- Orders, decorations, and medals of Romania
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Symbols of Romania seriesFlag of Romania · (history) · (list) Coat of arms of Romania Romanian Anthem Romanian heraldry Orders, decorations and medals Postage stamps of Romania Romanian leu Symbols of Romanian Royalty Symbols of Romania The National Decorations System of Romania (Romanian: Sistemul Naţional de Decoraţii) is divided into six categories, listed below. It was re-established in 1998, after a 50-year period of during which Romania used a Soviet-style system of decorations. It is very similar to the system used in Romania in the interwar period.
The list is ordered in descending order of the awards' rank in the National System of Decorations.
National decorations
- Ordinul naţional "Steaua României" — (Order of the Star of Romania);
- Ordinul naţional "Serviciul Credincios" — (National Order "Faithful Service");
- Ordinul naţional "Pentru Merit" — (National Order "For Merit");
- Crucea naţională "Serviciul Credincios" — (National Cross "Faithful Service");
- Medalia naţională "Serviciul Credincios" — (National Medal "Faithful Service");
- Medalia naţională "Pentru Merit" — (National Medal "For Merit").
Commemorative decorations
- Ordinul "Victoria Revoluţiei Române din Decembrie 1989" — (Order Victory of the Romanian Revolution of December 1989);
- Crucea Comemorativa a celui de-al doilea Război Mondial, 1941-1945 — (Commemorative Cross of the Second World War, 1941–1945);
- Crucea Comemorativa a Rezistenţei Anticomuniste — (Commemorative Cross of the Anti-communist Resistance);
- Medalia Comemorativă "150 de ani de la naşterea lui Mihai Eminescu" — (Commemorative Medal "150 Years from the birth of Mihai Eminescu").
Military decorations in time of peace
- Ordinul "Virtutea Militară" — (The Order "The Military Virtue");
- Ordinul "Virtutea Aeronautică" — (The Order "The Aeronautical Virtue");
- Ordinul "Virtutea Maritimă" — (The Order "The Matitime Virtue");
- Ordinul "Bărbăţie şi Credinţă" — (The Order "Manhood and Faith");
- Medalia "Virtutea Militară" — (The Medal "The Military Virtue");
- Medalia "Virtutea Aeronautică" — (The Medal "The Aeronautical Virtue");
- Medalia "Virtutea Maritimă" — (The Medal "The Matitime Virtue");
- Medalia "Bărbăţie şi Credinţă" — (The Medal "Manhood and Faith").
Civil decorations on domains of activity
- Ordinul "Meritul Agricol" — (The Order "The Agricultural Merit");
- Ordinul "Meritul Cultural" — (The Order "The Cultural Merit")[1];
- Ordinul "Meritul Diplomatic" — (The Order "The Diplomatic Merit");
- Ordinul "Meritul Industrial şi Comercial" — (The Order "The Industrial and Commercial Merit");
- Ordinul "Meritul pentru Învăţământ" — (The Order "Merit for the Education");
- Ordinul "Meritul Sanitar" — (The Order "The Sanitary Merit");
- Ordinul "Meritul Sportiv" — (The Order "The Sportive Merit");
- Medalia "Meritul Agricol" — (The Medal "The Agricultural Merit");
- Medalia "Meritul Cultural" — (The Medal "The Cultural Merit")[1];
- Medalia "Meritul Diplomatic" — (The Medal "The Diplomatic Merit");
- Medalia "Meritul Industrial şi Comercial" — (The Medal "The industrial and Commercial Merit");
- Medalia "Meritul pentru Învăţământ" — (The Medal "Merit for the Education");
- Medalia "Meritul Sanitar" — (The Medal "The Sanitary Merit");
- Medalia "Meritul Sportiv" — (The Medal "The Sportive Merit").
[1]"The Cultural Merit" Order and medal are divided into nine equal classes (A to I), corresponding to the cultural field it is awarded. The ribbon of both the Order and the Medal gave the same design (on white background) and stripes of different colors, to identify each class:
- categoria A - literatura — category A - literature
- categoria B - muzica — category B - music
- categoria C - artele plastice — category C - plastic arts
- categoria D - arta spectacolului — category D - show arts
- categoria E - patrimoniul cultural naţional — category E - national cultural patrimony
- categoria F - promovarea culturii — category F - promoting of culture
- categoria G - cultele — category G - religious cults
- categoria H - cercetarea ştiinţifică — category H - scientific research
- categoria I - arhitectura — category I - architecture
Wartime military decorations
- Ordinul "Mihai Viteazul" — (The Order "Mihai Viteazul");
- Ordinul naţional "Steaua României" — (Order of the Star of Romania);
- Ordinul naţional "Serviciul Credincios" — (National Order "Faithful Service");
- Ordinul naţional "Pentru Merit" — (National Order "For Merit");
- Crucea naţională "Serviciul Credincios" — (National Cross "Faithful Service");
- Medalia naţională "Serviciul Credincios" — (National Medal "Faithful Service");
- Medalia naţională "Pentru Merit" — (National Medal "For Merit");
- Ordinul "Virtutea Militară" — (The Order "The Military Virtue");
- Ordinul "Virtutea Aeronautică" — (The Order "The Aeronautical Virtue");
- Ordinul "Virtutea Maritimă" — (The Order "The Matitime Virtue");
- Ordinul "Bărbăţie şi Credinţă" — (The Order "Manhood and Faith");
- Medalia "Virtutea Militară" — (The Medal "The Military Virtue");
- Medalia "Virtutea Aeronautică" — (The Medal "The Aeronautical Virtue");
- Medalia "Virtutea Maritimă" — (The Medal "The Matitime Virtue");
- Medalia "Bărbăţie şi Credinţă" — (The Medal "Manhood and Faith");
- Medalia "Meritul Sanitar" — (The Medal "The Sanitary Merit").
Honorific signs
- Honorific Sign "The Vulture of Romania";
- Honorific Sign "The Reward for the Work in the Public Service";
- Honorific Sign "In the Service of the Country" for officers and special statute public functionaries;
- Honorific Sign "In the Service of the Country" for warrant officers and special statute public functionaries.
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FormerOceania FormerNational CrossesNational Cross for Faithful ServiceNational MedalsNational Medal for Faithful Service • National Medal For MeritCommemorative decorations Victory Order of the Romanian Revolution of December 1989 • Commemorative Cross of the Second World War, 1941-1945 • Commemorative Cross of the Anti-communist Resistance • Commemorative Medal "150 Years from the birth of Mihai Eminescu"Military decorations in peacetime Military OrdersOrder of Military Virtue • Order of Aeronautical Virtue • Order of Matitime Virtue • Order of Valour and FaithMilitary MedalsCivil decorations on domains of activity Civil OrdersAgricultural Merit Order • Cultural Merit Order (categories A to I)1 • Diplomatic Merit Order • Industrial and Commercial Merit Order • Educational Merit Order • Medical Merit Order • Athletic Merit OrderCivil MedalsAgricultural Merit Medal • Cultural Merit Medal (categories A to I)1 • Diplomatic Merit Medal • Industrial and Commercial Merit Medal • Educational Merit Medal • Medical Merit Medal • Athletic Merit MedalMilitary decorations in wartime OrdersOrder of Michael the Brave • Order of the Star of Romania2 • National Order for Faithful Service2 • National Order for Merit2 • Order of Military Virtue2 • Order of Aeronautical Virtue2 • Order of Maritime Virtue2 • Order of Valour and Faith2 • Medical Merit Order2CrossesNational Cross for Faithful Service2MedalsMilitary Virtue Medal2 • Medal of Aeronautical Virtue2 • Medal of Maritime Virtue2 • Medal of Valour and Faith2 • Medical Merit Medal2Honorific signs Vulture of Romania • Reward for the Work in the Public Service • In the Service of the Country (officers) • In the Service of the Country (warrant officers)1 the categories are equal in ranking, and differentiate only the cultural field (A - literature; B - music; C - fine arts; D - performing arts; E - national cultural heritage; F - promotion of culture; H - cults; G - scientific research; I - architecture); 2with two crossed swords (tip up) added (the war insignia) Categories:- Military awards and decorations of Romania
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