Improved Outer Tactical Vest

Improved Outer Tactical Vest

The Improved Outer Tactical Vest, or IOTV, is a replacement to the older Interceptor body armor fielded by the United States Army. It is compatible with the Deltoid Axillary protection system, E-SAPI (Enhanced Small Arms Protective Insert) and Side SAPI plates, as well as the interceptor body armor's groin protector. The old IOTV was considered insufficient which led to the new IOTV and also the Modular Tactical Vest (MTV) which has proved very popular with the majority of the Marine Corps due to its strong protective capabilities. The IOTV has, in the past, been issued to US forces as part of the Rapid Fielding Initiative (RFI) at overseas locations, but is now being issued in selected posts as part of the Continental United States (CONUS) portion of the RFI.

Technical Details

A size 'medium' IOTV weighs 3.6 pounds less than the Interceptor's 'medium' vest, while providing more coverage. A 'large' vest weighs approximately 35 pounds. The functionality of the enhanced side ballistic inserts, which provide coverage under the arms and down the sides of the torso, is built-in to the IOTV. [ [ Program Executive Office Soldier ] ]

The IOTV provides the ability to don and doff the vest in two ways. The first is to simply place the vest over the head and pull down, and the second is to remove fasteners on the wearer's left shoulder, sliding into the vest to the right. To complete the procedure for both methods the wearer then lifts up the front panel of the vest and fastens the waistband, which takes the weight of the vest off the shoulders somewhat, and then fastens the side protection modules. [ [ Program Executive Office Soldier ] ]

A key design feature for the IOTV is that the entire armor system is able to be released with the pull of a hidden lanyard. The armor then falls apart into its component pieces, providing a means for escape in case the wearer falls into water or becomes trapped in a hazardous environment. [ [ Army to Field Improved Body Armor ] ] The hidden release lanyard also allows medical personnel easier access to the casualty, which was one concern that was not addressed with the old Interceptor armor.

It also features a grid of PALS webbing on the front, back, and sides for the attachment of modular pouches and accessories.


The IOTV is designed to take the weight of the vest off the shoulders and move it to the lower torso. The vest is also equipped with a mesh inner cover that is designed to improve airflow inside of the armor. There is also a cushioning pad in the lower back area of the vest, which might mitigate back injuries due to impact or blunt force trauma. The back pad does not provide ballistic protection however.

ee also

*Interceptor body armor
*Modular Tactical Vest


External links

* [ "Army to Field Improved Body Armor"] at United States Army Official Homepage
* [ "Army to Field Improved Body Armor"] at United States Army Program Executive Office homepage

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