Azazel (Marvel Comics)

Azazel (Marvel Comics)


caption=Azazel by
Philip Tan, artist.
species=Demonic Non-Humanoid Mutant
publisher=Marvel Comics
debut="Uncanny X-Men" #428 (October 2003)
creators=Chuck Austen
Sean Phillips
aliases=Satan, Beelzebub, Beliar, Gadreel
Energy blasts
Telepathic control of Firedancers
Master swordsman
Master of dark arts|

Azazel is a comic book character in the Marvel Comics and is the biological father of Nightcrawler. His first appearance was in Uncanny X-Men #428, during The Draco storyline, written by Chuck Austen.

Fictional character biography

Azazel claims that many years ago an ancient horde of demonic mutants from biblical times called the Neyaphem were in an epic battle with a group of angelic over-zealous mutants, named the Cheyarafim. They were victorious in the battle and vanquished the "evil" mutants to an alternate dimension for all eternity. The Neyaphem's leader, Azazel, was the only one who was able to breach the dimensional void for brief periods of time due to his teleportation powers. His only hope to return to earth was by impregnating women because his children are linked to his dimension.

About twenty years ago, Azazel began mating with women who had strange appearances, at least with looks and abilities other women didn't have. He met Mystique in Germany, when she was married to a rich castle lord named Baron Christian Wagner. With Christian unable to give her children, Mystique was introduced to Azazel, whom Christian knew as a business partner. Mystique had an instant attraction to him, and although she was hesitant to betray Christian, she gave in to Azazel and they made love. Not much later, Mystique was pregnant with Nightcrawler. While Mystique had actually fallen in love with Azazel, he seemed only to be interested in impregnating her. When the “mission” was accomplished, he told her to raise their child as Wagner’s and left her.

Soon afterwards, she killed Christian because he suspected her betrayal. Mystique killed him and buried the body. A few months later, Mystique gave birth to a child. Due to the shock and the strain of the boy’s difficult delivery, Mystique lost concentration and accidentally revealed her true form. Considered a demon, Mystique was chased away by an angry mob. Barely escaping, she tossed the baby down a ravine. The child was teleported away, apparently by Azazel, and given into Margali Szardos’ care. Azazel had past relations with women before, resulting in the births of Abyss and Kiwi Black.

Azazel sired several dozen other children, who were all mysteriously called to gather and sacrifice themselves on the island known as the Isla Des Demonas to open a portal and bring his army to earth to destroy the Cheyarafim and find a way for the demonic looking mutants to live in the world and find their place in it. In addition to Nightcrawler, another son of Azazel's, was the Genoshan called Abyss. They all joined each other in their zombie-like state and opened a portal to Azazel's dimension. A group of X-Men had followed Kurt to see where he was going and jumped into the portal. Once inside, Azazel took great pleasure in toying with the team, having them believe that he was actually Satan.

Azazel was not able to free the Neyaphem because the portal was to be in no area where Cheyarafim blood ran. Archangel was present at the time and as such the portal was destroyed. Azazel vanished in grief and has not been seen as of yet.

Powers and abilities

Azazel has the ability to teleport across interdimensional distances, generate bolts and streams of paralyzing energy, as well as destructive energy which causes a form of disintegration, and can disguise his appearance. In addition to this, he and all other Neyaphem are negatively affected by the healing blood of the Cheyarafim which causes their body to begin to break down. Azazel also has the ability to mentally control the reptilian creatures that inhabit the brimstone dimension called Firedancers and has a great knowledge of ancient magic.

External links

* [ issue summaries of Uncanny X-Men #428-434]

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