1910 Tour de France

1910 Tour de France

The 1910 Tour de France was the 8th Tour de France, taking place July 3 to July 31, 1910. It consisted of 15 stages over 4,737 km (2,943 mi), ridden at an average speed of 28.680 km/h.

The 1910 Tour de France was the first Tour to enter the Pyrénées mountains. Two main candidates for the victory were 1909 winner François Faber, a sprinter, and Octave Lapize, a climber. Because of the points system, their chances were approximately equal. At the end of the race, Lapize had won by only four points.

This year, the broom wagon was introduced, to pick up the cyclists that abandoned during the race.


Overall standings

Jersey progress

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bar:Winner color:white width:110 mark:(line,black) align:center fontsize:S shift:(0,2) # shift texts up or down manually to avoid overlap from:1 till:2 text: Charles Crupelandt from:2 till:3 text: François Faber from:3 till:4 text: Emile Georget from:4 till:5 text: François Faber from:5 till:6 text: Octave Lapize from:6 till:7 text: Julien Maitron from:7 till:8 text: François Faber from:8 till:9 text: Georges Paulmier from:9 till:10 text: Octave Lapize from:10 till:11 text: Octave Lapize from:11 till:12 text: Ernest Paul from:12 till:13 text: Louis Trousselier from:13 till:14 text: Gustave Garrigou from:14 till:15 text: Octave Lapize from:15 till:16 text: Ernesto Azzini

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External links

* [http://www.memoire-du-cyclisme.net/eta_tdf_1903_1913/tdf1910.php 1910 Tour de France results]
* VeloArchive " [http://www.veloarchive.com/races/tour/1910.php The "Assassins" send the race to the Pyrenees]
* [http://www.letour.fr/HISTO/TDF/1910/us/annee.html?RaceYear=1910&x=47&y=13 1910 Tour de France history]
* [http://www.radsport-seite.de/tour1910.html Jersey progression]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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