List of mutants in Marvel Comics

List of mutants in Marvel Comics

=Human Mutants of 616-Universe=

Confirmed mutants


* Aardwolf - Chon Li
* Absalom
* Abyss - Nils Styger
* Aero - Melody Guthrie
* Agent Zero - Christoph Nord (AKA David North, Maverick)
* Airhead
* Alchemist
* Alchemy - Thomas Jones
* Alex
* Amalgam
* Amanda
* Amazing Merwoman - Patricia Hamilton
* Amber
* Aminedi
* Anais
* Anarchist - Tike Alicar
* Angel - Angel Salvadore
* Angel Dust - Christine
* Ankhi []
* Annalee
* Anole - Victor Borkowski
* Anteus (Neo), first appearance in "X-Men vol. 2, #101".
* Antonio []
* Ao Jun []
* Ape
* Apocalypse - En Sabah Nur
* Appraiser []
* Archangel - Warren Worthington III
* Archer
* Arclight - Philippa Sontag
* Armageddon Man []
* Armor - Hisako Ichiki
* Michael Asher
* Askari - Jono Baraka []
* Astra - Beth Al-Reraph
* Asylum (2) - Henrique Manuel Gallante
* Auric - Zhao Tang
* Aurora - Jeanne-Marie Beaubier
* Avalanche - Dominic Szilard Janos Petros
* Azazel


* Gailyn Bailey
* Joseph Thomas Bailey
* Bryson Bale
* La Bandera
* Bandit - Donyell Taylor
* Banshee - Sean Cassidy
* Bantam
* Barbican, a member of the race of supermutants known as Neo
* Barnacle - Mortimer Everett
* Base - Hiro Sokuto
* Bash []
* Basilisk
* Battering Ram
* Beak - Barnell Bohusk
* Beast - Dr. Henry "Hank" P. McCoy
* Beautiful Dreamer
* Bedlam - Jesse Aaronson
* Beef - Buford Wilson
* Bela
* Beldame (Goth) []
* Bella Donna - Bella Donna Boudreaux
* Bertram
* Berzerker
* Bette
* Bevatron - Fabian Marechal-Julbin
* Big Bertha - Ashley Crawford
* Big Casino (Neo) []
* Big Top []
* Birdy
* Bishop - Lucas Bishop
* Gene Bitner(Promise) []
* Black Box - Garabed Bashur
* Black Death []
* Black Swan
* Black Tom Cassidy - Thomas Samuel Eamon Cassidy
* Black Womb []
* Blaquesmith
* Siena Blaze
* Blind Faith - Alexi Garnoff
* Blindfold
* Blindspot
* Bling! - Roxanne "Roxy" Washington
* Blink - Clarice Ferguson
* Bliss
* Blob - Frederick J. Dukes
* Blockbuster - Michael Baer
* Bloke - Mickey Tork (AKA Rainbow)
* Bloodlust - Beatta Dubiel
* Bloody Bess (Crimson Pirates) []
* Astrid Bloom
* Blowhard
* Bludgeon (III) (Neo) []
* Larry Bodine
* Elias Bogan
* Axel, Kara, & 3 unnamed Bohusk children
* Tito Bohusk
* Tito Jerome Bohusk
* Bond []
* Book
* Boost
* Bora
* Bouncer
* Jamie Braddock - James "Jamie" Braddock Jr.
* Brain Cell - Kevin
* Brass - Sean Watanabe
* Breakdown []
* Briquette
* Broadband
* Brute
* Bubble
* Bugman []
* Bulk []
* Bulwark
* Burke
* William Burke []
* Burner (AKA Crucible) - Byron Calley
* Burning Puddle
* Butterfly - Layla Rose Miller


* Cable - Nathan Christopher Summers (AKA Nathan Dayspring Askanison)
* Caiman
* Caliban
* Callisto
* Godfrey Calthrop
* Candra
* Cannonball - Samuel Guthrie
* Carla
* Jumbo Carnation
* Carnivore []
* Tad Carter (The Promise) []
* Carver
* Adrian Castorp []
* Catiana - Tatiana Caban
* Catseye - Sharon Smith
* Cell
* Centennial
* Chamber - Jonothon "Jono" Evan Starsmore
* Chance
* Changeling - Kevin Sydney
* Lourdes Chantel []
* Charcoal - Charles "Charlie" Burlingame
* Charm (Gene Nation)
* Lila Cheney
* Trevor Chase []
* Chickenwings
* Chimera
* Chrome - Allen Marc Yuricic
* Clarity []
* Clay []
* Clive
* Cloak - Tyrone 'Ty' Johnson
* Coach
* Collective Man - Sun, Chang, Ho, Lin, and Han Toa-Yu
* Colossus - Piotr "Peter" Nikolaievitch Rasputin
* Concussion []
* Conquistador - Miguel Provenza
* Cooter []
* Copycat - Vanessa Geraldine Carlysle
* Corben []
* Corkscrew
* Anne-Marie Cortez
* Fabian Cortez
* Courier (I) []
* Courier (II) - Jacob Gavin Jr.
* Cowboy - Luke Merriweather
* Nelson Cragg
* Crimson Commando (AKA Commando) - Frank Bohannon
* Crimson Commando 2
* Crimson Daffodil
* Elijah Cross
* Crule
* Crypto []
* Cudgel (Neo) []
* Zoe Culloden []
* Cutter []
* Cybelle
* Cyber - Silas Burr
* Cyclops (I) - Scott Summers
* Cyclops (II) []
* Cypher - Douglas Aaron Ramsey



* daredevil
* D'Gard
* Dagger - Tandy Bowen
* Daken
* Dark Beast - Henry Philip McCoy
* Dark Mother []
* Darkstar - Laynia Sergeievna Petrovna
* Darwin - Armando Muñoz
* Dazzler - Alison Blaire
* Dead Girl - Moonbeam
* Deadbolt
* Decay - Jacob Lashinski
* Marco Delgado
* Deluge []
* Dervish (I) []
* Dervish (II) []
* Desolation (Neo) []
* Destiny - Irene Adler
* Diamond Lil - Lillian Crawley-Jeffries
* Dirge (Neo) []
* Dirtnap
* DJ - Mark Sheppard
* Domina
* Domino - Neena Thurman
* Doorman - DeMarr Davis
* Doppleganger - Wolfgang Helmut Heinreich
* Alison Double []
* Double Helix
* Double Trouble []
* Doug & Jerry
* Dragoness - Tamara Kurtz
* Dragonwing
* Dryad
* Dummy
* Dust - Sooraya Qadir
* Dynamite - Susan Svenson


* Kevin E.
* Ebon []
* El Guapo - Robbie Rodriguez
* Electric Eve
* Elixir - Joshua "Josh" Foley
* Elysia (Neo)
* Empath - Manuel Alfonso Rodrigo de la Rocha
* Emplate - Marius St. Croix
* Empyrean - Jonathan Bartolomew Chambers
* Ent
* Erg
* Ernst
* Ever
* Exodus - Bennet du Paris
* Eyebeam []
* Eye Scream []


* Fagin
* Arturo Falcones
* Famine - Autumn Rolfson
* Fan Boy - Arthur "Arnie" K. Lundberg
* Craig Farnsworth (Promise) []
* Fatale
* Feedback - Albert Louis
* Feral - Maria Callasantos
* Fever Pitch
* Filthy Frankie (District X)
* Fiona
* Firebug []
* Firefist - Russell "Rusty" Collins
* Firestar - Angelica "Angel" Jones
* Trevor Fitzroy
* Fixx
* Flambé
* Flashback - Gardner Monroe
* Flatman - (Dr. Val Ventura)
* Flex - Adrian Corbo
* Flubber
* Fontanelle - Gloria Dayne
* Forearm - Michael McCain
* Forge
* Freakshow
* Frenzy - Joanna Cargill
* Adrienne Frost
* Cordelia Frost
* Emma Grace Frost
* Fugue


* Gaia - Guardian of the Universal Amalgamator
* Gambit - Remy LeBeau
* Gamesmaster
* Gargouille - Lavinia Leblanc
* Jeffrey Garrett
* Sean Garrison
* Gateway
* Gazer
* Genesis - Tyler Dayspring
* Gentle - Nezhno Abidemi
* Carter Ghazikhanian
* Ghost Girl - Lilli
* Ghoul
* Gideon
* Gibbon - Martin Blank
* Gin Genie - Rebecca "Beckah" Parker
* Sharon Ginsberg
* Glob Herman - Herman Garner
* Gloom
* Glowworm
* Goblin Queen - Madelyne Pryor
* Goblyn - Goblyn Dean
* GoGo Tomago []
* Golden Child - Paul Patterson
* Mikula Golubev
* Gorgeous George - George Blair
* Gorgon - Tomi Shishido
* Goth (Goth) []
* Green Ghost []
* Gremlin - Topolov
* Greystone - Devlin Greystone
* Grim Hunter - Vladimir Kravinoff
* Grizzly (2) - Theodore Wyatt Winchester
* Guardian (4) - Michael Pointer
* Milo Gunderson


* Hack
* Tim Hacker
* Hairbag - Michael Suggs
* Hanransha []
* Hans
* Harmony []
* Harness - Erika Benson
* Harpoon - Kodiak Noatak
* Dezmond Harris
* Havok - Alexander "Alex" Summers
* Hawkshaw
* Molly Hayes
* Hazard - Carter Alexander Ryking
* Healer
* Hellion - Julian Keller
* Hemingway
* Dennis Hogan []
* Hollow (AKA Penance)
* Holly
* Holocaust (AKA Nemesis)
* Honcho - James MacDonald
* Seiji Honda []
* Hope - Esperanza Ling
* Ned Horrocks
* Host []
* Hound []
* Hub
* Hump
* Henrietta Hunter
* Humus Sapien
* Hurricane
* Husk - Paige Elisabeth Guthrie
* Hydro - Floyd Carter


* Icarus - Joshua "Jay" Guthrie
* Iceman - Robert "Bobby" Drake
* Indra - Paras Gavaskar
* Infectia - Josephine
* Shola Inkosi
* Integer (Gene Nation)
* Inza
* Iron Curtain []
* Iron Maiden (Gene Nation)
* Irving
* Shirow Ishihara
* Elena Ivanova []


* Jack-in-the-Box - Jack
* Jade Dragon - Dei Guan
* Jaeger (Neo)
* Janus []
* Isaac Javitz
* Jazz - John Arthur Zander
* Latonya Jefferson
* Madison Jeffries
* Jetstream - Haroun ibn Sallah al-Rashid
* Jo
* Johnny Dee - John D.
* Daisy Johnson - Quiver
* Joseph
* Jubilee - Jubilation Lee
* Juicers (2)
* Junction (Neo) []
* Justice - Vance Astrovik


* Bertram K.
* Kamal - Kamal El Alaqui
* Kamikaze
* Karma - Xi'an "Shan" Coy Manh
* Katu
* Daniel Kaufman (District X)
* Benazir Kaur
* Kestrel - John Wraith
* Key
* Kid Omega - Quentin Quire
* Kidogo - Lazaro Kotikash
* Kilmer (Neo)
* Benedict Kine
* King Bedlam - Christopher Aaronson
* The Kingmaker
* Kiwi Black - Marcus Skarr
* Kleinstocks - Eric, Harlan & Sven Kleinstock
* Krakoa
* Kraven the Hunter 2 - Alyosha Kravinoff (AKA Al Kraven)
* Krueger []
* Kylun - Colin McKay


* Lacuna - Woodstock
* Lady Mastermind - Regan Wyngarde
* Lament (Neo) []
* Lamprey []
* Landru
* Landscape []
* Lara the Illusionist - Lara King
* Lariat []
* Leech
* Gordan Lefferts []
* Legion - David Charles Haller
* Harry Leland
* Tom Lennox []
* Simon Lestron (Promise) []
* Hannah Levy
* Alexander Lexington
* Lifeforce
* Lifeguard - Heather Cameron
* Lifter (AKA Meteorite) - Ned Lathrop
* Lightbright - Obax Majid
* Lightning Bug
* Lightning Rod
* Lighttrakker []
* Link
* Litterbug
* Living Diamond []
* Loa - Alani Ryan
* Maximus Lobo
* Lobo Brothers - Carlos & Eduardo Lobo
* Locus
* Lois London []
* Longneck - Jonah van Helsking
* Lorelei - Lorelei Travis
* Loss


* M - Monet Yvette Clarisse Maria Therese St. Croix
* M-Twins - Nicole and Claudette St. Croix
* Mister M - Absolon Zebardyn Mercator
* Mad Jim Jaspers - Sir James Jaspers
* Madam Drache []
* Madame Sanctity - Tanya Trask
* Artie Maddicks
* Maggott - Japheth
* Magik - Illyana Rasputin
* Magma - Amara Juliana Olivians Aquilla
* Magneto - Erik Magnus Lensherr
* John Mairs
* Malcolm
* Malice
* Mammomax - Maximus Jensen
* Manacle (Neo) []
* Mandrill - Jerome Beechman
* Tran Coy Manh []
* Manikin - Whitman Knapp
* Manslaughter
* Marilou
* Marked Man
* Marrow - Sarah
* Marshal
* Ashley Martin []
* Jeannie Martin
* Marvel Girl (AKA Phoenix) - Jean Grey-Summers
* Krista Marwan
* Mary Zero - Mary
* Masque
* Mastermind (2) - Martinique Jason
* Mastermind - Jason Wyngarde
* Match - Ben Hammil
* Maverick (AKA Agent Zero) - Christoph Nord (AKA David North)
* Maverick (2) (AKA Bolt) - Christopher Bradley
* Meggan - Meggan Braddock
* Meld - Jeremiah Muldoon
* Seamus Mellencamp
* Meltdown (formerly "Boom-Boom") - Tabitha Smith
* Membrain (Gene Nation)
* MeMe
* Mentac []
* Mentallo (AKA Think Tank) - Marvin Flumm
* Mercury - Cessily Kincaid
* Mesmero - Vincent
* Tobias Messenger (The Promise) []
* Michael (Former Order of Mutants)
* Microbe - Zachary Smith Jr.
* Micromax - Scott Wright
* Francisco Milan
* Mimic - Calvin Montgomery Rankin
* Mindblast - Danielle Forte
* Mindmeld
* Mindworm - William Turner
* Miss Fingers
* Miss Saccharine
* Miss Steed
* Missy
* Mist Mistress
* Mister One and Mister Two
* Mister Sensitive - Guy Smith (AKA Orphan)
* Mister X
* Mole
* Monitor []
* Monte
* Mirage - Danielle Moonstar
* Mondo
* Monsoon - Aloba Dastoor
* Morph
* Mother Inferior
* Mountjoy
* Mr. Immortal - Craig Hollis
* Mr. Punch (District X)
* Multiple Man - Jamie Madrox
* Murmur I - Arlette Truffaut
* Murmur II
* Musclehead []
* Mystique - Raven Darkholme


* Namora - Aquaria Nautica Neptunia
* Namora 2
* Namorita - Namorita Prentiss
* Nanny
* Native
* Negasonic Teenage Warhead - Ellie Phimister
* Nekra - Nekra Sinclair
* Neophyte - Simon Hall
* Network - Sarah Vale
* Neurotap
* Neutrino Annihilator []
* Nicodemus
* Nightcrawler - Kurt Wagner
* Nightwind
* Kiden Nixon
* Nocture - Talia Josephine "TJ" Wagner
* No-Girl - Martha Johansson
* Northstar - Jean-Paul Beaubier
* La Nuit - Pierre Truffaut
* Nuklo - Robert Frank, Jr.
* Nuwa


* Obituary - Milton Peterson
* Ocelot
* Ocean
* Oink
* Omega Red - Arkady Rossovich
* Omerta - Paul "Paulie" Provenzano
* Onyxx - Sidney Green
* Ooze
* Opsidian (Gene Nation)
* Optoman
* Oracle
* Orator - Victor Ludwig
* Orbit
* Orchid
* Orifice
* Orphan-Maker - Peter
* Armena Ortega
* Orwell
* Solomon O'Sullivan
* Oswald
* Outlaw - Inez Temple
* Overkill
* Overrider - Richard Rennselaer
* Owl - Leland Owlsley
* Ox []
* Ozone


* Paint []
* Paradigm
* Paradise []
* Paralyzer (AKA Shocker 2) - Randall Darby
* Pasco
* Gary Paterson
* Pathway - Laura Dean
* Reeva Payge
* Peace Monger - Dr. Cobbleskill
* Peepers
* Persuader - Roland Rayburn
* Persuasion (AKA Purple Girl - Kara Killgrave
* Pester
* Petra - Petra Kristensen
* Phantazia - Eileen Harsaw
* Phat - William Robert "Billy-Bob" Reilly
* Piecemeal (I) - Gilbert Benson
* Piecemeal (II) []
* Pig []
* Pipeline - Cormick Grimshaw
* Piper
* Pixie (II) - Megan Gwynn
* Pixie (I)
* Pizer []
* Plague
* Plasma - Leila O'Toole
* Plazm
* Polaris - Lorna Dane
* Poltergeist
* Porous []
* Portal - Charles Little Sky
* Post - Kevin Tremaine
* Posterboy []
* Postman - David
* Preacher []
* Preview - Jessica Vale
* Primal - Adam Berman
* Jim Prindle
* Prism - Robbie
* Prodigy - David Alleyne
* Professor X - Professor Charles Francis Xavier
* Projector - Zachary Williams
* Proteus - (AKA Mutant X) Kevin MacTaggert
* Prudence Leighton
* Psi-Borg []
* Psimon []
* Psylocke - Elisabeth Glorianna "Betsy" Braddock
* Puck (2) - Zuzha Yu
* Puff Adder - Gordon Fraley
* Pulse - Augustus
* Punchout
* Purge
* Purge (Arena)
* Sarah Pursher
* Pyro - St. John Allerdyce


* Quicksilver - Pietro Maximoff
* Quiet Bill []
* Quiet Man
* Quill (2)
* Quill (3)
* Quill (4) - Maxwell "Max" Jordan


* R. U. Reddy - Winthrop Roan, Jr.
* Radian - Christian Cood
* Radius - Jared Corbo
* Rain Boy
* Rakkus - David Anthony Rice
* Ralph (Former Order of Mutants)
* Ned Ralston []
* Ramrod - Patrick Mahony
* Randall
* Random - Marshall Evan Stone III
* Mikhail Rasputin
* Rax
* Razorback - Buford Hollis
* Reaper - Pantu Hurageb
* Red Lotus - Paul Hark
* Redneck - Vincent Stewart
* Malcolm Reeves
* Malon Reeves
* Reignfire
* Rem-Ram - Marcus Andrews
* Rev - Samuel "Sammy" Smith
* Requiem (Neo) []
* Revanche - Kwannon
* Revelation
* Revenant (Neo)
* Reverb (Gene Nation)
* Dr. Cecilia Reyes
* Rhapsody - Rachel Argosy
* Franklin Benjamin Richards
* Ricochet - Johnny Gallo
* Rictor - Julio Esteban Richter
* Ridge
* Riptide - Janos Quested
* Risque - Gloria Dolores Muñoz
* Roach - Hubie Edge
* Lucy Robinson (The Promise) []
* Rockslide - Santo Vaccarro
* Rogue - Anna Marie
* Rolling Thunder []
* Roulette - Jennifer Stavros
* Rubbermaid - Andrea Margulies
* Ruckus - Clement Wilson
* Rust


* Aurelie Sabayon
* Sabertooth - Victor Creed
* Sabra - Ruth Bat-Seraph
* Sabre
* Sack
* Sage - Tessa
* Saint Anna
* Salvo (Neo)
* Samson
* Violet Sanchez
* Sanguine (Goth) []
* Sapphire Styx []
* Saul - Garbha-hsien
* Scaleface
* Scalphunter - John Greycrow
* Scanner - Sarah Ryall
* Scarlet Knights - Hardy Family
* Scarlet Witch - Wanda Maximoff
* Ernest Scope (Promise) []
* Scramble - Lionel Jeffries
* Scrambler
* Scratch []
* Scribe
* Selby
* Selene - Selene Gallio
* Suvik Senyaka
* Seth (Neo)
* Shadow King - Amahl Farouk
* Shadowcat (formerly "Sprite" or "Ariel") - Katherine "Kitty" Pryde
* Shamrock - Molly Fitzgerald
* Shard - Shard Bishop
* Shatter
* Shepard - Francis Leighton []
* Short Circuit []
* Sebastian Hiram Shaw
* Shift - Clifton Joseph
* Shinobi Shaw
* Randall Shire
* Shortpack
* Shrew - Marilyn Maycroft
* Shrine []
* Sibercat - Illyich Lavrov
* Silicon
* Silkworm []
* Silver - Jhimon Tang
* Silver Samurai - Kenuichio Harada
* Sirocco
* Siryn - Theresa Rourke Cassidy
* Skein (AKA Gypsy Moth, Sybarite)- Sybil Dvorak
* Sketch
* Skids - Sally Blevins
* Skin - Angelo Espinosa
* Skitz
* Skywalker
* Slab - Christopher Anderson
* Frederick Slade
* Hamilton Slade
* Margaret Slade
* Slick
* Slipstream - Davis Cameron
* Slither - Aaron Salomon
* Sluk - Byron Spencer
* Smart Alec - Alexander "Alec" Thorne
* Gregor Smerdyakov
* Gracie Smith (Promise) []
* Smoke
* Snake []
* Snow Queen []
* Snowfall (Ginny Snow)
* Solarr
* Ransome Sole (Neo)
* Songbird (formerly Screaming Mimi) - Melissa Joan Gold
* Soteira
* Soul Skinner
* The Source - Michael Nowlan
* Spark []
* Speedfreak []
* Specter - Dallas Gibson
* Jon Spectre
* Sphinx - Anath-Na Mut
* Spike (I)
* Spike (III)
* Spoilsport
* Spoor - Andrew Hamish Graves
* Spyne
* Squidboy - Sammy Pare'
* Squirrel Girl - Doreen Green
* Stacy X - Miranda Leevald
* Jack Starsmore
* Static I - Gianna Esperanza
* Static III (Neo)
* Stencil - Maria
* Stepford Cuckoos - Celeste, Esme, Mindee, Phoebe, and Sophie Cuckoo
* Stinger - Wendy
* Stitch - Jodi
* Stone []
* Stonewall - Louis Hamilton
* Storm - Ororo Munroe
* Amy Stringer []
* Stringfellow
* Strobe
* Martin Strong []
* Strong Guy - Guido Carosella
* Stryfe
* Submariner - Namor McKenzie
* Succubus
* Sugar Man
* Rachel Summers - AKA Rachel Anne Grey
* Sumo
* Sunder
* Sunfire - Shiro Yoshida
* Sunpyre - Leyu Yoshida
* Sunset Grace []
* Sunspot - Roberto "Bobby" da Costa
* Super Sabre - Martin Fletcher
* Sureshot
* Surge - Noriko "Nori" Ashida
* Switch - Devon Alomar
* Sway - Suzanne Chan
* Arther Swift
* Synch - Everett Thomas
* Amina Synge


* Tag - Brian Cruz
* Tantra - Reuben
* Tar Baby
* Tarot - Marie-Ange Colbert
* Tartarus (Neo)
* Tattoo
* Teleplex []
* Tempo - Heather Tucker
* Tether
* Thornn - Lucia Callasantos
* Threnody - Melody Jacobs
* Thumbelina - Kristina Anderson
* Thunderbird - John Proudstar (for Thunderbird 2, see Warpath)
* Thunderbird (3) - Neal Shaara
* Tick-Tock
* Timeshadow
* Timeslip - Rina Patel
* Toad - Mortimer Toynbee
* Toad Boy (District X)
* Toad-In-Waiting
* Tommy
* Tores []
* Toro - Thomas Raymond
* Tough Love []
* Tower
* Trader
* Trance - Hope Abbott
* Larry Trask
* Tremolo
* Damian Tryp - Dai
* Marcus Tsung []


* Ugly John (comics)
* U-Go Girl - Edie Sawyer
* Unus (the Untouchable) - Angelo Unuscione
* Unuscione - Carmella Unuscione
* Ursa Major - Mikhail Uriokovitch Ursus


* Joey V. (Order of Former Mutants)
* V2 []
* Vague
* Vanguard - Nicolai Krylenko
* Vanisher - Telford Porter
* Robin Vega []
* Veil
* Venus Dee Milo - "Dee" Milo
* Vesper - Raani Jatwinder
* Vessel
* Vincente
* Vindaloo - Venkat Katragadda
* Vivisector - Myles Alfred
* Amelia Voght
* Vulcan (AKA Kid Vulcan) - Gabriel Summers


* Wall
* Wallflower - Laurie Collins
* Wanderer (Goth) []
* War - Abraham Kieros
* Warpath - James Proudstar
* Warp Savant []
* Washout - John Lopez
* Evangeline Whedon
* Whirlwind - David Cannon
* White Queen - Emma Frost
* Whizzer - Robert Frank
* Wicked
* Wild Child - Kyle Gibney
* Wildside - Richard Gill
* Wind Dancer - Sofia Mantega Barrett
* Windshear - Colin Ashworth Hume
* Wing - Eddie
* Peter Paul Winston "Pete" Wisdom
* Wither - Kevin Ford
* The Witness - Lebeau
* Wiz-Kid - Takaski "Taki" Matsuya
* Wolf
* Wolf Cub - Nicholas Gleason
* Wolfsbane - Rahne Sinclair
* Wolverine - James "Logan" Howlett
* Worm []
* Wraith - Hector Mendoza
* Wrap []
* Wrench - Leonard Hebb
* Wynter (Gene Nation)
* Wyre


* X
* X-23 - Laura Kinney (AKA Laura X)
* X-Man - Nate Grey
* Xorn - Kuan-Yin Xorn
* Xorn (2) - Shen Xorn


* Zach
* Zeek
* Zeitgeist - Axel Cluney

Non-Human Mutants of 616-Universe

Alien Mutants

* Ariel - "Coconut Grove"
* Cadre K - Skrull:
** Z'Cann
** Nuro
** R'Tee
** Goroth
* Cerise - Shi'ar
* Longshot - Mojo World
* Shatterstar - Mojo World
* Ultra Girl - Kree
* Warlock - Technarchy

Other-dimensional Mutants

* Devil Dinosaur

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  • List of Marvel Comics mutates — Mutate (as a noun) is a term used to refer to superhumans who acquired their superpowers by exposure to some mutagenic compound, energy or transformative magical influence (either accidentally or deliberately). Unlike Marvel s Mutants, Marvel s… …   Wikipedia

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