List of law topics (F-M)

List of law topics (F-M)


Law [From Old English "lagu" "something laid down or fixed"; "legal" comes from Latin "legalis", from "lex" "law", "statute" ( [ Law] , Online Etymology Dictionary; [ Legal] , Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary)] is a system of rules usually enforced through a set of institutions. [Robertson, "Crimes against humanity", 90; see jurisprudence for extensive debate on what law is; H.L.A Hart argued law is a "system of rules" in his work "The Concept of Law" (Campbell, "The Contribution of Legal Studies", 184); John Austin said law was "the command of a sovereign, backed by the threat of a sanction" (Bix, [ John Austin] ); Ronald Dworkin describes law as an "interpretive concept" to achieve justice (Dworkin, "Law's Empire", 410); and Joseph Raz argues law is an "authority" to mediate people's interests (Raz, "The Authority of Law", 3–36).] Law-related topics include:


Face amount -- Face value -- Faciendum -- Fact -- Factor -- Factum -- Faculty of law -- Failure of consideration -- Failure of issue -- Fair comment -- Fair dealing -- Fair market value -- Fair trade laws -- Fair use -- Fairness Doctrine -- False arrest -- False Claims Law -- False imprisonment -- False pretenses -- Family -- Family division -- Family court -- Family law -- Family patrimony -- Family purpose doctrine -- Fast track -- Fatwa -- Fault auto insurance system -- Federal Communications Commission -- Federal Constitutional Court (Germany) -- Federal courts -- Federal judge -- Federal jurisdiction -- Federal law -- Federal question -- Federal tort claims act -- Federalism -- Fee -- Fee simple -- Fee tail -- Felicific calculus -- Felon -- Felonious -- Felony -- Felony murder doctrine -- Feme covert -- Feoff -- Feoffee -- Feoffment -- Fertile octogenarian -- Feud -- Feudal land tenure -- Feudal system -- Feudalism -- Fiat -- Fictitious defendants -- "fiduciary" -- Fiduciary duty -- Fiduciary relationship -- Fief -- Fieri -- "fieri facias" -- Fighting words -- File -- Final decree -- Final judgment -- Final settlement -- Finder of fact -- Finding -- Findings of fact -- Fine -- Fiqh -- Firm offer -- First degree murder -- First impression -- First tier -- First to file and first to invent -- Fixture -- Fixtures -- Flight -- Floating charge -- Floating easement -- FOB -- Folkways -- For value received -- Forbearance -- Force majeure -- Forced heirship -- Forced sale -- Forcible entry -- Foreclosure -- Foreclosure sale -- Foreign corporation -- Forensic -- Forensic medicine -- Forensic testimony -- Forensics -- Foreseeability -- Foreseeable risk -- Forfeit -- Forfeiture -- Forger -- Forgery -- Formal contract -- Fornication -- Forthwith -- "forum conveniens" -- "forum non conveniens" -- Forum shopping -- Foster child -- Foundation -- Four Cardinal Virtues -- Four corners of an instrument -- Franc-tireur -- Franchise -- Franchise tax -- Franchising -- Fraud -- Fraud in the inducement -- Fraudulent conveyance -- Fraudulent trading -- Free and clear -- Free economic zone -- Free on board -- Free port -- Free software license -- Free speech -- Free will -- Freedom of assembly -- Freedom of association -- Freedom of expression -- Freedom of Information Act -- Freedom of religion -- Freedom of speech -- Freedom of speech (Canada) -- Freedom of the press -- Freedom of thought -- Freehold -- French law on secularity and conspicuous religious symbols in schools -- Fresh pursuit -- Friendly suit -- Frisking -- Frivolous -- Frivolous lawsuit -- Fructus naturales -- Fruit of the poisonous tree -- Frustration of purpose -- Fugitive from justice -- Full disclosure -- Full faith and credit -- Fully paid -- "functus officio" -- Fundamental justice -- Fundamentalism -- Fungible things -- Future interest -- Futuwa -- Fyrd --


Gag order -- Gallows -- Gaps and gores -- Garnish -- Garnishee -- Garnishment -- Gas chamber -- Gasoline tax -- Gemara -- Gender bias -- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade -- General appearance -- General assignment -- General Counsel -- General damages -- General denial -- General meeting -- General order -- General partner -- General plan -- General strike -- General Synod -- Generation skipping -- Geneva Conventions -- Genocide -- German town law -- Gibbet -- Gift -- Gift in contemplation of death -- Gift tax -- Glasnost -- Go bail -- Going concern -- Good cause -- Good faith -- Good governance -- Good samaritan rule -- Good title -- Goods -- Goodwill -- Goseibai Shikimoku -- Government -- Government-granted monopoly -- Governmental immunity -- Grace period -- Grand Inquisitor -- Grand jury -- Grand larceny -- Grand theft -- Grandfather clause -- Grandfathered in -- Grandparent visitation -- Grantdn -- Grant deed -- Grantee -- Grantor -- Grantor-grantee index -- Gratuitous -- "gravamen" -- Green card -- Grievance procedure -- Gross income -- Gross negligence -- Grounds for divorce -- Group boycott -- Group Litigation Order -- Guanxi -- Guarantee -- Guarantees -- Guarantor -- Guaranty -- Guardian -- Guardian "ad litem" -- Guest -- Guest statute -- Guild -- Guillotine -- Guilt -- Guilty --


"habeas corpus" -- Writ of Habeas Corpus -- Habitable -- Habitual criminal -- Hadith -- Hague Convention -- Hague-Visby Rules -- Halaal -- Halakha (Jewish law) -- Jewish law (Halakha) -- Half blood -- Halsbury's Laws of England -- Hanafi -- Hanbali -- Hanging -- Haram -- Harass -- Harassment -- Harm reduction -- Harmless error -- Hate speech -- Head of household -- Headnote -- Headright -- Health care proxy -- Hearing -- Hearsay -- Hearsay rule -- Heat of passion -- Heir -- Heir apparent -- Heiress -- Heirs -- Heirs of the body -- Held -- Hell or high water clause -- Hereditament -- Heresy -- Hidden asset -- High court judge -- High Court of Australia -- Royal High Court of Bhutan -- High Court of Justice (England and Wales) -- Court of High Commission (ecclesiastical court in England) -- High Court (Fiji) -- High Court (Guyana) -- High Court (Hong Kong) -- High Courts of India, several courts -- High Court (Ireland) -- High Court (Isle of Man) -- High Court of Malaya -- High Court of New Zealand -- High Court of Cassation and Justice (Romania) -- High Court of Justiciary (Scotland) -- High Court of Sabah and Sarawak -- High Court of Singapore -- High Court of South Africa -- High Court (Sweden) -- Highway -- Highwayman -- Hima -- Himalaya clause -- Hit and run -- Hobby loss -- Hold harmless -- Holder -- Holder in due course -- Holding -- Holding company -- Holdover tenancy -- Holographic will -- Home Rule -- Home Secretary -- Homestead Act -- Homestead exemption -- Homestead principle -- Hometowned -- Homicide -- Hong Kong trademark law -- Hornbook law -- Hostile environment sexual harassment -- Hostile possession -- Hostile witness -- Hot pursuit -- Hotch-pot -- House counsel -- House of Lords -- Household -- Housing tenure -- Human rights -- Human Rights Committee -- Human rights issues in the United States -- Humanism -- Hung jury -- Hypothecate --


"i.e." -- "ibid" -- "id est" -- Idea-expression divide -- "idem" -- "ignorantia juris non excusat" -- Ijma -- Ijtihad -- Illegal combatant -- Illegal drug trade -- Illegal immigrant -- Illegitimacy -- Illusory promise -- Ilm ar-Rijal -- Imam -- Immediately -- Immigrant visa -- Immigration -- Immigration Apellate Authority -- Immunity -- Impairment -- Impanel -- Impaneling -- Impeach -- Impeachment -- Impleader -- Implied -- Implied Bill of Rights -- Implied consent -- Implied consent laws -- Implied contract -- Implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing -- Implied terms -- Implied warranty -- Implied warranty of fitness for a particular purpose -- Implied warranty of habitability -- Implied warranty of merchantability -- Importation right -- Impossibility -- Impotence -- Impound -- Improve -- Improvement -- Impute -- "in absentia" -- "in camera" -- In chambers -- "in curia" -- "in delicto" -- "in esse" -- "in extenso" -- "in extremis" -- In fee simple -- "in flagrante delicto" -- "in forma pauperis" -- "in futoro" -- "in haec verba" -- In kind -- In lieu -- "in limine" -- "in loco parentis" -- "in omnibus" -- "in pari delicto" -- In perpetuity -- "in personam" -- "in pleno" -- in pro per -- "in prope persona" -- "in propria persona" -- "in re" -- "in rem" -- "in situ" -- "in solidum" -- "in terrorem" -- "in terrorem clause" -- "in toto" -- Incapacity -- Incest -- Inchoate offense -- Incidental beneficiary -- Income -- Income tax -- Incompatibility -- Incompatible -- Incompetency -- Incompetent -- Incompetent evidence -- Incontrovertible evidence -- Incorporation (business) -- Incorporate by reference -- Incorporation (business) -- Incorporeal -- Incriminate -- Incumbrance -- Indecent exposure -- Indefeasible -- Indefeasible estate -- Indemnify -- Indemnity -- Indenture -- Indentured servant -- Independent contractor -- Indeterminacy debate in legal theory -- Indeterminate sentence -- "indicia" -- Indictable offence -- Indictable offense -- Indictment -- Indigent -- Indispensable party -- Individual capital -- Individual rights -- Indorse -- Indorsement -- Industrial design rights -- Industrial tribunal -- Infancy -- Infant -- Infanticide Act -- Inference -- Information -- Information and belief -- Informed consent -- "infra" -- Infraction -- Infractions -- Infringement -- Ingress -- Inherit -- Inheritance -- Inheritance tax -- Injunction -- Injunctive relief -- Injury -- Inkan -- Innocence -- Innocent -- Inns of Court -- "innuendo" -- Inquest -- Inquisition -- Inquisitor -- Inquisitorial system -- Insanity -- Insanity defense -- Insertion -- Insider -- Insider trading -- Insolvency -- Insolvent -- Inspection of documents -- Installment contract -- Instruction -- Instructional capital -- Insufficient evidence -- Insurance -- Insured -- Insurer -- Intangible property -- Integration -- Intellectual capital -- Intellectual property -- Intellectual rights -- Intendant of New France -- Intent -- "inter alia" -- "inter se" -- "inter vivos" -- Inter vivos trust -- Interest -- Interference proceeding -- Interim order -- Interium -- Interlineation -- "interlocutory" -- International Business Companies Act -- Interlocutory decree -- Interlocutory order -- Intermediate sanctions -- Internal affairs doctrine -- International Business Companies Act -- International Court of Justice -- International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights -- International crime -- International Criminal Court -- International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda -- International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia -- International environmental law -- International human rights instruments -- International human rights law -- International law -- International relations -- International trade -- International trade law -- Internment -- Interpleader -- Interrogation -- Interrogatories -- Interstate commerce -- Intertemporal Law -- Intervene -- Intervening cause -- Intervention -- Intestacy -- Intestate -- Intestate succession -- Intoxication -- "intra" -- "intra fauces terra" -- "intra legem" -- "intra vires" -- Intrinsic fraud -- Inure -- Invasion of privacy -- Inventor -- Inventor's notebook -- Inverse condemnation -- Invest -- Investiture -- Investment -- Invitation to treat -- Invitee -- Involuntary -- Involuntary commitment -- "ipse dixit" -- "ipsissima verba" -- "ipso facto" -- Irreconcilable differences -- Irrelevant -- Irreparable damage or injury -- Irresistible impulse -- Irrevocable living trust -- Islamic Law (Sharia) -- Sharia (Islamic law) -- Islamic philosophy -- Isnad -- Issue -- Issue preclusion -- Issued shares --


J.D. -- Juris Doctor -- Jafari -- Jane Doe -- Jaywalking -- JD -- Jeopardy -- Jewish principles of faith -- Jewish Theological Seminary of America -- Jim Crow law -- Jobber -- John Doe -- Joinder -- Joinder of issue -- Joint -- Joint adventure -- Joint and several -- Joint and several liability -- Joint and survivor annuity -- Joint custody -- Joint enterprise -- Joint liability -- Joint powers agreement -- Joint property -- Joint tenancy -- Joint tortfeasors -- Joint venture -- Joint venture agreement -- Jointure -- Jones act -- Journeyman -- Joyride -- Judge -- Judge advocate -- Judge Advocate General -- Judgment -- Judgment by default -- Judgment creditor -- Judgment debt -- Judgment debtor -- Judgment in Berlin -- Judgment non obstante veredicto -- Judgment notwithstanding the verdict -- Judgment notwithstanding verdict -- Judicial -- Judicial Committee of the Privy Council -- Judicial discretion -- Judicial economy -- Judicial foreclosure -- Judicial functions of the House of Lords -- Judicial independence -- Judicial interference -- Judicial notice -- Judicial proceedings -- Judicial review -- Judicial sale -- Jump bail -- Junior barrister -- "jurat" -- Jurisdiction -- Jurisdictional amount -- Jurisprudence -- Jurist -- Juror -- Jury -- Jury box -- Jury charge -- Jury fees -- Jury instructions -- Jury nullification -- Jury of one's peers -- Jury panel -- Jury selection -- Jury stress -- Jury tampering -- Jury trial -- "jus" -- "jus ad bellum" -- "jus ad bellum" -- "jus civile" -- "jus cogens" -- "jus commune" -- "jus gentium" -- "jus inter gentes" -- "jus naturale" -- "jus primae noctis" -- "jus sanguines" -- "jus sanguinis" -- "jus soli" -- Just cause -- Just compensation -- Just war -- Justice -- Justice of the Peace -- Justiciable -- Justifiable homicide -- Justification -- Juvenile -- Juvenile court -- Juvenile delinquent --


Kangaroo court -- Karaites -- Karma -- Kosher law -- Kellogg-Briand Pact -- Kidnapping -- Kin -- King's Bench -- Know-how -- Kollel --


Labor and materials -- Labor law -- labor union -- Laches -- "lacunae" -- -- Land use -- Land value tax -- Landlady -- Landlocked -- Landlord -- Landlord and tenant -- Landlord and tenant act -- Landlord's lien -- Lapse -- Larceny -- Last antecedent rule -- Last clear chance -- Last will and testament -- Latent defect -- Lateral support -- Law -- Law and economics -- Law and literature -- Law and motion calendar -- Law basic topics -- Law book -- Law dictionary -- Law French -- Law lords -- Law of admiralty -- Law of Canada -- Law of costs -- Law of Ireland -- Law library -- Law of obligations -- Law of the case -- Law of the land -- Law of the Russian Federation -- Law of the Sea -- Law of the Soviet Union -- Law of the United Kingdom -- Law of the United States -- Law of treaties -- Law school -- Law Society -- Laws of war -- Lawsuit -- Lawyer -- Lay a foundation -- Lay assessor -- Laïcité -- Leading -- Leading question -- Leading the witness -- Lease -- Lease and release -- Leasehold -- Legacy -- Legal -- Legal action -- Legal advertising -- Legal age -- Legal aid -- Legal Aid Society -- Legal code -- Legal consequences of marriage and civil partnership in the United Kingdom -- Legal custody -- legal debate -- Legal duty -- Legal entity -- Artificial person -- Legal fiction -- Legal formalism -- Legal history -- Legal instrument -- Legal Latin -- Legal lexicography -- Legal personal representative -- Legal positivism -- Legal realism -- Legal separation -- Legal services -- Legal technicality -- Legal tender -- Legal translation -- Legalese -- Legalism (Western philosophy) -- Legalism (Chinese philosophy) -- Legalism (theology) -- Legalization -- Legatee -- Legislation -- Legislature -- Legitimacy (law) -- Legitimacy (political science) -- Legitimate -- "legitime" -- Lemon law -- Lessee -- Lesser crime -- Lesser included offenses -- Lesser-included offense -- Lessor -- Let -- Lethal injection -- Letter of credit -- Letter of marque -- Letter of wishes -- Letters -- Letters of administration -- Letters patent -- Letters testamentary -- Leverage -- Leviticus -- Levy -- Lewd and lascivious -- "lex communis" -- "lex lata" -- "lex posterior derogat priori" -- "lex scripta" -- "lex specialis derogat generali" -- Liability -- Liable -- Libel -- Libel per se -- Liberal Judaism -- Libertarian theories of law -- Liberty -- Licence -- License -- Licensee -- Licensor -- Lie detector test -- Lien -- Lienor -- Life -- Life estate -- Life in being -- Life without possibility of parole -- Limitation of actions -- Limitations clause, Constitution of Canada -- Limited company -- Limited jurisdiction -- Limited liability -- Limited liability company -- Limited partner -- Limited partnership -- Line of succession -- Lineal descendant -- Lineup -- Liquidate -- Liquidated damages -- Liquidation -- Liquidator (law) -- "lis pendens" -- List of Roman laws -- Listed building -- Listing questionnaire -- Literary property -- Litigant -- Litigation -- Litigious -- Liturgy -- Livery -- Livery of seizin -- "living trust" -- Living will -- LL.B. -- LL.M. -- Loanshark -- Locator -- Lockout -- "locus" -- "locus delicti" -- "locus in quo" -- Loiter (law) -- Long cause -- Long vacation -- Long-arm statute -- Lord Chancellor -- Lord Chancellor's Department -- Lord Chief Justice -- Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales -- Lord Justice General -- Lord Justice of appeal -- Lord Keeper of the Great Seal -- Lord President of the Council -- Lord Steward -- Loss -- Loss of bargain -- Loss of consortium -- Loss of use -- Lost volume seller -- Lower court -- Lübeck law --


M'Naghten Rules -- M.O. -- Madhhab -- Madrassa -- Magdeburg rights -- Magdeburg law -- Magistrate -- Magistrates' Court -- Magistrates court -- "magna carta" -- "magnum opus" -- Mail box rule -- Maim -- Maintenance -- Maintenance -- Maintenance -- Maintenance pending suit -- Majority -- Make -- Make one whole -- Maker -- Mala fides -- "male fide" -- Malfeasance -- Malice -- Malice aforethought -- Malicious prosecution -- Maliki -- Malpractice -- "malum in se" -- "malum prohibitum" -- "mandamus" -- Writ of mandamus -- Mandate -- Mandate of Heaven -- Mandatory -- Mandatory joinder -- Mandatory sentence -- Manifest -- Mann act -- Manorialism -- Manslaughter -- Manslaughter -- Manumission -- Manusmriti -- "mare clausum" -- "mare liberum" -- Marital deduction -- Marital life estate -- Marital rights -- Maritime law -- Marked for identification -- Market value -- Marketable title -- Marriage -- Marriageable age -- Marshal -- Martial law -- Mask work -- Masoretes -- Masoretic Text -- Masorti -- Massachusetts trust -- Master -- Master and servant -- Master of Laws -- Master of the Rolls -- Materiality -- Material representation -- Material witness -- Matrimonial regime -- Matter -- Matter of record -- Maturity -- Maxims -- Maxims of equity -- Maxims of law -- May -- Mayhem -- Mcnabb-mallory rule -- Mechanic's lien -- Mechanics lien -- Mediation -- Mediator -- Medical directive -- Medical ethics -- Medieval Inquisition -- Meet and confer -- Meeting of the minds -- Meforshim -- Megan's Law -- Memorandum -- Memorandum of Association -- "mens rea" -- Mental anguish -- Mental competency -- Mental cruelty -- Mental health law -- Mental suffering -- Mercantile law -- Merchantable -- Merger -- Mesne -- "mesne assignment" -- Mesne profits -- Messuage -- Metes and bounds -- Military alliance -- Military dictatorship -- Military law -- Military tribunal -- Militia -- Mining claim -- Ministerial act -- minor -- Minority -- Minority shareholder -- Minutes -- Miranda warning -- Mirror wills -- Misadventure -- Misappropriation -- Mischief -- Misdemeanor -- Misfeasance -- Mishnah Berurah -- Mishnah -- Hebrew law (Mishpat Ivri) -- Mishpat Ivri (Hebrew law) -- Misjoinder -- Misnomer -- Misprision of a felony -- Misprision of treason -- Misrepresentation -- Mistake -- Mistrial -- Mitigating circumstances -- Mitigating factors -- Mitigation -- Mitigation of damages -- Mitzvah -- Mock trial -- Modern Islamic philosophy -- Modification -- "modus operandi" -- Moiety -- Molestation -- Monarch -- Money laundering -- Monopoly -- Monopoly on the legitimate use of physical force -- Month-to-month -- Monument -- Moot court -- Moot point -- Mootness -- Mopery -- Moral absolutism -- Moral certainty -- Moral code -- Moral core -- Moral relativism -- Moral rights -- Moral turpitude -- Moral universalism -- Morality -- Moratorium -- More or less -- Mores -- Morganatic marriage -- Mortgage -- Mortgagee -- Mortgagor -- Motion -- Motion for a new trial -- Motion for a summary judgment -- Motion for more definite statement -- Motion for directed verdict -- Motion for dismissal -- Motion for summary judgment -- "motion in limine" -- Motion to dismiss -- Motion to Strike -- Motion to suppress -- Motion to suppress evidence -- Motive -- Motor vehicle exception--Motor vehicle theft -- Mouthpiece -- Movant -- Move -- Mujtahid -- Mullah -- Multi track -- Multifarious -- Multiple citizenship -- Multiplicity of suits -- Municipal -- Municipal court -- Muniment of title -- Murder -- Murder in English law -- Muslim dietary laws -- Mutation -- "mutatis mutandis" -- Mutiny -- Mutual -- Mutual wills --


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