List of law topics (S-Z)

List of law topics (S-Z)


Law [From Old English "lagu" "something laid down or fixed"; "legal" comes from Latin "legalis", from "lex" "law", "statute" ( [ Law] , Online Etymology Dictionary; [ Legal] , Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary)] is a system of rules usually enforced through a set of institutions. [Robertson, "Crimes against humanity", 90; see jurisprudence for extensive debate on what law is; H.L.A Hart argued law is a "system of rules" in his work "The Concept of Law" (Campbell, "The Contribution of Legal Studies", 184); John Austin said law was "the command of a sovereign, backed by the threat of a sanction" (Bix, [ John Austin] ); Ronald Dworkin describes law as an "interpretive concept" to achieve justice (Dworkin, "Law's Empire", 410); and Joseph Raz argues law is an "authority" to mediate people's interests (Raz, "The Authority of Law", 3–36).] Law-related topics include:

Sabotage -- Sacred text -- Said -- Salafi -- Sale -- Sales tax -- Salvage -- Samaritan Pentateuch -- Same-sex marriage -- Sanctions -- Sanhedrin --Sasine -- Satisfaction -- Satisfaction of judgment -- Satisfaction of mortgage -- Satyagraha -- Save harmless -- Savings and loan -- Scapegoat -- School of law -- Sciens -- "scienter" -- "scintilla" -- "scire facias" -- Scope of employment -- Scots law -- Scrivener -- Scutage -- "se defendendo" -- Seal -- Sealed verdict -- Sealing of records -- Search -- Search and seizure -- Search warrant -- Second degree murder -- Second tier -- Secondary boycott -- Secret police -- Secret rebate -- Secret tribunal -- Secret trust -- Secretary of State for the Home Department -- Secularism -- Secured creditor -- Secured transaction -- Security -- Security agreement -- Security deposit -- Security for costs -- Security interest -- Security of tenure -- Secus -- Sedition -- Seduction -- Seigniorage -- Seised -- Seisin -- Seized -- Seizure -- Self-certify -- Self-dealing -- Self-defense -- Self-determination -- Self-executing -- Self-help -- Self-incrimination -- Self-serving -- Sell -- Seller -- "semble" -- Semicha -- Senior lien -- Sentence (law) -- Separate property -- Separation -- Separation agreement -- Separation of church and state -- Separation of powers -- Separatism -- Septuagint -- Sequester -- Sequestration -- Serf -- Sergeantry -- "seriatim" -- Servant -- Service -- Service by fax -- Service by mail -- Service by publication -- Service contract -- Service mark -- Service of process -- Services -- Servient estate -- Session -- Set -- Set-aside -- Set-off -- Setting -- Settle -- Settlement -- Settlement agreement -- Settlor -- Seven deadly sins -- Severable contract -- Several liability -- Severance -- Sex offender -- Sex tourism -- Sex worker -- Sex-related court cases -- Sexual assault -- Sexual discrimination -- Sexual harassment -- Sexual morality -- Sexual norm -- Shafi'i -- Shaikh -- Shall -- Shame -- Share -- Share and share alike -- Share capital -- Share certificate -- Shareholder -- Shareholders agreement -- Shareholders' agreement -- Shareholders' derivative action -- Shareholders' meeting -- Sharia law --Sharp practice -- Shepardize -- Sheriff -- Sheriff's sale -- Shield laws -- Shifting the burden of proof -- Shoplifting -- Short cause -- Shortening time -- Show cause order -- Shulkhan Arukh -- Sick pay -- Sidebar -- Sign -- Signature -- Signing bonus -- Silent partner -- Silk -- Similarly situated -- Simple trust -- Simultaneous death act -- Sin -- Sin-offering -- "sine die" -- "sine qua non" -- Single life annuity -- Sira -- Situated ethics -- Situational ethics -- "situs" -- Slander -- Slander of title -- Slavery -- Slavery at common law -- Small claims court -- Small claims track -- Smuggling -- Socage -- Social capital -- Social control -- Social engineering -- Social justice -- Socialist law -- Sodomy -- Sodomy law -- Software license -- Software patent -- Copyright infringement of software -- Soke -- Sole proprietorship -- Solicitation -- Solicitor -- Solicitor General (disambiguation) -- Solitary confinement -- Solvency -- Solvent -- Sound mind and memory -- Sounds in -- Southern Poverty Law Center -- Sovereign immunity -- Sovereignty -- Spanish Constitution of 1978 -- Spanish Inquisition -- Speaking demurrer -- Special -- Special administrator -- Special appearance -- Special circumstances -- Special damages -- Special master -- Special notice -- Special prosecutor -- Special resolution -- Special verdict -- Specific bequest -- Specific devise -- Specific finding -- Specific legacy -- Specific performance -- Specified claim -- Speculative damages -- Speed limit -- Speed trap -- Speedy trial -- Spendthrift clause -- Spendthrift trust -- Spoliation of evidence -- Spontaneous exclamation -- Spot zoning -- Spousal abuse -- Spousal right -- Spousal support -- Springing interest -- Squat -- Squatter -- Stakeholder -- Stamp duty -- Standard form contract -- Standard of care -- Standing -- Standing order -- Star Chamber -- Star chamber proceedings -- "stare decisis" -- State -- State action -- State court -- State of domicile -- State of Emergency -- State religion -- State-owned enterprise -- Statement -- Stationhouse bail -- Statism -- Status conference -- Statute -- Statute of frauds -- Statute of limitations -- Statutes of fraud -- Statutes of limitations -- Statutory Instrument -- Statutory law -- Statutory offer of settlement -- Statutory rape -- Stay away order -- Stay of execution -- Stay of proceedings -- Stet -- Stipendiary magistrate -- Stipulation -- Stock -- Stock certificate -- Stock in trade -- Stock option -- Stockholder -- Stockholders' derivative action -- Stoning -- Stop and frisk -- Strata title -- Strategic lawsuits against public participation -- Straw deed -- Straw man -- Street -- Strict construction -- Strict liability -- Strike -- Strike action -- Structure -- "sua sponte" -- "sub judice" -- "sub modo" -- "sub nomine" -- "sub silentio" -- Sub-tenant -- Subchapter S corporation -- Subcontractor -- Subject to -- Sublease -- Sublet -- Submitted -- Subordination -- Subordination agreement -- Subornation of perjury -- "subpoena" -- "subpoena ad testificum" -- "subpoena duces tecum" -- Subrogation -- Subrogee -- Subrogor -- Subscribe -- Subscribers -- Subsidiary company -- Substantial performance -- Substantive law -- Substitute in -- Substituted service -- Substitution -- Substitution of attorney -- Succession -- Successive sentences -- Suffering -- Suffrage -- "suggestio falsi" -- "sui generis" -- Suicide -- Suit -- Suitor -- Sum certain -- Summary adjudication of issues -- Summary assessment -- Summary dismissal -- Summary judgment -- Summary offence -- Summation -- Summing -- Summons -- Sunnah -- Superior court -- "supersedeas" -- Superseding cause -- Supplemental -- "suppressio veri" -- Suppression of evidence -- "supra" -- Supremacy clause -- Supreme court -- Supreme Court of Canada -- Supreme Court of India -- Supreme Court of judicature -- Supreme Court of New Zealand -- Surcharge -- Surety -- Surplusage -- Surrebutal -- Surrender -- Surrogate -- Surrogate court -- Survivorship -- Suspended sentence -- Sustain -- Swear -- Swindle -- Syndicate -- Synod -- Synthetic lease --


T.R.O. -- Table A -- Tacking (law) -- Tainted evidence -- Take -- Taking the fifth -- Taliban -- Talis qualis -- Tallage -- Talmud -- Tangible personal property -- Tangible property -- Taqlid -- Targeting civilians -- Targum -- Tax -- Tax avoidance -- Tax costs -- Tax court -- Tax credit -- Tax deduction -- Tax evasion -- Tax haven -- Tax law -- Tax return -- Tax sale -- Tax treaty -- Taxation in the United States -- Taxation of costs -- Temporary injunction -- Temporary insanity -- Ten Commandments -- Tenancy -- Tenancy at sufferance -- Tenancy at will -- Tenancy by the entirety -- Tenancy in common -- Tenant -- Tender -- Tenement -- Tentative trust -- Tenure -- Term -- Terms and conditions of employment -- Terms and conditions of purchase -- Terms and conditions of sale -- Terms of disparagement -- "terra nullius" -- Territorial integrity -- Terrorism -- Test Act -- Testacy -- Testamentary -- Testamentary capacity -- Testamentary disposition -- Testamentary trust -- Testate -- Testator -- Testatrix -- Teste -- Testify -- Testimony -- Texas Declaration of Independence -- Crown -- Old Bailey -- The problem of evil -- Theft -- Theocracy -- Third party (civil litigation) -- Third tier -- Third-party beneficiary -- Thirds -- Thirty-day notice -- Three strikes law -- Three theological virtues -- Three-day notice -- Tide lands -- Time is of the essence -- Time served -- Timeshare -- Tipstaff -- Tithe -- Title -- Title abstract -- Title insurance -- Title report -- Title search -- To wit -- Toll -- Toll bridge -- Toll road -- Tontine -- Tools of trade -- Torah -- Torah study -- Torrens title -- Tort -- Tort claims act -- Tortfeasor -- Tortious -- Torture -- Tosafists -- Tosefta -- Total depravity -- Totalitarian democracy -- Totalitarianism -- Totten doctrine -- Totten trust -- Tracing (law) -- Tractdn -- Trade -- Trade fixture -- Trade name -- Trade secret -- Trade union -- Trade-Related aspects of Intellectual Property rights -- Trademark -- Trademarks registry -- Trader -- Tragedy of the commons -- Transcript -- Transfer -- Transfer agent -- Transfer in contemplation of death -- Transfer of shares -- Transferred intent -- Transparency -- Treason -- Treasure trove -- Treasury security -- Treasury stock -- Treaty -- Treaty of Waitangi -- Treble damages -- Trespass -- Trial -- Trial by combat -- Trial by ordeal -- Trial court -- Trial de novo -- Trial window -- Tribunal -- Tribute -- Trier of fact -- "trinoda necessitas" -- Triple net lease -- Truancy -- True bill -- Trust law -- Trust deed -- Trust fund -- Trust instrument -- Trustee -- Trustee in bankruptcy -- Trustor -- Trusts and estates -- Truth in Lending Act -- Try title -- Turn states' evidence -- Twelve Tables -- Twinkie defense --


Uberrima fides -- UCC-1 -- Ulema -- Ultimate fact -- "ultra vires" -- Ultrahazardous activity -- Unclean hands -- Unconscionable -- Unconstitutional -- Under the influence -- Underground Railroad -- Underwrite -- Underwriter -- Underwriting agreement -- Undisclosed principal -- Undivided interest -- Undue influence -- Unfair competition -- Unfair dismissal -- Unfree labour -- Unified estate and gift tax -- Uniform Code of Military Justice -- Uniform Commercial Code -- Uniform reciprocal enforcement of support act -- Unilateral contract -- Uninsured motorist clause -- Unissued stock -- Unitary state -- United Nations Charter -- United Nations Convention Against Torture -- United States bankruptcy court -- United States Bill of Rights -- United States Code -- United States Constitution -- United States constitutional law -- United States court of appeals -- United States Declaration of Independence -- United States Department of Justice -- United States district court -- United States Federal Income Tax Personal Exemption -- United States federal judicial circuit -- United States federal judicial district -- United States Office of the Independent Counsel -- United States Patent and Trademark Office -- United States prison population -- United States Supreme Court -- United States tax reform -- Trademark Law (United States) -- Universal Declaration of Human Rights -- Universal jurisdiction -- Unjust enrichment -- Unjust taking -- Unlawful -- Unlawful assembly -- Unlawful detainer -- "uno flatu" -- Unreasonable search and seizure -- Unspecified claim -- Use -- Use tax -- Usucaption -- Usufruct -- Usurious -- Usury -- "uti possidetis" -- Utilitarianism -- Utility (patent) -- Utter -- "uxor" --


Vacate -- Vagrancy -- Valid claim -- Valuable consideration -- Variance -- Vehicular manslaughter -- "vel non" -- Vendee -- Vendor -- "venire" -- Venue (law) -- Verbatim (law) -- Verdict -- Verification -- Vest -- Vested -- Vested remainder -- Vested right -- Vexatious litigation -- Vicarious liability -- Vice-Chancellor (UK legal system) -- "vice versa" -- "vide" -- "videlicet" -- Vienna Convention -- Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations -- Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties -- Vigilante -- Violence -- Virginia Declaration of Rights -- Virtue ethics -- Virtue jurisprudence -- Visitation -- Visitation right -- "viz." -- Void -- Void for vagueness -- Void marriage -- Voidable -- Voidable marriage -- Voir dire -- Volens -- Voluntary association -- Voluntary bankruptcy -- Voting trust -- Vulgate --


Wage execution -- Wahhabism -- Waive -- Waiver -- Walking possession -- Wanton -- Waqf -- War crime -- War Crimes Law (Belgium) -- War on Drugs -- War Powers Resolution -- War reparations -- Ward (legal) -- Ward of court -- Wardship -- Warrant (legal) -- Warrant of committal -- Warrant of delivery -- Warrant of execution -- Warrant of possession -- Warrant of restitution -- Warranty -- Warranty deed -- Waste -- Waste land -- Watered stock -- Weight of evidence -- Weimar constitution -- West American Digest System -- Wet reckless -- Whiplash (medicine) -- Whistleblower -- White collar crime -- Widow -- Widow's election -- Widower -- Will -- Will contest -- Willful -- Willfully -- Wind up -- Winding up -- Winding-up -- Window tax -- Wiretap -- Witchhunt -- Withdrawal -- Witness -- Witness stand -- Witness statement -- Words of art -- Work product -- Work stoppage -- Workers' compensation -- Workers' compensation acts -- Workmen's compensation -- Works of authority in British constitution -- World Court -- World Intellectual Property Organisation -- World Trade Organization -- Writ -- Writ of attachment -- Writ of coram nobis -- Writ of execution -- Writ of mandate -- Writ of summons -- Wrongful death -- Wrongful discharge -- Wrongful dismissal -- Wrongful termination -- Wrongful trading


Yellow Dog contract -- Yeshiva -- Your honor -- Youthful offender --


Zoning --


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