appeals court --Appear --Appearance --Appellant --Appellate court --Appellate review --Appellee --Applicant -- Application --Appraise --Appraisement or appraisal --Appraiser --Appreciate --Appreciation --Apprenticeship --Approach --Approach the bench --Approach the witness --Appurtenances --Appurtenant --Arbiter --Arbitrary --Arbitration --Arbitration award --Arbitrator -- "arguendo " --Argumentative --Arm's length --Arraign --Arraignment --Arrears --Arrest --Arrest warrant --Arson --Article I and Article III tribunals --Articles of Association --Articles of impeachment --Articles of Incorporation --Articles of War --As is --Asharite --Assault --Assault and battery --Assess --Asset --Assign --Assigned risk --Assignee --Assignment --Assignment for benefit of creditors --Assigns --Assisted person --Assize Court --Associate justice -- Association --Assume -- Assumption --Assumption of risk --Assured --Asylum and Immigration Tribunal --Asylum seeker --At will --At will employment -- --Attached --Attachment --Attachment of earnings --Attempt --Attest --Attestation --Attorney --Attorney at law (or attorney-at-law) --Attorney general --Attorney of record --Attorney's advertising --Attorney's fee --Attorney's work product --Attorney-client privilege --Attorney-in-fact --Attractive nuisance doctrine --Audit --Auditor --Australian Constitution --Australian Constitutional History --Australian copyright law --Authorised share capital --Authoritarianism --Authorities --Authority --Authorize --Automatic stay --Autrefois acquit --Avulsion --Award --Ayatollah --B
B.C.L. --Babylonian law --Bachelor of Civil Law --Bachelor of Laws --Bachelor of Legal Letters --Back-to-back life sentences --Bad debt --Bad faith --Bail --Bail bond --Bail bondsman --Bail schedule --Bailee --Bailiff --Bailment --Bailer /Bailor --Bait and switch --Balance due --Balance sheet -- Ban --Bank --Bankrupt --Bankruptcy --Bankruptcy court --Bankruptcy proceedings --Bankruptcy remote -- Bar --Bar association --Bar council --Bar examination --Bare trust --Bargain --Bargain and sale deed --Barratry --Barrister -- Basic Law of various jurisdictions --Basis -- Battery --Beach bum trust provision --Bearer --Bearer paper --Belief --Bench --Bench memorandum --Bench trial --Bench warrant --Beneficial interest --Beneficial use --Beneficiary --Beneficiary (trust) --Benefit --Benefit of counsel --Bequeath --Bequest --Berne three-step test --Best evidence rule -- Best Interests of the Child --Bestiality --Beyond a reasonable doubt -- BFP --Bias --Biculturalism --Bid --Bifurcate --Bifurcation --Bigamy --Bilateral contract -- Bill --Bill of attainder --Bill of costs --Bill of exchange --Bill of indictment --Bill of lading --Bill of particulars --Bill of rights --Bill of sale --Bind over --Bind over for sentence -- Binder --Binding arbitration --Bioethics --Black's Law Dictionary --Blackmail --Blank endorsement --Blood libel --Blue law --Blue laws --Blue ribbon jury --Blue Sky Laws --Bluebook --Board of directors --Boiler room --Boilerplate -- "bona fide " --Bona fide purchaser -- "bona vacantia " -- Bond --Bond for deed --Bondsman --Booby trap --Book account --Book value --Booking --Bootleg recording --Border control --Bottomry --Boycott --Breach --Breach of contract --Breach of promise --Breach of the peace --Breach of trust --Breach of warranty --Breaking and entering --Bribery --Bride price --Brief -- Brief --British constitution --British constitutional law --British nationality law --Brocard --Broker --Brought to trial --Bucket shop --Building and loan --Bulk sale --Bulk sales acts --Bulk transfer --Burden --Burden of proof --Burgage --Burglary --Business --Business assets --Business ethics --Business invitee --But for rule --Buy-sell agreement --Bylaw --Bylaws --Bypass trust --Bypassing lawC
C.I.F. --Cadastral map -- "cadit quaestio " --Calendar --Calendar call --Caliphate --Call --Call to the bar --Calumny --Campaign finance reform --Canadian Bill of Rights --Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms --Cancel --Cancellation --Caning -- -- Canon --Canon law --Cap -- "capital " --Capital account --Capital assets --Capital expenditure --Capital gain --Capital gain tax --Capital gains --Capital investment --Capital loss --Capital offense --Capital punishment --Capital punishment in the United States --Capital stock --Capitalization --Capitalized value --Capricious --Caption --Care --Careless --Carjacking --Carnal knowledge -- Carrier --Carryback --Carrying for hire --Carrying on business --Carryover --Cartel --Case --Case conference --Case law --Case law in the United States --Case number --Case of first impression --Case system --Case-based reasoning --Cashier's check --Casual --Casualty insurance --Casualty loss --Casuistry --Catechism --Categorical Imperative --Catholic Emancipation -- "cause " --Cause of action --Caution -- "caveat " -- "caveat emptor " --Cease and desist order --Censorship --Certificate of deposit --Certificate of incorporation --Certificate of legal aid costs --Certificate of title --Certified check -- "certiorari " -- Writ of Certiorari --Cessate --Cestui que trust --Cestui que use -- "ceteris paribus " --Chain of title --Chairman --Challenge (law) --Challenge for cause --Chambers --Champerty --Chancellor -- Chancery --Chancery division --Change of circumstances --Change of venue --Character witness -- Charge --Charging lien --Charging order --Charitable contribution --Charitable organization --Charitable remainder trust --Charitable trust --Charter --Chattel --Chattel mortgage -- Check --Checks and balances --Cherem --Chief Justice --Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada --Chief Justice of the United States --Child --Child abuse --Child custody --Child endangerment --Child neglect --Child pornography -- Child sexual abuse --Child support --Chinese law -- Churning --Circuit courts --Circuit judge --Circumcision --Circumstantial evidence --Citation --Cite --Citizen --Citizen's dividend --Citizenship --Civil --Civil action --Civil and social disobedience --Civil calendar --Civil code --Civil Code of Quebec --Civil commitment --Civil death --Civil disobedience --Civil disorder --Civil justice reforms -- civil law --Civil law notary --Civil liability --Civil liberties --Civil penalties --Civil procedure --Civil rights --Civil union --Claim --Claim against a governmental agency --Claim against an estate --Claim form --Claim in bankruptcy --Claimant -- Class --Class action --Class action suit --Clean hands doctrine --Cleanup clause --Clear and convincing evidence --Clear and present danger --Clear title --Clerk --Close corporation --Closed shop -- Closing --Closing argument --Cloud on title --Co --Co-trustee -- Code --Code of Hammurabi --Code of professional responsibility --Codefendant --Codex --Codicil --Codification --Codify --Coercion --Cohabitation --Cohabitation agreement --Coinsurance -- Collateral --Collateral attack --Collateral descendant --Collateral estoppel --Collateral Warranty --Collective agreement --Collective bargaining agreement --Collective rights --Collective trade marks --Collusion --Collusive action --Color of law --Color of title --Comaker --Comity --Commencement of action --Comment --Commentaries on the Laws of England --Commercial frustration --Commercial law --Commingling --Commission --Commissioner of oaths --Commitment --Committal --Common area --Common carrier --Common counts --Common law --Common property --Common stock --Common-law marriage --Commons --Community patent --Community property -- Commutation -- Company --Company seal --Comparative law --Comparative negligence --Comparative responsibility --Compensation --Compensatory damages --Competent --Complainant --Complaint --Complete contract -- "compos mentis " --Compound interest --Compound question --Compounding a felony -- Compounding treason --Compromise --Compromise verdict --Concealed weapon --Concealment --Conciliation --Conclusion --Conclusion of fact --Conclusion of law --Concubinage --Concurrent sentence --Concurrent sentences --Concurrent writ --Condemn --Condemnation --Condemnation action --Condition --Condition precedent --Condition subsequent --Conditional bequest --Conditional discharge --Conditional dismissal --Conditional sale --Condominium --Condone --Conduct money --Confederate States Constitution --Confess --Confession --Confession and avoidance --Confession of judgment --Confidence game --Confidential communication --Confidential information --Confidential relation --Confidentiality --Confiscate --Conflict of interest --Conflict of law --Conflict of laws --Confrontation --Confucianism --Confusingly similar --Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith --Congressional-executive agreement --Conjugal rights --Conscientious objector --Conscious parallelism --Conscription --Consecutive sentence --Consecutive sentences -- Counsul of Force --Consensu --Consensual crime --Consensus --Consensus ad idem --Consensus decision-making --Consent --Consent decree --Consent judgment --Consequential damages --Consequentialism --Conservatee --Conservative Judaism --Conservative response --Conservator (law) --Consideration --Consign --Consignee --Consignment --Consortium -- Conspiracy -- Conspirator --Constable --Constitution --Constitution of France --Constitution of Spain --Constitutional amendment --Constitutional charter --Constitutional convention --Constitutional Convention (Australia) --Constitutional Convention (United States) --Constitutional law --Constitutional monarchy --Constitutional rights --Construction --Constructive --Constructive dismissal --Constructive eviction --Constructive fraud --Constructive notice --Constructive possession --Constructive trust --Construe --Consuetudinary law --Consultancy --Consultant --Consumer protection -- Contact --Contemplation of death --Contempt of court -- --Contingency --Contingency fee --Contingent --Contingent beneficiary --Contingent fee --Contingent interest --Contingent remainder --Continuance --Continuing objection --Continuing trespass -- "contra " -- "contra bonos mores " -- "contra legem " --Contraband --Contract --Contract of adhesion --Contract of sale --Contract theory --Contracted-out --Contract or --Contribution --Contributory negligence --Control --Controlled substance --Controlling law --Controversy -- Conversion --Convey --Conveyance --Conveyancing --Convict -- Conviction --Cooperative --Cooperative housing --Cop a plea --Copartner --Copyhold --Copyleft --Copyright --Copyright infringement --Copyright law of the European Union --Copyright misuse -- "coram nobis " -- "coram non judice " --Coroner --Corporate governance --Corporate haven --Corporate opportunity -- Corporate personhood --Corporate state --Corporation --Corporations law -- "corpus " -- "corpus delicti " -- "corpus juris " -- "corpus juris civilis " -- "corpus juris secundum " --Correlative rights doctrine --Corroborate --Corroborating evidence --Corroboration --Cosign --Cost bill --Cost of completion --Costs --Cotenancy --Cotenant --Council Tax --Counsel -- Counsellor --Count --Counter offer --Counterclaim --Counterfeit --Counterpart --County court --Coup d'état --Cour de cassation --Course of employment --Court --Court calendar --Court costs --Court docket --Court of appeal --Court of Appeal of England and Wales --Court of Appeals --Court of customs and patent appeals --Court of equity --Court of first instance --Court of last resort --Court of law --Court of protection --Court of record --Court of Session --Court order --Court room --Court trial --Court-martial --Courts of England and Wales --Courts of the United Kingdom --Covenant --Covenant not to compete --Covenant that runs with the land -- Covenants, conditions and restrictions --Creature of statute --Credibility --Credible witness --Creditor --Creditor's claim --Creditor's rights --Crime --Crime against humanity --Crime against nature --Crime against peace --Crime of passion --Criminal --Criminal attorney --Criminal calendar --Criminal conversion --Criminal justice --Criminal law --Criminal negligence --Criminal procedure --Critical legal studies --Cross examination --Cross-complaint --Cross-examination --Crown copyright --Crown corporation --Crown Court --Crown entity --Crown land --Cruel and unusual punishment --Cruelty --Cruelty to animals -- "cui bono " -- "cuius regio, eius religio " --Culpability --Culpable --Cumis counsel --Cumulative sentence --Cumulative voting --Curfew --Curtesy --Custodian --Custody -- Custom --Customary estate --Customs --Customs and Excise --Customs court -- "custos morum " --Cut a check --Cy pres doctrine --Cyber law --Cybersquatting --D
D.A. -- D.B.A. --
D.U.I. --D.W.I. --Damages --Damnation --Dangerous --Dangerous weapon --Data protection --Date rape --Daubert standard --Day in court -- "de bonis asportatis " -- "de bonis non administratis " -- "de die in diem " -- "de facto " --De facto corporation -- "de futuro " -- "de integro " -- "de jure " --De jure corporation -- "de lege ferenda " -- "de lege lata " -- "de minimis " -- "de novo" --Deadlock --Deadlock provision --Deadly weapon --Dealer --Death tax --Death penalty --Death row -- Death duty --Debenture --Debt --Debt bondage --Debtor --Debtor in possession --Decapitation --Deceased --Deceit --Deception --Decide --Decision --Declarant -- Declaration --Declaration of Arbroath --Declaration of independence --Declaration of mailing --Declaration of the Independence of New Zealand --Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen --Declaration of trust --Declaration of war --Declaration of war by the United States --Declaratory judgment --Declaratory relief --Decree --Decree absolute --Decree nisi --Decriminalization --Dedication --Deduction --Deed --Deed of trust --Deed poll -- "defalcation " --Defamation --Default --Default judgment --Default rule --Defeasance --Defect --Defective --Defective title --Defendant -- Defense --Defense attorney --Defense of infancy --Deficiency judgment --Deficit --Defined benefit plan --Defined contribution plan --Deforce --Defraud --Degree of kinship --Delayed exchange --Delegate -- --Deliberate --Deliberation --Deliberative body --Delict --Delinquent --Deliver --Delivery --Demand --Demand note --Demesne --Demise --Democracy --Demonstrative evidence --Demurrer --Denial --Deobandi --Deontology --Department for Constitutional Affairs -- Dependent --Depletion --Deponent --Deportation --Depose --Deposition -- Deposition --Depreciate --Depreciation --Depreciation reserve --Derelict --Dereliction --Derivative action --Derivative work --Descent --Descent and distribution --Desert --Desertion --Designated civil judge --Detailed assessment --Determinable -- Determination --Deuce --Devi --Devil's Advocate --Devise --Devisee --Devolution --Devolve --Devolved government -- "dicta " -- "dictum " --Digital signature --Diligence --Diminished capacity --Diminished responsibility --Diminished responsibility in English law --Diminution in value --Diplomatic immunity --Diplomatic recognition --Direct and proximate cause --Direct evidence --Direct examination --Directed verdict -- -- --Directors register --Disability -- Disbar --Disbarment --Disbursements --Discharge in bankruptcy --Disciplinary procedure --Disclaimer --Discontinuance --Discount -- Discovery --Discovery of documents --Discretion --Discretionary trust --Discrimination --Disembowelment --Disfigure --Dishonor --Disinherit --Disinheritance --Disjunctive allegations --Dismiss -- Dismissal --Dismissal with prejudice --Dismissal without prejudice --Disobbedienti --Disorderly conduct --Disorderly house --Disposing mind and memory --Disposition --Dispossess --Dispute resolution --Dissent --Dissenting opinion --Dissolution (law) --Dissolution of corporation --Dissolution of the Monasteries --Distinguish --Distress --Distribute --Distribution of property --Distributive justice --District attorney --District court --District judge --District registrar --District registry --Disturbing the peace --Diversion --Diversity of citizenship --Divestiture --Divestment --Dividend --Dividend tax --Divine Right of Kings --Division of property --Divisional court --Divorce --DNA --Dock --Docket --Document --Documentary evidence --Doing business -- "doli incapax " --Domestic partner --Domestic partners --Domestic relations --Domestic violence --Domicile --Dominant estate --Dominant tenement --Dominium -- "Donatio mortis causa " --Donation --Donative intent --Donee --Donor --Double jeopardy --Double taxation --Dower --Dowry --Draft document --Drainage law --Dram shop rule --Draw --Drawee --Drawer --Drawing and quartering --Dreyfus affair --Driver's license --Driving under the influence --Driving while intoxicated --Droit de seigneur --Drop dead date -- Drug --Dubitante -- "duces tecum " --Due --Due and owing --Due care --Due diligence --Due process --Due process of law --Due, owing and unpaid --Duress --Duress in English law --Duty --Duty of care --Duty of care in English law --Duty to warn --Dying declaration --E
Early Muslim philosophy --Earned income tax credit --Earnest payment --Easement -- Ecclesia --Ecclesiastical court --Ecumenical council --Edict --Edict of Fontainebleau --Edict of Milan --Edict of Nantes --Edict of Worms -- "ei incumbit probatio qui " --EIR --Either --Ejectment -- "ejusdem generis " --Elder law --Election of remedies --Election under the will --Elective share --Electoral reform --Electric chair --Eleemosynary -- Element -- Emancipation --Emancipation Proclamation --Embezzlement --Embezzler --Emblements --Emergency --Eminent domain -- Emolument --Emotional distress --Employee --Employer --Employers' liability --Employment --Employment contract --Employment law --En banc --Enabling clause -- Enclosure --Encroach --Encroachment --Encumbrance --End user license agreement --Endorse (indorse) --Endorsement -- Endowment --Enfeoff --Enfeoffment --Enforcement --English Bill of Rights --English law --Enjoin --Enjoyment --Enrolled Bill doctrine --Entail --Enter a judgment --Entertainment law --Entity --Entrapment --Entry --Entry of judgment --Environmental Impact Report --Environmental impact statement --Environmental law --Ephebophilia --Equal Access Act --Equal opportunity --Equal Protection Clause --Equitable --Equitable distribution --Equitable estoppel --Equitable lien --Equitable remedy --Equity (law) --Equity of redemption --Equivalent -- "erga omnes " -- "ergo " -- "erratum " --Erroneous --Error --Errors and omissions --Escalator clause --Escape clause --Escheat --Escrow --Escrow account --Escrow agent --Escrow instructions --Espionage --Esquire -- "esse" --Essential facilities doctrine --Establishment clause -- Estate --Estate by entirety --Estate in land -- Inheritance tax --Estop -- "estoppel " -- "et al " -- "et cetera " -- "et seq " -- "et ux" -- "et uxor" --Ethical calculus --Ethical code --Ethics --Ethics in religion --Ethnic cleansing --European Convention on Human Rights --European Court of Human Rights --European Court of Justice --European Patent Convention --European Patent Organisation --European Union directive -- Directive (EU) --European Union Law --European Union regulation -- Regulation (EU) --Euthanasia --Evasion of tax -- Evasion of the law --Eviction -- Evidence -- "ex aequo et bono " -- "ex cathedra " -- "ex concessis " -- "ex delicto " -- "ex facie " -- "ex gratia " -- "ex officio " -- "ex parte " -- "ex post facto " --Ex post facto law -- "ex propio motu " -- "ex rel " --Examination --Exception --Exception in deed --Excessive bail -- Exchange --Excise --Exclusionary rule --Excommunication --Exculpatory --Excusable neglect --Excuse --Execution -- Execution --Execution warrant --Executioner -- Executive --Executive clemency --Executive order --Executive privilege --Executor --Executory contract --Executory interest -- "executrix " --Exegesis --Exemplary damages -- "exempli gratia " -- Exempt --Exempt employees --Exempt property -- Exemption -- Exhibit -- exigent circumstances --Exile --Expectancy --Expense --Expert determination --Expert testimony --Expert witness -- Express --Express contract --Express warranty --Expropriation --Extension --Extenuating circumstances --Extinguishment --Extortion --Extradition --Extrajudicial --Extraordinary fees --Extraordinary General Meeting --Extraordinary resolution --Extreme cruelty --Extrinsic fraud --Eyewitness --References
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