List of ship names of the Royal Navy (G-H)

List of ship names of the Royal Navy (G-H)

This is a list of Royal Navy ship names starting with G and H



* "G1"
* "G2"
* "G3"
* "G4"
* "G5"
* "G6"
* "G7"
* "G8"
* "G9"
* "G10"
* "G11"
* "G12"
* "G13"
* "G14"
* "G15"
* "Gabbard"
* "Gabriel Harfleur"
* "Gabriel Royal"
* "Gabriel"
* "Gaddesden"
* "Gadfly"
* "Gadwell"
* "Gael"
* "Gaiete"
* "Gaillarda"
* "Gainsborough"
* "Gala"
* "Galatea"
* "Galathee"
* "Galgo"
* "Galicia"
* "Gallant"
* "Gallarita"
* "Gallion"
* "Galliot"
* "Galt"
* "Galteemore"
* "Gambia"
* "Gamston"
* "Gananoque"
* "Ganga"
* "Ganges"
* "Gannet"
* "Ganymede"
* "Gardenia"
* "Gardiner"
* "Garland"
* "Garlies"
* "Garnet"
* "Garry"
* "Garth"
* "Gascoyne"
* "Gaspee"
* "Gatineau"
* "Gatwick"
* "Gauntlet"
* "Gavinton"
* "Gavotte"
* "Gawler"
* "Gayundah"
* "Gazelle"
* "Geelong"
* "Gelykneid"
* "General Abercrombie"
* "General Craufurd"
* "General Grant"
* "General Monk"
* "General Platt"
* "General Wolfe"
* "Genereux"
* "Genista"
* "Genoa"
* "Gentian"
* "Gentille"
* "George"
* "George III"
* "Georgeham"
* "Georgetown"
* "Georgiana"
* "Geraldton"
* "Geranium"
* "Germaine"
* "Germoon Prize"
* "Gerrans Bay"

* "Geyser"
* "Ghurka"
* "Gibraltar Prize"
* "Gibraltar"
* "Gier"
* "Giffard"
* "Gifford"
* "Gift Minor"
* "Gift"
* "Giles"
* "Gilia"
* "Gilliflower"
* "Gipsy"
* "Girdle Ness"
* "Gironde"
* "Glace Bay"
* "Gladiator"
* "Gladiolus"
* "Gladstone"
* "Glaisdale"
* "Glamorgan"
* "Glasgow"
* "Glasserton"
* "Glassford"
* "Glatton"
* "Gleaner"
* "Glenarm"
* "Glenearn"
* "Glenelg"
* "Glengyle"
* "Glenmore"
* "Glenroy"
* "Glentham"
* "Globe"
* "Gloire"
* "Glommen"
* "Glorieux"
* "Gloriosa"
* "Glorioso"
* "Glorious"
* "Glory Iv"
* "Glory"
* "Gloucester"
* "Glowworm"
* "Gloxinia"
* "Gluckstadt"
* "Gnat"
* "Goathland"
* "Godavari"
* "Goderich"
* "Godetia"
* "Goelan"
* "Gold Coast"
* "Golden Falcon"
* "Golden Fleece"
* "Golden Hind"
* "Golden Horse"
* "Golden Lion"
* "Golden Rose"
* "Goldfinch"
* "Goliath"
* "Gomati"
* "Gondwana"
* "Good Fortune"
* "Good Hope"
* "Good Intent"
* "Good Will"
* "Goodall"
* "Goodson"
* "Goodwin"
* "Goodwood"
* "Goole"
* "Goose Bay"
* "Gordon"
* "Gore"
* "Goree"
* "Gorey Castle"
* "Gorgon"
* "Gorleston"
* "Goshawk"
* "Gosport"
* "Gossamer"
* "Goulburn"
* "Gould"

* "Gozo"
* "Grace Dieu"
* "Grace of God"
* "Grace"
* "Grafton"
* "Gramont"
* "Grampian"
* "Grampus"
* "Grana"
* "Granby"
* "Grand Turk"
* "Grandmere"
* "Grandmistress"
* "Granicus"
* "Grantham"
* "Graph"
* "Grappler"
* "Grass Snake"
* "Grasshopper"
* "Gravelines"
* "Grayfly"
* "Grays"
* "Great Barbara"
* "Great Bark"
* "Great Elizabeth"
* "Great Galley"
* "Great Harry"
* "Great Nicholas"
* "Great Pinnace"
* "Great Zabra"
* "Greatford"
* "Grecian"
* "Green Linnet"
* "Greenfish"
* "Greenfly"
* "Greenock"
* "Greenwich"
* "Greetham"
* "Grenada"
* "Grenade"
* "Grenado"
* "Grenville"
* "Gretna"
* "Grey Fox"
* "Grey Wolf"
* "Greyhond"
* "Greyhound"
* "Griffin"
* "Griffon"
* "Grille"
* "Grilse"
* "Grimsby"
* "Grindall"
* "Grinder"
* "Griper"
* "Grisle"
* "Grou"
* "Grouper"
* "Grove"
* "Growler"
* "Guachapin"
* "Guadeloupe"
* "Guardian"
* "Guardland"
* "Guelderland"
* "Guelph"
* "Guepe"
* "Guernsey"
* "Guerriere"
* "Guilder De Ruyter"
* "Guildford Castle"
* "Guildford"
* "Guillemot"
* "Guinea"
* "Guinevere"
* "Gull"
* "Gulland"
* "Gulnare"
* "Gurkha"
* "Guysborough"
* "Gympie"
* "Gypsy"


* "Hickleton"
* "(H)1"
* "(H)2"
* "(H)3"
* "(H)4"
* "(H)5"
* "(H)6"
* "H1"
* "H2"
* "H3"
* "H4"
* "H5"
* "H6"
* "H7"
* "H8"
* "H9"
* "H10"
* "H11"
* "H12"
* "H13"
* "H14"
* "H15"
* "H16"
* "H17"
* "H18"
* "H19"
* "H20"
* "H21"
* "H22"
* "H23"
* "H24"
* "H25"
* "H26"
* "H27"
* "H28"
* "H29"
* "H30"
* "H31"
* "H32"
* "H33"
* "H34"
* "H35"
* "H36"
* "H37"
* "H38"
* "H39"
* "H40"
* "H41"
* "H42"
* "H43"
* "H44"
* "H45"
* "H46"
* "H47"
* "H48"
* "H49"
* "H40"
* "H51"
* "H52"
* "H53"
* "Haddock"
* "Hadleigh Castle"
* "Haerlem"
* "Haida"
* "Halberd"
* "Halcyon"
* "Haldon"
* "Half Moon"
* "Halifax"
* "Halladale"
* "Hallowell"
* "Halsham"
* "Halstarr"
* "Halstead"
* "Hamadryad"
* "Hambledon"
* "Hamilton"
* "Hampshire"
* "Hampton Court"
* "Hampton"
* "Handmaid"
* "Handy"
* "Hannam"
* "Hannibal"
* "Happy Entrance"
* "Happy Ladd"
* "Happy Return"
* "Happy"
* "Hardi"

* "Hardinge"
* "Hardrock"
* "Hardy"
* 'Hare"'
* "Harebell"
* "Harereen"
* "Harfruen"
* "Hargood"
* "Harland"
* "Harlech"
* "Harlequin"
* "Harman"
* "Harp"
* "Harpenden"
* "Harpham"
* "Harpy"
* "Harrier"
* "Harriot"
* "Harrow"
* "Hart"
* "Hartland Point"
* "Hartland"
* "Hartlepool"
* "Harvester"
* "Harwich"
* "Hastings"
* "Hasty"
* "Hatherleigh"
* "Haughty"
* "Havannah"
* "Havant"
* "Havelock"
* "Haversham"
* "Havick"
* "Havock"
* "Hawea"
* "Hawk"
* "Hawke"
* "Hawkins"
* "Hawthorn"
* "Haydon"
* "Hayling"
* "Hazard Prize"
* "Hazard"
* "Hazardous"
* "Hazleton"
* "Heart of Oak"
* "Heartsease"
* "Hearty"
* "Heather"
* "Hebe"
* "Hecate"
* "Hecla"
* "Hector"
* "Hedingham Castle"
* "Heir Apparent"
* "Helder"
* "Helderenberg"
* "Heldin"
* "Helena"
* "Helford"
* "Helicon"
* "Heliotrope"
* "Helmsdale"
* "Helmsley Castle"
* "Helverson"
* "Hemlock"
* "Henrietta Maria"
* "Henrietta"
* "Henry Galley"
* "Henry Grace a Dieu"
* "Henry of Hampton"
* "Henry Prize"
* "Henry"
* "Henryville"
* "Hepatica"
* "Herald"
* "Herbrus"
* "Hercules"
* "Hereward"
* "Hermes"
* "Hermione"
* "Herne Bay"
* "Hero"
* "Heroine"
* "Heron"
* "Hespeler"
* "Hesper"
* "Hesperus"

* "Hestor"
* "Heureux"
* "Hever Castle"
* "Hexham"
* "Hexton"
* "Heythorp"
* "Hibernia"
* "Hibiscus"
* "Highburton"
* "Highflyer"
* "Highlander"
* "Highway"
* "Hilary"
* "Hildersham"
* "Hillary"
* "Himalaya"
* "Hinchinbrook"
* "Hind"
* "Hindostan"
* "Hindustan"
* "Hinksford"
* "Hippomenes"
* "Hirondelle"
* "Hobart"
* "Hodgeston"
* "Hogue"
* "Holcombe"
* "Holderness"
* "Holdernesse"
* "Holighose"
* "Holigost Spayne"
* "Holigost"
* "Hollesley Bay"
* "Holly"
* "Hollyhock"
* "Holm Sound"
* "Holmes"
* "Holstein"
* "Honesty"
* "Honeysuckle"
* "Hong Kong"
* "Hood"
* "Hope Prize"
* "Hope"
* "Hopewell"
* "Horatio"
* "Hornby"
* "Hornet"
* "Hornpipe"
* "Horseman"
* "Horsleydown"
* "Hoste"
* "Hostile"
* "Hotham"
* "Hotspur"
* "Houghton"
* "Hound"
* "House de Swyte"
* "Hoverfly"
* "Hovingham"
* "Howe"
* "Howett"
* "Howitzer"
* "Hubberston"
* "Hugh Lindsay"
* "Hugh Rose"
* "Hughes"
* "Hulvul"
* "Humber"
* "Humberstone"
* "Hunter"
* "Huntley"
* "Huntsville"
* "Huron"
* "Hurricane"
* "Hursley"
* "Hurst Castle"
* "Hurst"
* "Hurworth"
* "Hussar"
* "Hyacinth"
* "Hyaena"
* "Hyderabad"
* "Hydra"
* "Hydrangea"
* "Hygeia"
* "Hyperion"
* "Hythe"



ee also

* List of aircraft carriers of the Royal Navy
* List of amphibious warfare ships of the Royal Navy
* List of battleships of the Royal Navy
* List of battlecruisers of the Royal Navy
* List of cruisers of the Royal Navy
* List of destroyers of the Royal Navy
* List of fast patrol boats of the Royal Navy
* List of frigates of the Royal Navy
* List of monitors of the Royal Navy
* List of mine countermeasure vessels of the Royal Navy (includes minesweepers and mine hunters)
* List of Royal Fleet Auxiliary ship names
* List of submarines of the Royal Navy
* List of survey vessels of the Royal Navy
* List of Royal Navy shore establishments

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