List of fictional countries

List of fictional countries

List of fictional countries is a list of fictional countries from published works of fiction (books, films, television series, etc.). Fictional works describe all the countries in the following list as located somewhere on the surface of the Earth as we know it — as opposed to inside the planet, on another world, or during a different "age" of the planet (see below).


*Abari: a British (and ex-British) territory in South America in novels written by John Hearne and Morris Cargill
*Absurdsvanϊ: Ex Soviet republic in the novel Absurdistan by Gary Shteyngart.
* Adjikistan : central Asian nation located near Afghanistan and Pakistan in the video game ""
*Aflank: a fictionary country in south Australia created by Melanie Aswind".
*Afromacoland: African country in the novel "Chief the Honourable Minister" by T.M. Aluko
*Agrabah: Arabian mystical land in the animated movie "Aladdin" and its sequels
*Agraria: Eastern country in the movie "You Know What Sailors Are"
*Ajina: Mixture of the continent of "Asia" and the country of "China", this fictional country was published in the series of "Rockman.EXE (US: Mega Man Battle Network (video game)" video game.
*Ajir (or Azhir): a Middle East republic neighboring Karak in the "" TV episode "Nitro"
*Al-Alemand: Islamic state consisting of the former Germany and the Low Countries. From the alternate history book "The Years of Rice and Salt", by Kim Stanley Robinson
*Al Amarja: Mediterranean island state in the "Over the Edge" roleplaying game
*Alaine: small European kingdom from the movie "His Majesty, the American"
*Albenistan: Central Asian country in the d20 adventures "Raid on Ashkashem", "the Qalashar Device", and "the Khorforhan Gambit" written by Fraser Ronald and published by Sword's Edge Publishing
*Aldestan: Central Asian country, adjacent to Kazakhstan, in the "" video game
*Alpine Emirates: Islamic states in the Bavarian Alps in the alternate history book "The Years of Rice and Salt", by Kim Stanley Robinson
*Altruria: Utopian country from William Dean Howells' "A Traveller from Altruria"
*Amerope: Mixture of the continents of "America" and "Europe", this fictional country was published in the series of "Rockman.EXE (US: Mega Man Battle Network (video game)" video game. This country also exists in Bertrand Wilson Hatia's book of verse To Amerope and Other Poems.
*Alvania: Balkan kingdom from the movie "The Royal Rider"
*AmbrosiaFictional war torn country in the imagination of the protagonist in the British film, Billy Liar.
*Amerzone: Central American country, the setting of "Amerzone" video game
*Amestris: Fullmetal Alchemist's main setting. Sometimes translated as 'Artemis'.
*Anatruria: Balkanic kingdom in the Bernie Rhodenbarr novel "The Burglar who thought he was Bogart"
*Anchuria: Central American country in the novel "Cabbages and Kings" by O. Henry
*Andalasia: Place Where Giselle is from in the movie Enchanted.
*Anemia: a country in the movie "Hot Stuff". Bears the same name as the medical condition.
*Angria: imaginary country from the poems of the Brontë sisters
*Ankh-Morpork: a fictional prominent city-state from Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels.
*Annexia: fictional country at the border of which the final scenes of "Naked Lunch" take place.
*Anvilania: a country where the Warner Brothers and Sisters were declared royalty in "Animaniacs"
*Applesauce Lorraine: a country, stated to be bordered by France and Baja California, from Rocky and Bullwinkle's epic "The Three Moosketeers"
*Aquabania: an idyllic island, the supposed home of The Aquabats
*Aquilea: South American country in the movie "Les Trottoirs de Saturne"
*Arcacia: mythical kingdom in the movie "A Royal Family"
*Arulco: a country the player is tasked to free in the game, Jagged Alliance 2
*Ardistan: from the novel "Ardistan and Dschinnistan" by Karl Friedrich May
*Aslan: from anime "Area 88". Sometimes also transliterated "Asran".
*Asrius Eram: the fictionary country in oceania from the novel "Beautiful of Asrius Eram" that created by George Olef.
*Atlantis: an island nation off the coast of Australia and Africa
*Attilan: home to the Inhumans, a race of superhumans from Marvel Comics. The city-state, which tries to remain isolated from mainstream humanity, has been moved from the North Sea to the Himalayas and to the Moon, before returning to Earth in the raised continent of Atlantis and back to the Himalayas and the Moon once more.
*Aurelia: a fictional country that appeared in .
*Auspasia: the noisiest and most talkative nation in the world; appears in Georges Duhamel's "Lettres d'Auspasie" and "La dernier voyage de Candide"
*Austrania: European kingdom in the movie "The Last Volunteer"
*Autrisindia: Create by Erick Yovie
*Axphain: neighbor of Graustark
*Azania: Black majority ruled South Africa in which most of the Provinces had seceeded from the original Republic of South Africa, it's President is Michael Modise who end's up being assasinated and succeeded by a white South African.
*Azaran: Middle Eastern country in "The Andromeda Breakthrough" TV series
*Aztlan: country formed out of the American states of Utah, Arizona and New Mexico after a nuclear war in the novel "Warday"


*BabaKiueria: a country in Australia in the movie "BabaKiueria"
*Babalstan: Middle Eastern country in the movie "Harum Scarum"
*Babar's Kingdom
*Backhairistan: from "" animated TV series
*Bacteria: thinly-disguised version of Fascist Italy from the movie "The Great Dictator". Bears the same name as the microorganism.
*Bahar: gulf state from an episode of "Spooks". Capital city: Bahar city.
*Bahavia: country where Meena Paroom's father is the ambassador in the Disney Channel series, "Cory In The House". This is a small country right outside Uzbekistan.
*Bahkan: a nation threatened by the Federated Peoples' Republic in the "" TV episode "Fool's Gold"
*Bakaslavia: Country mentioned in an episode of Zoey 101 where Quinn bought Purified Uranium.
*Baki: homeland of Omio in Madeleine L'Engle's writing, a small Pacific island nation once dominated by British
*Balinderry: strategically-placed quasi-Irish nation that is crucial to a defence radar system, but has an IRA-type insurgency, in an episode of "The Six Million Dollar Man"
*Balnibarbi: land containing the metropolis called Lagado from the book "Gulliver's Travels" by Jonathan Swift
*Baltonia: probably a Baltic country in the movie "Esupai"
*Bayview: from Need For Speed Underground 2, with references to real cities like New York, Los Angeles and Chicago.
*República de Banania: Stereotypical Banana Republic ruled under the iron fist of General Eutanasio Rodriguez for 47 years on several works by Les Luthiers
*Bandrika (sometimes spelled "Vandreka"): Eastern European Alpine country, the setting of the first part of the movie "The Lady Vanishes". The language spoken in this country is an amalgamation of several European languages.
*Bangalla: from "The Phantom" comic strip. The Phantom's base lies in the deep woods of this central African nation.
*Bapetikosweti: The "homeland" state of the South African satirist Pieter-Dirk Uys (under the guise of his drag character, Evita Bezuidenhout) was ambassador to South Africa. It is a word-play on the former "Bantustan" state of Bophuthatswana (unrecognised as a sovereign state by any country other than South Africa). Bophuthatswana was re-incorporated into South Africa shortly after its first democratic election on 27 April 1994, after which Uys discontinued using his parody state (claiming that Bapetikosweti too had been "re-incorporated" into South Africa).
*Baracq: a Middle Eastern kingdom in the TV soap opera Capitol.
*Baraza: A major African country in The Man by Irving Wallace.
*Barataria: an island kingdom awarded by some noblemen to Sancho Panza as a prank in Miguel de Cervantes' "Don Quixote". The name comes from Spanish language's "barato", meaning cheap. Barataria also features in "The Gondoliers or The King of Barataria", a Savoy Opera, with music by Arthur Sullivan and libretto by W. S. Gilbert.
*Barclay Islands (the Barclays): British-dependent Caribbean archipelago off the Bahamas embroiled in conflict between Castro's Cuba and the drug trade in Frederick Forsyth's novel "The Deceiver".
*Bay View: see
*Basenji: a country neighboring Russia in the sitcom "I Dream of Jeannie"
*Belka: a fictional country that appeared in and ."
*Beninia: from John Brunner's "Stand on Zanzibar"
*Bensalem: utopian island nation located somewhere off the Western coast of the continent of America from Francis Bacon's "The New Atlantis"
*Bergen Ait: An uninhabited island in the Baltic Sea controlled by Great Britain in "Biggles in the Baltic"
*Beth Ja Brin: Middle-Eastern country appearing in "Danger Man"
*Benmark: a sub-level country underneath Denmark, whose abbreviation is BE ("Aqua Teen Hunger Force: Super Trivia")
*Berzerkistan: A fictional country in the comic strip Doonesbury, ruled by President for Life Trff Bmzklfrpz and strategically located between Iran and Russia. Berzerkistan's interests in the US are represented by a PR and lobbying firm led by the frequent Doonesbury character Uncle Duke. [ [ Doonesbury@Slate - Daily Dose ] ]
*Besaid: Place where Wakka, Lulu and other characters in Final Fantasy X are from.
*Betonia: European kingdom in the movie "His Royal Highness" (1932)
*Beverly Gardens: Place where Lacy Ladybug Moved from to Stickyfeet on The Buzz on Maggie.
*Bialya: fictional country appearing in many comic books published by DC Comics.
*Bikini Bottom: Place where Spongebob Squarepants and all of his undersea friends are from.
*Birani: African nation featured in the movie "The Gods Must Be Crazy". Located near Namibia and Angola. Has a Banana Forest at a place called Dumgase.
*Birdwell Island: "de facto" independent island community in the "Clifford the Big Red Dog" series similar in geography and custom to an islands off of the east coast of the United States.
*Blefuscu: a land where all the people are tiny from the book "Gulliver's Travels" by Jonathan Swift. Enemies of Lilliput
*Bocamoa: a gold producing white supremacist African country from the "" TV episode "Kitara"
*Bolginia: a small country in the video game "Gyakuten Saiban 4
*Boloxnia: an Eastern European Communist county set in 1957 compiled by the listeners of Alex Lester, presenter of the BBC Radio 2 early morning show.
*Bonande: West African country in the movie "La Nuit de la vérité"
*Bongo Congo: African kingdom in cartoon "King Leonardo and his Short Subjects"
*Booty Island: a pirate island in the Caribbean Sea in the game "", part of the Tri-Island area (governed by Elaine Marley)
*Bora Gora: An island in the Marivellas island chain from Tales of the Gold Monkey
*Borduria: totalitarian state from the comics series "The Adventures of Tintin", located in the Balkans
*Borginia: a republic from the videogame "Dino Crisis", also mentioned in ""
*Borovia: Central-European country from The Big Knights TV programme.
*Borovia (2): a communist Eastern European country in the G.I. Joe comics by Marvel Comics.
*Bothalia: a kingdom in the Balkan Mountains from the movie "The Vagabond Prince"
*Brainania: from the animated series "Pinky and the Brain"
*Braslavia: Slavic dictatorial country in "Patrouille des Castors" comics
*Bratavia: Asian dictatorial country mentioned in an episode of the 1987 German TV comedy "Diplomaten küßt man nicht"
*Brazuela: industrialized South American nation between Venezuela and Brazil in "Totally Spies!" TV series
*Bregna: a centralized scientific planned state from the animated series "Aeon Flux"
*Bretzelburg: central European dictatorship from "Spirou et Fantasio" comics
*Bretonnia: a feudal country in the "dn|Warhammer" game.
*Holy Britanian Empire: A world superpower that has taken over one-third of the entire world in the anime series Code Geass
*British Hidalgo: tiny Central American country in the novel "Limekiller" by "Avram Davidson" (See Hidalgo)
*Brobdingnag: country where the people are all giants from the book "Gulliver's Travels" by Jonathan Swift
*Brogavia: A Nazi-occupied Balkan nation featured in Commando Comics
*Brutopia: country appearing in several Donald Duck stories, possibly referring to the Soviet Union
*Bukistan: an Islamic country in the Cary Grant movie "Dream Wife". Later referred to in I dream of Jeannie.
*Bulmeria: an African country mentioned in the webcomic, "It's Walky!"
*Buranda: African country in the BBC comedy series "Yes Minister"
*Burunda: Central African country bordering the also fictional country of Wakanda in Marvel Comics


*Cacklogallinia: a kingdom off the coast of South America, from "A Voyage to Cacklogallinia" by Captain Samuel Brunt
*Cagliostro: a tiny duchy in the anime movie "The Castle of Cagliostro"
*Calbia: A tiny Balkan republic in the Doc Savage adventure "The King Maker".
*Calia: from "Modesty Blaise" episode "The Jericho Caper"
*Candover: medieval country in the novel "Rats and Gargoyles" by Mary Gentle
*Cap'D'Far: a small island country from an episode of "Scarecrow and Mrs. King" who's only export was fish bones
*Carbombya: country mentioned in the "Transformers" series
*Carpania: European kingdom in "The Great Race" movie
*Carpathia: Balkan kingdom from the play "The Sleeping Prince" by Terrence Rattigan and the subsequent movie "The Prince and the Showgirl"
*Cascara: a tiny Caribbean island in the movie "Water"
*Caspak: a huge island country located in the South seas somewhere between South America and Australia from Edgar Rice Burroughs' "The Land That Time Forgot" and its sequels
*Cayuna: an imaginary Caribbean island modelled on Jamaica in the novels of John Hearne
*Celama, Kingdom of: mythical land where inhabitants fight for survival as a challenge to their dignity in novels "El reino de Celama" by Luis Mateo Díez
*Chekia: mythical kingdom in the movie "The Only Thing"
*Chimerica: Central American country from the "Hidden Agenda" computer game
*Chiroubistan: a Balkan/Islamic country perpetually at war, in the French comic strip "Henriette"
*Concordia: a small country only a few miles across somewhere in Europe, setting for the play "Romanoff and Juliet" by Peter Ustinov and the movie of the same title.
*Confederated Gulf States: Persian Gulf Monarchy run by Sheik Rasul in an episode of "Spooks"
*Coronado: unstable South American state in a movie of the same name, presumably named after Francisco Coronado
*Coronia: a kingdom from the movie "King, Queen and Joker"
*Cortinia, Federal Republic Fictional country Created by MR. Rod Orellana for Military Role Playing Rod we Trust
*Cortuguay: Latin American country beset by revolutions in the film and Harold Robbins novel "the Adventurers"
*Costa Verde: small Central American state in Marvel Comics, home to Avengers member Silverclaw.
*Costaguana: from Joseph Conrad's "Nostromo"
*Country of the Blind: from the short story with the same name by H. G. Wells
*Crab Island: poor Caribbean island shaped like a crab, under the domination of Crocodile Island, in the "Patrouille des Castors" comics
*Crocodile Island: Caribbean island shaped like a crocodile, with a dictatorial government which seems to be heavily influenced by Tahiti, in the "Patrouille des Castors" comics
*Curaguay: a generic Latin American banana republic seen in "The A-Team"


*Danu: setting of Timothy Mo's 1991 novel "The Redundancy of Courage", based on East Timor
*Dawsbergen: neighbor of Graustark
*Defastena: The idyllic sister-state of The Defastenkunstrepublik.
*Defastenkunstrepublik: Oldest of the three states composing the Defastenist Empire. Was the subject for a series of paintings by the Defastenist artist Gary Farrelly produced between 2003 and 2007.
*Derkaderkastan: from the movie "
*Dimmsdale: Place Where Timmy Turner and other characters on The Fairly Odd Parents Are From.
*Dinotopia: a hidden, utopian island from James Gurney's illustrated books
*Dolaronia: from "Su Excelencia" movie starring Mario Moreno "Cantinflas". A parody of the U.S.A.
*Double Crossia: a country mentioned in the Three Stooges short "You Nazty Spy"
*Drackenberg: a European country from Lloyd Alexander's "The Drackenberg Adventure"
*Dregovia, mentioned in a mission of the video game "" where the player must rescue its visiting president.
*Dreisenburg: A tiny Germanic nation featured in the pilot of "The Secret Service"
*Dschinnistan (Djinnistan): in the novel "Ardistan and Dschinnistan" by Karl Friedrich May
*Dubinia: The rival country of Bahavia in the TV Show Cory In the House.
*Duloc: name of the kingdom in "Shrek" ruled by Lord Farquaad


*East African Protectorate: An African state that is part of the United Nations Space Command of the Halo universe. It contains fururistic versions of modern-day Mombassa (called New Mombassa) and Voi as well as a Forerunner relic.
*Eastasia: from the novel "Nineteen Eighty-Four" by George Orwell
*Eastern Coalition of Nations: in "", the Eastern Coalition of Nations (ECON) was one of the major powers involved in World War III
*East European Republic: an anti-American power from the "" TV episode "Submarine". Possibly the same as the East European Peoples Republic (EEPR) from "The Party" and the European People's Republic from "Invasion".
*East Yemen: located somewhere in the Middle East, from the sitcom "Yes, Prime Minister". Formally known as "The People's Democratic Republic of East Yemen", it was a Soviet backed Communist dictatorship which often raided its neighbour, West Yemen.
*Ecotopia: an ecological utopia appearing in the novels "Ecotopia" and "Ecotopia Emerging" by Ernest Callenbach. See also Cascadia, a secessionist idea based in part on Callenbach's Ecotopia.
*Ecuarico: homeland of an exiled dictator in an episode of "Gilligan's Island"
*Egon: fictional sub-oceanic country in the novel "Under Plum Lake".
*Eisneria: a republic in the Balkans from the "Road Rovers" TV series
*Elbonia: Backward country from the comic strip "Dilbert"
*Eldorado: fictional country from "Terra em Transe"
*Elensia: the main setting of the video game Wild Arms XF.
*Eleutheria: an island nation in the Southwest Pacific Ocean from the Eleutheria Model Parliament role playing game.
*Elkabar: Persian Gulf kingdom, from the "" episode "The Slave"
*Ellesmera: Land of the Elves in the "Inheritance" trilogy ("Eragon", "Eldest", "Brisingr") by Christopher Paolini.
*: a fictional country that will appear in .
*Equatorial Kundu: West African republic from the television series "The West Wing"
*Eretz: home of a visiting prime minister, Salka Palmir, in an episode of "The Six Million Dollar Man" ('Eretz' is Hebrew for 'land')
*Erewhon (anagram of "nowhere"): in the novel "Erewhon" by Samuel Butler
*Erusia: A fictional country that appeared in , , and briefly mentioned in .
*Estrovia: European kingdom in the movie "A King in New York"
*: a fictional country that will appear in .
*Esturia: Slavic country in "Patrouille des Castors" comics
*Ethniklashistan: Portrayed in "The Onion" as a homeland for Hutus, Greek Cypriots, Serbs, Papuans and many other troubled ethnic groups. Situated in the West Bank.
*Euphrania: tiny kingdom in the movie "The Slipper and the Rose"
*Eurasia: from the novel "Nineteen Eighty-Four" by George Orwell
*Eurasian Dynasty: The remnants of the Europe, Asia and North Africa in Earth 2140 game.
*Evallonia: Central European country in the novels of John Buchan
*Evarchia: Eastern European country from Brigid Brophy's "Palace Without Chairs"


*Fairy World: Place where Cosmo, Wanda and other fairies are from on The Fairly Odd Parents.
*Far Eastern Republic: a nation from the "" TV episode "Commandante".
*Fato: Brefly mentioned in Ace Combat 5.
*Far Far Away: the name of the kingdom in "Shrek 2" and "Shrek 3"
*Fawzia: Middle Eastern kingdom in the movie "John Goldfarb, Please Come Home"
*Federated Peoples' Republic: a nation hostile toward the Kingdom of Bahkan in the ' TV episode "Fool's Gold". Possibly the same as the Federated People's Republic: from the ' TV episode "Time Bomb".
*Feudalia: Little exploited bureaucratic country ruled by Field Marshall Manuel Anzábalon several works bu Les Luthiers
*Filemonia: one of the countries resulting of the 1991 collapse of USSR as told in
*Findas: country sunk under the waves in "The Book of Conquests" by Jim Fitzpatrick
*Florin: The country run by Prince Humperdinck in "The Princess Bride" by William Goldman
*Flyspeck Island: home of Gunk in the comic strip "Curtis"
*Forest Kingdom: from Simon Green's "Blue Moon Rising". Ruled by King John.
*Freedonia: European country from the Marx Brothers movie "Duck Soup"
*Franistan: from I Love Lucy Episode "The Publicity Agent"
*Freiland: from "Freiland" by Theodor Hertzka
*Frobnia: Eastern Bloc nation from Infocom's interactive fiction game "Border Zone"
*Fröland: Island in the North Sea in the Dutch TV series "Fröland".


*Gaad: Small East African country in the 1963 mystery "The Diplomat and the Gold Piano" by Margaret Scherf
*Gaillardia: Remote British Colony in the 1959 movie Carlton-Browne of the F.O.
*Gamba: African country in the movie "Only Love"
*Gamorra: island near Southeast Asia in WildStorm comics, ruled by Kaizen Gamorra
*Gavel: the republic in the animated picture "Ghost in the Shell"
*Genosha: an island nation which was established as a mutant homeland in Marvel Comics
*Genovia: European country from the "The Princess Diaries" novels and movie adaptations ("The Princess Diaries" and "")
*Ghalea: a small African nation whose pro-Western government is key to stability in the area, from the "" episode "The Money Machine"
*Gilead: a republic in the novel "The Handmaid's Tale" by Margaret Atwood
*Gindra: a small nation in Central Africa formerly the home of Outer Heaven in ""
*Giwak: a wealthy Middle Eastern country from which the prince comes to England for schooling in the movie "Bottoms Up!"
*Glenraven: a tiny country in the Alps, no bigger than Liechtenstein, squeezed into the border between France and Italy in "Glenraven" series by Marion Zimmer Bradley
*Glubbdubdrib: an island governed by a tribe of magicians. About one third the size of the Isle of Wight. From the book "Gulliver's Travels" by Jonathan Swift.
*Gnarnia:From the movie "Epic Movie", spoof of C.S. Lewis's Narnia.
*Gnubia: from television series "MacGyver"
*Golithia: a country between Turkey and the Soviet Union from the graphic novel ""
*Gondal: imaginary country from the poems of Brontë sisters
*Gondour: an ideal republic imagined by Mark Twain in his short story "The Curious Republic of Gondour".
*Granbretan: a future evil version of Great Britain where the noble classes hide behind metal masks of various totem animals, created by Michael Moorcock in his "The History of the Runestaff" books
*Grand Fenwick: a duchy in "The Mouse That Roared" and sequels by Leonard Wibberley
*Graustark: Eastern European country in several novels by George Barr McCutcheon
*Gravett Island: Island where the crew of the USS Enterprise-E were to evacuate to in .
*Great Britnia: Formed by hordes of Robo-Britneys after they took over Afghanistan in Justice Squad
*Greater Bezerkistan: Asian nation ruled by a 'President for life' dictator in the comic-strip Doonesbury. The regime has indulged in Nazi-esque crimes against humanity.
*Groland: French television channel Canal+ "presipality"
*Guadec: African country in an episode of "Spooks". Led by reformist President Manu Baffong.
*Guadosalem: Place in Final Fantasy X And X-2 Where The Guados Live.
*Guamania: from the French-Canadian series "Dans une Galaxie près de chez vous"
*Guilder: The country across the Florin Channel (and the sworn enemy of Florin) in "The Princess Bride" by William Goldman
*Guravia: a country where the first robot president was elected in the "Astro Boy" animated series
*Gulevandia: Kingdom where the bilingual opera Cardoso en Gulevandia is set. Its language is Gulevache
*Gzbfernigambia: a kingdom from the movie "Such a Little Queen"


*Halla: a kingdom from the movie "Goopy Gyne Bagha Byne"

*Harmonia: the antagonistic recurring country of the Suikoden video games.

*Hav: a European city and state in Jan Morris's novel "Last Letters from Hav"

*Herland: in the novel "Herland" by Charlotte Perkins Gilman

*Hermajistan: A fictional nation used to replace Afghanistan in the anime version of Full Metal Panic. The change was made after the September 11, 2001 attacks, as the protagonist was originally raised in Afghanistan. A later part of the story involves an operation in Hermajistan.

*Herzoslovakia: a small Balkan state in Agatha Christie's novels "The Secret of Chimneys" and "The Labours of Hercules"

*Hetland: a kingdom from the movie "Such a Little Queen"

*Hidalgo: Central American country in the Doc Savage novels and film

*Hillsdown: duchy in Simon Green's "Blue Moon Rising". Ruled by Duke Alaric.

*Hoenn: Region in Pokemon Sapphire, Ruby And Emerald.
*Land of the Houyhnhnms: a land where horses rule. The animalistic human-like creatures in this land are called Yahoos. From the book "Gulliver's Travels" by Jonathan Swift.

*Howduyustan: Carl Barks' satirical version of India.

*Hudatvia: A large island somewhere in the Middle East that is visited in two episodes of the Gerry Anderson series "Stingray", these being "Star of the East" and "Eastern Eclipse" respectively. Hudatvia is an island nation that is perpetually undergoing revolutions thanks to the quarrelling leaders, El Hudat and his brother Ali Khali, suggesting a perpetual civil war. King Triton attempts to use Hudatvia as a base for the conquest of the land, but the brother's quarrelling causes his plan to fail.

*Huella Islands: islands off the coast of Cayenne, mentioned in the Hardy Boys books. They are ruled by dictator Juan Posada and their "spy chief" is named Bedoya. The adjective is "Huellan".

*Hyrule:Kingdom from "The Legend of Zelda".


*Ifuvania: Eastern European country used as an experiment, featured in "The Far Side" cartoon books
*Illyria: Eastern European country in the play "Les Mains Sales" ("Dirty Hands") by Jean-Paul Sartre. Illyira is also a name given by the ancient Romans to a region between the Adriatic sea and the Danube river.
*Inagua: a Caribbean island nation in the Franco-Belgian comic Buck Danny. Hostile to both the United States and the Soviet Union, its dictator tries to orchestrate a third World War between the two superpowers.
*Interzone: a fictionalized version of Tangier from William S. Burroughs' "Naked Lunch"
*Irania: small European kingdom from the movie "Trouble for Two"
*Iraqistan: Middle-Eastern country seen on the introduction to Have I Got News For You?, as a combination of Iraq and Afghanistan, which are notable as two countries that America has attacked in the War on Terror. Exists alongside "Saudi Irania" and Afghaliban
*Iriadeska: South Eastern Asian country in the short story "Iriadeska's Martians" by Frederik Pohl
*Ishkebar: small island nation between India and Thailand from "The Suite Life of Zack and Cody" TV series, episode "Boston Holiday"
*Ishmaelia: fictional African state, the setting for the novel "Scoop" by Evelyn Waugh.
*Ishtar: a Middle Eastern emirate in the movie "Ishtar"
*Isla Cruces, an abandoned island in the film "".
*Isla de Muerta, an abandoned island in the film "". It also appears in the video game "Kingdom Hearts II".
*Islandia: self-isolated country in Austin Tappan Wright's novel "Islandia" (Note: "Islandia" is the Spanish name of Iceland)
*Istan: an island state in the online role-playing game, "Guild Wars Nightfall"
*Isthmus: a fictionalized version of Panama in the James Bond movie "Licence to Kill"
*Ixania: a small Balkan country of little global importance in Eric Ambler's "The Dark Frontier"
*Ivalice:Fictional Location in The Final Fantasy Series.


*Jambalaya Island: an ex-pirate island in the Caribbean, turned to a tourist attraction center, in "Escape from Monkey Island"
*Javasu: an island in the Indian Ocean, the alleged country of "Princess Caraboo"
*Jhamjarh: An Indian Maharajate in Donald Jack's Bandy Papers novels.
*Johto: Region In Pokemon Gold, Silver And Crystal.
*Jumbostan and Unsteadystan: from the world of Donald Duck


*Kabulstan: a xenophobic third world military dictatorship in an episode of "MacGyver"
*Kafaristan: from William Rose Benét's children's book "The Flying King of Kurio"
*Kahndaq: a fictional country. In the DC Comics Universe, Kahndaq is an Arab country on the continent of Africa, between Egypt and Jordan.
*Kajsa (Casha, Kasha): a sultanate, neighbor to Basenji from the sitcom "I Dream of Jeannie"
*Kalao: African country affected by a covered-up industrial accident, "Panique"
*Kalubya: North African country corresponding to the location of Libya in "Operation Thunderbolt" arcade game
*Kalya: West African country in the novel "The Zinzin Road" by Fletcher Knebel. Capital city: Ft. Paul.
*Kamaria: Fictional Southeast Asian country (shaped as Tasmania upside down) used by the Australian Defence Forces for training purposes.
*Kamanga: Southern African country in the novel "Tenth Man Down" by Chris Ryan. Capital City: Mulongwe. Kamanga is poverty-stricken, war-torn and has an AIDS epidemic.
*Kambezi: African country occurring in several "MacGyver" episodes, e.g. "Black Rhino"
*Kamburu: totalitarian desert nation secretly ruled by a fugitive alien, based on Iraq or Libya, in the comic book mini-series ""
*Kampong: from the novel "The Thirteen-Gun Salute" by Patrick O'Brian
*Kandah State: Sultanate in Ann Halam's "Taylor Five"; located on Borneo between Malaysia and Indonesia
*Kanto: Region in Pokemon Yellow, Blue, Red, Gold, Silver, Crystal, Leafgreen and Firered.
*Karak: Middle Eastern country, neighboring Ajir in the "" TV episode "Nitro"
*Karathia: Slavic monarchy in the "Three Young Investigators" series
*Karistan: Central European country in the movie "Legend of the White Horse"
*Karjastan: Central Asian country in "The Sentinel"
*Karlova: European kingdom in Edgar Rice Burroughs's "The Rider"
*Karovia: European kingdom from the movie "Trouble for Two"
*Kasnia: war-torn Eastern European monarchy in the DC Animated Universe
*Kaziland: tiny island nation home to Dr. Kamikazi, the villain of the "Robotboy" series
*Katanga: African country, neighboring Sierra Leone, in Frederick Forsyth's "The Dogs of War"; note that Katanga is a real province of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
*Katzenstok: a republic in the Balkans from "Road Rovers" TV series
*Keltic Sultanate: Islamic sultanate comprising the British Isles. From the alternate history book "The Years of Rice and Salt", by Kim Stanley Robinson
*Kenyopia: belligerent African nation in "Totally Spies!" TV series attempting to conquer its fictitious neighbor Lyrobia (see below)
*Khembalung: Buddhist Himalayan country whose population moves to an island, in the "Science in the Capital" series by Kim Stanley Robinson
*Khemed: Arabic monarchy from the world of comic book hero Tintin
*Khios, Kingdom of: An island Muslim kingdom in the real Sea of Mamara (flag has a white crescent and star on a red square filling 3/4 of the flag, the remainder is a white rectangle) where sinister agency H.A.R.M. aimed to fake a Soviet invasion in 1968 to provoke a nuclear war between the Soviet Union and NATO which had guaranteed the kingdom's sovereignty. Features in the computer game . Not to be confused with the real Chios which is in the Aegean Sea.
*Kilika: Place in Final Fantasy X and X-2 Where Dona and various people live.
*Kinakuta (Queenah-Kootah): island state from Neal Stephenson's novels "Cryptonomicon" and "The Baroque Cycle"
*Kinjanja: African country in the movie "A Good Man in Africa" (1994) starring Sean Connery
*Klopstockia: from the W. C. Fields movie "Million Dollar Legs"
*Kneebonia: A country neighboring Elbonia in the Dilbert comic-strip.
*Konohagakure: one of the primary ninja village settings of the "Naruto" world.
*Krakozhia: A Slavic or Caucasian country from the movie The Terminal. Closely resembles nations that suffered bloody internal conflicts following the collapse of Soviet Union (eg. Abkhazia, South Ossetia, Transnistria). The "Krakozhian" language spoken by Tom Hanks in the film is actually Bulgarian.
*Kravonia: Eastern European country from the novel "Sophy of Kravonia" by Anthony Hope and the subsequent movie
*Kreplakistan: Soviet Republic from the Austin Powers movies, likely based of the real Karakalpak Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, now the Republic of Karakalpakstan. ("Kreplach" - Eastern European Jewish dish consisting of meat-filled dumplings.)
*Kuala Rokat: a far eastern country, from the "" TV episode "The Seal"
*Kurio: from William Rose Benét's children's book "The Flying King of Kurio"
*Kuristan: from the movie "Mr. Magoo", central Asian nation that is home to the famous jewel "The Star of Kuristan"
*Kurland: mythical kingdom in the movie "A Royal Family" (but see Courland)
*Kush: African country from John Updike's novel "The Coup"
*Kumor : A island from The diaries of Kumor Jheinn


*Laevatia: Balkan nation from Nevil Shute's "Ruined City"
*Lani Lani: unknown location in Disney's Cory in The House
*Lampidorra: A tiny Principality in Western Europe near France, Italy, and Switzerland from the movie "Penny Princess"(1952). It's so small, it makes Switzerland look the size of Mongolia.
*Lanconia: Eastern European country referenced in Jude Deveraux's romance novels
*Latkovia - An Eastern-European nation featured in several titles of the Amalgam Comics crossover between Marvel Comics and DC Comics.
*Latveria: a kingdom in the "Fantastic Four" comic-book series ruled by tyrannical Doctor Doom
*Laurania: the republic in "Savrola (A Tale of the Revolution in Laurania)" by Winston Churchill
*Lavernia: Eastern European country in the movie "Another Meltdown" ("Bi xie lan tian")
*Leasath: a fictional country that appeared in .
*Leutonia: Eastern European home of the Happy Wanderers (Yosh & Stan Shmenge) from "SCTV"
*Libria: a totalitarian state in the movie "Equilibrium"
*Lilliput: a land where all the people are tiny from the book "Gulliver's Travels" by Jonathan Swift
*Lichtenburg: Small European country in which Sally Adams serves as the American ambassador in the musical and film Call Me Madam
*Lillitania: Lilly's Imaginary Country from an episode of Hannah Montana.
*Litzenburg: neutral country in the "Border Zone" computer game
*Lividia: mythical kingdom in the movie "Greater Than a Crown"
*Logosia: African country from the "" TV episode "The Crane"
*Lombuanda: a small African country on the Gulf of Guinea in the "" episode "The Diamond"
*Loompaland: a "terrible" country from Roald Dahl's 1964 children's book, "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory". It is inhabited by dwarves called Oompa Loompas and is full of extremely dangerous creatures called "Snozzwangers", "Hornswogglers", "Verminous Knids", and wicked "Whangdoodles".
*Lovitzna: a state lying to the north of Maltovia, hereditary enemies of that country, from "Biggles goes to War" by Captain W.E. Johns.
*Low countries: from Simon Green's "Beyond the Blue Moon". Capital city: Haven.
*Lower Slobbovia: ice-covered wasteland from the comic strip "Li'l Abner"
*Lucre Island: a pirate island in the game, "Escape from Monkey Island"
*Lugash: Mideast nation from the "Pink Panther" series of movies
*Luggnagg: an island state about 100 leagues SE from Japan. From the book "Gulliver's Travels" by Jonathan Swift.
*Lukano: a small independent country facing the Mediterranean Sea from "Time Crisis 3" video game. It neighbors Astigos, a small, peaceful island in the Mediterranean Sea.
*Lutha: a small Balkan kingdom from the novel "The Mad King" by Edgar Rice Burroughs
*Luxenstein: a European country in the German movie "Princess Undercover (Eine Prinzessin zum Verlieben)"
*Lyrobia: African nation in "Totally Spies!" containing desert and rain forest environments, with an Arabic-inspired culture


*Macaria: utopian country from "A Description of the Famous Kingdom of Macaria" by Samuel Hartlib
*Macho Grande: Fictional country used in the Airplane! movies.
*Malaguay: Country that "El" was from on the 1970s sitcom "Soap" on ABC.
*Malbonia: fictional country whose flag is used by the protagonists of "This Can't Be Happening!" by Gordon Korman
*Madripoor: tiny independent island in the Marvel Comics, governed by bandits and located near Singapore
*Maguadora: tiny Central American country in the movie "Whoops Apocalypse"
*Magyaristan: Islamic state in the former Hungary. From the alternate history book "The Years of Rice and Salt" by Kim Stanley Robinson
*Malevelosia: an island kingdom filled with supervillains in "Justice Squad"
*Malicuria: a monarchy run by Emperor Aleister from the episode "April's Fool" of the 1987 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon TV series. The episode is set on the Malicurian embassy in the USA.
*Maltovia: a principality lying slightly to the north-east of the Black Sea, but still in Europe, from "Biggles goes to War" by Captain W.E. Johns.
*Maluda: South-east Asian nation ruled by a dictator who overthrew the monarchy in The Unit episode "The Broom Cupboard. It also suffered an earthquake.
*Mamaland: an eastern European island mentioned in the cartoon series "Wayside".
*Managua: a Central American republic in the Franco-Belgian comic Buck Danny. During the eighties, it is controlled by a military regime uneasily supported by the United States. During the nineties, it is threatened by a drug cartel which intends to overthrow the government and replace it with a puppet. Eventually, both the cartel and the regime are thwarted, and the nation presumably begins a transition towards democracy.
*Mandalia: a kingdom in Asia, located "somewhere between India, China and the Soviet Union", from the 1986 German TV series "Kir Royal"
*Mandavia: a kingdom in the movie "Speed King"
*Mangelo Empire: a fictional empire that is surrounded by the smaller nations of Annastan, Saabierge, and Bhasaespana.
*Mantegua: a Central American republic in Buck Danny. It is split by a civil war opposing the government of General Guttierez with the rebellion led by General Diaz.
*Maple White Land: land of Arthur Conan Doyle's "The Lost World"
*Mardi archipelago: from Herman Melville's "Mardi and a Voyage Thither"
*Margoth: European kingdom in Edgar Rice Burroughs's "The Rider"
*Marivellas: A volcanic island chain in the South Pacific, from Tales of the Gold Monkey
*Markovia: independent Alpine nation in DC Comics, ruled by the superhero Geo-Force.
*Marnsburg: a member of the United Nations hostile to the United States in the "" TV episode "Imitation"
*Marshovia (Marsovia, Makovnia): small Eastern European kingdom most likely located somewhere near Transylvania in the operetta "The Merry Widow"
*Masavania, Kosnia: European kingdoms in the movie "If I Were Queen"
*Matobo: a state in the sub-Saharan region of Africa, from the 2005 film "The Interpreter"
*Maurania: African country in "Paradise" video game
*Mêlée Island: a pirate island in the Caribbean Sea, from the "Monkey Island" games, part of the Tri-Island area (governed by Elaine Marley)
*Meropis: A parody of Atlantis created by Theopompus of Chios
*Mervo: an island principality in the Mediterranean in the novel "The Prince and Betty" by P. G. Wodehouse
*Mesa de Oro: unstable Latin American island in the "Three Young Investigators" series. (The name means "golden table" in Spanish.)
*Milantis: Miley's imaginary country in an episode of "Hannah Montana".
*Miranda / The Mirandan Republic: South American nation from Luis Buñuel's film "The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie", from which the character Don Rafael is an ambassador to France. It is referred to by several characters as an unpleasant place with a strict military, oppressive leadership, and high murder rate.
*Modova: independent Central European nation in DC Comics, ruled by the supervillain Sonar.
*Mokoko: African country from Turkish TV Series "Kurtlar Vadisi".
*Moldavia: Eastern European country from "Dynasty" TV series (note: Moldavia really exists as a region)
*Moldavia (2): Eastern European country from the movie "Second in Command"
*Moldavia (3): Eastern European country from the pilot episode of Batman and Robin, the TV Series featuring Adam West, first aired on 12 January, 1966.
*Moldavia (4): Eastern European country from the American sitcom "Roseanne"
*Moldavia (5): Eastern European country mentioned in the movie "Ghostbusters II"
*Moloni Republic: Southern African country from the videogame "Metal Gear Acid"
*Molvanîa: Eastern European country from a parody travel guidebook; from the same authors as Phaic Tăn and San Sombrèro.
*Monica: an anarchist state from the animated series "Aeon Flux"
*Mordor: Homeland of Sauron the Knight in J.R.R. Tolkien's trilogy of "Lord of the Rings"
*Morevana: a kingdom in which fat is prized in the movie "The Slim Princess"
*Moribundia: from Patrick Hamilton's "Impromptu in Moribundia"
*Moronica: parody of Nazi Germany from the Three Stooges short "You Nazty Spy"
*Mortadelonia: one of the countries resulting of the 1991 collapse of USSR as told in
*Muldovia: An Arabian state with vast oilfields featured in an episode of "The Secret Service"
*Munma Holy Republic: Islamic republic, formed out of the southern quarter of Iran and Pakistan, in "Appleseed" manga
*Mushroom Kingdom: Kingdom in the Mario Bros. Series where Princess Peach is the Princess.
*Mypos: island nation around the Greek isles, home of Balki from "Perfect Strangers"


*Isle of Naboombu: kingdom of anthropomorphic animals in the Disney film "Bedknobs and Broomsticks"
*Nagonia: African country in Yulian Semyonov's spy novel "TASS is authorized to announce..." (ТАСС уполномочен заявить...), and in the Soviet movie of the same title
*Nambabwe: a parody of Namibia (formerly South West Africa) during the time of its UN-supervised independence from South Africa. A spoof of the transition by the UN peace-keeping forces was the subject of a comedy film by Leon Schuster, "Oh Shucks...Here Comes UNTAG".
*Nambutu: African country featured in the James Bond movie "Casino Royale"
*Natumbe: African country from "Dynasty" TV series
*Nayak: imaginary West African country in the movie "La Nuit de la vérité"
*Nea So Copros: Near-future East Asian "corprocracy" in the novel "Cloud Atlas".
*Nevoruss: a powerful state in the north of Russia and America created by Russian writer Grigoriy Demidovtsev
*New Swissland: Nation southwest of Greenland in the Captain Underpants series. Every person born in this country is given a ridiculous name at birth.
*Nibia: African country in the movie ""
*Nihilon: a country somewhere in central Europe, run by nihilists, in Alan Sillitoe's comic novel "Travels in Nihilon"
*Nivia: from the "Photon" TV series
*Nollop: island state from the novel "Ella Minnow Pea" by Mark Dunn
*: a fictional country that will appear in .
*Nordic Town: Fictional City in the state of Washington mentioned on an episode of Icarly where Mandy got the Fladoodles.
*North Elbonia: A Communist neighbour of Elbonia (see above); loosely based on North Korea.
*North Sarrawak: a dictatorship on the coast of Borneo in the Franco-Belgian comic Buck Danny. Its leader, General Shim, allows the American Mafia to grow opium on the island in exchange for their financial support.
*Nouvelle Atlantide or New Atlantis: a huge, rich, powerful, and very far from peaceful nation in Anatole France's "Penguin Island". Similar to the USA
*Novistrana: from the computer game ""
*Nuevo Rico: South American country from "The Adventures of Tintin", neighbouring San Theodoros


*Oceania: from the novel "Nineteen Eighty-Four" by George Orwell
*Ohtar: Middle Eastern country in the 1984 Goldie Hawn film "Protocol"
*Okenland: Oliver's imaginary country in an episode of "Hannah Montana".
*Opperland: a fictitious country based on the Netherlands where the Dutch language is treated entertainingly, []
*Orb Union: an island nation that is located a few kilometers off the Equatorial Union in the anime Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny.
*Oriosa: Tarrant Hawkin's home country in Michael A. Stackpole's series The Dragon Crown War Cycle.
*Orsinia: featured in Ursula Le Guin's "Orsinian Tales" and "Malafrena", Orsinia is a Central European country, similar to Poland, Czechoslovakia, or Hungary
*Osterlich: nation invaded by Bacteria and Tomainia in the movie "The Great Dictator"; obviously supposed to be Austria
*Ostnitz: country from the "Border Zone" computer game
*Ovitznia: a republic in the Balkans from "Road Rovers" TV series
*The Land of Oz: L. Frank Baum's "World of Oz" novels as well as the novel and play Wicked and its sequels.
*Osea: a fictional country that appeared in and will appear in . Osea is a major superpower in most of the Ace Combat Games.
*Outer Heaven A fortified military state north of South Africa in the game "Metal Gear"


*Pala: island utopia in Aldous Huxley's "Island"
*Palmont: from Need For Speed Carbon.
*Palombia: home of the Marsupilami from the "Spirou et Fantasio" and "Marsupilami" comics
*Panquita: European monarchy mentioned in second season of "Yakitate!! Japan" anime. A member of that nation's royal family, Princess Anne, was a guest judge at the baking exhibition.
*Palmolive: A European Country found to the west of England with Capital City as Rai and having main towns: Caro, Algatia, Esha, Safaira, Nova, Phoenix, Ducray and Rosa. A country found in the game Sim City 4.
*Parador: Latin American country in the movie "Moon Over Parador"
*Paragonia: Latin American country in the movie "The Americano"
*Pathos: neighbor of Mypos, part of a different Tri-Island Area in "Perfect Strangers"
*Patusan: an island nation somewhere in the South China Sea in the movie "Surf Ninjas" as well as in the film "The Last Electric Knight" and the TV series "Sidekicks". Also mentioned in "Lord Jim" by Joseph Conrad.
*Peaceland: European country featured in the anime "Nadesico", which was once a theme park, but formed its own nation. It is neutral in all conflicts, on earth and beyond, has no taxes, and has a great banking system similar to that of Switzerland. Ruri Hoshino aka "Ruri Ruri", a famous character of the series, is originally a princess from there.
*Pelegostos, an island from the film "", inhabited by cannibals.
*Penguin Island(L'île des Pingouins): in the 1908 novel by Anatole France, an island in the North Sea where penguins were miraculosly transformed into humans (and which is in fact a satitical view on France).
*Peoples' republic of Clara: Land ruled by Admin Clara from Project Rockstar.
*Pepeslavia: from "Su Excelencia" movie starring Mario Moreno "Cantinflas". A parody of the U.S.S.R.
*Perusalem: land ruled by "The Inca of Perusalem" in the short satiric play by George Bernard Shaw
*Petoria: from the "E. Peterbus Unum" episode of "Family Guy"
*Phaic Tăn: South East Asian country from a parody travel guidebook; from the same authors as Molvanîa and San Sombrèro.
*Pharamaul: a British island protectorate five hundred miles off the southwest coast of Africa from the novel "The Tribe That Lost Its Head" by Nicholas Monsarrat.
*Phatt Island: an island in the Caribbean in the game ""
*Pfennig Halbpfennig: presumably German/Eastern European Grand Duchy and setting for the operetta "The Grand Duke", by Gilbert and Sullivan. Notable for an unusual law regarding "Statutory Duels", in which duelists compete by drawing playing cards - the loser then dies and becomes a "legal ghost".
*Pianostan: a country once visited by "Inspector Gadget" where its people remain happy so long as their King remains miserable
*Plunder Island: a pirate island in the Caribbean in the game "The Curse of Monkey Island", part of the Tri-Island area (governed by Elaine Marley)
*Poictesme: a country situated roughly in the south of France in the books of James Branch Cabell
*Poketopia: Place Where Pokemon Trainers around the world battle pokemon in the video game Pokemon Battle Revolution.
*Pokoponesia: island nation from the animated version of "The Tick"
*Poldévie: Eastern European country in a famous petition in the 1930s and in many novels by Jacques Roubaud.
*Pomerania: a nation in the film "Anchors Aweigh". It has a navy which accepts non-Pomeranians. Not to be confused with the real Pomerania, formerly a region in Poland and Germany.
*Pontevedro: a poverty-stricken Grand Duchy situated deep in the Balkans from the comedy play "L'Attache d'ambassade" by Henri Meilhac and the subsequent operetta and movie "The Merry Widow". Pontevedro is a veiled reference to the Balkan country of Montenegro.
*Porto Santo: a tiny island nation in Latin America visited by Steve Urkel in the "dn|Family Matters" episode "South of the Border" (Note: Porto Santo is a real island of Madeira Archipelago)
*Pottibakia: Balkan country from the short story "What Does it Matter? A Morality" by E. M. Forster. Capital city: Ekarest.
*Pottsylvania: from Jay Ward's "The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show"
*Povia: a small monarchy in the Balkans in the "" TV episode "The Heir Apparent"
*Prajevitza: a former socialist republic in Eastern Europe, in the Spanish-French movie "Krapatchouk" (1993), directed by Enrique Gabriel


*Qurac: A fictional Persian Gulf country in the DC Comics Universe, often used when DC needs a terrorist state.
*Qamadan: an oil-rich Arab kingdom and American ally from the "" TV episode "The Brothers"
*Qumar: Middle Eastern state from the television series "The West Wing"
*Qum Qum: A tiny nation in Peru mention in "The Suite Life of Zack & Cody"
*Qumran (Kumrahn): Arab country in the BBC comedy series "Yes Minister"
*Qwghlm: a country off the northwestern coast of Britain in Neal Stephenson's fictions "Cryptonomicon" and "The Baroque Cycle"


*Radiata: Home country in Radiata Stories
*Ragaan: Southeast Asian country located between Thailand and Malaysia featured in the Australian Broadcasting Corporation's TV series "Embassy"
*Raspur: defined as "a nonexistent but real-sounding country" in What's Up, Tiger Lily? the grand Marjat says "we're next when theres a spot on the map. I hope it's someplace in the maditerranean".
*Razkavia: Germanic country in Philip Pullman's "The Tin Princess"
*Realia: a republic in the "" video game
*Réndøosîa / Rendoosia: A fictional Eastern European country that experiences an unusually high rate of natural disasters featured in the "The Amazing Adrenalini Brothers" animation
*La República de las Bananas (literally, "banana republic"): from the board game "Junta"
*República de los Cocos: a Latin American state in "Su Excelencia" starring Mario Moreno "Cantinflas"
*Retroville: Place where Jimmy Neutron and all his friends are from in .
*Riallaro archipelago: from Godfrey Sweven's "Riallaro, the Archipelago of Exiles"
*Rockport: from Need For Speed Most Wanted.
*Rolisica: country in the movie "Mothra" most likely a disguise of USA. Capital city: New Kirk.
*Romanovia: Eastern European country featured in the comedy "". Dodgeball is the national sport.
*Rudyardia: white supremacist state in Central Africa, bordering the also fictional state of Wakanda in Marvel Comics.
*Rumackistan: A fictional country in the Danny Phantom Episode, "Bitter Reunions".
*Ruritania: a kingdom in central Europe from Anthony Hope's "The Prisoner of Zenda" and associated works
*Rubovia: a kingdom in central Europe, location of the BBC children's television puppet stories "A Rubovian Legend"

*Sachenia: a tiny state close to the Alps in the movie "Herz ohne Krone"
*Sacramento: a Caribbean Island from Érico Veríssimo's novel, "O Senhor Embaixador" ("The Ambassador"), heavily based on Cuba.
*Sahelise Republic: African country mentioned in "The West Wing"
*Sahrani: Atlantic island divided into the northern communist Democratic Republic of Sahrani and the oil-rich democratic monarchy of the Kingdom of South Sahrani in the video game "Armed Assault"
*Saint Georges Island: an island nation located somewhere in the Arabian Sea. It was the centrepoint of the episode "A Victory for Democracy" from the sitcom, "Yes, Prime Minister".
*Salamia: a country in the Middle East in the Tamil movie "Vikram"
*Salouf: Arabic oil-rich monarchy in the movie "Where the Spies Are"
*Samavia: Eastern European kingdom in Frances Hodgson Burnett's "The Lost Prince"
*San Carlos: Latin American nation in the movie ""
*San Cordova: a democracy in Latin America from the "" TV episode "The Elixir"
*San Cristobal: a Latin American democracy in the "" TV episode "The Code"
*San Cristobel: tropical island country in "The Guiding Light" TV series, also the name for a separate fictional nation in the TV series "Automan"
*San Do Mar: Central American nation, a haven for criminals, in several novels by Harry Stephen Keeler; it is the setting for "The Gallows Waits, My Lord."
*San Esperito: South American island nation from the video game "Just Cause". Translated in English means "St. espionage".
*San Glucos: from "The Simpsons" episode "Sweets and Sour Marge"
*San Gordio: a kingdom in the movie "The Cowboy Prince"
*San Lorenzo: a tiny, rocky island nation located in the Caribbean Sea in Kurt Vonnegut's "Cat's Cradle"
*San Lorenzo (2): Latin American country in the "Hey Arnold!" animated TV series, where Arnold's parents met and where he was born.
*San Marcos: Latin American republic in Woody Allen's comedy "Bananas"
*San Marcos (2): Caribbean island from an episode of "The A-Team"
*San Marcos (3): South American country in an episode of "Alarm für Cobra 11 - Die Autobahnpolizei"
*San Marcos (4): civil-war torn Central American country in an episode of "MacGyver".
*San Miguel: small South/Central American dictatorship in the movie "Deal of the Century"
*San Monique: Caribbean nation run by a drug lord in the James Bond movie "Live and Let Die"
*San Pascal: a Latin American country in the "" TV episode "The Catafalque"
*San Pasquale: South American country in "Commander in Chief". Possibly based on Bolivia or Panama.
*San Pedro: from the Sherlock Holmes story "Wisteria Lodge"
*San Pedro (2): South American country in the movie "Hour of the Assassin"
*San Saludos: impoverished Latin American dictatorship in the American TV series Get Smart, episode "Viva Smart."
*San Seriffe: Fictional island nation featured in an elaborate April Fools Day hoax on 1 April 1977 in the British newspaper The Guardian.
*San Sombrèro: Central American country from a parody travel guidebook; from the same authors as Molvanîa and Phaic Tăn.
*San Theodoros: South American nation featured in several of "The Adventures of Tintin", home of General Alcazar
*Santa Costa: Caribbean island dictatorship from the pilot episode of "". Appears to lie about half-way between Cuba and the Venezuelan coast on a map seenbrieflyat the start of the episode.
*Santa Banana: Central American country in the movie "Elvis Gratton"
*Santa Cristal: Central American country in the movie "Santa Cristal"
*Santa Prisca: Latin American country in DC Comics, home to Batman's enemy Bane
*Santales: a small Latin American democracy, from the "" episode "Trek"
*Sapogonia: imaginary country, located somewhere to the south of Mexico, where all mestizos come from, in the novel "Sapogonia" by "Ana Castillo"
*Saradia: Middle Eastern country in the movie "Godzilla vs. Biollante"
*Sarahtopia: Sarah's imaginary country in an episode of "Hannah Montana".
*Sarasaland: Kingdom in the Mario Bros. Series where Princess Daisy is the Princess.
*Sarkhan: Southeast Asian country from the novel "The Ugly American" by William Lederer and Eugene Burdick and the subsequent movie
*Saroczia: Eastern European country which the United States invades, which serves as the terrorist basis in the video game "Winback".
*Saudi-Israelia: Mentioned as the 51st state of the United States in The Simpsons episode Future-Drama.
*Scabb Island: an anarchic pirate island in the Caribbean in the game ""
*Schiermeeuwenoog: a Dutch island from the Sjors & Sjimmie-series, became independent and reverted in comic and movie.
*The Triple Monarchy of Scythia-Pannonia-Transbalkania: from "Dr. Engelbert Eszterhazy" stories by Avram Davidson
*Selgina: a small country located high in the Himalayas in the movie "Ghidorah, the Three-Headed Monster"
*Sercia: a republic in "Time Crisis" video game
*Serdaristan: an Eastern European country in the video game
*Serena Republic: a small country mentioned in the "Metal Gear Acid 2" video game
*Shadaloo: Southeast Asian state in the 1994 film "Street Fighter", based on the Capcom computer game (in which the same word was used to describe various other things, including a criminal organisation). In the television series "Street Fighter II V", a similar name, Shadowlaw, referred to a master organization controlled by Bison which several lesser syndicates operated under.
*Shakobi: African monarchy from "That's So Raven" TV series, episode "The Royal Treatment"
*Shangri-La: a mystical, harmonious valley, enclosed in the western end of the Himalaya in James Hilton's novel "Lost Horizon"
*Shipwreck Cove, an island composed of ship wrecks in the film "".
*Shundi: a kingdom from the movie "Goopy Gyne Bagha Byne" which was filmed by Satyajit Ray from a novel by Upendrakishore Raychoudhury
*Soviet Unterzoegersdorf: the "last existing appanage republic of the USSR", a fake country created by monochrom for theatre performances and computer games
*Sierra Gordo: a South American country often used as a satire of banana republics in the G.I. Joe comic book series published by Marvel Comics.
*SimNation: a country featured in video games by Maxis, including the SimCity series and The Sims. The capital is SimCity, revealed in the politics career track in The Sims 2.
*Sinnoh: The country featured in the Nintendo games Pokémon Diamond and Pearl. The main religious beliefs there are that Arceus, Dialga, Palkia and Giratina created the world.
*Skandistan: Islamic state comprising what was formerly Scandinavia. From the alternate history book "The Years of Rice and Salt" by Kim Stanley Robinson
*Skeptos: neighbor of Mypos, part of a different Tri-Island Area in "Perfect Strangers"
*Skull Island: from "King Kong" movies
*Skull Island: a small pirate island in the Caribbean in the game "The Curse of Monkey Island"
*Slabovia a.k.a. United Slabovian Empire: a land-locked country with a frustrated navy. It is referred to in The May Day Impromptu and several other works by Canadian playwright Patrick Goddard (an award winning English playwright working out of Montreal, Quebec).
*The People's Republic of Slaka: a Balkan communist country in Malcolm Bradbury's "Rates of Exchange" and its sequel "Why Come to Slaka?"
*Slavatania: an imaginary country from the TV series "Hope & Faith" made up by Faith in the episode "Natal Attraction" when she tells her gynaecologist that her father is the prince of the country
*Slavosk: a country in Eastern Europe from the TV series "Danger Man". Drake must travel to Slavosk to rescue the supposed sister of a famous professor from this country.
*Slorenia: a small Baltic nation in Marvel Comics, its entire population was wiped out.
*Slovetzia: a tiny country in Eastern Europe in the movie "The Beautician and the Beast"
*Island of Sodor: between England and the Isle of Man, the setting for the Reverend Awdry's "Thomas the Tank Engine" railway network managed by "The Fat Controller"
*Sonzola: African republic mentioned in the novels of Christopher Brookmyre
*Sotho: a kingdom in Africa mentioned in a 1997 episode of the German TV series "Küstenwache" (note: the name and the royalist form of government seem to refer to the real existing Kingdom of Lesotho - however, in the episode, the King of Sotho comes to Germany to order ships for his coastguard, which would not make any sense for the real Lesotho, since the country is landlocked).
*Spira: Location where Tidus and other characters in Final Fantasy X and X-2 are from.
*Spydravania: a small island nation or enclave as it has been shown geographically located of the coast of Somalia and located on the border between Sudan, Central African Republic and Chad. It is home to Spydra, the villainess of the Gadgetboy series. The country's full name is the Queendom of Spydravania.
*Stickyfeet: Place where Maggie, Her Family and all of her friends are from on the TV Show The Buzz On Maggie.
*Strackenz: European country in the novel "Royal Flash" by George MacDonald Fraser
*Sunda: in Eric Ambler's State of Siege [] , is similar to Indonesia but much smaller, confined to a single island. (In reality there is a Sunda Strait and many islands known collectively as the Sunda Islands, but no specific one island with the name.)
*Suroq: Middle Eastern country from the "" TV episode "Terror"
*Svardia: a tiny European republic from the "" episode "The Train"
*Syldavia: Balkan monarchy featured in four stories of "The Adventures of Tintin", neighbouring Borduria
*dn|Sylvania: belligerent neighbor to Freedonia in the movie "Duck Soup"
*Symkaria: a small Eastern European country from Marvel Comics, the homeland of renowned mercenary Silver Sable


*Taka-Tuka-Land: Astrid Lindgren's book about Pippi Longstocking mentions a travel to this country in the third book of the series. Pippi's father was a king there in the South Sea.
*Tanah Masa: from Karel Čapek's "War with the Newts"
*Taprobane: a country described as "about ninety percent congruent with the island of Ceylon (now Sri Lanka)" from Arthur C. Clarke's "The Fountains of Paradise"
*Taronia: from the movie "Thirty Day Princess"
*Tawaki: from the movie "Man of the Moment"
*Tecala: South American country from the movie "Proof of Life"
*Tecan: Central American country in the novel "A Flag for Sunrise" by Robert Stone
*Telmar: from the movie ".
*Termina: the country in which the game "" takes place.
*Terresta: European country in the movie "His Royal Highness"
*Thermosa: Kingdom on the 1920 movie His Royal Slyness and on the 1926 remake Long Fliv the King
*Thulahn: Himalayan country in "The Business" by Iain Banks
*Tibecuador: Central American country in "The Fairly Oddparents". A poor, rainforest-covered country made up by the protagonist, then wished into existence to cover up the lie.
*Tierrapaulita:Magical country invented by Miguel Ángel Asturias for his novel Mulata de tal. It is the place where people can study sorcery.
*Tierra Verde: small island near Central American in Marvel Comics, home to mutant La Bandera.
*Tijata: Central American dictatorship from the movie "The In-Laws"
*Tirania (also Republic of Tirania): country governed by dictator Bruteztrausen; Spanish secret agents Mortadelo and Filemón helped depose Bruteztrausen and president Rompetechen was then elected.
*Toga Toga Islands: South Pacific island nation featured on "The A-Team"
*Tomainia: Nazi Germany-like country from the movie "The Great Dictator", ruled by Adenoid Hynkel
*Tontecarlo: a gambler's paradise in Superlópez comic-books until Superlópez's tourism visit. Clearly based on Montecarlo; "Tonte" refers to Spanish word "tonto" (=fool).
*Transia: Eastern European country in Marvel Comics, home to Avengers members Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver.
*Transvalia: not actually a state in its own right, but rather a parody of the so-called "Boerestaat" named Orania (which was to be a whites-only "homeland" that right-wing Afrikaners wished to establish after South Africa's transition to democracy on 27 April 1994). Leon Schuster made a comedy film called "Sweet and Short", which was a parody of life in the New South Africa. Interestingly enough, the film was made in 1990 shortly after Nelson Mandela was released from prison - many of the fictional events portrayed therein actually came to pass in post-apartheid South Africa.
*Treedonia, Free Independent Republic of: An independent "nation" in Out of Jimmy's Head. Jimmy declared it independent after he lost the Student Body Presidential Election after Robin threatened to cut down all trees. Although it was actually Golly, Tux, Croco who made Jimmy create this state, he became into leaving and reentering when Golly and Dolly were fighting over Jimmy's body. The flag Jimmy held while in Treedonia was blue with a tree on it.
*Trent, Grand-Duchy of: European Grand-Duchy from the "" TV episode "The Choice"
*Tribia: a country created by Bob Griffin on the site
*Trobokistan: former Soviet satellite nation in "Totally Spies!" TV series
*Tropico: island nation in the Caribbean in the "Tropico" computer game
*Trucial Abysmia: Middle Eastern country in the G.I. Joe comics.
*Tsalal: an island in the novel "The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym" by Edgar Allan Poe and its sequel "An Antarctic Mystery" by Jules Verne
*Turaqistan, a Middle Eastern country in the film "War, Inc.", based on Iraq and occupied by a former US Vice President.
*Twilight Town, in the video game "Kingdom Hearts II".
*Tyrgyzstan: a former Soviet republic in The State Within


*Udrogoth: Land Where Dave, Fang, Candy, Oswidge and other characters in the animated TV Series Dave The Barbarian are from.
*Ulgia: a politically unstable country from the anime "Noir"
*Ünderland: a small duchy bordering Michigan, from "The Venture Bros." animated TV series. Formerly ruled by supervillain Baron Ünderbheit, now a democracy under the presidency of Girl Hitler.
*United Islamic Republic a nation created by the union of Iran and Iraq, in Tom Clancy's novel Executive Orders.
*United States of Earth: a country consisting of all of the present day countries in the year 3000 in Futurama
*United Civilized States: The remnants of the U.S.A. and Canada in Earth 2140 game.
*Unistat: analogue of the United States of America in the "Schrödinger's Cat trilogy" of Robert Anton Wilson
*United State of Grisee: The fictional country in East Java from the novel If My City is a Country by Rio Fariska.
*Ustio: a fictional country that appeared in and was briefly mentioned in .
*Uqbar: from Jorge Luis Borges's "Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius"
*Utopia: from Thomas More's "De Optimo Reipublicae Statu deque Nova Insula Utopia"
*Ubomo: An unstable dictatorship between Lake Kivu and Lake Edward, setting for Wilbur Smith's novel, Elephant Song


*Val Verde: Spanish-speaking country resembling Nicaragua, in the movies "Commando" and "Die Hard 2"
*Valaria: a kingdom in the movie "The Colonel of the Red Hussars"
*Valeria: Spanish speaking democracy from "" episode "Wheels"
*Valeska: a tropical country from the Three Stooges short "Saved by the Belle"
*Vambria: an Arctic communist dictatorship on the 1990s Disney animated TV series "Tale Spin"
*Vandreka: see Bandrika
*Vanutu: a tiny South Pacific nation comprised of four atolls from the novel "State of Fear" by Michael Crichton; not to be confused with the real Republic of Vanuatu
*Versovia: dictatorship from Australian children's miniseries Eugenie Sandler P.I. from ABC Kids
*Vespugia: South American nation located in Patagonia, site of ancient step pyramids and a history of some Welsh settlement; in books by Madeleine L'Engle. In an alternate timeline it was ruled by a dictator who threatened nuclear warfare.
*Veyska: Baltic state suffering dictatorial rule in the "" TV episode "The Astrologer"
*Vien-tan: Southeast Asian nation in the Franco-Belgian comic Buck Danny, where it stands in for Vietnam.
*Volsinia: the country with unknown location in "Dr Trifulgas: A Fantastic Tale" by Jules Verne
*Vulgaria: the far-off, make-believe land in the film version of the children's story "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang"


*Wakanda: small African nation featured in the Marvel Comics series "The Avengers". The nation is ruled by King T'Challa, also known as the super hero Black Panther.
*Wallarya: a small country in the Balkans in the movie "His Royal Highness"
*West Monrassa: Central African country in an episode of "Spooks". Run by President Gabriel Sakoa, a corrupt leader planning a genocide against the people in the north of the country
*West Yemen: a fictitious and presumably democratic country in the Middle East which bordered East Yemen. From an episode in the sitcom, "Yes, Prime Minister".


*Xanth: a country occupying a land shaped roughly like Florida, home of the magical population of Piers Anthony's book series.
*Xing: a country based on China from the Fullmetal Alchemist manga.


*Yakastonia: mountainous eastern European nation, where yodeling is prominent in local culture, but so is surfing on its coast. Important landmark is Mount Bubneboba, and its fresh mountain air is celebrated worldwide. A traditional greeting is doing an armpit fart while repeating the word "zwooba!". Home of exchange student Fentruck on the animated series "Doug".
*Yatakang: archipelagic Australasian "guided socialist democracy" from John Brunner's novel "Stand on Zanzibar". Apparently roughly in the region of, and analogous to, Indonesia.
*Yellow Empire: a fascistic Asian power in Blake and Mortimer.
*Yudonia: a country mentioned in the episode "We're Married" from "Drake & Josh" sitcom
*Yugaria: small Balkan nation from the "Mission: Impossible: Operation Surma" video game
*Yugopotamia: A planet or country in The Fairly Odd Parents.
*Yukon Confederacy: a country in the novel "Fitzpatrick's War" by Theodore Judson
*Yuktobania: a fictional country that appeared in , briefly mentioned in , and will appear in
*Yurp: a poor country depicted in "I Am Weasel" animated TV series (pun on "Europe")
*Yurugli: Eastern European country in the movie "Our Lips Are Sealed". Name is a play on of 'you're ugly.' Home of the notorious Hachew (sneezing noise) crime family


*Zackstralia: Mentioned in an episode of The Suite Life of Zack and Cody when Zack was having a dream that he was rich and successful and he was going to buy the country Australia and rename it Zackstralia.
*Zagorias Federation: Mediterranean country, featured in "Time Crisis 3" video game, which invades Astigos, a small island, a territory of the neighbouring nation of Lukano
*Zakkestan: Ex-part of the USSR in the Dutch [Agent 327] comic series.
*Zambezi: African monarchy from the movie "King Ralph"
*Zamunda: African monarchy from the movie "Coming to America"
*Zanarkand: Place In Final Fantasy X where Tidus was Originally from.
*Zandia: island located in the Mediterranean Sea in DC Comics, ruled by the Brother Blood's cult.
*Zangaro: West African country in the movie "The Dogs of War"
*Zanzibar Land: A country bordering the Middle East and, for a time, the only country to possess nuclear weapons in the "Metal Gear" series of video games
*Zekistan: a Middle Eastern country between Afghanistan, Pakistan, China and Tajikistan in the "Full Spectrum Warrior" computer game and ""; its history and setting closely resemble Afghanistan's.
*Zembala: African country in the movie "The Wild Geese"
*Zembla: Northern European country in Vladimir Nabokov's novel "Pale Fire"
*Zinariya: an African country famous for its copper mines, ruled by a dictator, General Bindiga, in A. N. Wilson's "My Name Is Legion"
*Zoravia: the country from where the title character in "Princess Natasha" comes from.
*Zwasi-Germany: A fictional Central Asian country from the popular Norwegian radio show Ken eller Torkil.


*The unnamed French-speaking fictional country where the action of the Henri Verneuil film "I as in Icarus" takes place.
*Three unnamed Middle Eastern nations the U.S. is about to go to war with in the the second season of "24".
*The "Small" Middle Eastern Country in .
*Unnamed country where Esteban is from in The Suite Life of Zack and Cody.

External links

* [ ConWorld Wiki] - A Conworlding wiki on Wikia
* [ Pegasus] - A Fantasy Worldbuilding wiki


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