List of ship names of the Royal Navy (R-T)

List of ship names of the Royal Navy (R-T)

This is a list of Royal Navy ship names starting with R, S and T



* "R1"
* "R2"
* "R3"
* "R4"
* "R5"
* "R6"
* "R7"
* "R8"
* "R9"
* "R10"
* "R11"
* "R12"
* "Raby Castle"
* "Racehorse"
* "Racer"
* "Rachel"
* "Rackham"
* "Racoon"
* "Radstock"
* "Raglan"
* "Raider"
* "Rainbow"
* "Raleigh
* "Rambler"
* "Ramillies"
* "Ramisham"
* "Ramsey"
* "Ranger"
* "Rapid"
* "Rattle"
* "Rattler"
* "Rattlesnake"
* "Raven"
* "Rawalpindi"
* "Rayleigh Castle"

* "Reading"
* "Ready"
* "Recovery"
* "Recruit"
* "Redbreast"
* "Redgauntlet"
* "Redmill"
* "Redoubt"
* "Redpole"
* "Regent"
* "Regulus"
* "Reindeer"
* "Relentless"
* "Renard"
* "Renonculus"
* "Renown"
* "Repulse"
* "Resolute"
* "Resolution"
* "Resource"
* "Restless"
* "Revenge"
* "Rhododendron"
* "Rhyl"
* "Richmond"
* "Rifleman"
* "Rigorous"
* "Riviera"
* "Rob Roy"
* "Roberts"
* "Robust"
* "Roc"
* "Rocket"
* "Rockrose"
* "Rockwood"

* "Rodney"
* "Roebuck"
* "Rolls Royce"
* "Romola"
* "Rorqual"
* "Rosalind"
* "Rosario"
* "Rose"
* "Rosebay"
* "Rosebush"
* "Rosemary"
* "Ross"
* "Rother"
* "Rowena"
* "Roxburgh"
* "Royal Arthur"
* "Royal Charles"
* "Royal Charlotte"
* "Royal Eagle"
* "Royal George"
* "Royal James"
* "Royal Oak"
* "Royal Scotsman"
* "Royal Sovereign"
* "Royal Ulsterman"
* "Royalist"
* "Ruby"
* "Rugby"
* "Ruler"
* "Rupert"
* "Rushen Castle"
* "Russell"
* "Rutherford"
* "Rye"
* "Ryde"

* "Sable"
* "Sabre"
* "Safari"
* "Saga"
* "Sahib"
* "Saladin"
* "Salamander"
* "Salisbury"
* "Salmon"
* "Salvia"
* "Samphire"
* "Sandfly"
* "Sandown"
* "Sanguine"
* "Sapphire"
* "Saracen"
* "Sardonyx"
* "Sarpedon"
* "Saturn"
* "Satyr"
* "Saumarez"
* "Savage"
* "Saxifrage"
* "Scarab"
* "Scarborough"
* "Sceptre"
* "Scimitar"
* "Scorcher"
* "Scorpion"
* "Scotsman"
* "Scotstoun"
* "Scott"
* "Scourge"
* "Scout"
* "Scylla"
* "Scythe"
* "Scythian"
* "Sea Devil"
* "Sea Nymph"
* "Sea Rover"
* "Sea Scout"
* "Seabear"
* "Seadog"
* "Seafire"
* "Seagull"
* "Seahawk"
* "Seahorse"
* "Seal"
* "Sealion"
* "Seanymph"
* "Searcher"
* "Seawolf"
* "Selene"
* "Senator"
* "Seneschal"
* "Sennen"
* "Sentinel"
* "Sepoy"
* "Seraph"
* "Serapis"
* "Serene"
* "Seringapatam"
* "Serpent"
* "Sesame"
* "Sesostris"
* "Setter"
* "Seven Sisters"
* "Seven Stars"
* "Sevenoaks"
* "Severn"
* "Seychelles"
* "Seymour"
* "Shah"

* "Shakespeare"
* "Shalford"
* "Shalimar"
* "Shamrock"
* "Shannon"
* "Shark"
* "Sharke"
* "Sharpshooter"
* "Sheffield"
* "Sheldrake"
* "Shikari"
* "Shoreham"
* "Shropshire"
* "Sibyl"
* "Sickle"
* "Sidon"
* "Sikh"
* "Simbang"
* "Simoon"
* "Sirdar"
* "Siren"
* "Sirius"
* "Skate"
* "Skilful"
* "Skipjack"
* "Skirmisher"
* "Skylark"
* "Sladen"
* "Slaney"
* "Sleuth"
* "Sligo"
* "Slinger"
* "Slothany"
* "Sluys"
* "Smilax"
* "Smiter"
* "Snake"
* "Snap"
* "Snapdragon"
* "Snapper"
* "Snowberry"
* "Snowdrop"
* "Snowflake"
* "Solebay"
* "Solent"
* "Somali"
* "Somerset"
* "Somme"
* "Sorceress"
* "Southampton"
* "Southwold"
* "Sovereign of the Seas"
* "Sovereign"
* "Spanker"
* "Sparham"
* "Spark"
* "Sparkler"
* "Sparrow"
* "Sparrowhawk"
* "Spartan"
* "Spartiate"
* "Speaker"
* "Spear"
* "Spearfish"
* "Spearhead"
* "Speedwell"
* "Speedy"
* "Spey"
* "Sphinx"
* "Spider"
* "Spikenard"
* "Spindrift"
* "Spiraea"
* "Spirit"

* "Spiteful"
* "Spitfire"
* "Splendid"
* "Sportive"
* "Sportsman"
* "Sprightly"
* "Springbank"
* "Springbok"
* "Springer"
* "Spur"
* "Squirrel"
* "St. Albans"
* "St. George"
* "St. Vincent"
* "Stalker"
* "Stalwart"
* "Starfish"
* "Starling"
* "Starwort"
* "Statesman"
* "Statice"
* "Staunch"
* "Stayner"
* "Steadfast"
* "Sterlet"
* "Sterling"
* "Stirling Castle"
* "Stoic"
* "Stonecrop"
* "Stonehenge"
* "Stork"
* "Storm"
* "Stormcloud"
* "Stour"
* "Stratagem"
* "Strathella"
* "Strenuous"
* "Striker"
* "Strongbow"
* "Stronghold"
* "Stuart"
* "Stubborn"
* "Sturdy"
* "Sturgeon"
* "Stygian"
* "Subtle"
* "Success"
* "Suffolk"
* "Sunderland"
* "Sundew"
* "Sunfish"
* "Sunflower"
* "Superb"
* "Supply"
* "Supreme"
* "Surf"
* "Surly"
* "Surprise"
* "Sussex"
* "Sutherland"
* "Sutlej"
* "Swale"
* "Swallow"
* "Sweetbriar"
* "Swift"
* "Swiftsure"
* "Swindon"
* "Swordfish"
* "Swordsman"
* "Sycamore"
* "Sylph"
* "Sylvia"
* "Syren"
* "Syrtis"


* "Tabard"
* "Taciturn"
* "Tactician"
* "Taff"
* "Tain"
* "Taku"
* "Talbot"
* "Talent"
* "Talisman"
* "Tally-Ho"
* "Talybont"
* "Tamar"
* "Tamarisk"
* "Tanatside"
* "Tancred"
* "Tanganyika"
* "Tantalus"
* "Tantivy"
* "Tapir"
* "Tara"
* "Tarlton"
* "Tarn"
* "Tarpon"
* "Tartar"
* "Tasman"
* "Tasmania"
* "Tattoo"
* "Taurus"
* "Tavy"
* "Tay"
* "Teazer"
* "Tedworth"
* "Tees"
* "Telemachus"
* "Temeraire"
* "Tempest"
* "Templar"
* "Tenacious"
* "Tenby"
* "Tenedos"
* "Teredo"
* "Termagent"
* "Terpsichore"
* "Terrapin"
* "Terrible"
* "Terror"
* "Test"
* "Tetcott"
* "Tetrarch"
* "Teviot Bank"
* "Teviot"
* "Thakeham"
* "Thames"
* "Thane"
* "Thanet"
* "Thatcham"
* "Theban"

* "Thermopylae"
* "Theseus"
* "Thetis"
* "Thisbe"
* "Thistle"
* "Thor"
* "Thorn"
* "Thornborough"
* "Thornham"
* "Thorough"
* "Thracian"
* "Thrasher"
* "Thruster"
* "Thule"
* "Thunderbolt"
* "Thunderer"
* "Thyme"
* "Tiara"
* "Tiger"
* "Tigress"
* "Tigris"
* "Tilbury"
* "Tintagel Castle"
* "Tintagel"
* "Tipperary"
* "Tiptoe"
* "Tireless"
* "Titania"
* "Tiverton"
* "Tobago"
* "Tobruk"
* "Token"
* "Tomahawk"
* "Tonbridge Castle"
* "Tonbridge"
* "Tongham"
* "Tonnant"
* "Toowoomba"
* "Topaze"
* "Torbay"
* "Torch"
* "Toreador"
* "Tormentor"
* "Tornado"
* "Torquay"
* "Torrens"
* "Torrent"
* "Torrid"
* "Torridge"
* "Torrington"
* "Tortoise"
* "Tortola"
* "Totem"
* "Totland"
* "Totnes"
* "Tourmaline"
* "Tourterelle"

* "Toutou"
* "Tower"
* "Towey"
* "Towser"
* "Towy"
* "Tracker"
* "Tradewind"
* "Trafalgar"
* "Trailer"
* "Tralee"
* "Transfer"
* "Transit"
* "Transporter"
* "Transylvania"
* "Traveller"
* "Trenchant"
* "Trent"
* "Trepassy"
* "Tresham"
* "Trespasser"
* "Triad"
* "Tribune"
* "Trident"
* "Trillium"
* "Trincomalee"
* "Trinidad"
* "Tristram"
* "Triton"
* "Triumph"
* "Trojan"
* "Trooper"
* "Troubridge"
* "Truant"
* "Truculent"
* "Truelove"
* "Trump"
* "Trumpeter"
* "Truncheon"
* "Truro"
* "Trusty"
* "Tryphon"
* "Tudor"
* "Tulip"
* "Tumult"
* "Tuna"
* "Turbulent"
* "Turpin"
* "Turquoise"
* "Tuscan"
* "Tutankhamen"
* "Tweed"
* "Tyler"
* "Tyne"
* "Tynedale"
* "Tynwald"
* "Tyrant"
* "Tyrian"



ee also

* List of aircraft carriers of the Royal Navy
* List of amphibious warfare ships of the Royal Navy
* List of battleships of the Royal Navy
* List of battlecruisers of the Royal Navy
* List of cruisers of the Royal Navy
* List of destroyers of the Royal Navy
* List of fast patrol boats of the Royal Navy
* List of frigates of the Royal Navy
* List of monitors of the Royal Navy
* List of mine countermeasure vessels of the Royal Navy (includes minesweepers and mine hunters)
* List of Royal Fleet Auxiliary ship names
* List of submarines of the Royal Navy
* List of survey vessels of the Royal Navy
* List of Royal Navy shore establishments

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