List of ship names of the Royal Navy (M-N)

List of ship names of the Royal Navy (M-N)

This is a list of Royal Navy ship names starting with M and N



* "M1" Submarine
* "M2"
* "M13"
* "M14"
* "M15"
* "M16"
* "M17"
* "M18"
* "M19"
* "M20"
* "M21"
* "M22"
* "M23"
* "M24"
* "M25"
* "M26"
* "M27"
* "M28"
* "M29"
* "M30"
* "M31"
* "M32"
* "M33"
* "MI"
* "MII"
* "MIII"
* "MIV"
* "MV"
* "MVI"
* "MVII"
* "MTB102"
* "MV1"
* "MV2"
* "MV3"
* "MV4"
* "MV5"
* "MV6"
* "MV7"
* "MV8"
* "MV9"
* "MV10"
* "MV11"
* "MV12"
* "MV13"
* "MV14"
* "MV15"
* "MV16"
* "MV17"
* "MV18"
* "MV19"
* "MV20"
* "MV21"
* "MV22"
* "Macduff"
* "Macedonian"
* "Machine"
* "Mackay"
* "Mackerel"
* "Madagascar"
* "Maddiston"
* "Madras"
* "Maeander"
* "Maenad"
* "Maesterland"
* "Magdala"
* "Magdalen"
* "Magic"
* "Magician"
* "Magicienne"
* "Magnanime"
* "Magnet"
* "Magnificent"
* "Magpie"
* "Mahonesa"
* "Mahratta"
* "Maida"
* "Maiden Castle"
* "Maidstone"
* "Majestic"
* "Malabar"
* "Malacca"
* "Malaga Merchant"
* "Malaya"
* "Malcolm"
* "Malham"
* "Malice"
* "Mallard"
* "Malling Castle"
* "Mallow"
* "Malmesbury Castle"
* "Maloja"
* "Malplaquet"
* "Malta"
* "Malvern"
* "Mamaduke"
* "Mameluke"
* "Manchester"
* "Mandarin"
* "Mandate"
* "Mandrake"
* "Manela"
* "Manica"
* "Manilla"
* "Manly"
* "Manners"
* "Mansfield"
* "Mantis"
* "Manxman"
* "Maori"
* "Maplin"
* "Marathon"
* "Marazion"
* "Marengo"
* "Margaret"
* "Margate"
* "Margett"
* "Marguerite"
* "Maria de Loreto"
* "Maria Prize"
* "Maria Sancta"
* "Maria Sandwich"
* "Maria Spayne"
* "Maria"
* "Mariana"
* "Marianne"

* "Antoinette"
* "Marie"
* "Marigold"
* "Mariner"
* "Marjoram"
* "Marksman"
* "Marlborough"
* "Marlingford"
* "Marlion"
* "Marlow"
* "Marmion"
* "Marne"
* "Maroon"
* "Marquise de Seignelay"
* "Mars"
* "Marshal Ney"
* "Marshal Soult"
* "Marsounin"
* "Marston Moor"
* "Martah & Mary"
* "Martial"
* "Martin Garcia"
* "Martin"
* "Marvel"
* "Mary & John"
* "Mary Ann"
* "Mary Antrim"
* "Mary Breton"
* "Mary Flyboat"
* "Mary Fortune"
* "Mary Galley"
* "Mary George"
* "Mary Gloria"
* "Mary Grace"
* "Mary Guildford"
* "Mary Hamboro"
* "Mary Hampton"
* "Mary Imperial"
* "Mary James"
* "Mary Norwell"
* "Mary Odierne"
* "Mary of Rouen"
* "Mary Prize"
* "Mary Rose"
* "Mary Thomas"
* "Mary Willoughby"
* "Mary"
* "Maryanee"
* "Maryborough"
* "Maryport"
* "Maryton"
* "Mashona"
* "Mason"
* "Mastiff"
* "Matabele"
* "Matane"
* "Matapan"
* "Matchless"
* "Mathias"
* "Matilda"
* "Matthew"
* "Mauritius"
* "Mavourneen"
* "Mawdelyn"
* "Maxton"
* "May Frere"
* "Mayflower"
* "Mayfly"
* "Mayford"
* "Mazurka"
* "Meadowsweet"
* "Meclenburgh"
* "Meda"
* "Medea"
* "Medee"
* "Mediator"
* "Medina"
* "Mediterranean"
* "Medora"
* "Medusa"
* "Medway"
* "Medway II"
* "Medway Prize"
* "Meeanne"
* "Meermin"
* "Megaera"
* "Melampe"
* "Melampus"
* "Melbreak"
* "Meleager"
* "Melita"
* "Melpomene"
* "Melton"
* "Melville"
* "Memnon"
* "Menace"
* "Menai"
* "Mendip"
* "Menelaus"
* "Mentor"
* "Meon"
* "Mercure"
* "Mercurius"
* "Mercury"
* "Meredith"
* "Merhonour"
* "Merlin"
* "Mermaid"
* "Merry Hampton"
* "Mersey"
* "Mersham"
* "Messenger"
* "Messina"
* "Meteor"
* "Meteorite"
* "Meynell"
* "Michael"
* "Mickleham"
* "Middlesbrough"
* "Middleton"
* "Midge"
* "Mignonette"
* "Mignonne"
* "Milan"
* "Mileham"
* "Milfoil"

* "Milfoil"
* "Milford"
* "Millbrook"
* "Milne"
* "Mimico"
* "Mimosa"
* "Minas"
* "Minden"
* "Mindful"
* "Minehead"
* "Miner I"
* "Miner II"
* "Miner III"
* "Miner IV"
* "Miner V"
* "Miner VI"
* "Miner VII"
* "Miner VIII"
* "Minerva"
* "Minerve"
* "Mingan"
* "Minion"
* "Minnikin"
* "Minorca"
* "Minoru"
* "Minos"
* "Minotaur"
* "Minstrel"
* "Minto"
* "Minuet"
* "Minx"
* "Miramichi"
* "Miranda"
* "Mischief"
* "Misoa"
* "Mistletoe"
* "Mistley"
* "Mistral"
* "Mitchell"
* "Moa"
* "Modbury"
* "Moderate"
* "Modeste"
* "Mohawk"
* "Moira"
* "Monaghan"
* "Monarca"
* "Monarch"
* "Monck Prize"
* "Monck"
* "Mondovi"
* "Mongoose"
* "Monitor"
* "Monkey"
* "Monkshood"
* "Monkton"
* "Monmouoth Castle"
* "Monmouth"
* "Monow"
* Monowai
* "Mons"
* "Monsieur"
* "Mont Blanc"
* "Montagu"
* "Montbretia"
* "Montego Bay"
* "Montford"
* "Montgomery"
* "Montreal"
* "Montrose"
* "Montserrat"
* "Moon"
* "Moorhen"
* "Moorsom"
* "Moray Firth"
* "Mordaunt"
* "Morecambe Bay"
* "Moresby"
* "Morgiana"
* "Morne Fortunee"
* "Morning Star"
* "Moro"
* "Morpeth Castle"
* "Morris Dance"
* "Morris"
* "Mortar"
* "Mosambique"
* "Moselle"
* "Moslem"
* "Mosquito"
* "Moth"
* "Moucheron"
* "Mounsey"
* "Mount Edgcumbe"
* "Mounts Bay"
* "Mourne"
* "Moy"
* "Moyola"
* "Mulette"
* "Mulgrave"
* "Mull of Galloway"
* "Mull of Kintyre"
* "Mull of Oa"
* "Mull"
* "Mullett"
* "Mullion Cove"
* "Mullion"
* "Munlochy"
* "Munster"
* "Muros"
* "Murray"
* "Musette"
* "Musk"
* "Muskerry"
* "Musket"
* "Musketeer"
* "Musquedobet"
* "Musquito"
* "Mustico"
* "Mutine"
* "Myngs"
* "Myosotis"
* "Myrmidon"
* "Myrtle"
* "Mystic"


* "N1"
* "Naas"
* "Nabob"
* "Nadder"
* "Nadur"
* "Naiad"
* "Nailsea"
* "Nairana"
* "Namur"
* "Nancy"
* "Nankin"
* "Nantwich"
* "Napier"
* "Narbada"
* "Narbrough"
* "Narcissus"
* "Narvik"
* "Narwhal"
* "Naseby"
* "Nassau"
* "Nasturtium"
* "Natal"
* "Nathaniell"
* "Nautilus"
* "Navarino"
* "Navy Board"
* "Navy Transport"
* "Navy"
* "Nearque"
* "Neckar"
* "Ned Elvin"
* "Negresse"
* "Negro"
* "Nelson"
* "Nemesis"
* "Nene"
* "Nepal"
* "Nepean"
* "Nepeta"
* "Neptune"
* "Nerbudda"
* "Nereide"
* "Nereus"

* "Nerissa"
* "Nesbitt"
* "Ness"
* "Nessus"
* "Nestor"
* "Netley"
* "Nettle"
* "Nettlham"
* "New Adventure"
* "New Zealand"
* "Newark"
* "Newash"
* "Newbark"
* "Newbury"
* "Newcastle"
* "Newfoundland"
* "Newhaven"
* "Newmarket"
* "Newport"
* "Newquay"
* "Newton"
* "Neza"
* "Niagara"
* "Nicator"
* "Nicholas Reede"
* "Nicholas"
* "Nicodemus"
* "Niement"
* "Nieuport"
* "Nigella"
* "Niger"
* "Nigeria"
* "Nighthawk"
* "Nightingale"
* "Nijaden"
* "Nilam"
* "Nile"
* "Nimble"
* "Nimrod"
* "Niobe"
* "Nipigon"
* "Nisus"
* "Nith"

* "Nitrocris"
* "Nizam"
* "Noble"
* "Nomad"
* "Nonpareil"
* "Nonsuch"
* "Nootka"
* "Noranda"
* "Norfolk"
* "Norge"
* "Norham Castle"
* "Norman"
* "Norseman"
* "Norsyd"
* "North Bay"
* "North Star"
* "North"
* "Northampton"
* "Northella"
* "Northesk"
* "Northolt"
* "Northrepps"
* "Northumberland"
* "Northway"
* "Norwich Castle"
* "Norwich"
* "Nottingham Prize"
* "Nottingham"
* "Nova Scotia"
* "Nox"
* "Nubian"
* "Nuestra Senora del Rosario"
* "Nugent"
* "Nunney Castle"
* "Nurton"
* "Nusa"
* "Nyaden"
* "Nyasaland"
* "Nymph"
* "Nymphe"
* "Nymphen"



ee also

* List of aircraft carriers of the Royal Navy
* List of amphibious warfare ships of the Royal Navy
* List of battleships of the Royal Navy
* List of battlecruisers of the Royal Navy
* List of cruisers of the Royal Navy
* List of destroyers of the Royal Navy
* List of fast patrol boats of the Royal Navy
* List of frigates of the Royal Navy
* List of monitors of the Royal Navy
* List of mine countermeasure vessels of the Royal Navy (includes minesweepers and mine hunters)
* List of Royal Fleet Auxiliary ship names
* List of submarines of the Royal Navy
* List of survey vessels of the Royal Navy
* List of Royal Navy shore establishments

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