- List of wildlife of the Skagit River Basin
This is a list of
wildlife found in theSkagit River basin of thePacific Northwest .Fish Salmon andTrout
*Sockeye salmon
*Chinook salmon
*Chum salmon
*Pink salmon
*Coho salmon
*Steelhead (rainbow trout)
*Cutthroat trout
*Dolly Varden trout
*Golden trout
*Eastern brook trout
*Bull trout
*Mountain whitefish "'
*Peamouth chub
*Northern pikeminnow (formerly known as northern squawfish)
*Longnose dace
*Redside shinerSuckers
*Longnose sucker
*Largescale sucker
*Bridgelip sucker Codfish es
*Burbot (ling)Sculpin s
*Slimy sculpin
*Torrent sculpin
*Coast range sculpin
*Prickly sculpin Stickleback s
*Three-spined stickleback Reptile s andAmphibian sTurtle s
*Painted turtle Lizard s
*Northern alligator lizard
*Western fence lizard
*Side-blotched lizard Snake s
*Rubber boa
*Western garter snake
*Common garter snake
*Northwestern garter snake
*Gopher snake Salamander s
*Northwestern salamander
*Long-toed salamander
*Pacific giant salamander
*Rough-skinned newt
*Western red-backed salamander
*Van Dyke's salamander
*Cope's giant salamander
*Olympic salamander
*Ensatina Frog s andToad s
*Pacific treefrog
*Tailed frog
*Red-legged frog
*Cascades frog
*Spotted frog
*Western toad Mammal sOpossum s
*Opossum Shrew s
*Masked Shrew
*Vagrant Shrew
*Dusky shrew
*Northern water shrew
*Pacific water shrew
*Trowbridge's shrewMoles
*Coast mole
*Townsend's moleBat s
*California myotis
*Yuma myotis
*Little brown myotis
*Long-eared myotis
*Long-legged myotis
*Hoary bat
*Townsend's big-eared bat
* Silver-haired bat
*Big brown bat Pika s
*Pika Rabbit s andHare s
*Eastern cottontail
*Snowshoe hare Mountain Beaver
*Mountain beaver Chipmunk s,Marmot s,Squirrel s
*Yellow-pine Chipmunk
*Townsend's Chipmunk
*Hoary marmot
*Cascade golden-mantled ground squirrel
*Western gray squirrel
*Fox squirrel (introduced)
*Douglas Squirrel
*Northern flying squirrel Beaver s
*Beaver Mice,
Woodrat s,Vole s
*Deer mouse
*Bushy-tailed woodrat
*Red-backed vole
*Heather vole
*Meadow vole
*Townsend's vole
*Long-tailed vole
*Creeping vole
*Water vole
*Northern bog lemming
*Norway rat (introduced)
*Black rat (introduced)
*House mouse (introduced)
*Pacific jumping mousePorcupine s
*Porcupine Nutria s
*Nutria (introduced)Coyote s, Wolves,Fox es
*Gray wolf (endangered)
*Red fox Bear s
*Black bear
*Grizzly bear (threatened)Raccoon s
*Raccoon Weasel s
*Long-tailed weasel
*Striped skunk
*Western spotted skunk
*River otter Cats
*Mountain lion
*Bobcat Elk,
Deer ,Moose
*Mule deer
*White-tailed deer
*Moose Goats
*Mountain goat sBird sLoon s
*Common loon Grebe s
*Pied-billed grebe
*Horned grebe
*Eared grebe
*Western grebe Heron s andBittern s
*Great blue heron
*Green-backed heron Swan s,Geese ,Duck s
*Tundra swan
*Trumpeter swan
*Snow goose
*Canada goose
*Wood duck
*Northern pintail
*Green-winged teal
*Cinnamon teal
*Northern shoveler
* American widgeon
*Ring-necked duck
*Greater scaup
*Lesser scaup
*Harlequin duck
*Common goldeneye
*Barrow's goldeneye
*Hooded merganser
*Red-breasted merganser
*Ruddy duck Raptors
*Turkey vulture
*Bald Eagle
*Northern harrier
*Sharp-shinned hawk
*Cooper's hawk
*Northern goshawk
*Red-tailed hawk
*Rough-legged hawk
*Golden eagle
*American kestrel
*Peregrine falcon
*Prairie falcon Grouse ,Ptarmigan ,Quail
*Spruce grouse
*Sooty grouse
*White-tailed ptarmigan
*Ruffled grouse
*California grouse (introduced)Rails and
Coot s
*American coot Shorebird s
*Lesser yellowlegs
*Greater yellowlegs
*Solitary Sandpiper
*Spotted sandpiper
*Pectoral sandpiper
*Western sandpiper
*Least sandpiper
*Baird's sandpiper
*Common snipe
*Wilson's phalarope
*Red-necked phalarope Gull s andTern s
*Bonaparte's gull
*Mew gull
*Ring-billed gull
*California gull
* glaucous-winged gull
*Common tern Alcids
*Marbled murrelet Pigeon s andDove s
*Rock dove
*Band-tailed pigeon
*Mourning dove Owl s
*Vommon barn owl
*Western screech owl
*Great horned owl
*Northern pygmy owl
*Northern spotted owl
*Barred owl
*Great grey owl
*Long-eared owl
*Short-eared owl
*Northern saw-whet owlNighthawk s andSwift s
*Common nighthawk
*Black swift
*Vaux's swift Hummingbird s
*Calliope hummingbird
*Rufous hummingbird Kingfisher s
*Belted kingfisher Woodpecker s
*Lewis' woodpecker
*Red-breasted sapsucker
*Downy woodpecker *Hairy woodpecker
*Three-toed woodpecker
*Northern flicker
*Pileated woodpecker Flycatchers
*Olive-sided flycatcher
*Western wood pewee
*Willow flycatcher
*Hammond's flycatcher
*Dusky flycatcher
*Say's phoebe
*Western kingbird
*Eastern kingbird Lark s
*Horned lark Swallows
*Tree swallow
*Violet-green swallow
*Northern rough-winged swallow
*Cliff swallow
*Barn swallow Jay s,Crow s,Raven s
*Gray jay
*Steller's jay
*Clark's nutcracker
*Black-billed magpie
*American crow
*Common raven Chickadees,
Nuthatch es, Creepers
*Black-capped chickadee
*Mountain chickadee
*Boreal chickadee
*Chestnut-backed chickadee
*Red-breasted nuthatch
*White-breasted nuthatch
*Brown creeper Wren s
*Bewick's wren
*Marsh wren Dipper s
*American dipper Kinglet s
*Golden crowned kinglet
*Ruby-crowned kinglet Bluebird s, Robins, Thrushes
*Mountain bluebird
*Townsend's solitaire
*Swainson's thrush
*Hermit thrush
*American robin
*Varied thrush Catbirds
*Gray catbird Pipit s
*American pipit Waxwing s
*Bohemian waxwing
*Cedar waxwing Shrike s
*Northern shrike Starling s
*European starling (introduced)Vireo s
*Solitary vireo
*Warbling vireo
*Red-eyed vireo Warbler s
*Orange-crowned warbler
*Nashville warbler
*Yellow warbler
*Yellow-rumped warbler
*Black-throated gray warbler
*Townsend's warbler
*Hermit warbler
*American redstart
*Northern waterthrush
*MacGillivray's warbler
*Common yellowthroat
*Wilson's warbler Tanager s
*Western tanager Blackbird s,Meadowlark s,Oriole s
*Red-winged blackbird
*Yellow-headed blackbird
*Brewer's blackbird
*Western meadowlark
*Brown-headed cowbird
*Northern oriole Grosbeak s, Buntings,Sparrow s
*Black-headed grosbeak
*Lazuli bunting
*Rufous-sided towhee
*Chipping sparrow
*Savannah sparrow
*Fox sparrow
*Song sparrow
*Lincoln's sparrow
*Golden-crowned sparrow
*White-crowned sparrow
*White-throated sparrow
*Dark-eyed junco
*Rosy finch
*Pine grosbeak
*Purple finch
*House finch
*Red crossbill
*White-winged crossbill
*Common redpoll
*Pine siskin
*American goldfinch
*Evening grosbeak
*House sparrow (introduced)References
cite web|url=http://www.nps.gov/noca/fishcheck.pdf |title=Fish checklist |publisher=U.S. National Park Service | language=English |accessdate=2006-05-22
cite web|url=http://www.nps.gov/noca/mamcheck.pdf |title=Mammal checklist |publisher=U.S. National Park Service | language=English |accessdate=2006-05-22
cite web |url=http://www.nps.gov/cgi-bin/intercept2?http://www.npwrc.usgs.gov/resource/othrdata/chekbird/r1/ncascade.htm |title=Bird checklist |publisher=U.S. National Park Service | language=English |accessdate=2006-05-22
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