- List of suburbs in Greater Newcastle, New South Wales
Below is a list of suburbs that are located within the Greater Newcastle region in
New South Wales ,Australia . This region (officially the Newcastle statistical subdivision) comprises the Local Government Areas ofCity of Newcastle ,City of Lake Macquarie ,City of Cessnock ,City of Maitland andPort Stephens Council . [Census 2006 AUS|id=11005|name=Newcastle (Statistical Subdivision)|accessdate=2008-05-31|quick=on|] [cite web|url=http://www.dlg.nsw.gov.au/dlg/dlghome/dlg_Regions.asp?regiontype=1®ion=HT|title=Local Council Boundaries Hunter (HT)|publisher=
New South Wales Department of Local Government |accessdate=16 August|accessyear=2007] Newcastle Greater Metropolitan area has a population of 523,662.City of Newcastle suburbs* Adamstown
* Adamstown Heights *
* Bar Beach
* Beresfield
* Birmingham Gardens
* Black Hill +
* Broadmeadow
* Callaghan (University)
* Carrington
* Cooks Hill
* Elermore Vale
* Fletcher
* Georgetown
* Hamilton
* Hamilton East
* Hamilton North
* Hamilton South
* Hexham
* The Hill
* Islington
* Jesmond
* The Junction
* Kooragang
* Kotara
* Lambton
* Lenaghan
* Maryland
* Maryville
* Mayfield
* Mayfield East
* Mayfield North
* Mayfield West
* Merewether
* Merewether Heights
* Minmi
* New Lambton
* New Lambton Heights *
* Newcastle
* Newcastle East
* Newcastle West
* North Lambton
* Rankin Park *
* Sandgate
* Shortland
* Stockton
* Tarro
* Tighes Hill
* Wallsend
* Warabrook
* Waratah
* Waratah West
* Wickham* - Shared with City of Lake Macquarie + - Shared with City of CessnockCity of Lake Macquarie suburbs* Adamstown Heights *
* Arcadia Vale
* Argenton
* Awaba
* Balcolyn
* Balmoral
* Barnsley
* Belmont
* Belmont North
* Belmont South
* Bennetts Green
* Blackalls Park
* Blacksmiths
* Bolton Point
* Bonnells Bay
* Boolaroo
* Booragul
* Brightwaters
* Buttaba
* Cameron Park
* Cams Wharf
* Cardiff
* Cardiff Heights
* Cardiff South
* Carey Bay
* Catherine Hill Bay +
* Caves Beach
* Charlestown
* Coal Point
* Cooranbong
* Croudace Bay
* Dora Creek
* Dudley
* Edgeworth
* Eleebana
* Eraring
* Fassifern
* Fennell Bay
* Fishing Point
* Floraville
* Freemans Waterhole
* Garden Suburb
* Gateshead
* Glendale
* Highfields
* Hillsborough
* Holmesville
* Jewells
* Kahibah
* Kilaben Bay
* Killingworth
* Kotara South
* Lakelands
* Little Pelican
* Macquarie Hills
* Mandalong
* Marks Point
* Marmong Point
* Martinsville
* Mirrabooka
* Morisset
* Morisset Park
* Mount Hutton
* Myuna Bay
* New Lambton Heights *
* Nords Wharf
* Pelican
* Rankin Park *
* Rathmines
* Redhead
* Seahampton
* Silverwater
* Speers Point
* Sunshine
* Swansea
* Swansea Heads
* Teralba
* Tingira Heights
* Toronto
* Valentine
* Wakefield
* Wangi Wangi
* Warners Bay
* West Wallsend
* Whitebridge
* Windale
* Windermere Park
* Woodrising
* Wyee
* Wyee Point
* Yarrawonga Park* - Shared with City of Newcastle+ - Shared withWyong Shire Council City of Cessnock suburbs*Aberdare
*Allandale ++
*Bellbird Heights
*Big Yengo
*Bishops Bridge ++
*Black Hill *
*Branxton **
*Cedar Creek
*Cessnock West
*East Branxton
*Greta ++
*Greta Main
*Heddon Greta
*Kurri Kurri
*Mount View
*Mount Vincent
*North Rothbury
*Paynes Crossing **
*Pelaw Main
*Pokolbin **
*Richmond Main
*Richmond Vale
*Rothbury **
*Sawyers Gully
*Stanford Merthyr
*Sweetmans Creek
*Wollombi+ - Shared with City of Cessnock
++ - Shared with City of Maitland* - Shared with City of Newcastle** - Shared withSingleton Shire Council City of Maitland suburbs* Aberglasslyn
* Allandale *
* Anambah
* Ashtonfield
* Berry Park
* Bishops Bridge *
* Bolwarra
* Bolwarra Heights
* Buchanan
* Dalwood ++
* Duckenfield
* East Maitland
* Farley
* Gillieston Heights
* Gosforth
* Greenhills
* Greta *
* Harpers Hill
* Hillsborough
* Horseshoe Bend
* Lambs Valley ++
* Largs
* Lochinvar
* Lorn
* Louth Park
* Luskintyre
* Maitland
* Maitland North
* Maitland Vale
* Melville
* Metford
* Millers Forest
* Mindaribba
* Morpeth
* Mount Dee
* Oakhampton
* Oakhampton Heights
* Oswald
* Phoenix Park
* Pitnacree
* Raworth
* Rosebrook
* Rutherford
* South Maitland
* Telarah
* Tenambit
* Thornton
* Tocal
* Windella
* Windermere
* Woodberry
* Woodville +* - Shared with Cessnock City Council + - Shared with Port Stephens Council ++ - Shared withSingleton Shire Council Port Stephens Council suburbs*Anna Bay
*Boat Harbour
*Bobs Farm
*Brandy Hill
*Duns Creek
*East Seaham
*Fern Bay
*Fingal Bay
*Fishermans Bay
*Fullerton Cove
*Glen Oak *
*Karuah +
*Lemon Tree Passage
*Nelson Bay
*Nelsons Plains
*One Mile
*Oyster Cove
*Raymond Terrace
*Salamander Bay
*Salt Ash
*Shoal Bay
*Soldiers Point
*Swan Bay
*Tanilba Bay
*Taylors Beach
*Twelve Mile Creek
*Woodville ++* - Shared withDungog Shire Council
+ - Shared withGreat Lakes Council
++ - Shared with Maitland City CouncilReferences
External links
* [http://www.gnb.nsw.gov.au Geographical Names Board of NSW]
* [http://www.ncc.nsw.gov.au City of Newcastle]
* [http://www.lakemac.com.au City of Lake Macquarie]
* [http://www.cessnock.nsw.gov.au Cessnock City Council]
* [http://www.maitland.nsw.gov.au Maitland City Council]
* [http://www.portstephens.nsw.gov.au Port Stephens Council]
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