Mother Nature

Mother Nature

Mother Nature (sometimes known as Mother Earth) is a common personification of nature that focuses on the life-giving and nurturing aspects of nature by embodying it in the form of the mother. Images of women representing mother earth, and mother nature, are timeless. In prehistoric times, goddesses were worshipped for their association with fertility, fecundity, and agricultural bounty. Priestesses held dominion over aspects of Incan, Algonquian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Slavonic, Germanic, Roman, Greek, Indian, and Iroquoian religions in the millennia prior to the inception of patriarchal religions.


Western tradition History

The word nature comes from the Latin word, natura, meaning birth or character (see nature (innate)). In English its first recorded use, in the sense of the entirety of the phenomena of the world, was very late in history in 1662; however natura, and the personification of Mother Nature, was widely popular in the Middle Ages and as a concept seated between the properly divine and the human, it can be traced to Ancient Greece - though Earth or Eorthe in the Old English period may have been personified as a goddess and the Norse also had a goddess called Jord Earth.

The earliest written and safely dated literal references to the term "Mother Earth" occur in Mycenaean Greek ma-ka (transliterated as ma-ga), "Mother Gaia", written in Linear B syllabic script (13th/12th cent. BC).[1] The various myths of nature goddesses such as Inanna/Ishtar (myths and hymns attested on tablets in the third millennium B.C.] show that the personification of the creative and nurturing sides of Nature as female deities had deep roots. In Greece, the pre-Socratic philosophers had "invented" nature when they abstracted the entirety of phenomena of the world as singular: physis, and this was inherited by Aristotle. Later medieval Christian thinkers did not see nature as inclusive of everything, but thought that she had been created by God; her place lay on earth, below the unchanging heavens and moon. Nature lay somewhere in the middle, with agents above her (angels) and below her (demons and hell). For the medieval mind she was only a personification, not a goddess.

Greek myth

Aeon (Chronos), Gaia and four children

In Greek mythology, Persephone, the daughter of Demeter, goddess of the harvest, was abducted by Hades, god of the dead, and taken to the underworld as his queen. Demeter was so distraught that no crops would grow and the "entire human race [would] have perished of cruel, biting hunger if Zeus had not been concerned" (Larousse 152). Zeus forced Hades to return Persephone to her mother, but while in the underworld, Persephone had eaten pomegranate seeds, the food of the dead and thus, she must spend part of each year with Hades in the underworld. Demeter's grief for her daughter in the realm of the dead, is reflected in the barren winter months and her joy when Persephone returns is reflected in the bountiful summer months.

Demeter would take the place of her grandmother, Gaia, and her mother, Rhea, as goddess of the earth in a time when humans and gods thought the activities of the heavens more sacred than those of earth.[2]

Leeming, Creation Myths of the World: An Encyclopedia

Indigenous peoples of the Americas

Algonquian legend says that "beneath the clouds lives the Earth-Mother from whom is derived the Water of Life, who at her bosom feeds plants, animals and human" (Larousse 428). (8) She is also known as Nokomis, the Grandmother.

In Inca mythology, Mama Pacha or Pachamama is a fertility goddess who presides over planting and harvesting. Pachamama is usually translated as "Mother Earth" but a more literal translation would be "Mother Universe" (in Aymara and Quechua mama = mother / pacha = world, space-time or the universe).[3] Pachamama and her husband, Inti are the most benevolent deities and are worshiped in parts of the Andean mountain ranges, also known as Tawantinsuyu (stretching from present day Ecuador to Chile and Argentina).

Southeast Asia

In the Southeast Asian Indochina countries of Cambodia, Laos and Thailand, earth (terra firma) is personified as Phra Mae Thorani, but her role in Buddhist mythology differs considerably from that of Mother Nature. In the Malay Archipelago, that role is filled by Dewi Sri, The Rice-mother in the East Indies.

Popular culture

  • In the early 1970s, a television ad featured character actress Dena Dietrich as Mother Nature. Vexed by an off screen narrator who informs her she has mistaken Chiffon margarine for butter, she responds with the trademarked slogan:Its not nice to fool Mother Nature” (underscored by thunder and lightning).[4]
  • Mother Nature is featured in The Year Without a Santa Claus voiced by Rhoda Mann. This version is the mother of Heat Miser and Snow Miser.
  • Mother Nature appears as a recurring character in The Smurfs voiced by June Foray.
  • Progressive rock band Kansas recorded the song Death of Mother Nature Suite as a protest against industrialization.
  • Mother Nature is featured in Happily Ever After voiced by Phyllis Diller. She is depicted as the most powerful force of good in this movie, having complete control over nature, as well as the ability to create creatures from potions she makes in her sanctuary. She gave the Dwarfelles each power to help her keep nature in check. When they bring Snow White to her sanctuary, she holds Thunderella accountable for not mastering her powers and scolds the Dwarfelles for misusing their abilities. Upon Lord Maliss's attack on Snow White in Mother Nature's garden, Mother Nature surrounds her corporeal self with massive amounts of electrical energy and blasts Lord Maliss out of the air. She then creates a divide in the land with a flick of her hand so he can not get to them. She is then seen in the end magically transporting herself to Lord Maliss's castle following his defeat where she was pleased at the Dwarfelles for working together to help defeat Lord Maliss and allows them to attend the wedding of Snow White and the Prince. Mother Nature also ends up taking Lord Maliss's henchmen Scowl the Owl and Batso the Bat in as apprentices.
  • Mother Nature is a recurring character in The New Woody Woodpecker Show voiced by B.J. Ward. She is depicted as a fairy who often makes sure that Woody Woodpecker is doing his part in nature.
  • Mother Nature is a supporting character in The Santa Clause 2 and The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause portrayed by Aisha Tyler. She is shown as the head of the Council of Legendary Figures.
  • Mother Nature appears in A Miser Brothers' Christmas (a sequel to "The Year Without a Santa Clause"). Besides Heat Miser and Snow Miser, she is also shown to be the mother of Earthquake, Thunder and Lightning, the Tides, and North Wind. After Santa Claus was injured during one of the Miser Brothers' feuds (with some part of North Wind's henchmen secretly sabotaging Santa's new sleigh), she and Mrs. Claus make the Miser Brothers work at Santa's workshop to make it up to her.
  • Mother Nature is featured in John Hancock written by Bo Bissett. She is referred to as Tara, a tribute to her name in Roman Mythology which is Terra or "Terra Mater.
  • Mother Nature is featured in Stargate. She is referred to as an Ancient called Oma Desala.

See also


  1. ^ Palaeolexicon, Word study tool of ancient languages
  2. ^ Leeming, David Adams (209). Creation Myths of the World: An Encyclopedia. 1 (2 (revised, illustrated) ed.). ABC-CLIO. p118. ISBN 9781598841749. 
  3. ^ Lira, Jorge A., 1944 Diccionario Kkechuwa - Español. Tucumán, Argentina
  4. ^ "This Day in Quotes: "Its not nice to fool Mother Nature"". 3 December 2010. 

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