- Nay Toe
Nay Toe Born Nay Lin Aung
9 September 1981
Manaung, Rakhine State, BurmaOther names Zin Min, Nyi Toe, Ko Latt Occupation Actor, Model, Comedian Religion Theravada Buddhism Parents Aung Than (father), Than Myaing (mother) Awards Best actor, Burmese Academy Award 2009 Website Nay Toe (Burmese: နေတိုး, pronounced [nè tó]; born Nay Lin Aung on 9 September 1981) is a Myanmar Academy Award-winning film actor and a comedian with the Burmese traditional dance troupe Htawara Hninzi. He won his first academy award for best actor with the 2009 film Moe Nya Einmet Myu (မိုးညအိပ်မက်မြူ).[1]
Early life
Nay Toe was born Nay Lin Aung on 9 September 1981 to ethnic Rakhine parents, Than Myaing and her husband Aung Than in Manaung, Rakhine State. The second-born child in the family, Nay Toe has an elder brother as well as a younger brother and a younger sister.[2]
He did not have any connections to the Burmese film industry before starting out his career as a Model and eventually as an Actor.[3]
He graduated from Yangon University with a B.Sc. in mathematics.
Early Work
To commence his career as an artist, Nay Toe moved to Yangon in 1999 and joined the YIIK modeling agency and took singing lessons given by Saw Nu. He gained some titles in modeling contests. His artist name as a Model was Zin Min. His teenage dream was to become a composer and singer. He eventually released a collaborative album in early 2000s, but it was not a hit album.[4]
In the early days of his career, he started to gain recognition by starring in music videos. At the same time, he was attracted to the art of acting and started to educate himself with what would be needed to become a good actor. However, he did not go to any formal school or training courses to study acting.
By 2001, he starred in a movie named 3 weeks which was the first film for him to take part in leading actor role.[3] With the continued perseverance and dedication in his creation of art, he has increasingly gained recognition by Burmese audience, from time to time.
From 2007 to Present
Nay Toe performing as a comedian together with Eternal Rose Anyeint in Singapore on 6 Mar 2011.Since 2007, Nay Toe has made a name on the stage with Htawara Hninzi (Eternal Rose) Burmese cultural dance show (Anyeint) troupe in which he is one of the supporting comedians along with Tun Tun, Moe Moe, Ye Lay and Kyaw Kyaw Bo. The director of the show is Maung Myo Min. Their shows have been hugely accepted by the resident Burmese audiences as well as Burmese migrants around the globe. Their shows reflect current socio-economic situations.[5]
Since then he has gained fame and recognition as a very outstanding performer not only on the movie screen but also on the stage.
Another remarkable event in 2011 was winning the Academy trophy in Moe Nya Einmet Myu [1] movie as the best leading actor.[6] It was chosen out of 16 films screened in the country in 2009. His role in the movie was said to be intricate as the character he portrayed in the movie was schizophrenic and displayed three different personalities throughout the story.[7]
Other Projects
Television Commercials
Nay Toe has appeared in several television commercials, including those for the Myanmar Airways International, soft drinks, jewellery stores, fashion and sport apparel.
Propaganda Films
Nay Toe has appeared in a propaganda film, Lotus at Dawn. Fundamentally, this movie aims to persuade the Burmese people into believing that the regime is a true savior and protector of the land and the people.[8]
He has been criticized for starring in the film especially by Burma pro-democracy movement groups residing overseas. However, unidentifiable source from Burma film industry reported that the castings had been compelled to play their respective roles in the movie by SPDC, jeopardizing the risk that they might be imposed censorship for at least one year if they ever refused to take part in the film.[9]
Many leading Burmese actors and actress took part in the film such as Kyaw Ye Aung, Lwin Moe, Lu Min, Khant Sithu, Pyay Ti Oo, Soe Myat Thuza, Khaing Thin Kyi, Eindra Kyaw Zin, Moe Hay Ko, Myat Kaythi Aung and Wyne Su Khaing Thein, etc.
Another propaganda film was epic on the Tatmadaw’s (Burmese Army) history called Kye Sin Mawgun (Epic of the Stars) from Thirty Comrades during the independence struggle till the current military regime.[10]
List of Propaganda Films Year Film Director Co-Stars 2009 Ar Yone Oo Mhar Phu The Kyar Tin Than Oo Lwin Moe, Kyaw Ye Aung, Lu Min, Khant Sithu, Soe Myat Thuzar, Eindra Kyaw Zin 2010 Tu Hnaing Mel Thitsar Tin Aung Soe Nay Aung, Ye Aung, Khant Sithu, Kyaw Ye Aung, Hein Wei Yan 2010 Kye Sin Mawgun Soe Moe Lu Min, Pan Phyu, Eindra Kyaw Zin, Thet Mon Myint Publications
Nay Toe released his self-written biography and fashion book, (စေ့ထားသော တံခါးများ) Un Tightened Doors, on 1 January 2011.[11] He composed about himself in 21 sections in the book: starting from his early days of career, including his personal interests, hobbies, family life, love affairs, personal notes, poems, a large variety of photos gallery and also hugely focusing on his religious insight into Buddhism as a devotee Buddhist.[3]
Entertainment Tours
Nay Toe has recently traveled to Japan, Singapore and Malaysia in 2011 on entertainment tours. He's been invited to Australia,[12] Singapore,[13] London,[14] Malaysia,[15] Japan[16] and New Zealand.[17]
Humanitarian works
Nay Toe's humanitarian work includes raising funds for the 2008 Cyclone Nargis,[12] 2010 Cyclone Giri [16] and involving in various charity shows held in Burma and overseas. He donated handsome amount of money to Homes for the Aged and Orphanages as a celebration of winning Academy award, in Jan 29, 2011 instead of throwing a party.[18] He's a humble celebrity who always likes to keep his profile low.
Personal life
Nay Toe is a single.
Nay Toe is introverted, reserved and reticent in nature; so he was sometimes being mistaken by people as being arrogant. He pointed out that fact in his book and made apology for what he may be seemed in some situations, whereas he assured that he has pleasant, warm and friendly mind towards anybody.[3]
Hobby & Interest
Nay Toe has revealed his artistic ability and interest in art and craft since young, especially in Paintings and Sculptures. His favorite painting techniques are watercolor and acrylic. He won prizes for his drawings and sculptures since primary school student. Other hobbies include reading, photography, music and travelling. His favorite sport is swimming, and he likes to play tennis and golf occasionally.[3]
Religious Inspiration
Nay Toe is well-known to be being pious. He is a Theravada Buddhist.
The Religion Section of his biography book comprises four self-written articles where he expressed his religious beliefs, Buddha teachings that inspired him and his experience and findings on Vipassanā meditation. [3]
He stated Buddha as the most respectable and inspirational person in his life, in the article named Character In My Religious Sight. [3]
In the other article, The Most Important Movie of Life From Vipassanā Point of View, he mentioned Vipassanā as the director of life which can guide people to achieve their inner peace and liberation and eventually to attain enlightenment through Vipassanā meditation. [3]
In the article, Standard of Life, he believed that standard of life is being determined by having knowledge, practicing and experience on Vipassanā meditation rather than materialistic possession. [3]
In the Vipassanā and Me article, he elaborated on why and how he keens on practicing Vipassanā meditation. Nay Toe mentioned how purity of mind and its stability has been obtained through Vipassanā meditation. He highlighted importance of concentration and perseverance while practicing the act. He also depicted the phenomenon during his practice such as introspection of thoughts, observations of bodily sensations, pain and discomfort, observations of mind and matter in their aspects of impermanence, un-satisfactoriness, and lack of self. Nay Toe mentioned that he used to practice Vipassanā meditation whenever he has times. [3]
Videos (Direct-to-Videos)
Nay Toe has been starring in over one hundred direct-to-videos since 2001. Following are the lists of his works but it may not be the complete lists.
Lists of Videos Year Movie Director Co-Stars 2011 Mg Ko Chit Thaw Main Ma Myar Ko Zaw Thet Mon Myint, Khin Lay Nwe A Chit A Thin Chay Ag Ba Power Soe Myat Nandar, Pearl Win Fate Wyne Thet Mon Myint, Phoo Phoo Chein Khwin Ku Thou Wut Hmone Shwe Yi La Yaung Nan Mha Pwint The Pan Kyaw Zaw Lin Chit Thu Wei A Chit Hnit A Nee A Nar Ta Wite Twin Thein Han (Phoenix) Wut Hmone Shwe Yi A Nay A Htaing Ma Tat Te Kye Nyi Nyi Aung Wut Hmone Shwe Yi Eden Tho Wyne Moe Hay Ko, A Chit Ne That Mhat Khe Tat Ba Wa Ei A Date Pe Ko Zaw Eindra Kyaw Zin A Phyu Yaung Maya Htoo Thar Ye Aung, Phway Phway Tomorrow Schedule Sin Yaw Mg Mg Moe Yu San Ngwe Ko Maung Htote Saung Lote Pay Par Mg Daw Na Soe Myat Thuzar Chit Pyan Tot Le A The A Than Kyaw Zaw Lin Moe Hay Ko A Chit Ei Phyar Yaung Thaw Win Htun Htun Thet Mon Myint Cho Chit Khar Mee Pwar Thet Mon Myint 2001–2010 7 Times Two Khin Saw Myo Kyaw Thu, Khant Si Thu, May Than Nu A Chit Myo A Lon Eaindra Kyaw Zin, Khin Lay New A Mone Pyu Sar Tat A Chit Soe Myat Nandar, Soe Pyae Thazin A Mone Thu Htay Ma Lay Htoo Thar Myo Sandi Kyaw A Mone Yaw Kyay Okkar Bo Htet Htet Moe Oo, Ye Aung A Nan Sat Taing Ko Zaw Eindra Kyaw Zin A Phyu Htel 528 Mg Myo Min Htun Aeindra Bo A Pywt Swel Ag Ba Power Thet Mon Myint A Seit Thint Lay Hnin Myo Htoo Nawarat A Sone That (The End) Myo Htoo Moe Hay Ko A Tar A See Melt Tein Okkar Bo Myat Kaythi Aung, Nawarat A Thit Phit Thwar Thaw Yin Khone Than ko Zaw Thet Mon Myint Achit Cho Cho Tha Met Khar Khar Okkar Bo Htun Htun, Eindra Kyaw Zin Amara Kainnayee Ma Di ThanBula Nyi Nyi Aung Soe Myat Nandar, Chit Thu Wei Amay Shae Mhar Ba Shaw Shi Tal Okkar Bo Chaw Yadana, Chit Snow Oo Ba Kyaw Okkar Bo Myo Sandi Kyaw Bar Nyar Ahtar Aryu Moe Moe, Moe Hay Ko Bay Der Pyan Ean Ko Khel Htoo Thar Htun Htun Win, May Thinzar Oo Bond Moe Hay Ko Caution: 528 Khaing Thin Kyi Chair Wheel Pearl Win, Thinzar Wint Kyaw Chan Thar Lar Pyi Phay Chit Su Pan Htwar Chit Chin Arr Phyit Kyaw Zaw Lin Eindra Kyaw Zin, Ye Aung, May Thinzar Oo Chit Chin Ei 360 Degree Nyi Nyi Htun Lwin Lu Min, Eindra Kyaw Zin, Su Pan Htwar Chit Kyee Ya Aung Hein Soe Moe Hay Ko Chit Lite Ya Tar Lat Kone Pel Kyaw Zaw Lin Thet Mon Myint Chit Thu Editor Soe Myat Thuzar Cinderella Ka Kyo Nay Paing Eindra Kyaw Zin Director Ag Ba Power Eindra Kyaw Zin Dragon Road Mg Tin Oo Kyaw Ye Aung, Mo Mo Myit Aung, Khaing Thin Kyi Einmet Ma Hote Thaw Ma Nat Phan Myar Denny Su Pan Htwar Ein Mat Lady Yan Aung, Soe Myat Thuzar Emo Bangkok Eindra Kyaw Zin, Bay Lu Wa Gipsy Wyne Min Thway, Moe Hay Ko History of Two Parallel Lines Aung Kyaw Min Myo Sandi Kyaw Hna Lone Thar Se Yin Khan Wyne Eindra Kyaw Zin Hna Lone Thar Young Sone Zaw Sat Su Pan Htwar, Pearl Win, Pwint Nadi Maung Hnin Khar Wyne Pan Phyu, Pearl Win Hnin Sat Ka Kyo Nawarat Hnin Si Ngo Tat Nay Myo Htoo Nawarat Hote Nay Tar Pel Mee Pwar Thet Mon Myint, Thinzar Wint Kyaw Htar Wa Ya Mee Pwar Min Maw Kon, Nine Nine, Nay Myo Aung, Myint Myat, Eaindra Kyaw Zin, Thazin Htat Tu Ma Shi Okkar Bo Pan Phyu, Wyne Su Khaing Thein Htaung Chauk Okkar Bo Yaza Ne Win, Su Pan Htwar, Pearl Win Irraweddy Yel Ma Nat Phyan Zinyaw Maung Maung Kyaw Ye Aung, Eindra Kyaw Zin Ka Bar Gyi (The World) Khin Lay Nwe Ka Byar Ma Mhi Tat A Chit Ko Zaw Eindra Kyaw Zin Kar La Paw Att Kyaung Win Htun Htun Yan Aung, Thet Mon Myint Kaung Kin Aut Ka Sone Hmat Ko Zaw Eindra Kyaw Zin Kha Yee Kyan Lan Khay Yel Mee Pwar Aye Myat Thu Kyar Ta Kaung Yet A Seit Maung Dawna Min Oo, Htun Aeindra Bo Kyauk Lite Kya Sot Thu Nge Chin Mg Myo Min Nandar Hlaing Kyay Sar Nay Naw Moe Hay Ko La Min Thit Pin Aung Kyaw Zaw Eindra Kyaw Zin, May Than Nu La Min Tike Pwel Myo Htoo Yadana Khin Lan Pya Par Okkar Bo Yadana Khin, Wyne Su Khaing Thein Lat Phaung Ba Hein Hein Zaw Khin Lay Nwe Late Pyar Lwan Chin Myo Htoo Khaing Hnin Wei Law Ka Hnin Dan Myo Htoo Pan Phyu, Khin Lay Nwe Legend of a Phoenix Ko Zaw Nawarat Loot Tet Ngar Maung Yu Ya Pwint Nadi Maung Ma Chit Tat Thu Chin Ko Zaw Su Pan Htwar, Thinzar Wint Kyaw Ma Kyay Nyar Kyay Thar Gyi Thet Mon Myint, Thazin Ma Mone Myat Phay Moe Aung Mo Mo Myint Aung, May Thinzar Oo, Wyne Su Khaing Thein Ma Way Tot Bu Soe Myat Nandar, Hnin Wut Yi Thaung Maya Einmet Htoo Thar Myo Sandi Kyaw Maya Me Mya Moe Aung Khaing Thin Kyi Maung Zinyaw Maung Maung Eindra Kyaw Zin Mee Tain Tike Thet Mon Myint Mhar Taw Pone, Sar Twe Si Aung Kyaw Zaw Yadana Khin, Chaw Yadana Moe Ma Myin Lay Ma Myin Moe Aung Thet Mon Myint Moe Yay Htel Mhr Ngo Win Htun Htun Min Hein, Thet Mon Myint, May Thinzar Oo Mone Taing Twe Lel Ngo Mee Pwar Kyaw Kyaw Bo, Thet Mon Myint Mone De Win Htun Htun Eindra Kyaw Zin Mote Sate Pyar Swell Khin Mg Oo Ye Aung, Su Pan Htwar Mway Mee Pwar Thinza Wint Kyaw, Pearl Win Mya Kyay Ta Mar Eindra Kyaw Zin Myar Nat Mg Yat Chit Pone Pyin Mee Pwar Eindra Kyaw Zin Myat Yay Khat Tel Coffee Win Htun Htun Nawarat Myat Yay Shin Tan Zaw Sat Soe Myat Nandar Mysterious Angles Myo Min Thet Mon Myint Na Mu Nar Pay Toe Ag Ba Power Nawarat Nar Kyin Minute Wyne Soe Myat Nandar, Moe Hay Ko Nar Lel Pay Par Mya Thida Zaw Sat Khaing Thin Kyi Nat Shine Thitsar Lwin Min Soe Myat Thuzar, Thinzar Wint Kyaw Nat The Mee Chit Tat Pin Lel Maung Aung Pearl Win, Wut Hmone Shwe Yi Naut Sone Ka Byar Min Htin Koko Gyi Eindra Kyaw Zin, Kyaw Kyaw Bo Nay Kyat Chein Wyne Soe Myat Nandar, Soe Pyi Thazin Nay Laung Pan Mee Pwar Eindra Kyaw Zin Ngaye Mee Okkar Bo Zay Yar Aung, Wei Yan No Theory for Love Kyi Le Le Oo Nya Khar Khar Win Htun Htun Soe Myat Thuzar Nyi Akko Thu Nge Chin Khin Mg Oo Htun Htun, Pearl Win, Thazin Nyout Moe Aung Nandar Hlaing One Equals to Two Myo Sandi Kyaw Page 15 Wyne Min Thway, Soe Pyae Thazin Pan Ka Lay Yel Zat Like Moe Hay Ko Pan Pwint Ko Hlat Kyee Mha Twe Ya Mel La Min Eindra Kyaw Zin, Moe Hay Ko Pan Ta Say Myo Htoo Thet Mon Myint Pelt Kaing Myo Htoo Nawarat Pelt Tin The Kan Win Htun Htun Yan Aung, Soe Myat Thuzar, Khaing Thin Kyi Phway Nawarat Pin Lel Kauk Kyaung Nay Paing Soe Myat Thuzar, Wyne Su Khaing Thein Pint Thet Hnit A Tu Khin Hla Nawarat Pyaing Yel Yelt Lar Win Htun Htun May Than Nu, Nawarat Pyaut Phyat Ma Ya Tae Su Chat Okkar Bo Khaing Hnin Wei Pyork Thaw Lan Mhr San Ta War Myint Soe Tint Tint Htun, Cho Pyone, Myit Myit Khaing Sal Kyaw Thet (Teenagers) Eindra Kyaw Zin San Ein Hla Hla, Thaw Ka Pway Pway Htoo Thar Nawarat Sanay Maung Maung ' Sant Kyin Phat (Opposite) Aung Kyaw Zaw Myo Sandi Kyaw Sat Htone Okkar Bo Nawarat Sate Kan Mel Tat Myit Zaw Sat Eindra Kyaw Zin Saung Shike Than Nay Min Myat Moe Pyi Pyi Maung Seit Dart Hein Zaw May Kabya Seit Ei Mar Yer Htun Aung Zaw Melody, Moe Yu San Seit Ei Say Yar Khin Maung Oo Eindra Kyaw Zin Seit Nyein Thaw Chit Chin Ei A Than Mee Pwar Eindra Kyaw Zin Set Wine Htel Ka Sa Tu Gan Aung Hein Lin Su Hnin Htet Sho What Lat Myar Phit Phan Sin Thaw Nawarat, Khin Lay Nwe, Wyne Su Khaing Thein Shwe Baung Kuak Tal Ngwe La Min Win Htun Htun Nandar Hlaing, Thet Mon Myint Summer Door Okkar Bo Su Pan Htwar Sue Myo Htoo Thet Mon Myint Ta Kal Chit Khe Lar Chit Thu Wei Ta Ko Taw Yay Tat Ka Kha Lwin Min Eindra Kyaw Zin Ta Thet Lone De A Taing Mee Pwar Nandar Hlaing Ta War War Ta Har Har Khin Saw Myo Kyaw Thu, ZarGanar, Su Pan Htwar Tain Kwel See Sar Nay Paing Soe Pyae Thazin Tain Nyunt Sar Tat Thu Htun Htun Win, Htun Aeindra Bo, May Than Nu Tein Pyo Mi Thu Moe Aung Ye Aung, Nandar Hlaing Tha Khin Chway Khwint Ag Ba Power Eindra Kyaw Zin Than Tha Yar Hna Kway Maung Ni Lwin Myat Kaythi Aung, Pwint Nadi Maung Thar Sit Win Htun Htun Zin Waing, Thet Mon Myint Thar So Thaw Thar Moe Aung May Than Nu, Nawarat Thar To Yote Yi Kyaw Zaw Lin Nay Aung, Cho Pyone, Chaw Yadana Thay Lo Ya The Ag Ba Power Eindra Kyaw Zin The Third Eye Myo Htoo Moe Hay Ko Thu Hnit Thu Ako Myar Lwin Min Chit Thu Wei Thu Kha Bone (Paradise) Wyne Zeya, Moe Hay Ko, Moe Yu San Thu Nge Chin Lat Htet Mingalar Mee Pwar Moe Hay Ko Thwe Kyay Sat Yan Shi The Htoo Thar May Than Nu Toe Tate Thaw Zaw Sat Pa Pa Win Khin Twel Phat A Pyone Ag Ba Power Eindra Kyaw Zin Villain Hero Htoo Thar Phone Lyan, Wyne Su Khaing Thein Wi Ya Thitsar Wie Mhaing Nyo Nawarat Wut Shi Tha Mya Kyay Moe Aung Su Shone Le, Su Hlaing Hnin Yan Naing 24 Zaw Sat Soe Myat Nandar, Pearl Win Yaung Ma Yay Thu Nge Chin Hein Soe Soe Myat Thuzar, May Than Nu, Mo Mo Myint Aung Yaung Pyan Dar Nay Htet Lin, Nawarat Yaw Yaw Shi Lu Min, Pyay Ti Oo, Eindra Kyaw Zin Yay San Hlaing Ko Ko Lay May ThanNu, Pan Phyu Yay Thel York Kyar Ag Ba Power Eindra Kyaw Zin Yet Kha Nyi Naung Kyaw Thu Yin Bat Htel Ka Dar Denny Wyne, Aye Wut Yi Thaung Yin Chin Sat Nway Hein Soe Eindra Kyaw Zin, Nay San Yin Kwel Late Pyar Myo Htoo Nandar Hlaing Yin Ngawe Moe Aung Nay San, Myo Sandi Kyaw Yin Nint Khe Swel Taw Ywak Okkar Bo Myat Kaythi Aung Films (Big Screen Movies)
Lists of Films Year Film Director Co-Stars 2005 Min Ga Lar Bar Mee Pwar Sai Sai Kham Leng, Myo Sandi Kyaw, Zarganar 2006 Pan Pyo Thu To Alinkar Hein Soe Lu Min, Nawarat 2007 Moe Paw Khone Tat Ka Lite Chin Par Tal Nyunt Myanmar Nyi Nyi Aung Htun Htun, Ye Lay, Eindra Kyaw Zin, Myat Kaythi Aung 2007 Who is This Man? Nyi Nyi Htun Lwin Eindra Kyaw Zin, Mose 2007 Wingaba Achit Thein Han Min Maw Kon, Eindra Kyaw Zin, Thinza Wint Kyaw 2008 Academy Shock Nyi Nyi Htun Lwin Ye Aung, Htun Htun, Eindra Kyaw Zin, Thinza Wint Kyaw 2008 Myint Mo Htet Ka Tha Ya Phu Thein Han Zin Waing, Htun Htun, Mo Mo Myint Aung, Eindra Kyaw Zin 2009 101 Nights with Mother-in-Law Mee Pwar Soe Myat Thuzar, Soe Pyae Thazin, Ye Aung 2009 Chit Lo Sa Tar Thein Han Kyaw Ye Aung, Eindra Kyaw Zin 2009 Kyo Kyar Taung Pan Khat Than Sin Yaw Mg Mg Kyaw Kyaw Bo, Eindra Kyaw Zin, Wyne Su Khaing Thein, Moe Yu San 2009 Moe Nya Eain Mat Mhyu Kyi Phyu Shin Soe Pyae Thazin, Thinza Wint Kyaw, Moe Hay Ko 2009 Mommy Shein Nyi Nyi Htun Lwin Yan Aung, Eindra Kyaw Zin, Thinza Wint Kyaw 2009 Zaw Ka Ka Nay The Mee Pwar Nyunt Win, Nandar Hlaing References
- ^ a b Khin Lay Myint (26 Jan 2011). "2009 Academy Notes" (in Burmese). The Ray of Light: 1–14. http://www.shweamyutay.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2896%3A2011-01-25-11-37-17&catid=118%3A2008-06-22-18-46-23&Itemid=49. Retrieved 20 June 2011.
- ^ MYMC. "Interview with Nay Toe on MYMC". Myanmar Youth Media Club. http://www.mymclub.net/main/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=310&Itemid=473. Retrieved 30 June 2011.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j Toe, Nay (11 Jan 2011). "21" (in Burmese) (Paperback). Un Tightened Doors (First ed.). Yangon, Myanmar: Treasure Publishing House. pp. 180. http://www.hantunlwin.com/naytoe.pdf. Retrieved 27 June 2011.
- ^ Su Kabya. "Story of a Man behind the un-tightened doors" (in Burmese). Snapshot Journal (Snapshot Publishing Group). http://www.snapshot-news.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=5399:2010-06-26-03-22-37&catid=347:vol2-no91&Itemid=108.
- ^ Lin Lat, Na Yi. "Eternal Rose Group and their parody have becoming popular in Myanmar". Irrawaddy. http://www.irrawaddy.org/bur/index.php/news/5011-2010-11-25-06-38-40. Retrieved 29 June 2011.
- ^ Nay Htun Naing (23 Jan 2011). "The Myanmar Motion Picture Outstanding Awards (Academy Awards) for 2009 Ceremony was celebrated in Nay Pyi Taw". Bi-Weekly Eleven (Weekly Eleven Publishing Group). http://eversion.news-eleven.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1065:the-myanmar-motion-picture-outstanding-awards-academy-awards-for-2009-ceremony-was-celebrated-in-nay-pyi-taw&catid=42:weekly-eleven-eversion&Itemid=109.
- ^ "Myanmar Academy Award 2009". Myanmar Academy Award. http://academy.myanmarcgiaward.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=104&Itemid=179. Retrieved 29 June 2011.
- ^ Burmeses. "Lotus at Dawn, the Burmese Junta's Propaganda Movie and US Burmese Community". Free Burma Info. http://freeburma.info/index.php/SPDC_movie_-_Lotus_at_Dawn. Retrieved 29 June 2011.
- ^ Lin Latt, Na Yi. "Complications of Lotus at Dawn Films". Irrawaddy. http://www.irrawaddymedia.com/bur/index.php/component/content/article/1-news/3960-2010-09-16-11-52-46. Retrieved 30 June 2011.
- ^ Kyaw, May. "Film on the history of Tatmadaw (Army)". Mizzima News. http://mizzimaenglish.blogspot.com/2009/08/film-on-history-of-tatmadaw.html. Retrieved 30 June 2011.
- ^ PN (03). "Nay Toe launch his mini Biography and fashion book on 1 Jan 11". Popular Myanmar. doi:3 Jan 2011. http://popularmyanmar.com/mpaper/?p=11338. Retrieved 29 June 2011.
- ^ a b Thida Win. "Australian Tour of nine Myanmar artistes". Bi-Weekly Eleven (Weekly Eleven Publishing Group). http://eversion.news-eleven.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=205:australian-tour-of-nine-myanmar-artistes&catid=43:biweekly-eleven-eversion&Itemid=110.
- ^ Phoe Sai. "Success Story of Entertainment Tour of Eternal Rose Group to Singapore" (in Burmese). Snapshot Journal (Snapshot Publishing Group). http://www.snapshot-news.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=4292:2010-04-02-18-26-57&catid=286:vol2-no79&Itemid=108.
- ^ X Big (August 3, 2010). "Myanmar Celebs to England". Kumondra Journal (Kumondra Publishing Group). http://kumondra.com/myanmar-celebs-to-england/.
- ^ Phoe Sai. "Entertainment Tour of Eternal Rose Group to Malaysia" (in Burmese). Snapshot Journal (Snapshot Publishing Group). http://www.snapshot-news.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=7688:2011-02-26-07-51-42&catid=517:vol3-no25&Itemid=108.
- ^ a b Nwan Boy (31 Mar 2011). "Burmese Celebs faced earthquake in Japan during charity show" (in Burmese). The Myanmar Times (The Myanmar Times Publishing Group). http://www.myanmar.mmtimes.com/2011/timeout/511/time02.html.
- ^ "Many Applauds for Eternal Rose Group in New Zealand". Popular Myanmar Journal. http://popularmyanmar.com/mpaper/?p=17700. Retrieved 29 June 2011.
- ^ Popular News (29). "Nay Toe's Donation as a celebration of Academy Award". Popular Myanmar Journal. doi:3 Feb 2011. http://popularmyanmar.com/mpaper/?p=13465. Retrieved 29 June 2011.
External links
Categories:- Burmese actors
- 1981 births
- Living people
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.