- List of law topics (S-Z)
Law [FromOld English "lagu" "something laid down or fixed"; "legal" comes fromLatin "legalis", from "lex" "law", "statute" ( [http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?search=law&searchmode=none Law] , Online Etymology Dictionary; [http://www.m-w.com/dictionary/legal Legal] , Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary)] is a system of rules usually enforced through a set ofinstitution s. [Robertson, "Crimes against humanity", 90; seejurisprudence for extensive debate on what law is;H.L.A Hart argued law is a "system of rules" in his work "The Concept of Law " (Campbell, "The Contribution of Legal Studies", 184);John Austin said law was "the command of a sovereign, backed by the threat of a sanction" (Bix, [http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/austin-john/#3 John Austin] ); Ronald Dworkin describes law as an "interpretive concept" to achievejustice (Dworkin, "Law's Empire", 410); andJoseph Raz argues law is an "authority" to mediate people's interests (Raz, "The Authority of Law", 3–36).] Law-related topics include:Sabotage --Sacred text --Said --Salafi --Sale --Sales tax --Salvage --Samaritan Pentateuch --Same-sex marriage -- Sanctions --Sanhedrin --Sasine --Satisfaction --Satisfaction of judgment --Satisfaction of mortgage --Satyagraha --Save harmless --Savings and loan --Scapegoat --School of law --Sciens -- "scienter " -- "scintilla " -- "scire facias " --Scope of employment --Scots law --Scrivener --Scutage -- "se defendendo " -- Seal --Sealed verdict --Sealing of records --Search --Search and seizure --Search warrant --Second degree murder --Second tier --Secondary boycott --Secret police --Secret rebate --Secret tribunal --Secret trust --Secretary of State for the Home Department --Secularism --Secured creditor --Secured transaction -- Security --Security agreement --Security deposit --Security for costs --Security interest --Security of tenure --Secus --Sedition --Seduction --Seigniorage --Seised --Seisin --Seized --Seizure --Self-certify --Self-dealing -- Self-defense --Self-determination --Self-executing --Self-help --Self-incrimination --Self-serving --Sell --Seller -- "semble " --Semicha --Senior lien --Sentence (law) --Separate property --Separation --Separation agreement --Separation of church and state --Separation of powers --Separatism --Septuagint --Sequester --Sequestration --Serf --Sergeantry -- "seriatim " -- Servant -- Service --Service by fax --Service by mail --Service by publication --Service contract --Service mark --Service of process -- Services --Servient estate --Session --Set --Set-aside -- Set-off -- Setting -- Settle -- Settlement --Settlement agreement --Settlor --Seven deadly sins --Severable contract --Several liability --Severance --Sex offender --Sex tourism --Sex worker --Sex-related court cases --Sexual assault --Sexual discrimination --Sexual harassment --Sexual morality --Sexual norm --Shafi'i --Shaikh --Shall --Shame -- Share --Share and share alike --Share capital --Share certificate --Shareholder --Shareholders agreement --Shareholders' agreement --Shareholders' derivative action --Shareholders' meeting --Sharia law --Sharp practice --Shepardize --Sheriff --Sheriff's sale --Shield laws --Shifting the burden of proof --Shoplifting --Short cause --Shortening time --Show cause order --Shulkhan Arukh --Sick pay -- Sidebar -- Sign --Signature --Signing bonus --Silent partner --Silk --Similarly situated --Simple trust --Simultaneous death act --Sin --Sin-offering -- "sine die " -- "sine qua non " --Single life annuity --Sira --Situated ethics --Situational ethics -- "situs " --Slander --Slander of title --Slavery --Slavery at common law --Small claims court --Small claims track --Smuggling --Socage --Social capital --Social control --Social engineering --Social justice --Socialist law --Sodomy --Sodomy law --Software license --Software patent --Copyright infringement of software --Soke --Sole proprietorship --Solicitation --Solicitor -- Solicitor General (disambiguation) --Solitary confinement --Solvency --Solvent --Sound mind and memory --Sounds in --Southern Poverty Law Center --Sovereign immunity --Sovereignty --Spanish Constitution of 1978 --Spanish Inquisition --Speaking demurrer --Special --Special administrator --Special appearance --Special circumstances --Special damages --Special master --Special notice --Special prosecutor --Special resolution --Special verdict --Specific bequest --Specific devise --Specific finding --Specific legacy --Specific performance --Specified claim --Speculative damages --Speed limit --Speed trap --Speedy trial --Spendthrift clause --Spendthrift trust --Spoliation of evidence --Spontaneous exclamation --Spot zoning --Spousal abuse --Spousal right -- Spousal support --Springing interest --Squat --Squatter -- Stakeholder --Stamp duty --Standard form contract --Standard of care -- Standing --Standing order --Star Chamber --Star chamber proceedings -- "stare decisis " --State --State action --State court --State of domicile --State of Emergency --State religion --State-owned enterprise --Statement --Stationhouse bail --Statism --Status conference --Statute --Statute of frauds --Statute of limitations --Statutes of fraud --Statutes of limitations --Statutory Instrument --Statutory law --Statutory offer of settlement --Statutory rape --Stay away order --Stay of execution --Stay of proceedings --Stet --Stipendiary magistrate --Stipulation --Stock --Stock certificate --Stock in trade --Stock option --Stockholder --Stockholders' derivative action --Stoning --Stop and frisk --Strata title --Strategic lawsuits against public participation --Straw deed --Straw man --Street --Strict construction --Strict liability -- Strike --Strike action --Structure -- "sua sponte " -- "sub judice " -- "sub modo " -- "sub nomine " -- "sub silentio " --Sub-tenant --Subchapter S corporation --Subcontractor --Subject to --Sublease --Sublet --Submitted -- Subordination --Subordination agreement --Subornation of perjury -- "subpoena " -- "subpoena ad testificum " -- "subpoena duces tecum " --Subrogation --Subrogee --Subrogor --Subscribe --Subscribers --Subsidiary company --Substantial performance --Substantive law --Substitute in --Substituted service --Substitution --Substitution of attorney --Succession --Successive sentences --Suffering --Suffrage -- "suggestio falsi " -- "sui generis " --Suicide --Suit --Suitor --Sum certain --Summary adjudication of issues --Summary assessment --Summary dismissal --Summary judgment --Summary offence -- Summation --Summing --Summons --Sunnah --Superior court -- "supersedeas " --Superseding cause --Supplemental -- "suppressio veri " --Suppression of evidence -- "supra " --Supremacy clause --Supreme court --Supreme Court of Canada --Supreme Court of India --Supreme Court of judicature --Supreme Court of New Zealand --Surcharge --Surety --Surplusage --Surrebutal -- Surrender --Surrogate --Surrogate court --Survivorship --Suspended sentence --Sustain --Swear --Swindle --Syndicate --Synod --Synthetic lease --T
T.R.O. --Table A --Tacking (law) --Tainted evidence --Take --Taking the fifth --Taliban --Talis qualis --Tallage --Talmud --Tangible personal property --Tangible property --Taqlid --Targeting civilians --Targum --Tax --Tax avoidance --Tax costs --Tax court --Tax credit --Tax deduction --Tax evasion --Tax haven --Tax law --Tax return --Tax sale --Tax treaty --Taxation in the United States --Taxation of costs --Temporary injunction --Temporary insanity --Ten Commandments --Tenancy --Tenancy at sufferance --Tenancy at will --Tenancy by the entirety --Tenancy in common --Tenant --Tender --Tenement --Tentative trust --Tenure --Term --Terms and conditions of employment --Terms and conditions of purchase --Terms and conditions of sale --Terms of disparagement -- "terra nullius " --Territorial integrity --Terrorism --Test Act --Testacy --Testamentary --Testamentary capacity --Testamentary disposition --Testamentary trust --Testate --Testator --Testatrix --Teste --Testify --Testimony --Texas Declaration of Independence -- Crown -- Old Bailey --The problem of evil --Theft --Theocracy --Third party (civil litigation) --Third tier --Third-party beneficiary --Thirds --Thirty-day notice --Three strikes law --Three theological virtues --Three-day notice --Tide lands --Time is of the essence --Time served --Timeshare --Tipstaff --Tithe --Title --Title abstract --Title insurance --Title report --Title search --To wit -- Toll --Toll bridge --Toll road --Tontine --Tools of trade --Torah --Torah study --Torrens title --Tort --Tort claims act --Tortfeasor --Tortious --Torture --Tosafists --Tosefta --Total depravity --Totalitarian democracy --Totalitarianism --Totten doctrine --Totten trust --Tracing (law) --Tract dn --Trade --Trade fixture --Trade name --Trade secret --Trade union --Trade-Related aspects of Intellectual Property rights --Trademark --Trademarks registry --Trader --Tragedy of the commons --Transcript --Transfer --Transfer agent --Transfer in contemplation of death --Transfer of shares --Transferred intent -- Transparency --Treason --Treasure trove --Treasury security --Treasury stock --Treaty --Treaty of Waitangi --Treble damages --Trespass -- Trial --Trial by combat --Trial by ordeal --Trial court --Trial de novo --Trial window --Tribunal --Tribute --Trier of fact -- "trinoda necessitas " --Triple net lease --Truancy --True bill --Trust law --Trust deed --Trust fund --Trust instrument --Trustee --Trustee in bankruptcy --Trustor --Trusts and estates --Truth in Lending Act --Try title --Turn states' evidence --Twelve Tables --Twinkie defense --U
Uberrima fides --UCC-1 --Ulema --Ultimate fact -- "ultra vires " --Ultrahazardous activity --Unclean hands --Unconscionable -- Unconstitutional -- Under the influence --Underground Railroad --Underwrite --Underwriter --Underwriting agreement --Undisclosed principal --Undivided interest --Undue influence --Unfair competition --Unfair dismissal --Unfree labour --Unified estate and gift tax --Uniform Code of Military Justice --Uniform Commercial Code --Uniform reciprocal enforcement of support act --Unilateral contract --Uninsured motorist clause --Unissued stock --Unitary state --United Nations Charter --United Nations Convention Against Torture --United States bankruptcy court --United States Bill of Rights --United States Code --United States Constitution --United States constitutional law --United States court of appeals --United States Declaration of Independence --United States Department of Justice --United States district court --United States Federal Income Tax Personal Exemption --United States federal judicial circuit --United States federal judicial district --United States Office of the Independent Counsel --United States Patent and Trademark Office --United States prison population --United States Supreme Court --United States tax reform -- Trademark Law (United States) --Universal Declaration of Human Rights --Universal jurisdiction --Unjust enrichment --Unjust taking --Unlawful --Unlawful assembly --Unlawful detainer -- "uno flatu " --Unreasonable search and seizure --Unspecified claim --Use --Use tax --Usucaption --Usufruct --Usurious --Usury -- "uti possidetis " --Utilitarianism --Utility (patent) -- Utter -- "uxor " --V
Vacate --Vagrancy --Valid claim --Valuable consideration -- Variance --Vehicular manslaughter -- "vel non " --Vendee --Vendor -- "venire " --Venue (law) --Verbatim (law) --Verdict --Verification --Vest --Vested --Vested remainder --Vested right --Vexatious litigation --Vicarious liability --Vice-Chancellor (UK legal system) -- "vice versa " -- "vide " -- "videlicet " --Vienna Convention --Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations --Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties --Vigilante --Violence --Virginia Declaration of Rights --Virtue ethics --Virtue jurisprudence --Visitation --Visitation right -- "viz. " -- Void --Void for vagueness --Void marriage --Voidable --Voidable marriage --Voir dire --Volens --Voluntary association --Voluntary bankruptcy --Voting trust --Vulgate --W
Wage execution --Wahhabism --Waive --Waiver --Walking possession --Wanton --Waqf --War crime --War Crimes Law (Belgium) --War on Drugs --War Powers Resolution --War reparations --Ward (legal) --Ward of court -- Wardship --Warrant (legal) --Warrant of committal --Warrant of delivery --Warrant of execution --Warrant of possession --Warrant of restitution --Warranty --Warranty deed --Waste --Waste land --Watered stock --Weight of evidence --Weimar constitution --West American Digest System --Wet reckless --Whiplash (medicine) --Whistleblower --White collar crime --Widow --Widow's election --Widower -- Will --Will contest --Willful --Willfully --Wind up --Winding up --Winding-up --Window tax -- Wiretap --Witchhunt --Withdrawal --Witness --Witness stand --Witness statement --Words of art --Work product --Work stoppage --Workers' compensation --Workers' compensation acts --Workmen's compensation --Works of authority in British constitution --World Court --World Intellectual Property Organisation --World Trade Organization --Writ --Writ of attachment --Writ of coram nobis --Writ of execution --Writ of mandate --Writ of summons --Wrongful death -- Wrongful discharge --Wrongful dismissal -- Wrongful termination --Wrongful trading Y
Yellow Dog contract --Yeshiva --Your honor --Youthful offender --Z
Zoning --References
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