List of statistics topics

List of statistics topics

Please add any Wikipedia articles related to statistics that are not already on this list.

The "Related changes" link in the margin of this page (below search) leads to a list of the most recent changes to the articles listed below. To see the most recent changes to "this" page, see the page history.

See also:
* List of basic statistics topics
* List of probability topics
* List of statisticians
* Glossary of probability and statistics
* Glossary of experimental design
* Notation in probability and statistics
* List of probability distributions
* List of graphical methods
* List of important publications in statistics





*2SLS (two stage least squares) — redirects to instrumental variable


*3SLS — three stage least squares


*68-95-99.7 rule


*A priori (statistics)
*Absolute deviation
*Accelerated failure time model
*Accuracy and precision
*Accuracy paradox
*Acquiescence bias
*Actuarial science
*Additive smoothing
*Admissible decision rule
*Age adjustment
*Age Standardized Mortality Rates
*Age-standardized mortality rate
*Aggregate data
*Aggregate pattern
*Akaike information criterion
*Algebraic statistics
*Algorithms for calculating variance
*Allan variance
*Alignments of random points
*Alternative hypothesis
*Analysis of categorical data
*Analysis of covariance
*Analysis of molecular variance
*Analysis of rhythmic variance
*Analysis of variance
*Analytic and enumerative statistical studies
*Ancestral graph
*Ancillary statistic
*ANCOVA -- redirects to Analysis of covariance
*Anderson-Darling test
*ANOVA-simultaneous component analysis
*Anomaly time series
*Anscombe transform
*Anscombe's quartet
*Antecedent variable
*Approximate Bayesian computation
*Area chart
*Area compatibility factor
*ARGUS distribution
*Arithmetic mean
*Association (statistics)
*Asymptotic distribution
*Asymptotic relative efficiency redirects to Efficiency (statistics)
*Augmented Dickey-Fuller test
*Autoregressive conditional duration
*Autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity
*Autoregressive fractionally integrated moving average
*Autoregressive integrated moving average
*Autoregressive moving average model


*Balanced incomplete block design redirects to Block design
*Balanced repeated replication
*Balding-Nichols model
*Bar chart
*Barber-Johnson diagram
*Bartlett's test
*Base rate
*Baseball statistics
*Basu's theorem
*Bayes' theorem
**Evidence under Bayes theorem
*Bayes estimator
*Bayes factor
*Bayes linear
*Bayesian — (disambiguation)
*Bayesian additive regression kernels
*Bayesian average
*Bayesian experimental design
*Bayesian game
*Bayesian inference
*Bayesian inference in phylogeny
*Bayesian information criterion
*Bayesian linear regression
*Bayesian model comparison
*Bayesian multivariate linear regression
*Bayesian network
*Bayesian probability
*Bayesian search theory
*BehrensFisher problem
*Belief propagation
*Benford's law
*Berkson error model
*Berkson's paradox
*Bernoulli distribution
*Bernoulli sampling
*Bernoulli trial
*Bessel's correction
*Best linear unbiased prediction
*Beta-binomial model
*Beta distribution
*Beta prime distribution
*BevertonHolt model
*Bhattacharya coefficient
*Bhattacharyya distance
*Bias (statistics)
*Bias of an estimator
*Biased sample
*Bienaymé-Chebyshev inequality
*Bimodal distribution
*Binary classification
*Binomial distribution
*Binomial proportion confidence interval
*Binomial regression
*Binomial test
*Bingham distribution
*Birnbaum-Saunders distribution
*Block design
*Blocking (statistics)
*Bondy's theorem
*Bonferroni correction
*Boolean analysis
*Bootstrap aggregating
*Bootstrap (statistics) — redirects to Bootstrapping (statistics)
*Bootstrapping (statistics)
*Box-Behnken design
*BoxCox distribution
*BoxCox transformation - redirects to Power transform
*Box-Pierce test
*Box plot
*BreuschGodfrey test
*Breusch-Pagan statistic
*Brown-Forsythe test
*Burr distribution
*Business statistics
*Bühlmann model


*Calculus of predispositions
*Calibrated probability assessment
*Calibration (probability) - subjective probability, redirects to Calibrated probability assessment
*Calibration (statistics) - "the statistical calibration problem"
*Canonical analysis
*Canonical correlation
*Cantor distribution
*Categorical distribution
*Categorical variable
*Cauchy distribution
*Cauchy-Schwarz inequality
*Causal Markov condition
*Ceiling effect
*Censored regression model
*Censoring (statistics)
*Centerpoint (geometry) — Tukey median redirects here
*Central composite design
*Central limit theorem
*Central moment
*Change detection
*ChapmanRobbins bound
*Characteristic function (probability theory)
*Chauvenet's criterion
*Chebyshev's inequality
*Checking if a coin is biased — redirects to Checking if a coin is fair
*Checking if a coin is fair
*Cheeger bound
*Chernoff bound – a special case of Chernoff's inequality
*Chernoff face
*Chernoff's distribution
*Chernoff's inequality
*Chi distribution
*Chi-square distribution
*Chi-square test
*Chow test
*Circular statistics
*Classic data sets
*Classical definition of probability
*Classical test theory - psychometrics
*Clinical trial
*Closed testing procedure
*Cluster analysis
*Cluster sampling
*Cochran test
*Cochran's theorem
*Cochran-Armitage test for trend
*Cochrane-Orcutt estimation
*Coefficient of determination
*Coefficient of dispersion
*Coefficient of variation
*Cohen's kappa
*Coherence (statistics)
*Cohort (statistics)
*Cohort study
*Collectively exhaustive events
*Combinatorial data analysis
*Combinatorial design
*Combinatorial meta-analysis
*Common- and special-causes
*Comparing means
*Comparison of statistical packages
*Comparisonwise error rate
*Complementary event
*Completely randomized design
*Completeness (statistics)
*Compositional data
*Compound Poisson distribution
*Computational formula for the variance
*Computational learning theory
*Computational statistics
*Concordance correlation coefficient
*Concordant pair
*Concrete illustration of the central limit theorem
*Concurrent validity
*Conditional change model
*Conditional distribution redirects to Conditional probability distribution
*Conditional independence
*Conditional probability
*Conditional probability distribution
*Conditional variance
*Conditionality principle
*Confidence interval
*Confidence band
*Confidence region
*Confirmatory factor analysis
*Confounding factor
*Conjoint analysis
**Conjoint analysis (in healthcare)
**Conjoint analysis (in marketing)
*Conjugate prior
*Consistency (statistics) redirects to Consistent estimator
*Consistent estimator
*Constraint (information theory)
*Consumption distribution
*Contingency table
*Continuity correction
*Continuous distribution
*Continuous probability distribution
*Contrast (statistics)
*Control chart
*Control limits
*Control variate
*Controlling for a variable
*Convex hull
*Conway-Maxwell-Poisson distribution
*Cook's distance
*Cophenetic correlation
*Copula (statistics)
*Correction for attenuation
*Correlate summation analysis
*Correlation does not imply causation
*Correlation function
*Correlation implies causation
*Correlation ratio
*Count data
*Covariance and correlation
*Covariance matrix
*Cox process
*CramérRao bound
*Cramér-von-Mises criterion
*Cramér's theorem
*Credible interval
*Cricket statistics
*Critical region — redirects to Statistical hypothesis testing
*Cromwell's rule
*Cronbach's α
*Cross covariance
*Cross-sectional data
*Cross-sectional regression
*Cross tabulation
*Crystal Ball function - a probability distribution
*Cumulative distribution function
*Cumulative frequency analysis
*Cumulative incidence
*Curve fitting


*D distribution
*D'Agostino's K-squared test
*DAP — open source software
*Data analysis
*Data assimilation
*Data clustering
*Data dredging
*Data mining
*Data point
*Data set
*Data-snooping bias
*Data transformation (statistics)
*Data visualization
*De Finetti's theorem
*Decision theory
*Decomposing of time series
*Degenerate distribution
*Degrees of freedom (statistics)
*Delta method
*Deming regression
**Demographic statistics
*Density estimation
**Illustration of density estimation
*Dependent and independent variables
*Descriptive research
*Descriptive statistics
*Design matrix
*Design of experiments
**The Design of Experiments (book by Fisher)
*Detection theory
*Deviance (statistics)
*Deviance information criterion
*Deviation (statistics)
*Deviation analysis
*DFFITS — a regression diagnostic
*Dickey-Fuller test
*Dimension reduction
*Directional statistics
*Dirichlet distribution
*Discrete choice analysis
*Discrete distribution
*Discrete phase-type distribution
*Discrete probability distribution
*Discriminant function analysis
*Distributed lag
*Dominating decision rule
*Donsker's theorem
*Doob-Meyer decomposition theorem
*Dot plot (statistics)
*Doubly stochastic model
*Dummy variable
*Duncan's new multiple range test
*Durbin test
*DurbinWatson statistic
*Dutch book
*Dynamic Bayesian network


*Ecological correlation
*Ecological fallacy
*Ecological study
*Economic data
*Economic statistics
*Edgeworth series
*Effect size
*Efficiency (statistics)
*Ellsberg paradox
*Elston Stewart algorithm
*Empirical Bayes method
*Empirical distribution function
*Empirical orthogonal functions
*Empirical probability
*Empirical process
*Empirical statistical laws
*Energy statistics
*Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences (book)
*Engset calculation
*Ensemble forecasting
*Ensemble Kalman filter
*Entropy (information theory)
*Entropy estimation
*Epitome (image processing)
*Erlang distribution
*Ergodic theory
*Error bar
*Errors and residuals in statistics
*Errors-in-variables model
*Estimating equations
*Estimation theory
*Estimation of covariance matrices
*Evidence under Bayes theorem
*Ewens's sampling formula
*Exact statistics
*Exact test
*Excess risk
*Exchange paradox
*Exchangeable random variables
*Expectation-maximization algorithm
*Expected value
*Expected value of sample information
*Experimental design diagram
*Experimental techniques
*Experimenter's bias
*Experimentwise error rate
*Explained sum of squares
*Explained variation
*Explanatory variable
*Exploratory data analysis
*Exponential distribution
*Exponential family
*Exponential power distribution
*Exponential smoothing
*Exposure variable
*Extended Kalman filter
*Extended negative binomial distribution
*External validity
*Extreme value theory


*Factorial moment
*Failure rate
*F1 score
*Factor analysis
*Factorial code
*Factorial experiment
*Fair coin
*Falconer's formula
*False discovery rate
*False negative
*False positive
*False positive paradox
*Familywise error rate
*Fano factor
*Fast Fourier transform
*Fast Kalman filter
*Fat tail
*Feasible generalized least squares
*Fiducial inference
*Fieller's theorem
*File drawer problem
*First-hitting-time model
*Fisher information
*Fisher transformation
*Fisher's exact test
*Fisher's inequality
*Fisher's linear discriminator
*Fisher's method
*Fisher's noncentral hypergeometric distribution
*Fisher's z-distribution
*Fisher-Tippett distribution
*Five-number summary
*Fixed effects estimator - redirects to Fixed effects estimation
*Fixed effects estimation
*FLAME clustering
*Fleiss' kappa
*Fleming-Viot process
*Floor effect
*Folded normal distribution
*Forecast error
*Forest plot
*Formation matrix
*Foundations of statistics
*Founders of statistics
*Fraction of variance unexplained
*Fractional factorial design
*Fréchet distribution
*Freedman-Diaconis rule
*Frequency (statistics)
*Frequency distribution
*Frequency probability
*Friedman test
*Fully-crossed design
*Function approximation
*Functional data analysis
*Funnel plot
*Fuzzy measure theory
*FWL theorem — relating regression and projection


*Galbraith plot
*GaltonWatson process
*Galton's problem
*Gamma distribution
*Gamma test (statistics)
*Gamma variate
*GaussKuzmin distribution
*GaussMarkov theorem
*Gaussian function
*Geary's C
*GEH — a statistic comparing modelled and observed counts
*General linear model
*General matrix notation of a VAR(p)
*Generalized additive model
*Generalized canonical correlation
*Generalized Dirichlet distribution
*Generalized estimating equations
*Generalized extreme value distribution
*Generalized Gaussian distribution
*Generalised hyperbolic distribution
*Generalized inverse Gaussian distribution
*Generalized linear array model
*Generalized linear mixed model
*Generalized linear model
*Generalized method of moments
*Generalized multidimensional scaling
*Generative model
*Geodemographic segmentation
*Geometric data analysis
*Geometric distribution
*Geometric median
*Geometric standard deviation
*German tank problem
*Gibbs sampling
*Gini coefficient
*Gompertz-Makeham law of mortality
*Good-Turing frequency estimation
*Goodman and Kruskal's lambda
*Goodness of fit
*Graeco-Latin square
*Grand mean
*Graphical model
*Group method of data handling
*Group size measures
*Grubbs' test for outliers
*Gy's sampling theory


*Hadamard variance
*Half circle distribution
*Half-logistic distribution
*Half-normal distribution
*Halton sequences
*Hannan-Quinn information criterion
*Hartley's test
*Hat matrix
*Hausman specification test
*Hausman test note merger proposal with Hausman specification test
*Hazard ratio
*Heaps' law
*Heavy-tailed distribution
*Heckman correction
*Hellinger distance
*Helmert-Wolf blocking
*Heteroscedasticity-consistent standard errors
*Hidden Markov model
*Hidden semi-Markov model
*Hierarchical Bayes model
*Hierarchical hidden Markov model
*Hierarchical linear modeling
*High-dimensional statistics
*Higher-order statistics
*History of statistics
*Hodges-Lehmann estimator
*Holm-Bonferroni method
*Homogeneity (statistics)
*Hotelling's T-square distribution
*How to Lie with Statistics (book)
*Howland will forgery trial
*Huber-White standard errors
*Hubbert curve
*Hyperbolic distribution
*Hyperbolic secant distribution
*Hypergeometric distribution
*Hyper-exponential distribution
*Hyper-Graeco-Latin square design
*Hypoexponential distribution


*Idealised population
*Illustration of the central limit theorem
*Importance sampling
*Imprecise probability
*Imputation (statistics)
*Indecomposable distribution
*Independent component analysis
*Independent identically-distributed random variables
*Indicators of spatial association
*Indirect least squares
*An inequality on location and scale parameters
*Inferential statistics redirects to Statistical inference
*Infinite divisibility (probability)
*Information bottleneck method
*Information geometry
*Information theory
*Inherent bias
*Inherent zero
*Instrumental variable
*Intention to treat analysis
*Interaction (statistics)
*Interaction variable
*Interclass correlation
*Interclass dependence
*Interim analysis
*Internal consistency
*Internal validity
*Interquartile mean
*Interquartile range
*Inter-rater reliability
*Interval estimation
*Intervening variable
*Intraclass correlation
*Invariant estimator
*Inverse-chi-square distribution
*Inverse-gamma distribution
*Inverse Gaussian distribution
*Inverse Mills ratio
*Inverse-Wishart distribution
*Inverse transform sampling
*Iris flower data set
*Irwin-Hall distribution
*Isotonic regression
*Item response theory
*Iteratively re-weighted least squares


*Jackknife (statistics) redirects to Resampling (statistics)
*James-Stein estimator
*Jarque-Bera test
*Jeffreys prior
*JensenShannon divergence
*Joint probability distribution


*K-means algorithm
*Kalman filter
*Kaplan-Meier estimator
*Kappa coefficient
*Kappa statistic
*Karhunen-Loève theorem
*Kendall tau distance
*Kendall tau rank correlation coefficient
*Kendall's W – Kendall's coefficient of concordance
*Kent distribution
*Kernel density estimation
*Kernel regression
*Kernel smoother
*Kernel (statistics)
*Kirkwood approximation
*Kitchen sink regression
*Kolmogorov continuity theorem
*Kolmogorov's inequality
*Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
*Kruskal-Wallis one-way analysis of variance
*Kuiper's test
*KullbackLeibler divergence
*Kumaraswamy distribution


*Lack-of-fit sum of squares
*Lag operator
*Landau distribution
*LanderGreen algorithm
*Laplace distribution
*LARS — see least-angle regression
*Latent variable, latent variable model]
*Latent class model
*Latent Dirichlet allocation
*Latin square
*Latin hypercube sampling
*Law of averages
*Law of large numbers
*Law of the iterated logarithm
*Law of total cumulance
*Law of total expectation
*Law of total probability
*Law of total variance
*Law of Truly Large Numbers
*Layered hidden Markov model
*Least absolute deviations
*Least-angle regression
*Least squares
*Least-squares estimation of linear regression coefficients
*Least-squares spectral analysis
*Learning theory (statistics)
*LehmannScheffé theorem
*Levene's test
*Level of measurement
*Levey-Jennings chart
*Lévy distribution
*Levy skew alpha-stable distribution
*Lexis ratio
*Lies, damned lies, and statistics
*Life expectancy
*Life table
*Lift (data mining)
*Likelihood function
*Likelihood principle
*Likelihood-ratio test
*Lilliefors test
*Limiting density of discrete points
*Lindley's paradox
*Line-intercept sampling
*Linear discriminant analysis
*Linear model
*Linear prediction
*Linear probability model
*Linear regression
*LISREL — proprietary statistical software package
*List of basic statistics topics
*List of convolutions of probability distributions
*List of graphical methods
*List of probability topics
*List of random number generators
*List of scientific journals in statistics
*List of statistical packages
*List of statisticians
*Ljung-Box test
*Local convex hull
*Local independence
*Local regression
*Location estimation redirects to Location parameter
*Location estimation in sensor networks
*Location parameter
*Location-scale family
*Locality (statistics)
*Log-Laplace distribution
*Log-normal distribution
*Log-linear model
*Log-logistic distribution
*Logarithmic distribution
*Logistic distribution
*Logistic function
*Logistic regression
*Lognormal distribution
*Logrank test
*Long-range dependency
*Long-tail traffic
*Longitudinal regression
*Longitudinal study
*Lorenz curve
*Loss function
*Lusser's law


**Redescending M-estimator
*Machine learning
*Mahalanobis distance
*Main effect
*Mallows' Cp
*Mann-Whitney U
*Mantel test
*MAP estimator
*Margin of error
*Marginal distribution
*Marginal likelihood
*Marginal model
*Marginal variable
*Mark and recapture
*Markov chain
**Markov chain geostatistics
**Markov chain mixing time
*Markov chain Monte Carlo
*Markov logic network
*Markov network
*Martingale (probability theory)
*Matching pursuit
*Mathematical formalization of the statistical regression problem
*Mathematical modelling in epidemiology
*Mathematical statistics
*Matrix normal distribution
*Mauchly's sphericity test
*Maximum a posteriori
*Maximum entropy classifier redirects to Logistic regression
*Maximum entropy method redirects to Principle of maximum entropy
*Maximum entropy probability distribution
*Maximum entropy spectral estimation
*Maximum likelihood
*Maximum parsimony
*Maxwell speed distribution
*MaxwellBoltzmann distribution
*MCAR (missing completely at random)
*McCullagh's parametrization of the Cauchy distributions
*McNemar's test
*Mean – see also expected value
*Mean absolute error
*Mean absolute percentage error
*Mean and predicted response
*Mean deviation
*Mean difference
*Mean of circular quantities
*Mean reciprocal rank
*Mean squared error
*Mean squared prediction error
*Measurement, level of — see level of measurement.
*Median absolute deviation
*Median polish
*Median test
*Mediation (statistics)
*Medical statistics
*Mean time between failures
*Method of moments (statistics)
*Method of simulated moments
*Method of support
*Metropolis-Hastings algorithm
*A Million Random Digits with 100,000 Normal Deviates (book)
*Minimax estimator
*Minimum distance estimation
*Minimum mean square error
*Minimum-variance unbiased estimator
*Minimum viable population
*MINQUE – minimum norm quadratic unbiased estimation
*Missing values
*Mixed logit
*Misuse of statistics
*Mixed-design analysis of variance
*Mixing (mathematics)
*Mixture density
*Mixture model
*Mixture (probability)
*Mode (statistics)
*Model output statistics
*Model selection
*Moderator variable
*Modifiable areal unit problem
*Moment (mathematics)
*Moment-generating function
*Moments, method of — see method of moments (statistics)
*Monotone likelihood ratio property
*Moran's I
*Moving average
*Multi-armed bandit
*Multidimensional analysis
*Multidimensional scaling
*Multilevel model
*Multinomial distribution
*Multinomial probit
*Multinomial test
*Multiple comparisons
*Multiple correlation
*Multiple discriminant analysis
*Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey
*Multiple testing correction
*Multivariate adaptive regression splines
*Multivariate analysis
*Multivariate analysis of variance
*Multivariate distribution
*Multivariate normal distribution
*Multivariate Polya distribution
*Multivariate probit
*Multivariate random variable
*Multivariate statistics
*Multivariate Student distribution


*Naive Bayes classifier
*Nakagami distribution
*National and international statistical services
*Natural exponential family
*Negative binomial distribution
*Negative predictive value
*Negative relationship
*Nelson rules
*Nested case-control study
*Nested sampling algorithm
*NewcastleOttawa scale
*Neyman construction
*Neyman-Pearson lemma
*Nominal category
*Noncentral chi distribution
*Noncentral chi-square distribution
*Noncentral F-distribution
*Noncentral hypergeometric distributions
*Nonlinear autoregressive exogenous model
*Nonlinear dimensionality reduction
*Nonlinear regression
*Non-linear least squares
*Non-negative matrix factorization
*Non-parametric statistics
*Nonparametric regression
*Nonprobability sampling
*Normal approximation
*Normal curve equivalent
*Normal distribution
*Normal probability plot -- see also rankit
*Normal score -- see also rankit and Z score
*Normal variance-mean mixture
*Normal-gamma distribution
*Normal-inverse Gaussian distribution
*Normal-scaled inverse gamma distribution
*Normality test
*Normalization (statistics)
*Normally distributed and uncorrelated does not imply independent
*Notation in probability and statistics
*Null distribution
*Null hypothesis
*Nuisance parameter redirected to Nuisance variable
*Nuisance variable
*Numerical parameter


*Observable variable
*Observational error
*Observational study
*Observed information
*Odds ratio
*Official statistics
*Ogden tables
*Omitted-variable bias
*Omnibus test
*One-factor-at-a-time method
*One-way ANOVA
*Operational confound
*Operational sex ratio
*Operations research
*Opinion poll
*Optimal decision
*Optimal design
*Optimal stopping
*Optimality criterion
*Order of a kernel
*Order of integration
*Order statistic
*Ordered logit
*Ordered probit
*Ordered subset expectation maximization
*Ordination (statistics)
*Orthogonal array testing
*Orthogonality principle
*Outliers ratio


*Page's trend test
*Paid survey
*Paired comparison analysis
*Panel analysis
*Panel data
*Parabolic fractal distribution
*PARAFAC (Parallel factor analysis)
*Parallel factor analysis redirects to PARAFAC
*Paradigm (experimental)
*Parametric model
*Parametric statistics
*Pareto analysis
*Pareto distribution
*Pareto interpolation
*Path analysis (statistics)
*Partial autocorrelation — redirects to Partial autocorrelation function
*Partial autocorrelation function
*Partial correlation
*Partial least squares
*Partial least squares regression
*Partial leverage
*Partial regression plot
*Partial residual plot
*Particle filter
*Parzen window
*Path analysis (statistics)
*Path coefficient
*Pearson's chi-square test (one of various chi-square tests)
*Pearson distribution
*Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient
*Per capita
*Per-protocol analysis
*Percentile rank
*Periodic variation
*Peirce's criterion
*Phase dispersion minimization
*Phase-type distribution
*Pie chart
*Pignistic probability
*Pitman-Koopman-Darmois theorem
*Pitman closeness
*Pivotal quantity
*Plackett-Burman design
*Player wins
*Point-biserial correlation coefficient
*Point estimation
*Point process
*Poisson distribution
*Poisson process
*Poisson regression
*Poisson sampling
*Polar distribution
*Polychoric correlation
*Polynomial and rational function modeling
*Polynomial chaos
*Pooled standard deviation
*Pooled variance
*Pooling design
*Positive predictive value
*Post-hoc analysis
*Power transform
*Population dynamics
*Population modeling
*Population statistics
*Population viability analysis
*Portmanteau test
*Posterior probability
*Prediction interval
*Predictive analytics
*Predictive informatics
*Predictive modelling
*Predictive validity
*Principal components analysis
*Principal component regression
*Principal geodesic analysis
*Principle of maximum entropy
*Prior knowledge for pattern recognition
*Prior probability
*Prior probability distribution redirects to Prior probability
*Probabilistic forecasting
*Probabilistic latent semantic analysis
*Probabilistic relational model
*Probability density function
*Probability distribution
*Probability interpretations
*Probability mass function
*Probability matching
*Probability of error
*Probability plot
*Probability plot correlation coefficient plot
*Probability theory
*Probit model
*Procrustes analysis
*Profile likelihood redirects to Likelihood function
*Projection pursuit
*Proof of Stein's example
*Propensity score
*Propensity score matching
*Proper linear model
*Proportional hazards models
*Proportional reduction in loss
*Prosecutor's fallacy
*Proxy (statistics)
*PSPP (free software)
*Psychological statistics
*Pythagorean expectation


*Q test
*Q-Q plot
*Quadratic trend analysis
*Quadratic form (statistics)
*Qualitative comparative analysis
*Qualitative data
*Qualitative variation
*Quantile function
*Quantile regression
*Quantitative marketing research
*Quantitative psychological research
*Quantitative research
*Quartile coefficient of dispersion
*Quasi-experimental design
*Quasi-maximum likelihood
*Queuing theory in teletraffic engineering
*Quota sampling


*R (programming language)
*Radar chart
*Rademacher distribution
*Raised cosine distribution
*Ramsey RESET test — the Ramsey Regression Equation Specification Error Test
*Random assignment
*Random data—see randomness
*Random effects estimation redirects to Random effects model
*Random effects model
*Random matrix
*Random sample
*Random sampling
*Random sequence
*Random walk
*Randomized controlled trial
*Randomized block design
*Randomized response
*Randomness tests
*Range (statistics)
*Rank abundance curve
*Rank correlation mainly links to two following
**Spearman's rank correlation coefficient
**Kendall tau rank correlation coefficient
*Rank product
*Rank-size distribution
*RaoBlackwell theorem
*Rao-Blackwellisation &mdash redirects to *RaoBlackwell theorem
*Rasch model
**Polytomous Rasch model
*Ratio distribution
*Rayleigh distribution
*Raw score
*Realization (probability)
*Receiver operating characteristic
*Recurrence plot
*Recursive Bayesian estimation
*Recursive least squares
*Recursive partitioning
*Reference class problem
*Regression analysis — see also linear regression
*Regression Analysis of Time Series — proprietary software
*Regression dilution
*Regression estimation
*Regression fallacy
*Regression discontinuity
*Regression toward the mean
*Reification (statistics)
*Rejection sampling
*Relative efficiency redirects to Efficiency (statistics)
*Relative risk
*Relative standard deviation
*Relativistic BreitWigner distribution
*Reliability (statistics)
*Reliability theory
*Reliability theory of aging and longevity
*Rencontres numbers — a disscter distribution
*Repeated measures design
*Replication (statistics)
*Representation validity
*Resampling (statistics)
*Rescaled range
*Residual. See errors and residuals in statistics.
*Residual sum of squares
*Response bias
*Response surface methodology
*Response variable
*Restricted maximum likelihood
*Restricted randomization
*Reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo
*Revising opinions in statistics
*Rice distribution
*Ridge regression redirects to Tikhonov regularization
*Risk function
*Risk theory
*Robbins lemma
*Robin Hood index
*Robust confidence intervals
*Robust regression
*Robust statistics
*Root mean square
*Root mean square deviation
*Rothamsted Experimental Station
*R programming language
*Rubin Causal Model
*Rule of succession

*S (programming language)
*Sacramental index
*Safety in numbers
*Sammon's projection
*Sample mean and covariance redirects to Sample mean and sample covariance
*Sample mean and sample covariance
*Sample size
*Sample (statistics)
*Sampling (statistics)
**Sampling design
**Sampling error
**simple random sampling
**systematic sampling
**stratified sampling
**cluster sampling
**multistage sampling
**nonprobability sampling
**slice sampling
*Sampling design
*Sampling distribution
*Sampling equiprobably with dice
*Sampling error
*Sampling fraction
*Sampling variogram
*Sargan test
*SAS System
*Saturated array
*Scale analysis (statistics)
*Scale parameter
*Scale-inverse-chi-square distribution
*Scatter matrix
*Scheffé's method
*Schwarz criterion
*Score (statistics)
*Score test
*Scoring algorithm
*Scoring rule
*Scott's Pi
*Seasonal adjustment
*Secular trend
*Secular variation
*Seemingly unrelated regression
*Selection bias
*Selective recruitment
*Segmented regression
*Semantic mapping (statistics)
*Semantic relatedness
*Semiparametric model
*Semiparametric regression
*Sensitivity (tests)
*Sensitivity and specificity
*Separation test
*Sequential analysis
*Sequential estimation
*Sequential Monte Carlo methods redirects to Particle filter
*Sequential probability ratio test
*SETAR (model) — a time series model
*Seven-number summary
*Sexual dimorphism measures
*Shape of the distribution
*Shape parameter
*Shapiro-Wilk test
*Sheppard's corrections
*Shifted Gompertz distribution
*Shrinkage (statistics)
*Sichel distribution
*Siegel-Tukey test
*Sieve estimator
*Sign test
*Signal-to-noise statistic
*Significance analysis of microarrays
*Similarity matrix
*Simon model
*Simple linear regression
*Simple moving average crossover
*Simple random sample
*Simpson's paradox
*Simultaneous equation model
*Singular distribution
*Sinusoidal model
*Sinkov statistic
*Skellam distribution
*Skew normal distribution
*Small area estimation
*Smearing retransformation
*Smoothing spline
*Social statistics
*Sparse binary polynomial hashing
*Sparsity-of-effects principle
*Spatial analysis
*Spatial dependence
*Spatial descriptive statistics
*Spatial statistics redirects to Spatial analysis
*Spatial variability
*Spearman's rank correlation coefficient
*Spearman-Brown prediction formula
*Species discovery curve
*Specification (regression)
*Specificity (tests)
*Spectrum continuation analysis
*Speed prior
*SPRT — redirects to Sequential probability ratio test
*Spurious relationship
*Squared deviations
*St. Petersburg paradox
*Stability (probability)
*Standard deviation
*Standard error (statistics)
*Standard normal table
*Standard score
*Standardized coefficient
*Standardized moment
*Standardized rate
*STAR model — a time series model
*Stationary distribution
*Stationary process
*Statistical arbitrage
*Statistical assembly
*Statistical assumption
*Statistical classification
*Statistical conclusion validity
*Statistical consultant
*Statistical deviance—see deviance (statistics)
*Statistical dispersion
*Statistical distance
*Statistical efficiency
*Statistical epidemiology
*Statistical estimation redirects to Estimation theory
*Statistical finance
*Statistical geography
*Statistical graphics
*Statistical hypothesis testing
*Statistical independence
*Statistical inference
*Statistical interference
*Statistical learning theory
*"Statistical Methods for Research Workers" — a book by Ronald Fisher
*Statistical literacy
*Statistical model
*Statistical model validation
*Statistical noise
*Statistical package
*Statistical parameter
*Statistical parametric mapping
*Statistical parsing
*Statistical population
*Statistical power
*Statistical probability
*Statistical process control
*Statistical randomness
*Statistical range -- see range (statistics)
*Statistical regularity
*Statistical sample
*Statistical semantics
*Statistical shape analysis
*Statistical signal processing
*Statistical significance
*Statistical survey
*Statistical syllogism
*Statistical theory
*Statistical unit
*Statisticians' and engineers' cross-reference of statistical terms
*Statistics Belgium
*Statistics education
*Statistics New Zealand
*Statistics Online Computational Resource
*Stein's example
**Proof of Stein's example
*Stein's lemma
*Stein's unbiased risk estimate
*Stepwise regression
*Stetson-Harrison method
*Stimulus-response model
*Stochastic drift
*Stochastic kernel estimation
*Stochastic modelling (insurance)
*Stochastic ordering
*Stochastic process
*Stochastic rounding
*Stratified sampling
*Structural estimation
*Structured data analysis (statistics)
*Studentized range
*Studentized residual
*Student's t-distribution
*Student's t-test
*Study design
*Study heterogeneity
*Subcontrary mean redirects to Harmonic mean
*Subgroup analysis
*Sufficiency (statistics)
*Sum of normally distributed random variables
*Sum of squares
*Summary statistics
*Support curve
*Surrogate model
*Survey sampling
*Survival analysis
*Survival rate
*Survival function
*Survivorship bias
*System dynamics
*Systematic error (also see bias (statistics) and errors and residuals in statistics)


*t-distribution; see Student's t-distribution (includes table)
*Taguchi methods
*Tajima's D
*Taylor expansions for the moments of functions of random variables
*Test for structural change
*Testing hypotheses suggested by the data
*The Long Tail
*Time-frequency analysis
*Time-frequency representation
*Time series
*Time-series regression
*Time use survey
*Time-varying covariate
*Timeline of probability and statistics
*TinkerPlots — proprietary software for schools
*Tobit model
*Tolerance interval
*Total least squares
*Total sum of squares
*Treatment groups
*Treatment learning
*Trend analysis
*Trend estimation
*Triangular distribution
*Trimmed estimator
*True variance
*Truncated distribution
*Truncated mean
*Truncated normal distribution
*Truncated regression model
*Truncation (statistics)
*Tsallis statistics
*Tukey's test
*Tukey-Kramer method
*Tukey lambda distribution
*Tweedie distributions
*Two stage least squares — redirects to Instrumental variable
*Two-tailed test
*Type I and type II errors
*Type-1 Gumbel distribution
*Type-2 Gumbel distribution
*Tyranny of averages


*U test
*Unbiased estimator—see bias (statistics)
*Unbiased estimation of standard deviation
*Uncertainty quantification
*Uncomfortable science
*U-quadratic distribution
*Uniform distribution (continuous)
*Uniform distribution (discrete)
*Uniformly most powerful test
*Unimodal distribution redirects to Unimodal function (has some stats context)
*Unit root
*Unit root test
*Unit-weighted regression
*Unitized risk
*Univariate distribution
*Unsolved problems in statistics
*Upper and lower probabilities
*Urn problem
*Utilization distribution


*Validity (statistics)
*Van der Waerden test
*Variance inflation factor
*Variance-gamma distribution
*Variance-to-mean ratio
*Variation ratio
*Varimax rotation
*VC dimension
*VC theory
*Vector autoregression
*Violin plot
*Voigt profile
*Volatility (finance)
*Von Mises distribution
*Von MisesFisher distribution
*von Mises-Fisher distribution
*Vuong's closeness test
*Vysochanskiï-Petunin inequality


*Wald distribution redirects to Inverse Gaussian distribution
*Wald test
*Wald's decision theory
*Wald-Wolfowitz runs test
*Wallenius' noncentral hypergeometric distribution
*Weibull distribution
*Weight function
*Weighted sample redirects to Sample mean and sample covariance
*Weighted covariance matrix redirects to Sample mean and sample covariance
*Weighted mean
*Welch's t test
*Welch-Satterthwaite equation
*Wilks' lambda distribution
*Winsorized mean
*Whipple's index
*White test
*White noise
*Wiener deconvolution
*Wiener filter
*Wigner quasi-probability distribution
*Wigner semicircle distribution
*Wilcoxon signed-rank test
*Will Rogers phenomenon
*Window function
*Wishart distribution
*Wold's theorem
*Writer invariant


*X-bar/R chart


*Yamartino method
*Yates analysis
*Yates' correction for continuity
*Youden's J statistic
*YuleSimon distribution


*z statistic
*Zeta distribution
*ZipfMandelbrot law — a discrete distribution
*Zipf's law

External links

* [ ISI Glossary of Statistical Terms] (multilingual), International Statistical Institute

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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