- Fire (classical element)
Fire " has been an important part of many cultures and religions, from pre-history to modern day, and was vital to the development of civilization. It has been regarded in many different fashions throughout history.Greek and Roman Tradition
"Fire" is one of the four
classical element s in ancientGreek philosophy and science. It was commonly associated with the qualities of energy, assertiveness, and passion. In one Greek myth,Prometheus stole "fire" from the gods to protect the otherwise helpless humans, but was punished for this kindness. The ancient Greeks distinguished the destructive ("aidelon") fire, associated withHades , from the creative fire, associated withHephaistos .cite web|url=http://www.cs.utk.edu/~Mclennan/BA/AGEDE/Fire.html|title= The Elements: Fire|author= |accessdate=2007-10-18] GoddessHekate was called "Pyrphoros" (Fire-bearing), "Pyripnon" (Fire-breather), "Daidoukhos" (Torch-bearer) and "Phosphoros" (Light-bearer)."Fire" was one of many "archai" proposed by the Pre-socratics, most of whom tried to reduce all things to a single substance. However,
Empedocles of Acragas (c. 495-c. 435 BCE) selected four "archai" for his four roots: air, "fire", water, and earth. Empedocles’ roots became the four classical elements of Greek philosophy.Plato (427-347 BCE) took over the four elements of Empedocles. In the "Timaeus", his major cosmological dialogue, thePlatonic solid associated with "fire" is thetetrahedron which is formed from four equilateral triangles. This makes "fire" the element with the smallest number of sides, which Plato regarded as appropriate as the heat of fire feels sharp and stabbing (like little tetrahedra). [Plato, "Timaeus", chap. 22-23; Gregory Vlastos, "Plato’s Universe", pp. 66-82.]Plato’s student
Aristotle (384-322 BCE) developed a different explanation for the elements based on pairs of qualities. The four elements were arranged concentrically around the center of the universe to form thesublunary sphere . According to Aristotle, "fire" is both hot and dry, and occupies a place between earth and air among the elemental spheres. [G. E. R. Lloyd , "Aristotle", chapters 7-8.] In ancient Greek medicine, each of thefour humours became associated with an element. Yellowbile was the humor identified with "fire", since both were hot and dry. Other things associated with "fire" and yellow bile in ancient andmedieval medicine included the season of summer, since it increased the qualities of heat and aridity; the choleric temperament (of a person dominated by the yellow bile humour); the masculine; and the eastern point of the compass.In
alchemy , thechemical element ofsulfur was often associated with "fire" and itsalchemical symbol and its symbol was an upward-pointing triangle. In alchemic tradition, metals are incubated by fire in the womb of the Earth and alchemists only accelerate their development.Chinese Tradition
In traditional
Chinese philosophy , Fire is classified as one of theWu xing (zh-cp|c=五行|p=wǔxíng), or the Five Elements, also translated as five phases, five movements or five steps, by which all natural phenomena can be explained. The system of five elements was used for describing interactions and relationships between phenomena. It was employed in many fields of early Chinese thought, including seemingly disparate fields such as geomancy andFeng shui , astrology,traditional Chinese medicine ,Chinese alchemy ,music ,military strategy andmartial arts . The original foundation for the idea is based on the concept of the Five Cardinal Points.Fire is
yang or masculine in character, its motion is upward and its energy is expansive. It is associated with the planetMars , summer, south, daylight and heat and the color red. (Red is associated with extreme luck). It is also believed to govern the heart, tongue, and pulse. Its negative emotion is hate, while its positive emotion is joy. The Primal Spirit of fire is represented by the Red Pheasant or Phoenix.In Chinese thought "Fire" is associated with the qualities of dynamism, strength and persistence; however, it is also connected to restlessness. The fire element provides, warmth, enthusiasm and creativity, however an excess of it can bring aggression, impatience and impulsive behavior. In the same way, fire provides heat and warmth, however an excess can also burn. In the conquest cycle, "fire" overcomes metal, and in turn is overcome by water. In the birth and nurturing cycle, "fire" burns to earth, and is sparked by wood igniting.
The element plays an important role in
Chinese Astrology andfeng shui . In Chinese astrology fire is included in the 10heavenly stems (the five elements in their yin and yang forms), which combine with the 12earthly branches (or Chinese signs of thezodiac ), to form the 60 year cycle.Yang fire years end in 6 (eg 1976), whileYin years end in 7 (eg 1977). Fire governs the Chinese zodiac signs Snake, Horse and Sheep.Indian Tradition
Agni is a
Hindu and Vedic deity. The word "agni" isSanskrit for "fire" (noun), cognate withLatin "ignis" (the root of English "ignite"), Russian "ogon" (fire), pronounced "agon", and "ogni", pronounced "agni" (fires). Agni has three forms: fire, lightning and the sun.Agni is one of the most important of the Vedic gods. He is the god of fire and the acceptor of sacrifices. The sacrifices made to Agni go to the deities because Agni is a messenger from and to the other gods. He is ever-young, because the fire is re-lit every day, yet he is also immortal. In Indian tradition Fire is also linked to
Surya or the Sun andMangala or Mars, and with the south-east direction.In modern magic
Ceremonical Magic
"Fire" and the other Greek classical elements were incorporated into the Golden Dawn system despite being considered obsolete by modern science. Philosophus (1=10) is the elemental grade attributed to fire; this grade is also attributed to the Qabalistic sphere Netzach and the planet Venus. [Israel Regardie, "The Golden Dawn", pp. 154-65.] The elemental weapon of fire is the Wand. [Regardie, "Golden Dawn", p.322; Kraig, "Modern Magick", pp. 149-53.] Each of the elements has several associated spiritual beings. The archangel of fire is Michael, the angel is Aral, the ruler is Seraph, the king is Djin, and the fire
elemental s (followingParacelsus ) are calledsalamanders . [Regardie, "Golden Dawn", p. 80.] Fire is considered to be active; it is represented by the symbol for Leo, and it is referred to the lower right point of the pentagram in the Supreme Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram. [Regardie, "Golden Dawn", pp. 280-286; Kraig, "Modern Magick", pp. 206-209.] Many of these associations have since spread throughout the occult community.Wicca
In most
Wicca n traditions, "fire" is associated with:
* The South,
* The Summer
* The color red on the physical plane.
* Theathame or ceremonial dagger.
* In covens that use the sword, it is often associated with this element.Other correspondences include blood, candles, the guitar, rubies and incense. "Fire" represents energy, inspiration, passion and masculinity. It is sometimes represented in writing by a red upwards triangle.
In rituals, fire is represented in the forms of burning objects, love spells, baking and lighting candles or fires.
The manifestations of the element are found in the sun, lightning, "fire", volcanoes and lava, and all forms of light. Cats of all types, especially the
lion andtiger , are also thought to personify the element of "fire", as are all predatory creatures, such as the fox.The astral creatures of "fire", known as
elementals , are the salamander, phoenix, drake/dragon and, occasionally, thefalcon (Although most associate this animal with air, instead).Fire's place on the pentagram is the lower right point.
Fire belongs to the suit of Wands in occult or divinatory
tarot , although some Wiccans associate it with the suit of Swords because the athame (ritual knife) is often associated with fire. Fire is associated with warm colours, like red, orange and yellow, but also colours like black.Astrological Personalities
People born under the astrological signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are thought to have dominant fire personalities. Fire personalities are believed to have good leading qualities, and also tend to be extroverted, rebellious, passionate and enthusiastic; however, they can also be moody, hot-tempered, snappy, uncontrollable and angry.
Other traditions
"Fire" represents the creativity and passion that all intellectual and emotional beings have. It is an active force that has the passion to create and animate things. The element is also very rational and quick to "flare up" as is the personality of many "fire-children."
"Fire" in many ancient cultures and myths has been known to purify the land with the flames of destruction; however, it is also capable of the renewal of life through the warmth and comfort of those very same flames.
The element of "fire" shows up in mythological stories all across the world, often in stories related to the Sun.
East Asia "fire" is represented by theVermilion Bird , known as 朱雀 ("Zhū Què") in Chinese, "Suzaku" in Japanese and Ju-jak (주작,Hanja :朱雀) in Korean. "Fire" is represented in theAztec religion by a flint; to the Native Americans, a mouse; to theHindu andIslam ic faiths, a lightning bolt; to theScythian s, an axe, to the Greeks, an apple-bough; and inChristian iconography , a lion.ee also
*Fire worship
*Pyrokinesis Notes
Further reading
*Frazer, Sir James George, "Myths of the Origin of Fire", London: Macmillan, 1930.
External links
* [http://www.friesian.com/elements.htm Different versions of the classical elements]
* [http://www.healthspace.eu/health/regular/healthspace.php Overview the 5 elements]
* [http://www.accesstoinsight.org/lib/authors/khin/wheel231.html Section on 4 elements in Buddhism]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.