List of ship names of the Royal Navy (I-L)

List of ship names of the Royal Navy (I-L)

This is a list of Royal Navy ship names starting with I, J K and L



* "Ibis"
* "Icarus"
* "Ickford"
* "Ignition"
* "Ildefonso"
* "Ilex"
* "Ilfracombe"
* "Illustrious"
* "Ilmington"
* "Ilston"
* "Imaum"
* "Immortalite"
* "Imogen"
* "Imogene"
* "Imperial"
* "Imperieuse"
* "Impeteux"
* "Impey"
* "Implacable"
* "Impregnable"
* "Impulsive"
* "Incendiary"
* "Incharran"
* "Inconstant"
* "Increase"
* "Indefatigable"

* "Independencia"
* "Indian"
* "Indignant"
* "Indomitable"
* "Indus"
* "Industry"
* "Infanta Don Carlos"
* "Infanta"
* "Infernal"
* "Inflexible"
* "Inglefield"
* "Inglesham"
* "Inglis"
* "Ingonish"
* "Inman"
* "Insolent"
* "Inspector"
* "Instow"
* "Integrity"
* "Intelligence"
* "Intelligent"
* "Intrepid"
* "Invention"
* "Invermoriston"
* "Inverness"
* "Investigator"

* "Inveterate"
* "Invicta"
* "Invincible"
* "Iphigenia"
* "Ipswich"
* "Iris"
* "Iron Duke"
* "Iroquois"
* "Irresistible"
* "Irvine"
* "Irwell"
* "Isabella"
* "Isham"
* "Isinglass"
* "Isis"
* "Iskra"
* "Islay"
* "Isle of Wight"
* "Islip"
* "Ister"
* "Itchen"
* "Ithuriel"
* "Ivanhoe"
* "Iveston"
* "Ivy"


* "J1"
* "J2"
* "J3"
* "J4"
* "J5"
* "J6"
* "J7"
* "Jack Tar"
* "Jack"
* "Jackal"
* "Jackdaw"
* "Jackton"
* "Jaguar"
* "Jahangir"
* "Jalouse"
* "Jamaica"
* "James & Eliza"
* "James Bay"
* "James Galley"
* "James Watt"
* "James"
* "Jamuna"
* "Janissary"
* "Janus"
* "Jaseur"

* "Jasmine"
* "Jason"
* "Jasper"
* "Java"
* "Javelin"
* "Jed"
* "Jellicoe"
* "Jenny"
* "Jennet Pyrwin"
* "Jennet"
* "Jeremiah"
* "Jerfalcon"
* "Jersey"
* "Jervis Bay"
* "Jervis"
* "Jessamine"
* "Jesus & Mary"
* "Jesus of Lubeck"
* "Jesus"
* "Jewel"
* "John & Alexander"
* "John & Martha"
* "John & Peter"
* "John & Sarah"
* "John Ballinger"

* "John Baptist"
* "John Evangelist"
* "John of Dublin"
* "John of Greenwich"
* "John"
* "Johnson"
* "Jolly"
* "Jonquil"
* "Joseph Straker"
* "Joseph"
* "Josiah"
* "Joyful"
* "Jubilant"
* "Julia"
* "Julian"
* "Julius"
* "Jumna"
* "Juniper"
* "Juno"
* "Junon"
* "Jupiter"
* "Juste"
* "Justitia"
* "Jutland"
* "Jastrząb"


* "K1"
* "K2"
* "K3"
* "K4"
* "K5"
* "K6"
* "K7"
* "K8"
* "K9"
* "K10"
* "K11"
* "K12"
* "K13"
* "K14"
* "K15"
* "K16"
* "K17"
* "K18"
* "K19"
* "K20"
* "K21"
* "K22"
* "K23"
* "K24"
* "K25"
* "K26"
* "K27"
* "K28"
* "Kale"
* "Kalgoorlie"
* "Kandahar"
* "Kangaroo"
* "Kaniere"
* "Karanja"
* "Karrakatta"
* "Kashmir"
* "Katherine Bark"
* "Katherine Breton"
* "Katherine Fortileza"
* "Katherine Galley"
* "Katherine"
* "Katoomba"
* "Keats"
* "Kedleston"
* "Keith"
* "Kellett"
* "Kellington"
* "Kelly"
* "Kelvin"
* "Kemerton"
* "Kempenfelt"
* "Kempthorne"
* "Kempton"
* "Kendal"
* "Kenilworth Castle"
* "Kennet"
* "Kennington"
* "Kent"
* "Kentish"
* "Kenya"
* "Keppel"

* "Keren"
* "Kertch"
* "Kestrel"
* "Kew"
* "Khartoum"
* "Khedive"
* "Kiawo"
* "Kilbane"
* "Kilbarchan"
* "Kilbeggan"
* "Kilberry"
* "Kilbirnie"
* "Kilbrachan"
* "Kilbride"
* "Kilbrittain"
* "Kilburn"
* "Kilby"
* "Kilcar"
* "Kilcavan"
* "Kilchattan"
* "Kilchreest"
* "Kilchrenan"
* "Kilchvan"
* "Kilclare"
* "Kilcolgan"
* "Kilconnan"
* "Kilconnel"
* "Kilcoole"
* "Kilcornie"
* "Kilcot"
* "Kilcreggan"
* "Killcullen"
* "Kilcurrig"
* "Kildale"
* "Kildarton"
* "Kildary"
* "Kildavin"
* "Kildimo"
* "Kildonan"
* "Kildorough"
* "Kildorry"
* "Kildpart"
* "Kildress"
* "Kildwick"
* "Kilfenora"
* "Kilfinny"
* "Kilfree"
* "Kilfullert"
* "Kilgarvan"
* "Kilglass"
* "Kilgobnet"
* "Kilgowan"
* "Kilham"
* "Kilhampton"
* "Kilkee"
* "Kilkeel"
* "Kilkenny"
* "Kilkenzie"
* "Kilkerrin"
* "Kilkhampton"
* "Killadoon"

* "Killaloo"
* "Killane"
* "Killarney"
* "Killary"
* "Killegan"
* "Killegar"
* "Killena"
* "Killerig"
* "Killiecrankie"
* "Killeney"
* "Killour"
* "Killowen"
* "Killybegs"
* "Killygordon"
* "Kilmacrennan"
* "Kilmaine"
* "Kilmalcolm"
* "Kilmallock"
* "Kilmanahan"
* "Kilmarnock"
* "Kilmartin"
* "Kilmead"
* "Kilmelford"
* "Kilmersdon"
* "Kilmington"
* "Kilmore"
* "Kilmorey"
* "Kilmuckridge"
* "Kilmun"
* "Kimberley"
* "Kincardine"
* "King Alfred"
* "King David"
* "King Edward VII"
* "King George V"
* "King of Prussia"
* "Kingcup"
* "Kingfish"
* "Kingfisher"
* "Kingham"
* "Kingsale"
* "Kingsford"
* "Kingsmill"
* "Kingston"
* "Kingussie"
* "Kinnairds Head"
* "Kinross"
* "Kinsale"
* "Kinsha"
* "Kipling"
* "Kirkliston"
* "Kistna"
* "Kitchen"
* "Kite"
* "Kittiwake"
* "Knaresborough Castle"
* "Knole"
* "Krakowiak"
* "Kronprincen"
* "Kronprincessen"
* "Kujawiak"


* "L1"
* "L2"
* "L3"
* "L4"
* "L5"
* "L6"
* "L7"
* "L8"
* "L9"
* "L10"
* "L11"
* "L12"
* "L14"
* "L15"
* "L16"
* "L17"
* "L18"
* "L19"
* "L20"
* "L21"
* "L22"
* "L23"
* "L24"
* "L25"
* "L26"
* "L27"
* "L33"
* "L52"
* "L53"
* "L54"
* "L55"
* "L56"
* "L69"
* "L71"
* "La Capricieuse"
* "La Chieftain"
* "La Combatante"
* "La Cordeliere"
* "La Flore"
* "La Hulloise"
* "La Loire"
* "La Malbai"
* "La Malouine"
* "La Melpomene"
* "La Moqueuse"
* "L'Abondance"
* "Labuan"
* "Laburnum"
* "Lacedaemonian"
* "Lachine"
* "Lachlan"
* "Lachute"
* "Ladas"
* "Ladava"
* "Lady Canning"
* "Lady Falkland"
* "Lady Loch"
* "Lady Nelson"
* "Lady Prevost"
* "Ladybird"
* "Lae"
* "Laertes"
* "Laforey"
* "Lagan"
* "L'Aglaia"
* "Lal"
* "Laleston"
* "Lalmourn"
* "Lamerton"
* "Lamport"
* "Lanark"
* "Lancaster Castle"
* "Lancaster"
* "Lance"
* "Landguard"
* "Landrail"
* "Langport"
* "Lantau"
* "Lanton"
* "Lapwing"
* "Largo Bay"
* "Largs"
* "Lark"
* "Larke"
* "Larkspur"
* "Larne"
* "Lasalle"
* "Lasham"
* "Lassoo"
* "Latona"
* "Latrobe"
* "Lauderdale"
* "Launceston Castle"
* "Launceston"
* "Laura"
* "Laurel"
* "Laurestinus"
* "Lauzon"
* "Lavender"
* "Laverock"
* "Lavinia"
* "Lawford"
* "Lawrence"
* "Lawson"
* "Le Havre"
* "Le Robecque"
* "Le Triomphant"
* "Leamington"
* "Leander"
* "Leaside"
* "Leda"
* "Ledbury"
* "Ledsham"
* "Lee"
* "Leeds Castle"
* "Leeds"
* "Leeuwin"
* "Legere"
* "Legion"
* "L'Egyptienne"
* "Leicester"

* "Leighton"
* "Leith"
* "Lennox"
* "Lenox"
* "Leocadia"
* "Leonidas"
* "Leopard"
* "Leopard's Whelp"
* "Lethbridge"
* "L'Etoile"
* "Letterston"
* "Levant"
* "Leven"
* "Leveret"
* "Leverton"
* "Leviathan"
* "Levis"
* "Lewes"
* "Lewiston"
* "Leyden"
* "L'Hercule"
* "Li Wo"
* "Liberty"
* "Lichfield Prize"
* "Lichfield"
* "Licorne"
* "Liddesdale"
* "Liffey"
* "Ligaera"
* "Lightfoot"
* "Lightning"
* "Lilac"
* "Lily"
* "Limbourne"
* "L'Impassable"
* "Linaria"
* "Lincoln"
* "L'Incomprise"
* "Lindisfarne"
* "Lindsey"
* "Ling"
* "Linganbar"
* "Lingfield"
* "Linnet"
* "Lion"
* "Lioness"
* "Lion's Whelp"
* "Lisburne"
* "Lismore"
* "Liston"
* "Listowel"
* "Lithgow"
* "Little Belt"
* "Little Charity"
* "Little London"
* "Little Unicorn"
* "Little Victory"
* "Littleham"
* "Lively"
* "Liverpool"
* "Lizard"
* "Llandaff"
* "Llandudno"
* "Llewellyn"
* "Lobelia"
* "Loch Achanault"
* "Loch Achray"
* "Loch Affric"
* "Loch Alvie"
* "Loch Ard"
* "Loch Arkaig"
* "Loch Arklet"
* "Loch Arnish"
* "Loch Assynt"
* "Loch Awe"
* "Loch Badcall"
* "Loch Boisdale"
* "Loch Bracadale"
* "Loch Carloway"
* "Loch Caroy"
* "Loch Carron"
* "Loch Clunie"
* "Loch Coulside"
* "Loch Craggie"
* "Loch Cree"
* "Loch Creran"
* "Loch Doine"
* "Loch Dunvegan"
* "Loch Earn"
* "Loch Eck"
* "Loch Eil"
* "Loch Enock"
* "Loch Ericht"
* "Loch Erisort"
* "Loch Eye"
* "Loch Eynort"
* "Loch Fada"
* "Loch Fannich"
* "Loch Fionn"
* "Loch Frisa"
* "Loch Fyne"
* "Loch Garasdale"
* "Loch Garve"
* "Loch Glashan"
* "Loch Glendhu"
* "Loch Goil"
* "Loch Gorm"
* "Loch Griam"
* "Loch Harport"
* "Loch Harray"
* "Loch Heilen"
* "Loch Hourne"
* "Loch Inchard"
* "Loch Insh"
* "Loch Katrine"
* "Loch Ken"
* "Loch Kilbirnie"
* "Loch Killin"
* "Loch Killisport"
* "Loch Kirbister"
* "Loch Kirkaig"

* "Loch Kishorn"
* "Loch Knockie"
* "Loch Laro"
* "Loch Laxford"
* "Loch Linfern"
* "Loch Linnhe"
* "Loch Lomond"
* "Loch Lubnaig"
* "Loch Lurgain"
* "Loch Lydoch"
* "Loch Lyon"
* "Loch Maberry"
* "Loch Maddy"
* "Loch Minnick"
* "Loch Mochrum"
* "Loch More"
* "Loch Morlich"
* "Loch Muick"
* "Loch Nell"
* "Loch Odairn"
* "Loch Ossain"
* "Loch Quoich"
* "Loch Roan"
* "Loch Ronald"
* "Loch Ruthven"
* "Loch Ryan"
* "Loch Scamdale"
* "Loch Scavaig"
* "Loch Scridain"
* "Loch Seaforth"
* "Loch Sheallag"
* "Loch Sheil"
* "Loch Shin"
* "Loch Skaig"
* "Loch Skerrow"
* "Loch Stemster"
* "Loch Stenness"
* "Loch Striven"
* "Loch Sunart"
* "Loch Swannay"
* "Loch Swin"
* "Loch Tanna"
* "Loch Tarbert"
* "Loch Tilt"
* "Loch Torridon"
* "Loch Tralaig"
* "Loch Tummel"
* "Loch Urigill"
* "Loch Vanavie"
* "Loch Vennachar"
* "Loch Veyatie"
* "Loch Watten"
* "Lochinvar"
* "Lochy"
* "Lockeport"
* "Locust"
* "Lofoten"
* "London"
* "Londonderry"
* "Longbow"
* "Longbranch"
* "Longford"
* "Longueuil"
* "Lonsdale"
* "Looe"
* "Lookout"
* "Loosestrife"
* "Lord Clive"
* "Lord Howe"
* "Lord Melville"
* "Lord Nelson"
* "Lord Nuffield"
* "Lord Raglan"
* "Lord Roberts"
* "Lord Warden"
* "Loring"
* "Lossie"
* "Lotus"
* "Louis"
* "Louisa"
* "Louisburg"
* "Love and Friendship"
* "Lowestoffe Prize"
* "Lowestoffe"
* "Lowestoft"
* "Loyal Example"
* "Loyal Exploit"
* "Loyal Explorer"
* "Loyal Express"
* "Loyal London"
* "Loyal"
* "Loyalist"
* "Loyalty"
* "Luce Bay"
* "Lucia"
* "Lucifer"
* "Ludham"
* "Ludlow Castle"
* "Ludlow"
* "Lullington"
* "Lulworth"
* "Lunenburg"
* "Lupin"
* "Lurcher"
* "Lusitania"
* "Lutin"
* "Lutine"
* "Lychnis"
* "Lydd"
* "Lydiard"
* "Lydney"
* "Lyemun"
* "Lyme Regis"
* "Lyme"
* "Lynn"
* "Lynx"
* "Lyra"
* "Lys"
* "Lysander"



ee also

* List of aircraft carriers of the Royal Navy
* List of amphibious warfare ships of the Royal Navy
* List of battleships of the Royal Navy
* List of battlecruisers of the Royal Navy
* List of cruisers of the Royal Navy
* List of destroyers of the Royal Navy
* List of fast patrol boats of the Royal Navy
* List of frigates of the Royal Navy
* List of monitors of the Royal Navy
* List of mine countermeasure vessels of the Royal Navy (includes minesweepers and mine hunters)
* List of Royal Fleet Auxiliary ship names
* List of submarines of the Royal Navy
* List of survey vessels of the Royal Navy
* List of Royal Navy shore establishments

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