1947 Tour de France

1947 Tour de France

The 1947 Tour de France was the 34th Tour de France, taking place June 25 to July 20, 1947. The total race distance was 21 stages over 4,640 km, ridden at an average speed of 31.412 km/h. It was the first Tour since 1939, having been cancelled during World War II, although some Tour de France-like races had been held during WWII, see Tour de France during the Second World War. The 1947 Tour de France had country teams: Belgium, Dutch/French foreigners, Italy, Switzerland/Luxembourg, France, Ile de France, France-West, France-North-East, France-Centre-South-West and France-South-East. There were 58 French cyclists, 13 Italian, 11 Belgian, 6 Dutch, 6 Swiss, 4 Luxembourg, 1 Polish and 1 Algerian cyclist. Of the 100 cyclists, 53 finished the race.

Because the previous races had been cancelled, there was no real favourite for the final victory. When René Vietto, the runner-up of 1939, captured the yellow jersey after his victory on the second stage, many thought he could remain first until the last day. Vietto, a climber, was less optimistic, and lost his first place to Italian Pierre Brambilla after the time trial in stage 19. With only two stages to go, many now believed that Brambilla would win the race. On the very last stage, there was an unexpected attack, and little-known French cyclist Jean Robic captured the lead. Robic had won the Tour de France without ever wearing the yellow jersey during the race, the first time that happened. (In 1953 Robic would lead the race for one more day.)

Jersey progression

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bar:Winner color:white width:110 mark:(line,black) align:center fontsize:S shift:(0,2) # shift texts up or down manually to avoid overlap from:1 till:2 text: Ferdi Kübler from:2 till:3 text: René Vietto from:3 till:4 text: Aldo Ronconi from:4 till:5 text: Jean Robic from:5 till:6 text: Ferdi Kübler from:6 till:7 text: Lucien Teisseire from:7 till:8 text: Jean Robic from:8 till:9 text: Fermo Camellini from:9 till:10 text: René Vietto from:10 till:11 text: Fermo Camellini from:11 till:12 text: Edouard Fachleitner from:12 till:13 text: Henri Massal from:13 till:14 text: Lucien Teisseire from:14 till:15 text: Albert Bourlon from:15 till:16 text: Jean Robic from:16 till:17 text: Giuseppe Tacca from:17 till:18 text: Eloi Tassin from:18 till:19 text: Pietro Tarchini from:19 till:20 text: Raymond Impanis from:20 till:21 text: Maurice Diot from:21 till:22 text: Brik Schotte

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General classification

External links

* [http://www.memoire-du-cyclisme.net/eta_tdf_1944_1953/tdf1947.php 1947 Tour de France results]
* [http://www.letour.fr/HISTO/TDF/1947/fr/annee.html?RaceYear=1947&x=63&y=10 Official 1947 Tour de France results]
* [http://www.tourdefrance.nl/statistieken%5CAlle-uitslagen%5C1947--34e-editie-1599.html More complete results nl icon]
* [http://www.radsport-seite.de/tour1947.html Jersey progression de icon]
* [http://www.letour.fr/HISTO/TDF/1947/us/annee.html?RaceYear=1947&x=29&y=11 Backgrounds of the 1947 Tour]

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