- Bulwark (comics)
real_name=Oswald Boeglin
species=Human Mutant
publisher=Marvel Comics
debut="Generation X" #11
creators=Scott Lobdell ,Todd Dezago , &Tom Grummet
alliances=Emplate's Hellions
powers=superhuman strength.|Bulwark (Oswald Boeglin [Marvel Atlas #1] ) is a fictional mutant character in the
Marvel Comics Universe who first appeared as anantagonist of Generation X in "Generation X" #11.Fictional character biography
Not much is known of the mutant known as Bulwark before he was found and recruited by
Emplate . This powerhouse joined a team that Emplate gathered to torment Generation X, including Murmur, Vincente, and DOA. In an uncharacteristic move, Emplate recruited not only mutants for his team but a human as well: a woman namedGayle Edgerton from Generation X member Chamber's past. When Chamber's powers first manifested he had unintentionally paralyzed Gayle and Emplate offered her a chance for revenge, turning her into one of his vampiric minions as well.Before the young teens returned to the Massachusetts Academy from their outing into the city, they were attacked by Emplate's Hellions. Skin, who had separated from the group to drop off Synch at his parents' house was ambushed by Bulwark and brought back to the Institute. The Hellions were successful in capturing the young mutants, but M had telepathically called for help and it was answered by the X-Man Bishop. M took out her frustrations on Bulwark, punching him through the school's
biodome and then flying after him. As he was about to attack M, his muscles suddenly withered away. Knowing that he was defeated, he fled along with Vincente. Leech—then a ward of Generation X and resident of the Biodome—was the one responsible for the atrophy of Bulwark's powers, and M thanked him for his help. With Penance's realigment of alliances Generation X was successful in stopping the team.Bulwark did not have a happy ending, however. Sometime later he was captured by operatives of the
revamp edWeapon X program. Along with many other mutants, he was rounded up and put into aconcentration camp called "Neverland" and was subsequently killed in thegas chamber s.Powers and abilities
Bulwark had the ability to expand his muscle mass to unknown proportions, thereby increasing his strength, durability, and resistance to injury accordingly . He wore many red, leather bands across his face and body, possibly as a means of self-restraint to gauge the safe limit of his powers.
*"Generation X" #11-12, 14
*"Weapon X" #5References
External links
* [http://www.uncannyxmen.net/db/characters/showquestion.asp?fldAuto=293 Uncannyxmen.net character bio on Bulwark]
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