- Moon (astrology)
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The Moon orbits the earth in 28 days, spending a fleeting 2.33 days in each of the signs of the zodiac. Recently, more accurate measurements of the Lunar orbital period have revealed two different numbers, depending on viewpoint. The synodic period is measured relative to the Sun and gives us a period of 29.5 days from new Moon to new Moon, the start of the Lunar month. When observed from the Earth and relative to a fixed point in space, the sidereal period is 27.3 days with minor variations. In order to give a figure in whole numbers for ease of astrological calculation the Lunar orbit can be approximated to 27.75 days which then returns a period of 54 hours or 2.25 days for the Lunar transit of each sign.
Also important in astrology are the moon's nodes. The nodes are where the moon's path crosses the ecliptic, the sun's path across the sky. This means that they are the only locations where solar eclipses can occur. The North node marks the place where the moon crosses from South to North (or ascends), while the South node marks where the moon crosses from North to South (or descends). The nodes' motion is always retrograde, so that they appear to move backwards through the zodiac. This motion is the same as the precession of the equinoxes, but in the case of the moon it only takes 19 years to complete a cycle. The two nodes are always exactly 180 degrees apart from each other at opposite ends of the ecliptic (i.e. if the north node is at 23 degrees Aries, the south node will be at 23 degrees Libra).
Western astrology
The Moon (
) is the ruling planet of Cancer. In Roman mythology, the Moon was represented by Diana, the hunter goddess. In Western astrology The Moon is said to represent the feeling nature of the individual.[1]
The moon is associated with a person's emotional make-up, unconscious habits, rhythms, memories and moods. It is also associated with the mother, maternal instincts or the urge to nurture, the home, and the past.
The moon is used to characterise the inner child within us, as well as the past and how we have been as individuals rather than how we are now. It is also used to represent the perception one has of one's mother, so someone with a Pisces Moon would be more likely to see their mother as a Piscean type, even if in reality that was not the case. In the horoscope the aspects the moon makes with other planets and the transits the slower moving planets make to the moon are all said to have a strong impact on how our lives unfold.
The moon is also said to represent receptivity, vulnerability, etc. but this should not suggest that its power is considered less than the sun's. From an astrological perspective (in which we assume, for the sake of argument, that the earth is fixed and everything else moves) the sun and moon are the same size. From an astrological perspective, they are equals; a solar eclipse reminds us of this so that we do not doubt the power of the moon, which is hidden and mysterious but no less influential.
The first-century poet Manilius, described the Moon or Luna, as melancholic. In medicine the moon is associated with the digestive system, stomach, breasts, genitals, buttocks, the ovaries and menstruation, and the pancreas. The moon is the ruler of the 4th house.
Lunar phases
Astrologers traditionally also consider the phase of the moon at the time of birth in interpreting its effects on the individual.[2] The four phases of the moon are as follows:
- First quarter (new)
- Astrologers say a person born in the first phase of the moon will have an underlying sense of youthful enthusiasm and optimism, a touch of the zodiac sign Aries in their nature. They will probably prefer to take the initiative, especially in romance, and will be ready to look for new interests in life, new people and new ideas. The person will see how things can be improved and can spur others to action, before leaving them to finish the project. They will probably get off to an early start in life and be quite successful when young, though other factors in the chart will indicate whether this success is lasting. They need to guard against selfishness and taking others by surprise with over quick and hasty reactions.
- Second quarter (waxing)
- Astrologers say a person born in the second quarter will be ambitious and sociable, with an underlying touch of the zodiac signs Cancer and Leo in their nature. The person will be locked into their goals and have a strong need to create something which will be remembered by others. They will have a charismatic personality that draws others to them, but may instinctively use others for their own ends, rather than help them. They prefer a career where they are out in front and have attention and status. They also need a place of their own to express their personality, either their home or workplace. The person should achieve considerable success when young, but other factors in the chart will indicate whether that status is maintained. The person will be slow to anger, but formidable when aroused, and hates to be hurried or presented with a fait accompli. However, they won't mind doing this to others if it tips the odds in their favour.
- Third quarter (full)
- Astrologers say a person born in the third quarter will be sensitive to the needs of others and expects others to be sensitive to their own needs. There is an underlying sense of watchfulness reminiscent of the zodiac signs Libra and Scorpio. The person will need friendships, colleagues and relationships, and will relate well to others. They will either be drawn to highly successful people and help them achieve their goals, or else achieve success themselves with the help of others. There is a tension and nervousness at play which can lead to a short attention span and a constant search for new people and experiences, and sex will play some kind of transformative role in their life. The most successful time of life will be in the middle years.
- Fourth quarter (waning)
- Astrologers say a person born in the fourth quarter will have an underlying feeling of the zodiac signs Capricorn and Pisces. They will finish the projects that others start, and reorganize and sort out the problems left by others. They will often have clairvoyant insight and follow hunches rather than be logical. The person can be too sensitive and become upset by the demands of others, and can also be too inclined to sit back and let things happen. They will work best in groups and are not materialistic, but they do need job satisfaction. They may be slow to grow up, but are likely to go through some kind of metamorphosis later in life and achieve success in something unusual and completely individual.
Lunar nodes
While they are not considered by Western astrologers to be as important a factor as each of the planets, the lunar nodes are thought to mark sensitive areas that are worth taking into account.[3]
– North or ascending Node
- The North node is said to tend to be beneficial in its effects, not unlike the planet Jupiter, and a possible source from which to derive some advantage, often through no conscious effort. Some astrologers consider the north node to represent a person's karmic task in the present life.
– South or descending Node
- The South node is said to tend to be somewhat adverse in its effects, not unlike the planet Saturn, and a possible source of the draining of energy from the person. It may indicate effort or even sacrifice is required, often without any expected reward. Some astrologers consider the south node to represent a person's karmic task in a past life.
Many astrologers also believe that there is a relationship between social and anti-social behaviour and compatibility and incompatibility and the placing of the nodes. This can be assessed by sign and house. The nodes also have some bearing on premises, property and domestic circumstances. Planets which progress or transit the nodes often bring household changes. These are usually quite minor ones such as decorating or refurbishing a home, receiving visitors, or leaving the house for a holiday. Family members leaving the home for a while are also indicated by the nodes. In addition, if the nodes fall close to the ascendant or rising sign and the descendant opposite it, there can often be something unusual about the subject's appearance - he or she may be very tall for example.
Lunation type
The Lunation type assigns a type of personality based on the moon phase on a person's date of birth. It was introduced in French astrologer Dane Rudhyar's book The Lunation cycle in which he argues that the lunation types are just as important as the sun signs to understand a personality . Rudhyar defines eight lunation types: New Moon Type, Crescent Type, First Quarter Type, Gibbous Moon Type, Full Moon Type, Disseminating Type, Last Quarter Type, Balsamic Moon Type. Dane, Rudhyar,[4]
Void-of-Course Moon
A void-of-Course Moon occurs when the moon in transit makes its final major aspect before it changes from one sign of the zodiac to the next. It ends when the moon enters the next sign. In astrological terms it is a period when human judgement is impaired, ventures are bound to fail, business deals collapse, journeys are delayed, and historic events during such periods have an unusual impact on cultural evolution.[5] People born on a void-of-course moon are said to be highly original and impressionable, who "bear the spark of greatness". They react differently to life and its challenges. On the negative side, they can have an unfavourable effect on the lives of many people with their irresponsible behaviour and erratic personality.
Chinese astrology
In Chinese cosmogony the moon is typically said to be identified with the feminine principle, the yin. This may be because a woman's menstrual cycle roughly corresponds to one lunar month that is of 29 or 30 days.
In Chinese culture, the sun and the moon, or yang and yin, are said to represent the masculine and the feminine, respectively. One way to think about the interaction of the sun and moon signs in one particular person's horoscope is Jung's theory of the anima/animus, which is very similar to the Chinese idea that every human being should strive to balance the yang and the yin, or the masculine and the feminine, in her/his own personality and life.
Lunar phases
Chinese astrology also considers the phase of the moon at the time of a person's birth to be significant.[6] The significance of the four phases are as follows:
- First quarter (new) 1–7.5 days
- The first quarter symbolizes birth, renewal, sowing and awakening, and is associated with spring, the east and the element wood. People born in this phase are lively and innovative, and are free spirits with a love of new ideas and adventures. They are generally impressionable, inventive and outgoing, but also impulsive and restless. This lunar phase governs the signs of Tiger, Rabbit and Dragon.
- Second quarter (waxing) 7.5–15 days
- The second quarter symbolizes potency, maturity, full growth and development, and is associated with summer, the south and the element fire. People born in this phase are likely to be strong minded, competent fighters and doers, capable of aggressive and forceful action. Full of potent energy, they are the leaders of the lunar cycle. This lunar phase governs the signs of Snake, Horse and Sheep.
- Third quarter (full) 15–22.5 days
- The third quarter symbolises organization, harvest, collection and storage, and is associated with autumn, the west and the element metal. People born in this phase like to organize, restore order, resolve problems and settle disputes with intelligence and calm reason. They are the people who harvest and consolidate resources. This lunar phase governs the signs of Monkey, Rooster, and Dog.
- Fourth quarter (waning) 22.5–29 days
- The fourth quarter symbolizes completion, conclusion, hibernation and rest, and is associated with winter, the north and the element water. People born in this phase are the thinkers, keepers of confidences and makers of analytical decisions. They conserve energy and burst forth into life when the time is right. This lunar phase governs the signs Pig, Rat and Ox.
Indian astrology
In Indian astrology, (also called Jyotisa or Vedic astrology) the Moon is a lunar deity called Chandra. Chandra is also identified with the Vedic lunar deity Soma. He is described as young, beautiful, fair; two-armed and having in his hands a club and a lotus. He rides his chariot (the moon) across the sky every night, pulled by ten white horses or an antelope. He is connected with dew, and as such, is one of the gods of fertility. He is also called Nishapati (lord of the night) and Kshuparaka (one who illuminates the night).[7] He as Soma, presides over Somvar or Monday.
In Indian astrology the moon represents the mind, queenship, mother, emotions, sensitivity, softness and imagination.
Lunar nodes
The north lunar node (called Rahu) and the south lunar node (called Ketu) are considered to be of particular importance in Indian astrology, and are given an equal place alongside the seven classical planets as part of the nine navagraha. The north node Rahu is considered to be inauspicious and to be associated with mystery and cruelty. The south node Ketu is connected with karmic collections (both good and bad) and with spirituality.
Lunar mansions or nakshatras
Indian astrology features the idea of the nakshatra (Devanagari: नक्षत्र) or lunar mansion , one of the 27 or 28 divisions of the sky, identified by the prominent star(s) in them, that the Moon passes through during its monthly cycle, as used in Hindu astronomy and astrology. Each nakshatra represents a division of the ecliptic (of 13 degree 20 minutes) similar to the zodiac signs. The mansion associated with a given date corresponds to the constellation which the Moon is passing through at that time. Traditionally, the nakshatra position of Moon is computed for a native's mental make-up, and calculations of planetary periods (dashas). Each nakshatra is further partitioned into four equal segments known as charan or pad. Nakshatras have an important place in astrological match making, Mahurtha, Panchanga and Prashana affairs.
- ^ Mayo, Jeff, Teach Yourself Astrology, pp. 18, 19, Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1964, ISBN 0340055138; Fenton, Sarah, Understanding Astrology , pp. 107, 108, The Aquarian Press (Harper Collins), London, 1991. Thorsons re-issue edition 1995, ISBN 9781855380653; Parker, Derek; Parker, Julia, The New Compleat Astrologer , pp. 88, 89, Crescent Books, New York, 1971, Outlet re-issue edition, 1990, ISBN 0517697009; Pottinger, Maritha, Astro Essentials, pp. 12, 17, ACS Publications, San Diego, 1991, ISBN 0935127143
- ^ Fenton, Sasha, Moon Signs pp. 180 - 22, Aquarian Press re-issue edition, London, 1987, ISBN 0850305527
- ^ Parker, Derek, Parker, Julia, The New Complete Astrologer, p. 149, Crown Publications, 21st edition, 1984, ISBN 0517555034; Mayo, Jeff, Teach Yourself Astrology, p. 94, Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1964, ISBN 0340055138; Fenton, Sarah, Understanding Astrology , pp. 146, 147, The Aquarian Press (Harper Collins), London, 1991. Thorsons re-issue edition 1995, ISBN 9781855380653
- ^ Rudhyar, Dane (June 1967). The Lunation Cycle: A Key to the Understanding of Personality. Aurora Press. ISBN 9780943358260.
- ^ Kempton-Smith, Debbi, "Secrets From A Stargazer's Notebook", pp. 104, 105, Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group re-issue edition, 1988. ISBN 0553258494
- ^ Lau, Theodora, The Handbook of Chinese Horoscopes, pp. 36 - 39, Souvenir Press, London, 2005; Souvenir Press 6th edition, 2008, ISBN 0285638300
- ^ Coleman, Charles, Mythology of the Hindus, pp. 131, 132, Asian Educational Services,India, facsimile of 1832 edition, 2007, ISBN 8120609719
See also
- Solar system in astrology
Categories:- Moon myths
- Planets in astrology
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