List of physics topics R-Z

List of physics topics R-Z


<< List of physics topics M-Q



* Rabi, Isidor Isaac
* Radiation
* Radiation of sound
* Radiation pressure
* Radioactivity
* Rainwater, Leo James
* Raman, Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata
* Raman scattering
* Raman spectroscopy
* Ramsauer-Townsend effect
* Ramsey, Norman
* Rayleigh scattering
* Rayleigh-Taylor
* Rayleigh, John William Strutt, 3rd Baron


* Reciprocal lattice
* Reflection
* Reflection coefficient
* Refractive index
* Redshift
* Reines, Frederik
* Relativity
* Relativistic mass
* Renormalization
* Resistance
* Resolution of the identity
* Resonance
* Rest mass
* Reynolds, Osborne
* Reynolds number
* Ricci tensor
* Richardson, Owen Willans
* Richardson, Robert C.
* Richardson number
* Richter, Burton
* Richtmyer-Meshkov
* Riemann, Bernhard
* Riemannian geometry
* Riemannian manifold
* Ring wave guide


* Robertson, Howard Percy
* Rohrer, Heinrich
* Röntgen, Wilhelm Conrad
* Rosen, Nathan
* Rotation
* Rotation group
* Rotation operator
* Rotational invariance
* Rubbia, Carlo
* Ruska, Ernst
* Rutherford cross-section
* Rutherford scattering
* Rutherford, Ernest
* Rydberg, Johannes
* Ryle, Sir Martin



* Sackur-Tetrode equation
* Sakharov, Andrei Dmitrievich
* Salam, Abdus
* Salmeron, Roberto
* Felix Savart


* Scalar
* Scalar field
* Scanning tunneling microscope
* Scattering
* Schawlow, Arthur Leonard
* Schenberg, Mário
* Schönberg-Chandrasekhar limit
* Schrieffer, John Robert
* Schrödinger equation
* Schrödinger's cat
* Schrödinger, Erwin
* Schwartz, Melvin
* Schwarzschild, Karl
* Schwarzschild metric
* Schwarzschild radius
* Schwinger, Julian
* Science
* Science (journal)
* Scientific method
* Scientific journal
* Scientific paper
* Scientific revolution
* Scientific skepticism
* Scientific units named after people
* Screened Coulomb potential


* Second Superstring Revolution
* Segrè, Emilio Gino
* Self-adjoint operator
* Semiconductor
* Semiconductor device fabrication
* Separability
* Separable
* Shape of the universe
* Shock wave
* Shockley, William Bradford
* Shull, Clifford G.
* SI base unit
* SI derived unit
* SI prefix
* Siphon
* Siegbahn, Kai M.
* Siegbahn, Manne
* Simple harmonic motion
* Simultaneity
* Sine wave
* Singular-value decomposition
* Slater determinant
* Slope
* Snell's law
* Snell, Willebrord


* SO(3)
* Solar cell
* Solar neutrino problem
* Solar power
* Solenoid
* Solid
* Solid mechanics
* Solid state physics
* Soliton
* Sommerfeld, Arnold
* Sound



* Space
* Space group
* Space-time
* Spacetime
* Special linear group
* Special relativity
* Specific gravity
* Spectral line
* Spectroscope
* Spectroscopy
* Optical spectrum
* Spectrum of a matrix
* Spectrum of an operator
* Speed
* Speed of gravity
* Speed of light
* Spherical coordinate system
* Spherical geometry


* Spin (physics)
* Spin density wave
* Spin glass
* Spin network
* Spin stabilized magnetic levitation
* Spin wave
* Spin-statistics theorem
* Spinor
* Spinor field
* Spontaneous symmetry breaking
* Spontaneous magnetization



* Standard Model
* Stark, Johannes
* Stark effect
* Statcoulomb
* Statics
* Statistical Mechanics
* Statistical physics
* Statistics
* Stefan-Boltzmann constant
* Stefan-Boltzmann law
* Stefan electromagnetic equation
* Stefan flow
* Stefan force
* Stefan, Joef
* Stefan, Joseph
* Steinberger, Jack
* Stern, Otto
* Stevin, Simon
* Stewart-Walker lemma
* Stokes, George Gabriel
* Stokes' law
* Stokes parameters
* Störmer, Horst L.


* Strange matter
* Strangeness
* Stress-energy tensor
* String (physics)
* String theory
* Strnad, Janez
* Strong interaction
* Strong nuclear force


* SU(2)
* SU(3)
* Subatomic particle
* Sudbury Neutrino Observatory
* Sun
* Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect
* Super-Kamiokande
* Superconducting Super Collider
* Superconductivity
* Superconductor
* Superfluidity
* Supergravity
* Superparamagnetism
* Superposition principle
* Superstring theory
* Supersymmetry
* Surface tension
* Symmetric matrix
* Symmetric tensor
* Symmetry
* Synchrotron
* Synchrotron light (applications)
* Synchrotron radiation
* Szilárd, Leó


* T-duality
* T-symmetry


* Tachyon
* Tamm, Igor Yevgenyevich
* Tau lepton
* Taylor series
* Taylor, Brook
* Taylor, Richard E.
* Taylor number
* Teller, Edward
* Temperature
* Tension (mechanics)
* Tensor
* Tensor-classical
* Tensor product
* Tesla
* Tesla coil
* Tesla, Nikola


* Theoretical astrophysics
* Theoretical chemistry
* Theoretical physics
* Theory
* Theory of everything
* Theory of invariants
* Theory of relativity
* Thermal conductance
* Thermal conductivity
* Thermal neutron
* Thermodynamic properties
* Thermodynamic potentials
* Thermodynamics
* Thermoelectric effect
* Thirring, Hans
* Thomas precession
* Thompson, Benjamin
* Thomson, George Paget
* Thomson, Joseph John
* Thomson, William (Lord Kelvin)
* Thought experiment



* Tide
* Tidal acceleration
* Tidal force
* Tidal locking
* Tidal resonance


* Time
* Time dilation
* Time invariance
* Time travel
* Timeline of classical mechanics
* Timeline of electromagnetism and classical optics
* Timeline of gravitational physics and relativity
* Timeline of nuclear fusion
* Timeline of other background radiation fields
* Timeline of particle physics
* Timeline of particle physics technology
* Timeline of physics
* Timeline of quantum mechanics, molecular physics, atomic physics, nuclear physics, and particle physics
* Timeline of states of matter and phase transitions
* Timeline of thermodynamics, statistical mechanics, and random processes
* Ting, Samuel Chao Chung


* Tokamak
* Tomonaga
* Tomonaga, Sin-Itiro
* Topological group
* Topology of the universe
* Torque
* Torricelli, Evangelista
* Torsion (mechanics)
* Torsion subgroup
* Townes, Charles Hard
* Transfer function
* Transition rule
* Transistor
* Translation (physics)
* Translational invariance
* Transpose
* Tsui, Daniel C.
* Turbulence
* Turbulent flow
* Twin paradox


* U(1)
* Ultraviolet catastrophe
* Uncertainty principle
* Undulatory theory of light
* Unicity distance
* Unified field theory
* Unit cell
* Unitary group
* Unitary matrix
* Unitary operator
* Universal gas equation
* Unsolved problems in physics


* Vacuum
* Vacuum expectation value
* Van de Graaff generator
* van der Meer, Simon
* van der Waals, Johannes
* van der Waals equation
* van Vleck, John Hasbrouck
* Vector (geometric)
* Vector calculus
* Vector field
* Vector space
* Vehicle dynamics
* Velocity
* Veltman, Martinus J. G.
* Vibrating string
* Vibration
* Villari effect
* Virial equation of state
* Virtual force
* Virtual particle
* Viscosity
* Volta, Alessandro
* von Klitzing, Klaus
* von Weizsäcker, Carl


* W and Z bosons
* W boson


* Wallis, John
* Walton, Ernest Thomas Sinton
* Walton, Thomas
* Ward, John Clive
* Wave
* Wave equation
* Wave-particle duality
* Wavefunction
* Wavefunction collapse
* Wavelength
* Wavenumber


* Weak decay
* Weak force
* Weak interaction
* Weak nuclear force
* weber
* Weber, Wilhelm
* Weber, Wilhelm Eduard
* Weight
* Weightlessness
* Weinberg, Steven
* Weisskopf, Victor
* Weyl, Hermann
* Weyl's postulate
* Weyl tensor


* Wiedemann effect
* Wieman, Carl E.
* Wick product
* Wick rotation
* Wien's law
* Wien, Wilhelm
* Wigner, Eugene
* Wilson, Charles Thomson Rees
* Wilson, Kenneth G.
* Wilson, Robert Woodrow
* Witten, Edward
* Woods, Leona
* Worldline


* X-ray
* X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES)
* X-ray crystallography
* X-ray diffraction
* X-ray fluorescence
* X-ray structure


* Yang, Chen Ning
* Yang-Mills theory
* Young, Thomas
* Young's modulus
* Yukawa, Hideki


* Z boson
* Zeeman effect
* Zeeman, Pieter
* Zernike, Frits
* Zero-point energy
* Zitterbewegung motion
* Zone melting
* Zweig, George

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