1948 Tour de France

1948 Tour de France

The 1948 Tour de France was the 35th Tour de France, taking place June 30 to July 25, 1948. It consisted of 21 stages over 4,922 km, ridden at an average speed of 33.443 km/h.

The winner of the 1948 Tour de France, Gino Bartali, deserves special mention, since he has the unique record of longest gap between Tour de France first place finishes; he won in 1938 and again in 1948, a ten-year gap that has never been matched since. His second win was all the more remarkable because he was part of a generation of cyclists who lost most of their best career years due to World War II, which caused the Tour to be suspended from 1940 through 1946.


Overall standings

Jersey progression

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bar:Leader color:yellow width:110 textcolor:black # shift texts up or down manually to avoid overlap from:1 till:2 text: Gino Bartali from:2 till:3 text: Jan Engels from:3 till:4 text: Louison Bobet from:4 till:6 text: Roger Lambrecht from:6 till:14 text: Louison Bobet from:14 till:22 text: Gino Bartali

bar:Mountains color:red width:110 textcolor:black # shift texts up or down manually to avoid overlap from:21 till:22 text: Gino Bartali

bar:Team color:gold width:110 textcolor:black # shift texts up or down manually to avoid overlap from:21 till:22 text: Belgium

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External links

* [http://www.memoire-du-cyclisme.net/eta_tdf_1944_1953/tdf1948.php 1948 Tour de France results]
* [http://www.letour.fr/HISTO/TDF/1948/us/annee.html?RaceYear=1948&x=33&y=5 Tour de France Archive on 1948]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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