List of Tour de France winners

List of Tour de France winners
Lance Armstrong, winner of a record seven titles

The Tour de France is a cycling stage race held since 1903 over a current period of three weeks, although it was not staged from 1914 to 1918 and from 1940 to 1946, because of the First World War and Second World War respectively.

The first winner was Frenchman Maurice Garin. Four of his fellow countrymen won the race during the next six years, before François Faber, from France although with Luxembourg nationality, became the first winner from outside France in 1909. Frenchman Jacques Anquetil became the first person to win five tours, including four consecutive races from 1961 to 1964. Belgian cyclist Eddy Merckx in 1974 and Frenchman Bernard Hinault in 1985 also completed five victories. In 1986, Hinault was denied a sixth victory by American Greg LeMond, who became the first winner from outside Europe. Three years later, LeMond recorded the narrowest margin of victory, when he beat Laurent Fignon by eight seconds.[1] Spaniard Miguel Indurain became the first winner of five consecutive tours from 1991 to 1995. His feat was surpassed by American Lance Armstrong, who recovered from testicular cancer to win seven consecutive tours between 1999 and 2005.[2]

French cyclists have been the most successful in the event, having won 36 of the 94 tours, although their last champion was Bernard Hinault in 1985. They are followed by Belgian riders, who have won 18, including seven consecutive titles from 1912 to 1922. Cyclists from Spain have won thirteen events. Cyclists from United States have won ten events, all coming from LeMond and Armstrong. In total, cyclists from 12 countries have won the Tour de France.

During the Tour's history, its organisers have launched a series of other jerseys. In 1933, the race's best climbers were rewarded with the King of the Mountains competition, but it was not until 1975 that the leading rider in the classification wore the distinctive polka dot jersey.[3] To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the race in 1953, the green jersey competition was started. It rewarded the consistent finishers in individual stages by awarding points depending on the place in the stage.[4] In 1975, the Tour organisers launched an award for the leading young cyclist, awarding a white jersey to the leading cyclist under 26 years of age in the general classification.[3] Eddy Merckx in 1969 is the only rider to win the King of the Mountains, the points and the overall title in the same year.


By year

Lucien Petit-Breton, the first cyclist to win two Tours, in 1907 and 1908
Eddy Merckx winner of five tours
Greg LeMond, in the yellow jersey of the race leader, became the first non-European winner with success in the 1986 Tour.
Ottavio Bottecchia, the first Italian winner of the Tour
Miguel Indurain won five consecutive tours from 1991 to 1995.
Óscar Pereiro was named the winner of the 2006 Tour de France after Floyd Landis' disqualification.
Bjarne Riis won in 1996 but later admitted using banned substances.
Tour Year Jersey yellow.svg Overall Jersey green.svg Points Jersey polkadot.svg Mountains Jersey white.svg Youth Notes
1 1903 France Garin, MauriceMaurice Garin [5]
2 1904 France Cornet, HenriHenri Cornet [6]
3 1905 France Trousselier, LouisLouis Trousselier [7]
4 1906 France Pottier, RenéRené Pottier [8]
5 1907 France Petit-Breton, LucienLucien Petit-Breton [9]
6 1908 France Petit-Breton, LucienLucien Petit-Breton (2) [10]
7 1909 Luxembourg Faber, FrançoisFrançois Faber [11]
8 1910 France Lapize, OctaveOctave Lapize [12]
9 1911 France Garrigou, GustaveGustave Garrigou [13]
10 1912 Belgium Defraye, OdileOdile Defraye [14]
11 1913 Belgium Thys, PhilippePhilippe Thys [15]
12 1914 Belgium Thys, PhilippePhilippe Thys (2) [16]
13 1919 Belgium Lambot, FirminFirmin Lambot [17]
14 1920 Belgium Thys, PhilippePhilippe Thys (3) [18]
15 1921 Belgium Scieur, LéonLéon Scieur [19]
16 1922 Belgium Lambot, FirminFirmin Lambot (2) [20]
17 1923 France Pélissier, HenriHenri Pélissier [21]
18 1924 Italy Bottecchia, OttavioOttavio Bottecchia [22]
19 1925 Italy Bottecchia, OttavioOttavio Bottecchia (2) [23]
20 1926 Belgium Buysse, LucienLucien Buysse [24]
21 1927 Luxembourg Frantz, NicolasNicolas Frantz [25]
22 1928 Luxembourg Frantz, NicolasNicolas Frantz (2) [26]
23 1929 Belgium De Waele, MauriceMaurice De Waele [27]
24 1930 France Leducq, AndréAndré Leducq [28]
25 1931 France Magne, AntoninAntonin Magne [29]
26 1932 France Leducq, AndréAndré Leducq (2) [30]
27 1933 France Speicher, GeorgesGeorges Speicher Spain Trueba, VicenteVicente Trueba [31]
28 1934 France Magne, AntoninAntonin Magne (2) France Vietto, RenéRené Vietto [32]
29 1935 Belgium Maes, RomainRomain Maes Belgium Vervaecke, FélicienFélicien Vervaecke [33]
30 1936 Belgium Maes, SylvèreSylvère Maes Spain Berrendero, JuliánJulián Berrendero [34]
31 1937 France Lapébie, RogerRoger Lapébie Belgium Vervaecke, FélicienFélicien Vervaecke (2) [35]
32 1938 Italy Bartali, GinoGino Bartali Italy Bartali, GinoGino Bartali [36]
33 1939 Belgium Maes, SylvèreSylvère Maes (2) Belgium Maes, SylvèreSylvère Maes [37]
34 1947 France Robic, JeanJean Robic France Brambilla, PierrePierre Brambilla [38]
35 1948 Italy Bartali, GinoGino Bartali (2) Italy Bartali, GinoGino Bartali (2) [39]
36 1949 Italy Coppi, FaustoFausto Coppi Italy Coppi, FaustoFausto Coppi [40]
37 1950 Switzerland Kübler, FerdinandFerdinand Kübler France Bobet, LouisonLouison Bobet [41]
38 1951 Switzerland Koblet, HugoHugo Koblet France Géminiani, RaphaëlRaphaël Géminiani [42]
39 1952 Italy Coppi, FaustoFausto Coppi (2) Italy Coppi, FaustoFausto Coppi (2) [43]
40 1953 France Bobet, LouisonLouison Bobet Switzerland Schär, FritzFritz Schär Spain Loroño, JesúsJesús Loroño [44]
41 1954 France Bobet, LouisonLouison Bobet (2) Switzerland Kübler, FerdinandFerdinand Kübler Spain Bahamontes, FedericoFederico Bahamontes [45]
42 1955 France Bobet, LouisonLouison Bobet (3) Belgium Ockers, StanStan Ockers Luxembourg Gaul, CharlyCharly Gaul [46]
43 1956 France Walkowiak, RogerRoger Walkowiak Belgium Ockers, StanStan Ockers (2) Luxembourg Gaul, CharlyCharly Gaul (2) [47]
44 1957 France Anquetil, JacquesJacques Anquetil France Forestier, JeanJean Forestier Italy Nencini, GastoneGastone Nencini [48]
45 1958 Luxembourg Gaul, CharlyCharly Gaul France Graczyk, JeanJean Graczyk Spain Bahamontes, FedericoFederico Bahamontes (2) [49]
46 1959 Spain Bahamontes, FedericoFederico Bahamontes France Darrigade, AndréAndré Darrigade Spain Bahamontes, FedericoFederico Bahamontes (3) [50]
47 1960 Italy Nencini, GastoneGastone Nencini France Graczyk, JeanJean Graczyk (2) Italy Massignan, ImerioImerio Massignan [51]
48 1961 France Anquetil, JacquesJacques Anquetil (2) France Darrigade, AndréAndré Darrigade (2) Italy Massignan, ImerioImerio Massignan (2) [52]
49 1962 France Anquetil, JacquesJacques Anquetil (3) Germany Altig, RudiRudi Altig Spain Bahamontes, FedericoFederico Bahamontes (4) [53]
50 1963 France Anquetil, JacquesJacques Anquetil (4) Belgium van Looy, RikRik van Looy Spain Bahamontes, FedericoFederico Bahamontes (5) [54]
51 1964 France Anquetil, JacquesJacques Anquetil (5) Netherlands Janssen, JanJan Janssen Spain Bahamontes, FedericoFederico Bahamontes (6) [55]
52 1965 Italy Gimondi, FeliceFelice Gimondi Netherlands Janssen, JanJan Janssen (2) Spain Jiménez, JulioJulio Jiménez [56]
53 1966 France Aimar, LucienLucien Aimar Belgium Planckaert, WillyWilly Planckaert Spain Jiménez, JulioJulio Jiménez (2) [57]
54 1967 France Pingeon, RogerRoger Pingeon Netherlands Janssen, JanJan Janssen (3) Spain Jiménez, JulioJulio Jiménez (3) [58]
55 1968 Netherlands Janssen, JanJan Janssen Italy Bitossi, FrancoFranco Bitossi Spain González Puente, AurelioAurelio González Puente [59]
56 1969 Belgium Merckx, EddyEddy Merckx Belgium Merckx, EddyEddy Merckx Belgium Merckx, EddyEddy Merckx [60]
57 1970 Belgium Merckx, EddyEddy Merckx (2) Belgium Godefroot, WalterWalter Godefroot Belgium Merckx, EddyEddy Merckx (2) [61]
58 1971 Belgium Merckx, EddyEddy Merckx (3) Belgium Merckx, EddyEddy Merckx (2) Belgium Van Impe, LucienLucien Van Impe [62]
59 1972 Belgium Merckx, EddyEddy Merckx (4) Belgium Merckx, EddyEddy Merckx (3) Belgium Van Impe, LucienLucien Van Impe (2) [63]
60 1973 Spain Ocaña, LuisLuis Ocaña Belgium van Springel, HermanHerman van Springel Spain Torres, PedroPedro Torres [64]
61 1974 Belgium Merckx, EddyEddy Merckx (5) Belgium Sercu, PatrickPatrick Sercu Spain Perurena, DomingoDomingo Perurena [65]
62 1975 France Thévenet, BernardBernard Thévenet Belgium Van Linden, RikRik Van Linden Belgium Van Impe, LucienLucien Van Impe (3) Italy Moser, FrancescoFrancesco Moser [66][67]
63 1976 Belgium Van Impe, LucienLucien Van Impe Belgium Maertens, FreddyFreddy Maertens Italy Bellini, GiancarloGiancarlo Bellini Spain Martínez Heredia, EnriqueEnrique Martínez Heredia [67][68]
64 1977 France Thévenet, BernardBernard Thévenet (2) France Esclassan, JacquesJacques Esclassan Belgium Van Impe, LucienLucien Van Impe (4) Germany Thurau, DietrichDietrich Thurau [67][69]
65 1978 France Hinault, BernardBernard Hinault Belgium Maertens, FreddyFreddy Maertens (2) France Martínez, MarianoMariano Martínez Netherlands Lubberding, HenkHenk Lubberding [70][71]
66 1979 France Hinault, BernardBernard Hinault (2) France Hinault, BernardBernard Hinault (2) Italy Battaglin, GiovanniGiovanni Battaglin France Bernaudeau, Jean-RenéJean-René Bernaudeau [71][72]
67 1980 Netherlands Zoetemelk, JoopJoop Zoetemelk Belgium Pevenage, RudyRudy Pevenage France Martin, RaymondRaymond Martin Netherlands van der Velde, JohanJohan van der Velde [73][74]
68 1981 France Hinault, BernardBernard Hinault (3) Belgium Maertens, FreddyFreddy Maertens (3) Belgium Van Impe, LucienLucien Van Impe (5) Netherlands Winnen, PeterPeter Winnen [75][76]
69 1982 France Hinault, BernardBernard Hinault (4) Republic of Ireland Kelly, SeanSean Kelly France Vallet, BernardBernard Vallet Australia Anderson, PhilPhil Anderson [77][78]
70 1983 France Fignon, LaurentLaurent Fignon Republic of Ireland Kelly, SeanSean Kelly (2) Belgium Van Impe, LucienLucien Van Impe (6) France Fignon, LaurentLaurent Fignon [79][80]
71 1984 France Fignon, LaurentLaurent Fignon (2) Belgium Hoste, FrankFrank Hoste United Kingdom Millar, RobertRobert Millar United States LeMond, GregGreg LeMond [81][82]
72 1985 France Hinault, BernardBernard Hinault (5) Republic of Ireland Kelly, SeanSean Kelly (3) Colombia Herrera, LuisLuis Herrera Colombia Parra, FabioFabio Parra [83][84]
73 1986 United States LeMond, GregGreg LeMond Belgium Vanderaerden, EricEric Vanderaerden France Hinault, BernardBernard Hinault United States Hampsten, AndrewAndrew Hampsten [85][86]
74 1987 Republic of Ireland Roche, StephenStephen Roche Netherlands van Poppel, Jean-PaulJean-Paul van Poppel Colombia Herrera, LuisLuis Herrera (2) Mexico Alcalá, RaúlRaúl Alcalá [87][88]
75 1988 Spain Delgado, PedroPedro Delgado Belgium Planckaert, EddyEddy Planckaert Netherlands Rooks, StevenSteven Rooks Netherlands Breukink, ErikErik Breukink [89][90]
76 1989 United States LeMond, GregGreg LeMond (2) Republic of Ireland Kelly, SeanSean Kelly (4) Netherlands Theunisse, Gert-JanGert-Jan Theunisse France Philipot, FabriceFabrice Philipot [91][92]
77 1990 United States LeMond, GregGreg LeMond (3) Germany Ludwig, OlafOlaf Ludwig France Claveyrolat, ThierryThierry Claveyrolat France Delion, GillesGilles Delion [93][94]
78 1991 Spain Indurain, MiguelMiguel Indurain Uzbekistan Abdoujaparov, DjamolidineDjamolidine Abdoujaparov Italy Chiappucci, ClaudioClaudio Chiappucci Colombia Mejía Castrillón, ÁlvaroÁlvaro Mejía Castrillón [95][96]
79 1992 Spain Indurain, MiguelMiguel Indurain (2) France Jalabert, LaurentLaurent Jalabert Italy Chiappucci, ClaudioClaudio Chiappucci (2) Netherlands Bouwmans, EddyEddy Bouwmans [97][98]
80 1993 Spain Indurain, MiguelMiguel Indurain (3) Uzbekistan Abdoujaparov, DjamolidineDjamolidine Abdoujaparov (2) Switzerland Rominger, TonyTony Rominger Spain Martín, AntonioAntonio Martín [99][100]
81 1994 Spain Indurain, MiguelMiguel Indurain (4) Uzbekistan Abdoujaparov, DjamolidineDjamolidine Abdoujaparov (3) France Virenque, RichardRichard Virenque Italy Pantani, MarcoMarco Pantani [101][102]
82 1995 Spain Indurain, MiguelMiguel Indurain (5) France Jalabert, LaurentLaurent Jalabert (2) France Virenque, RichardRichard Virenque (2) Italy Pantani, MarcoMarco Pantani (2) [103][104]
83 1996 Denmark Riis, BjarneBjarne Riis Germany Zabel, ErikErik Zabel France Virenque, RichardRichard Virenque (3) Germany Ullrich, JanJan Ullrich [105][106][A]
84 1997 Germany Ullrich, JanJan Ullrich Germany Zabel, ErikErik Zabel (2) France Virenque, RichardRichard Virenque (4) Germany Ullrich, JanJan Ullrich (2) [107][108]
85 1998 Italy Pantani, MarcoMarco Pantani Germany Zabel, ErikErik Zabel (3) France Rinero, ChristopheChristophe Rinero Germany Ullrich, JanJan Ullrich (3) [109]
86 1999 United States Armstrong, LanceLance Armstrong Germany Zabel, ErikErik Zabel (4) France Virenque, RichardRichard Virenque (5) France Salmon, BenoîtBenoît Salmon [110]
87 2000 United States Armstrong, LanceLance Armstrong (2) Germany Zabel, ErikErik Zabel (5) Colombia Botero, SantiagoSantiago Botero Spain Mancebo, FranciscoFrancisco Mancebo [111]
88 2001 United States Armstrong, LanceLance Armstrong (3) Germany Zabel, ErikErik Zabel (6) France Jalabert, LaurentLaurent Jalabert Spain Sevilla, ÓscarÓscar Sevilla [112]
89 2002 United States Armstrong, LanceLance Armstrong (4) Australia McEwen, RobbieRobbie McEwen France Jalabert, LaurentLaurent Jalabert (2) Italy Basso, IvanIvan Basso [113]
90 2003 United States Armstrong, LanceLance Armstrong (5) Australia Cooke, BadenBaden Cooke France Virenque, RichardRichard Virenque (6) Russia Menchov, DenisDenis Menchov [114]
91 2004 United States Armstrong, LanceLance Armstrong (6) Australia McEwen, RobbieRobbie McEwen (2) France Virenque, RichardRichard Virenque (7) Russia Karpets, VladimirVladimir Karpets [115]
92 2005 United States Armstrong, LanceLance Armstrong (7) Norway Hushovd, ThorThor Hushovd Denmark Rasmussen, MichaelMichael Rasmussen Ukraine Popovych, YaroslavYaroslav Popovych [116]
93 2006 Spain Pereiro, ÓscarÓscar Pereiro Australia McEwen, RobbieRobbie McEwen (3) Denmark Rasmussen, MichaelMichael Rasmussen (2) Italy Cunego, DamianoDamiano Cunego [117][118][B]
94 2007 Spain Contador, AlbertoAlberto Contador Belgium Boonen, TomTom Boonen Colombia Soler, MauricioMauricio Soler Spain Contador, AlbertoAlberto Contador [119][120]
95 2008 Spain Sastre, CarlosCarlos Sastre Spain Freire, ÓscarÓscar Freire Spain Sastre, CarlosCarlos Sastre Luxembourg Schleck, AndyAndy Schleck [121][122]
96 2009 Spain Contador, AlbertoAlberto Contador (2) Norway Hushovd, ThorThor Hushovd (2) Italy Pellizotti, FrancoFranco Pellizotti Luxembourg Schleck, AndyAndy Schleck (2) [123]
97 2010 Spain Contador, AlbertoAlberto Contador (3) Italy Petacchi, AlessandroAlessandro Petacchi France Charteau, AnthonyAnthony Charteau Luxembourg Schleck, AndyAndy Schleck (3) [124][125][C]
98 2011 Australia Evans, CadelCadel Evans United Kingdom Cavendish, MarkMark Cavendish Spain Sánchez, SamuelSamuel Sánchez France Rolland, PierrePierre Rolland

By riders

Rank Rider Country Titles Year
1 Lance Armstrong  USA 7 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005
2 Jacques Anquetil  FRA 5 1957, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964
Bernard Hinault  FRA 5 1978, 1979, 1981, 1982, 1985
Miguel Indurain  ESP 5 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995
Eddy Merckx  BEL 5 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1974
6 Louison Bobet  FRA 3 1953, 1954, 1955
Greg LeMond  USA 3 1986, 1989, 1990
Philippe Thys  BEL 3 1913, 1914, 1920
Alberto Contador  ESP 3 2007, 2009, 2010
10 Gino Bartali  ITA 2 1938, 1948
Ottavio Bottecchia  ITA 2 1924, 1925
Fausto Coppi  ITA 2 1949, 1952
Laurent Fignon  FRA 2 1983, 1984
Nicolas Frantz  LUX 2 1927, 1928
Firmin Lambot  BEL 2 1919, 1922
André Leducq  FRA 2 1930, 1932
Sylvère Maes  BEL 2 1936, 1939
Antonin Magne  FRA 2 1931, 1934
Lucien Petit-Breton  FRA 2 1907, 1908
Bernard Thévenet  FRA 2 1975, 1977

By country


Jersey yellow.svg

Rank Country Wins
1  FRA 36
2  BEL 18
3  ESP 13
4  USA 10
5  ITA 9
6  LUX 4
7  NED 2
 SUI 2
9  AUS 1
 DEN 1
 GER 1
 IRL 1


Jersey green.svg

Rank Country Wins
1  BEL 19
2  FRA 9
3  GER 8
4  AUS 4
 IRL 4
 NED 4
7  UZB 3
8  SUI 2
 NOR 2
 ITA 2
11  ESP 1
 GBR 1

King of the Mountains

Jersey polkadot.svg

Rank Country Wins
1  FRA 20
2  ESP 17
3  ITA 12
4  BEL 11
5  COL 4
6  DEN 2
 LUX 2
 NED 2
9  SUI 1
 GBR 1
 AUT 1

Young rider

Jersey white.svg

Rank Country Wins
1  FRA 6
2  ITA 5
 NED 5
 ESP 5
5  GER 4
6  LUX 3
7  COL 2
 RUS 2
 USA 2
10  AUS 1
 MEX 1
 UKR 1

See also


Aa b c : Bjarne Riis has admitted doping during the 1996 Tour de France. The organisers of the Tour de France have stated they no longer consider him to be the winner,[126] although the ASO still lists Riis as the winner on the Tour's official website.[127] Jan Ullrich was placed second on the podium in Paris.
B^ : Floyd Landis was the winner at the podium ceremony in Paris on the last day of the 2006 tour, but subsequently was found to have tested positive for performance enhancing drugs during stage 17 of the race. The United States Anti-Doping Agency found him guilty of using synthetic testosterone during the race and stripped him of his title on September 20, 2007.[128]
C^ : Contador was the winner at the podium ceremony in Paris on the last day of the 2010 Tour de France but the race is under review by the Court of Arbitration for Sport. Contador tested positive for performance enhancing drugs during the race. The title may fall to second place finisher Andy Schleck. [129]


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