- Modular Integrated Communications Helmet
MICH outline compared to PASGT
The Modular Integrated Communications Helmet (MICH), is a combat helmet used by the United States Army. It was developed by the United States Army Soldier Systems Center to be the next generation of protective combat helmets for use by the U.S. Army.[1] The Advanced Combat Helmet was derived from the MICH.
The MICH was originally part of a series of combat helmets designed for the United States Army Special Operations Command as a replacement for the PASGT helmet solely within those units. However, the Army later determined that the improvements presented by the high cut and no brim MICH over the PASGT helmet warranted organization-wide distribution.
To date, the MICH has replaced the PASGT in active United States Army service. Some units of the Army National Guard and Army Reserve and Army ROTC in colleges and universities continue to use the PASGT, though its use will eventually expire.
The MICH is in use with all branches of the United States armed forces in at least some capacity. The MICH was officially adopted as the standard issue helmet of the Air Force Security Forces. The United States Marine Corps evaluated the MICH during its own search for a PASGT replacement, but chose to adopt a helmet that retains the profile of the PASGT, known as the Lightweight Helmet. MICH helmets are available for purchase by law enforcement agencies and the public. They have become popular with various SWAT units and private security companies.
The MICH ranges in weight from about 3 lbs (1.36 kg) (size medium) to just over 3.6 lb (1.63 kg) (extra large). It uses a new, more advanced type of Kevlar and provides increased protection against handgun rounds.
A pad system and four-point retention system, similar to the cushions and straps found on bicycle helmets, replaces the nylon cord suspension system, sweatband and chinstrap found on the PASGT helmet. The change provides greater impact protection and comfort for the wearer. It can be fitted with a mounting bracket for an AN/PVS-14 monocular night vision device (MNVD) on the front, similar to that on the PASGT helmet, as seen in the above image. It can also be fitted with a pair of straps on the rear to keep protective eyewear in place, as well as cloth helmet covers in varying camouflage patterns including M81 Woodland, three-color desert, USMC MARPAT, US Army UCP, Crye MultiCam, and solid black for use with SWAT teams. As with its PASGT predecessor, the MICH is often worn with a band around it which features a pair of reflective 'cat eyes' patches on the back intended to prevent friendly fire incidents.
The MICH is also slightly smaller than the PASGT, providing 8% less coverage. This accounts for some of the reduced weight and allows for both greater situational awareness and less obstruction of the wearer's vision, particularly when combined with Interceptor body armor. Previously, soldiers had complained that the high collar of the Interceptor pushed the back of the helmet forward, in turn moving the helmet brim over their eyes when they attempted to fire from a prone position.
- Czech 601. skss
- Netherlands
- Korps Commandotroepen
- Korps Mariniers
- Denmark
See also
- Personnel Armor System for Ground Troops Helmet
- Army Combat Uniform
- SPECTRA helmet
- Interceptor body armor
- Lightweight Helmet
- Kevlar
- Mk. 6 Helmet—current helmet used by the British Armed forces
- MICH 2001
- ^ "Advanced Combat Helmet ( ACH )". http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/systems/ground/ach.htm. Retrieved 2007-03-22.
External links
- Advanced Combat Helmet—GlobalSecurity.org
- Advanced helmets—BodyArmorNews.com
- MICH and ACH—Olivedrab.com
- US Military Taking Delivery of Advanced Combat Helmets—Defense Industry Daily
Uniforms of the United States Military (Air Force · Army · Marines · Navy) Uniforms CombatArmy Combat Uniform (ACU) (2005–)GarrisonGreen Service Uniform (1954–2014 planned retirement) · Army Service Uniform (ASU) (2008–)
FormalArmy Mess Uniform
ExerciseSpecialFlight · MultiCam · Band · Cadet
Insignia _Branch_insignia _·__ I.D._Tag_ ·__ _ Medals_and_ribbons_ ·__ _ Tabs_ ·__ Branch insignia · I.D. Tag · _
Medals_and_ribbons _·__ _ Tabs_ ·__ Medals and ribbons · _
Tabs _·__ Tabs ·
Badges · _
Coat_of_Arms_insignia _·__ _Shoulder_patch_( Left;_Headquarters_insignia)_( Right;_Former_wartime_headquarters_insignia)_ ·__ _ Overseas_Service_Bar_ ·__ _ Service_stripe_ ·__ _ Beret_flash_ ·__ Rank_(_ Coat of Arms insignia · _Shoulder_patch_(
Left;_Headquarters_insignia)_( _Right;_Former_wartime_headquarters_insignia) ·__ _ Overseas_Service_Bar_ ·__ _ Service_stripe_ ·__ _ Beret_flash_ ·__ Rank_(_ Shoulder patch (Left; Headquarters insignia) (Right; Former wartime headquarters insignia) · _
Overseas_Service_Bar _·__ _ Service_stripe_ ·__ _ Beret_flash_ ·__ Rank_(_ Overseas Service Bar · _
Service_stripe _·__ _ Beret_flash_ ·__ Rank_(_ Service stripe · _
Beret_flash _·__ Rank_(_ Beret flash · Rank (
Officer ) ( _
Warrant_Officer_)_(_ Warrant Officer ) (
Enlisted )
Headgear Footwear Army Combat Boot · Mountain Combat Boot · Modular Boot System · Jungle boot · Jump boot · Tanker bootArmor Interceptor body armor · (OTV · IOTV) · MICH Helmet · Modular Body Armor Vest (MBAV) · Enhanced Combat Helmet (ECH) · Retired: PASGT Vest (–2003) · PASGT Helmet (1985–) · M1 Helmet (1942–) · M1C Helmet (WWII Era) · M1917 Helmet (WWI Era) · M-69 Fragmentation Protective Body Armor (Vietnam War Era) · M-1952A Fragmentation Protective Body Armor (Korean War Era)Equipment
uniformsCombatBattle Dress Uniform (BDU) (1981–2008) · Desert Camouflage Uniform (DCU) (1993–2008) · Desert Battle Dress Uniform (1981–1993) · OG-107 (1952–1989)GarrisonTan Service Uniform (1942–1956)
FormalDress White Uniform (1902–2014) · Dress Blue Uniform (1954–2014)
ExercisePhysical Fitness Uniform (PFU) (–2003)
Categories:- Combat helmets of the United States
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