List of Romanians

List of Romanians

This is a list "some" of the most prominent Romanians. It contains historical people, and important contemporary figures (sports people, actors, directors etc).

Most of the people listed here are of Romanian ethnicity, and whose native tongue is Romanian. There are also a few mentioned who were born in Romania and who can speak Romanian, though not being of Romanian ethnicity.

Historical and political figures


*Anthim the Iberian, Archbishop of Wallachia
*Basarab I
*Mircea cel Bătrân
*Neagoe Basarab
*John Hunyadi, voivod of Transylvania, of Romanian origins.
*Ştefan cel Mare, voivod of Moldavia
*Vlad Ţepeş, voivod, Dracula inspiration
*Alexandru cel Bun, voivod of Moldavia
*Petru Rareş, voivod of Moldavia
*Mihai Viteazul

Renaissance Age

*Dimitrie Cantemir; ruler of Moldavia, historian, writer, and music composer
*Antioch Kantemir; poet and Russian ambassador

Modern era

* Prince Alexandru Ioan Cuza
* King Carol I of Romania, of German origins

* King Ferdinand of Romania, of German origins
* King Carol II of Romania
* King Mihai of Romania
* Queen Marie, of English origins


*Ion Antonescu, prime minister and "Conducător" (Leader) during World War II
*Alexandru Averescu, general and politician
*Nicolae Bălcescu, historian, revolutionary
*Simion Bărnuţiu
*Traian Băsescu, the current president of Romania
*Antoine Bibesco, diplomat, writer
*Emil Boc, the current mayor of Cluj-Napoca and president of the Democratic Party (Romania)
*Ion C. Brătianu, politician, one of the founders of the Liberal movement in Romania
*Ion I. C. Brătianu
*Gheorghe Funar, politician
*Lascăr Catargiu
*Elena Ceauşescu - deputy premier under her husband, pseudo-intellectual.
*Nicolae Ceauşescu, the last Romanian Communist head of state
*Victor Ciorbea, trade union leader, politician, former Prime minister National Peasants' Party
*Gheorghe Ciuhandu, Mayor of Timişoara, National Peasants' Party
*Emil Constantinescu, professor, politician, former President
*Corneliu Coposu, politician, National Peasants' Party
*Doina Cornea, noted dissident and intellectual, National Peasants' Party
*Ion Duca, prime minister in interbellum Romania
*Petre Dumitrescu, general
*Mircea Geoană, former Foreign Minister, president of the Social Democratic Party
*Avram Iancu, revolutionary
*Ion Iliescu, politician, first post-Communist President
*Mihail Lascăr, WWII general, Minister of Defense
*Gheorghe Gaston Marin, (previously Grossmann) politician, vice-president of the Government under Gheorghiu Dej
*Béla Markó, politician, Vice Premier and leader of the Democratic Union of Hungarians in Romania
*Mugur Isărescu, economist, former Prime Minister
*Iuliu Maniu, politician, one of the creators of the National Peasants' Party
*Mihail Manoilescu, economist and politician
*Ion Mihalache, politician, National Peasants' Party
*Leonard Orban, Romanian European Commissioner, European Commissioner for Multilingualism
*Călin Popescu-Tăriceanu, prime minister, president of the National Liberal Party
*Ion Raţiu, politician, National Peasants' Party
*Nicolae Rădescu, prime minister during WWII
*Petre Roman, politician, first post-Communist prime minister
*Vasile Stoica, politician
*Theodor Stolojan, economist and politician, former prime minister
*Dimitrie Sturdza
*Corneliu Vadim Tudor, politician
*Mihai-Răzvan Ungureanu, former Foreign Minister
*Radu Vasile, economist and politician, former Prime Minister
*Nicolae Văcăroiu, economist, former Prime Minister
*Adriean Videanu, Mayor of Bucharest
*Dan Voiculescu, Leader of the Conservative Party (PC), Media owner
*Zoran Lilić, former president of Yugoslavia


*Eugen Filotti, diplomat
*Grigore Gafencu, diplomat
*Savel Rădulescu, diplomat
*Nicolae Titulescu, diplomat, politician National Peasants' Party
*Constantin Vişoianu, diplomat



*Horia Creangă, Modernism
*Marcel Iancu, Modernism
*Ion Mincu
*Alexandru Oraşcu, Neoclassicism


*Sergiu Anghel, choreographer, director, scenarist


*Călin Alupi
*Theodor Aman
*Gheorghe Tattarescu
*Ion Andreescu
*Corneliu Baba
*Sabin Bălaşa
*Octav Băncilă
*Ignat Bednarik
*Horia Bernea
*Victor Brauner
*Marius Bunescu
*Silvia Cambir
*Henri Catargi
*Alexandru Ciucurencu
*Aurel Ciupe
*Nicolae Dărăscu
*Ştefan Dimitrescu
*Zamfir Dumitrescu
*Dumitru Ghiaţă
*Nicolae Grigorescu
*Marcel Iancu
*Iosif Iser
*Ştefan Luchian
*Pârvu Mutu
*Paul Neagu
*Mihai Nechita
*Alexandra Nechita
*Silviu Oravitzan
*Theodor Pallady
*Gheorghe Petraşcu
*Ştefan Pelmuş
*Gabriel Popa
*Camil Ressu
*Dumitru Rusu
*Jean Alexandru Steriadi
*Francisc Şirato
*George Ştefănescu
*Nicolae Tonitza
*Traian Trestioreanu
*Ion Ţuculescu
*Marcel Janco
*Doina Drăghia


*Constantin Brancusi
*Oscar Han
*Ion Irimescu
*Ion Jalea
*Cornel Medrea
*Miliţa Petraşcu
*Dimitrie Paciurea
*Nicolae Roşu


*Vasile Alecsandri, poet and playwright
*Tudor Arghezi, poet
*George Bacovia, poet
*Ion Barbu, poet
*Simion Bărnuţiu
*Marthe Bibesco, writer
*Lucian Blaga, philosopher, poet, playwright
*Ion Luca Caragiale, playwright
*Mateiu Caragiale, novelist
*Mircea Cărtărescu, writer, essayist
*Paul Celan, poet (German language)
*Emil Cioran, essayist, philosopher
*Ioan Mihai Cochinescu, writer, essayist
*Andrei Codrescu, poet and essayist
*George Coşbuc, poet
*Ion Creangă, writer, especially of children's stories
*Ioan Petru Culianu, historian of religion
*Nichita Danilov,poet,essayist,novelist
*Mircea Dinescu, poet, journalist
*Mircea Eliade, historian of religion; also novelist
*Mihai Eminescu, poet and journalist
*Mihail Fărcăşanu, writer, novelist
*Virgil Gheorghiu, novelist
*Octavian Goga, poet and political figure
*Paul Goma, writer
*Radu Gyr, poet
*Iulia Hasdeu, poet
*Vintilă Horia, prominent writer
*Eugène Ionesco, playwright
*Nae Ionescu, philosopher, writer, logician
*Nicolae Iorga, historian, politician
*Isidore Isou, poet
*Panait Istrati, novelist
*Irving Layton , poet
*Gabriel Liiceanu, writer, editor
*Gherasim Luca, surrealist poet
*Nicolae Milescu, writer, diplomat
*Andrei Mureşanu, poet and revolutionary
*Gellu Naum, poet
*Virgil Nemoianu, essayist, literary critic, philosopher of culture
*Constantin Noica, philosopher
*Stéphane Lupasco, philosopher
*Nicolae Olahus, writer, historian, Catholic Archbishop of Hungary
*Horia-Roman Patapievici, writer, philosopher, essayist
*Bogdan Petriceicu-Hasdeu, philologist, linguist
*Ion Pillat, poet, publicist, academic
*Andrei Pleşu, writer, philosopher, essayist, journalist
*Marin Preda, novelist
*Vasile Pogor, writer
*Liviu Rebreanu, writer
*Mihail Sadoveanu, novelist
*Mihail Sebastian, writer, playwright
*Ioan Slavici, writer
*Marin Sorescu, poet, playwright
*Nichita Stănescu, poet and playwright
*Tristan Tzara, Dadaist poet and essayist
*Petre Ţuţea
*Vasile Voiculescu, poet, writer, playwright
*Urmuz, writer

Literary critics

*George Călinescu
*Garabet Ibrăileanu
*Eugen Lovinescu
*Titu Maiorescu
*Ovidiu Papadima
*Ovidiu Pecican


*Gheorghe I. Brătianu
*George Călinescu
*Constantin Daicoviciu
*Nicolae Densuşianu
*Constantin C. Giurescu
*Nicolae Iorga
*Vasile Pârvan
*A. D. Xenopol
*Alexandru Zub


*Ion Cristoiu, former editor in chief of the daily "Evenimentul Zilei"
*Eugen Filotti, journalist, Director of the Press
*Leonard Miron, journalist and Romanian National TV presenter
*Cornel Nistorescu, journalist
*Cristian Tudor Popescu, editor in chief of the daily "Gândul"
*Marius Tucă, TV talkshow host, editor in chief of the daily "Jurnalul Naţional"


*Eugenio Coşeriu []
*Iorgu Iordan
*I.C. Massim
*Emil Petrovici


"See also Music of Romania, especially for contemporary pop musicians."


*Pascal Bentoiu, composer
*Tiberiu Brediceanu, composer and conductor
*Nicolae Bretan, opera composer
*Eduard Caudella, composer
*Paul Constantinescu, composer
*Dimitrie Cuclin, composer
*Constantin Dimitrescu, composer, cellist
*Sabin Dragoi, composer
*Iancu Dumitrescu, composer, conductor, musicologist
*George Enescu, composer, violinist, pianist, conductor, teacher
*Iosif Ivanovici
*Liviu Marinescu, composer
*Nonna Otescu, composer
*Anton Pann, composer
*Ciprian Porumbescu, composer
*Cornel Trailescu, composer
*Ionel Băjescu-Oardă, composer


*Nicu Alifantis, composer, singer
*Nicoleta Alexandru, pop/techno singer
*Dan Andrei Aldea, rock guitarist, composer, singer
*Christian Badea, conductor
*Lucian Ban, jazz composer & pianist
*Alexander Bălănescu, violinist
*Sergiu Celibidache, orchestra conductor
*Marin Constantin, conductor of the Madrigal chamber choir
*Ileana Cotrubaş, soprano
*Nicu Covaci, rock guitarist, composer, vocalist
*Michael Cretu, musician (Enigma)
*Hariclea Darclée, soprano
*Grigoraş Dinicu, violinist, composer
*Angela Gheorghiu, soprano
*Loredana Groza, pop singer
*Clara Haskil, pianist
*Hugo Jan Huss, orchestra conductor and violinist
*Ovidiu Lipan 'Ţăndărică', drummer (Phoenix), performer of several Balkan ethnic music types
*Dinu Lipatti, pianist, composer
*Radu Lupu, pianist
*Cristi Minculescu, rock singer and composer
*Mariana Nicolescu, soprano
*Jonel (Ionel) Perlea, conductor
*Valentin Radu, conductor, Vox AmaDeus
*Johnny Răducanu, jazz pianist
*Constantin Silvestri, orchestra conductor and composer
*Laura Stoica, pop-rock singer and composer
*Pavel Stratan, songwriter, singer
*Maria Tănase, traditional music singer
*Cristian Vasile, tango singer
*Ion Voicu, violinist
*Gheorghe Zamfir, panpipes player
*Virginia Zeani, soprano
* [ Ioana Maria Lupascu] , pianist

Movie and Theatre

:List of Romanian Actors

*Mircea Albulescu, actor
*Ştefan Bănică, Jr., actor
*Monica Bârlădeanu, actress
*Radu Beligan, actor, director
*Ion Luca Caragiale, playwright
*Ion Caramitru, actor
*Gheorghe Dinică, actor
*Maria Filotti, actress
*Mircea Filotti, film producer
*Luminiţa Gheorghiu, actress
*Marcel Iureş, actor
*Alexandra Maria Lara
*Anamaria Marinca, actress
*Nicolas Masson, director
*Nicolae Massim, director
*George Mihăiţă, actor
*Cătălin Mitulescu, film director
*Maia Morgenstern, actress
*Cristian Mungiu, film director
*Jean Negulescu, film director, Oscar nominee
*Sergiu Nicolaescu, film director
*Amza Pellea, actor
*Florian Pittiş, actor
*Elvira Popescu, actress
*Corneliu Porumboiu, film director
*Cristi Puiu, film director
*Victor Rebengiuc, actor
*Edward G. Robinson, actor
*Andrei Şerban, director of theatre and opera
*Saviana Stănescu, playwright
*Constantin Tănase, cabaretist
*Robert Tutwiler, playwright
*Grigore Vasiliu Birlic, actor
*Tora Vasilescu, actress
*Mircea Andreescu, actor


*Teoctist Arăpaşu, Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church
*Miron Cristea, first Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church
*Iuliu Hossu, Greek-Catholic bishop of the Cluj-Gherla Diocese and later cardinal
*Justinian Marina, Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church
*Iustin Moisescu, Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church
*Nicodim Munteanu, Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church
*Dumitru Stăniloae, priest, translated the Philokalia into Romanian
*Vasile Suciu, Greek-Catholic Metropolitan bishop of the Archdiocese of Făgăraş and Alba Iulia
*Alexandru Todea, Greek-Catholic Metropolitan bishop of the Archdiocese of Făgăraş and Alba Iulia and later cardinal
*László Tőkés, former pastor (now bishop) in the Hungarian Reformed Church, whose stand against eviction in Timişoara helped to trigger the Romanian Revolution of 1989
*Lucian Turcescu, Orthodox theologian teaching at Concordia University (Montreal, Canada), president of the Canadian Society of Patristic Studies, 2004-2008
*Richard Wurmbrand, pastor, author of "Tortured for Christ"



* Iolanda Balaş, high jump
* Paula Ivan
* Lia Manoliu, discus thrower
* Gabriela Szabo
* Violeta Beclea-Szekely
* Doina Melinte, 3000 m


*Ernie Grunfeld

*Gheorghe Mureşan


*Leonard Doroftei
*Mihai Leu
*Francisc Vaştag
*Lucian Bute
*Adrian Diaconu


* Adolf Albin
* Victor Ciocâltea
* Florin Gheorghiu
* Georg Marco
* Liviu Dieter Nisipeanu


*Dudu Georgescu
*Ioan Andone
*Ilie Balaci
*Ladislau Bölöni
*Cristian Chivu
*Răzvan Cociş
*Cosmin Contra
*Nicolae Dica
*Nicolae Dobrin
*Helmuth Duckadam
*Ilie Dumitrescu
*Ioan Viorel Ganea
*Dorin Goian
*Gheorghe Hagi
*Cătălin Hâldan
*Adrian Iencsi
*Adrian Ilie
*Anghel Iordănescu
*Emerich Jenei
*Michael Klein
*Marius Lăcătuş
*Mircea Lucescu
*Silviu Lung
*Vasile Miriuţă
*Viorel Moldovan
*Dorinel Munteanu
*Adrian Mutu
*Bănel Nicoliţă
*Claudiu Niculescu
*Gheorghe Popescu
*Mirel Rădoi
*Florin Răducioiu
*Laurenţiu Reghecampf
*Ioan Sabău
*Tibor Selymes
*Bogdan Stelea
*Albert Streit


*Simona Amânar
*Oana Ban
*Octavian Belu - former women's coach
*Sabina Cojocar
*Nadia Comăneci
*Aurelia Dobre
*Marian Drăgulescu
*Emilia Eberle
*Alexandra Eremia
*Gina Gogean
*Sandra Izbasa
*Béla Károlyi, gymnastics coach
*Marta Károlyi, gymnastics coach
*Alexandra Marinescu
*Lavinia Miloşovici
*Dominique Moceanu - Born in U.S. to Romanian immigrants.
*Aura Andreea Munteanu
*Steliana Nistor
*Maria Olaru
*Cătălina Ponor
*Claudia Presăcan
*Andreea Răducan
*Monica Roşu
*Daniela Silivaş
*Nicoleta Daniela Sofronie
*Ioan Silviu Suciu
*Corina Ungureanu
*Teodora Ungureanu
*Marius Urzică


*Elena Georgescu
*Elisabeta Lipă
*Ivan Patzaichin


*Ilie Năstase
*Andrei Pavel
*Victor Hănescu
*Magda Rurac
*Virginia Ruzici 1978 French Open winner
*Răzvan Sabău
*Ion Ţiriac; also a very successful businessman

Other sports

* Daniel Negreanu, Canadian poker player
* Angelica Rozeanu, world table tennis champion



*Grigore Antipa, hydrobiologist
*Ana Aslan, geriatrics researcher
*Victor Babeş, biologist
*Dimitrie Brândză, botanist
*Carol Davila, physician
*Ioan Cantacuzino, microbiologist
*Iuliu Haţieganu, physician
*Wilhelm Knechtel, botanist
*Nicolae Leon, biologist
*Gheorghe Marinescu, neurologist
*Mina Minovici, forensic scientist
*Constantin Parhon, endocrinologist
*George Emil Palade, 1974 "Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine" winner
*Nicolae Paulescu, discovered insulin
*Emil Racoviţă, biologist and speleologist
*Gr. T. Popa


*Ion Atanasiu, electrochemist
*Lazăr Edeleanu, chemist
*Henrick Kacser, physical chemist
*Costin Neniţescu, founder of the Romanian school of Organic Chemistry
*Nicolae Teclu, inventor of the Teclu gas burner


*Iustin Capra, inventor
*Adrian Bejan, inventor of constructal theory
*Elie Carafoli, engineer
*Alexandru Ciurcu, inventor - invented with M.M. Just Buisson the first Reactive Engine
*Henri Coandă, inventor, creator of first jet engine airplane
*George Constantinescu, inventor
*Anastase Dragomir, inventor - parachute cell, predecessor of the ejection seat
*Rodrig Goliescu, inventor - invented the first tubular airplane
*Petrache Poenaru, inventor
*Elie Radu, architect, engineer
*Anghel Saligny, engineer
*Nicolae Vasilescu-Karpen, engineer
*Aurel Vlaicu, flight pioneer
*Traian Vuia, flight pioneer


*Emanoil Bacaloglu
*Dan Barbilian
*Anton Davidoglu
*Ion Ghica
*Alexandru Ghika
*Spiru Haret
*Traian Lalescu
*Octav Mayer
*Gheorghe Mihoc
*Grigore Moisil
*Miron Nicolescu
*Octav Onicescu
*Preda Mihăilescu
*Valentin Poénaru
*Dimitrie Pompeiu
*Nicolae Popescu
*Simion Stoilow
*Gheorghe Vrânceanu
*Gheorghe Ţiţeica
*Dan-Virgil Voiculescu


*Emanoil Bacaloglu, physicist, chemist and mathematician
*Peter George Oliver Freund, physicist
*Alexandru Marin, physicist, professor
*Mihai Nadin, computer scientist
*Horaţiu Năstase


*Simion Bărnuţiu, jurist
*Daniel O David, professor, psychologist, and psychotherapist
*Dimitrie Gusti, sociologist
*Henri Stahl, stenographer
*Henri H. Stahl, cultural anthropologist, ethnographer, sociologist, social historian
*David Mitrany (18881975), political theorist
*Ştefan Odobleja, scientist, precursor of cybernetics
*George Pomutz (1818-1882), ethnic Romanian United States general in the Civil War, and a diplomat
*Dumitru Prunariu, cosmonaut
*Emil Racoviţă, polar explorer
*Ion Vianu, psychiatrist
*David Wechsler, psychologist


*Simion Bărnuţiu, jurist, priest, politician, publicist, lawyer, writer, professor
* Matyla Ghyka, famous polymath, architect, mathematician and author
* Mihail Kogălniceanu lawyer, historian, publicist, politician, cultural pacemaker


*Octav Botnar, Nissan UK chairman, billionaire
*Iosif Constantin Drăgan, gas tycoon, billionaire and academic
*Nicolae Malaxa, Romanian tycoon in the 1930s
*John De Lorean, US car industry executive, engineer, inventor of Pontiac GTO Muscle car and Delorean DMC-12

Miscellaneous Famous People

*Ana Cumpănaş (a.k.a. Anna Sage), the "Woman in Red" who helped FBI catch John Dillinger

ee also

* List of Jewish Romanians
* List of Romanian-Americans
* List of Vlachs for Vlachs from South of Danube (Aromanians)
* List of people by nationality

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