List of non-English generic and genericized trademarks

List of non-English generic and genericized trademarks

:"This list is about generic and genericized trademarks in languages" "other than English". "For English, see List of generic and genericized trademarks."

:"Cite references by quoting mainline publications using the trademark generically"

The following list comprises terms which have been registered as trademarks but, through common usage in their language, became either generic (trademark revoked) or genericized (trademark still in force).

By language

= Bulgarian =

* аспирин – Aspirin, a trademark of Bayer.
* виагра – Viagra, a trademark of Pfizer.
* гедоре – a set of repair instruments, Gedore.
* дискмен – Discman, a trademark of Sony.
* джип – Jeep, SUV.
* ксерокс – photo copier, Xerox.
* ксерокопирам – to copy, to Xerox.
* найлон – Nylon.
* нескафе – Nescafé, a trademark of Nestlé
* памперс – Pampers, a trademark of Procter & Gamble.
* скоч – adhesive tape, Scotch.
* уокмен – Walkman, a trademark of Sony.
* флекс – angle grinder.
* швепс – soft drink, a trademark of Schweppes.

= Czech =

* Igelit - material for manufacture of plastic bags. Originally soft polyvinylchloride, manufactured by and named after IG Farben; nowadays "igelit" bags are actually made of polyethylene. []
* Karma - a gas-powered tankless water heater (from the name of original manufacturer, Karel Macháček). []
* Kecky - from Keds training shoe.
* Kofolacola-type soft drink, trademarked after the fall of communism.
* Lux - vacuum cleaner, also used as a verb "luxovat".

= Croatian =

* kalodonttoothpaste
* gedore – tool, ratchet with replaceble socket ( [ Gedore] )
* walkman - any portable CD player, a trademark of Sony.
* digitron - calculator, after Croatian company ( [ Digitron]
* stiropor - Styropor, an expandable polystyrene
* diktafon - voice-recording device
* pleksiglas - synthetic polymer
* selotejp - scotch tape, from Sellotape
* tetrapak - a plastic and aluminium coated paperboard food container - from Tetra Pak company
* gramofon - from Gramophone
* žilet - from Gillette Company, now Proctor&Gamble Company unit
* džip - from Jeep
* jacuzi - from Jacuzzi

= Danish =

* Matasdrug store
* Panodilpain killer
* Nutella – hazelnut chocolate spread
* Nes-kaffe – Nescafé or any other instant coffee
* iPod – mp3 player

= Dutch =

* Atlas – for an excavator
* Bahco – for an adjustable spanner
* Chocomel – a milk and cocoa drink, after the original brand Chocomel
* Fristi - a yoghurt drink, after the original brand Fristi
* Luxaflex - for horizontal window blinds
* Perspex – synthetic polymer resembling glass
* Spa – mineral water, after the Belgian brand, Spa
* TomTom - for car navigation systems

= Filipino =

Some Filipinos have the habit of calling different products of the same kind by the name of the first or the most distinct brand even if they are manufactured by a different company. An example is ""May I xerox your copy?" (translation: Pwede po ba magpa-xerox nang inyong kopya?) or "I'll buy a camera tomorrow." "(translation: Bibili ako ng kodak bukas.)"

Notice that "camera" has been replaced by "kodak" in the sentence in Filipino form.

Solid examples are:
* Advil - (ibuprofen) anti-pain tablet
* Alka-Seltzer (acetylsalicylic acid / sodium bicarbonate) multi-purpose effervescent tablet
* Band-Aid - any adhesive bandage
* Baygon - mosquito repellant
* Biogesic – paracetamol tablets
* "Chocolait" - chocolate drink. Produced by the Magnolia Inc., a San Miguel Corporation company.
* Colgate - toothpaste
* Clorox - household bleach
* Coke - any cola drink. Sometimes, "coke" can be mistaken for Pepsi.
* Coleman - any kind of water jug, sometimes pronounced as "coolman"
* Crayola - crayons
* "Dyip" - jeepney, "not" an SUV. A jeepney is a kind of a public utility vehicle popular in the Philippunes. From Jeep.
* "Frijider" or "fridyidor" – refrigerator, derived from Frigidaire
* Game Boy - any kind of handheld gaming device
* Ginebra San Miguel or simply Ginebra – gin
* iPod - any kind of music device, sometimes mistaken as any MP3 player
* Jell-O - any kind of jelly dessert
* Kodak - camera
* LEGO - toy brick
* Liquid Paper - paper correction fluid. Sometimes "Liquid Eraser".
* Lysol – disinfectant spray
* Magic Sing – any portable karaoke microphone with installed chips of sing-along videos
* Oreo - any kind of cookie with cream filling
* Orocan – plastic jugs, pails, cabinets and dressers
* Ovaltine/Milo – malted chocolate milk powder
* Pentel Pen - permanent marker
* Pampers – disposable diapers
* Palmolive – shampoo. Synonym: Sunsilk
* Petromax - paraffin/kerosene lamp. Various manufacturers, but oddly not Petromax, offer kerosene lamps in the Philippines, but it is still called by this name.
* Photoshop - manipulate an image
* Pyrex - glass cooking pans and containers, or glass scientific instruments. Many thought that Pyrex was of that meaning. Pyrex is actually a glass material with heat-resistant characteristics.
* Post-It Note – self-adhering notepaper
* PowerPoint - any slideshow presentation
* Robitussin - (guaifenesin) Expectorant cough medication
* "Sarsa Perrins" - Worcestershire Sauce. Derived from Lea & Perrins.
* Safeguard - soap
* San Miguel or simply San Mig or SMB – beer
* Styrofoam - polystyrene filler or take out packaging made with such material. In some restaurants, the seller asks whether to put their take out food in either styrofoam or a plastic bag.
* SPAM - any kind of luncheon meat
* Stabilo - any brand of highlighter
* Thermos - any kind of lunchbox or water container, though that's not the real meaning. The term refers to a vacuum flask.
* Trust - condom
* Tupperware - plastic food containers
* "Turco" - rustproofing coat used in roofs.
* Walkman – portable cassette player
* Windbreaker - jacket
* Xerox – photocopy, can be used for verbs, such as nag-xerox, nagxe-xerox, mag-xerox, magpa-xerox, etc.
* Zesto – aseptic artificially-flavored fruit drinks
* Zonrox – household bleach

= Finnish =

* Alkowine merchant (off-license), see Alko
* Kännykkämobile phone, originally a trademark of Nokia, now widespread as the slang word for a mobile
* Otto – ATM (a joint venture of Nordea, Osuuspankki & Sampo)
* Salmiakkisal ammoniac covered licorice, owned by Fazer
* Mono(t)ski boot(s), from Lahti manufacturer Mono Oy, after company owner L. Mononen
* Pilsneri – mild beer, from Pilsener brand lager beer
* Jeeppi – an off-road wheeled vehicle, from Jeep
* Skiidu – a snowmobile, from Ski-Doo brand
* Priimuskeitin – portable gas cooker, from Swedish brand Primus
* Hyla – low-lactose dairy product, trademark of Valio
* Vespa – a scooter, originally Piaggio brand
* Les Paul– a model of electric guitar, originally Gibson Guitar Corporation brand
* Pleksi – transparent hard plastic, after Plexiglas
* Styrox, styroksi – expandable polystyrene
* Karhuntalja – insulation glass wool, trademark of Ahlström
* Termos – insulated thermos flask
* Katerpillari - a bulldozer, after Caterpillar brand

= French =

(many of them genericized in France only)
* BIC – a disposable ballpoint pen
* Cocotte minute – pressure cooker
* Coton Tigecotton swab for the ears
* Deltaplane – Hang-glider
* Eau de Colognethe perfume of Jean Marie Farina since 1709
* Escalator
* Fenwick — a forklift, named after the company which invented it in 1926 (Noel Fenwick was a Scottish engineer who settled in France in the 1860s).
* Frigidairerefrigerator
* Fermeture ÉclairZip fastener
* Mercurochrome – strong antiseptic
* Minitel – the telephone viewdata service or the machines that run the service operated by France Télécom
* Mobylette (mob)moped
* Pages JaunesYellow Pages
* Ricardpastis
* Scotch – transparent adhesive tape (this is used more often than the word for adhesive tape)
* Sopalin – kitchen paper towels
* Tipp-ex – white out, correcting fluid
* Zodiacinflatable boat
* K-wayRaincoat/Rainwear

= German =

* Birkenstock – open sandals
* Bobbycar – robust ridable toy car for small children
* Cornflakes - any cold breakfast cereal, except granola
* Duden – dictionary
* Edding – felt-tip permanent marker
* Fanta – carbonated orange lemonade
* Fimo – bakeable plasticine
* Fön – hair dryer, from AEG's line of dryers named after the warm air alpine wind
* Frisbee – flying disc
* Frolic – dog food
* Jeep – SUV, off-road vehicle
* Kaba – chocolate milk powder/drink
* Knirps – small telescope umbrellas
* Kellogg's - cereal
* Kölnisch Wasser – German translation of the fragrance Eau de Cologne made by Jean Marie Farina, mark in use since 1764.
* Labello – moisturizing lipstick
* Maggi - Maggi spice, a dark sauce which is very similar to East Asian soy sauce without actually containing soy.
* Mondos – condom (East German)
* Nutella – hazelnut chocolate spread (ex-East Germans sometimes use the name of the East German version, )
* Pampers – diaper
* Plexiglas - acrylic glass
* Scheibletten – sliced cheese
* Selters – sparkling water (North German)
* Spüli – dishwashing liquid
* Styropor – polystyrene foam
* Tempo – paper tissues ()
* Tesafilm – transparent adhesive tape ("Tesa" is the trademark in this word) ()
* Tixo – transparent adhesive tape, mainly used in Austria
* Walkman - portable music player, trademark of Sony
* Uhu – liquid glue, especially paper glue
* Zeppelin – airship
* Zewa – kitchen paper tissues
* Zippo – gas-fueled lighter

= Greek =

* Kariofili (Καριοφύλι) – A front-loading gun (From Cario & Figlio, an 18th Century maker of such guns)
* Klark (Κλάρκ) – Forklift (from Clark – a manufacturer)
* Merenda (Μερέντα) – Any spread similar to Nutella (a local Kraft brand)
* Nes (Νες) – instant coffee (Nescafé, a Nestlé brand)
* Nounou (Νουνού) – Canned concentrated milk (A Friesland Foods brand)
* Philadelphia (Φιλαδέλφια) – Cream Cheese (a Kraft brand)
* Stayier (Στάγερ) – Large military truck (from Steyr, a manufacturer)
* Tzip (Τζίπ) – A vehicle for off-road use (Jeep, a DaimlerChrysler brand)
* Pullman (Πούλμαν) - A coach (vehicle) (after the Pullman Company)
* Chris Craft (Κρις Κραφτ) - Speedboat (after an eponymous speedboat manufacturer)
* "'Zodiac (Ζόντιακ) – [inflatable boat] (usually smaller than 4 meters)
* "' [Kolinos] (Κολινός)- A brand of tootpaste

= Hebrew =

* ג'יפ ("Jeep") - Off-road vehicle, SUV (after Jeep)
* וספה ("Vespa") - Scooter (after Vespa)
* ג'קוזי ("Jacuzzi") - Hot-tub (after Jacuzzi)
* דיסקמן ("Discman") - Portable CD player (Discman)
* ווקמן ("Walkman") - Portable cassette player, but also refers to any CD or MP3 (Walkman).
* נס-קפה ("Nescaffe"), and sometimes קפה-נס ("Caffe-Nes") - Instant coffee(Nescafé). This is largely because "נס" ("ness") means miracle in Hebrew. Official term is קפה נמס ("caffe namess" - dissolving coffee).
* סוכרזית ("Sukrazit") - Artificial sweetener (after an Israeli brand also exported to Eastern Europe [] ).
* סלוטייפ ("Sellotape") - Transparent adhesive tape (Sellotape).
* פטיפון ("Patifon") - Any type of gramophone (Pathéphone).
* פלאפון ("Pelefon") - Mobile phone, "pele" meaning wonder. This is after Pelephone - the first company to provide mobile services in Israel. More formal terms are טלפון סלולרי ("telefon selulari" - cellular phone) or טלפון נייד ("telefon nayad" - mobile phone).
* פריג'ידר ("Frigider") - refrigerator (Frigidaire). Formal term is מקרר ("Mekarer").
* קורנפלקס ("Corn flakes") - Breakfast cereal.
* שוקולית ("Shokolit") - Chocolate milk powder. Named after a branded powder by Elite.
* דיסק-און-קי ("Disk-On-Key") - a USB Flash Drive made by the Israeli M-Systems.
* אקמול ("Akamol") - Painkiller. The first Paracetamol brand sold in Israel.
* ארטיק ("Artik") - Was the first Ice pop brand. The name is probably derived from Arctic.

= Hungarian =

* Cellux – general purpose adhesive tape (more common than "Tixó")
* Celofán - transparent paper
* Diktafon – sound recording device most commonly used to record speech for later playback
* Discman – portable CD player
* Flex – angle grinder
* Fridzsider – refrigerator
* Hungarocell - polystyrene foam (Styrofoam)
* Inbus kulcs – Hex key (hexagonal driver)
* Jacuzzi – hot tub with bubbles
* Jeep – off-road vehicle, SUV
* Kalasnyikov – assault rifle
* Nescafé (neszkávé) - instant coffee (any instant product can be called "nesz"+name of product; e.g.: "nesztea" (instant tea) "neszkakaó" (instant cocoa powder of any brand)
* Mirelite – any frozen food
* Plexi – see-through plastic
* Rotring – mechanical pencil
* Stihl fűrész – chainsaw
* Tixó – transparent adhesive tape (TIXO)
* Walkman – portable cassette player (may include CD players as well)
* Zsilett – shaving razor (obsolete)
* Post-it – self-stick note

= Italian =

* Nutella - hazelnut-based sweet spread
* Scotch – transparent adhesive tape
* Scottex - paper towels

= Japanese =

* ホッチキス (Hotchkiss) – stapler

= Norwegian =

* Selters – sparkling water
* Termos (Thermos) – vacuum flask
* Stillongs - long underpants

= Persian =

* Gilette – Shaving razor
* Kleenex – Tissue
* Whitex – Chlorine based cleaning liquid
* Rika – Dish washing liquid
* Coca – Soft drink
* Nescafe – Instant Coffee or just coffee
* Coffee Mate – Coffee whitener (milk substitute)
* Xerox – To photocopy (verb)
* PampersNappies (UK, some Commonwealth countries) – Diapers (U.S. and Canada)
* Jeep – Offroad vehicle
* Walkman – Portable music player
* ScaniaLorry
* Allen (wrench)Hexagonal wrench
* Jacuzzi – Stream bath tub (with bubbles)
* Ping-PongTable tennis
* Polaroid – Instant pictures (obsolete word)
* LEGO – Building toy (bricks)
* AspirinAspirin tablets
* Frisbee – Flying disc
* Deotherm – Water-heater
* Sony – PlayStation (game console)
* Tide – Laundry powder
* Samsonite – Briefcase

= Polish =

* Adidas – training shoe
* Akwalung – open-circuit scuba set#Open circuit scuba sets, from Aqualung
* Aspiryna – aspirin, from Aspirin
* Bankomat - used for any type of Automated Teller Machines (ATM), originally Swedish Affärsbankernas trademark "Bancomat" for their ATMs
* CPN - commonly used for any gas station (CPN is now known as Orlen)
* Dyplomatka – a rigid briefcase with a combination lock, from Diplomat brand
* Discman – used in common language for any portable CD player
* Dyktafon – a speech recording device, from Dictaphone
* Electrolux – used in common language for any vacuum cleaner (actually, this word is both rare and used locally)
* Flamasterfelt-tip pen, from Flo-Master brand
* Gramofon – record player, from Gramophone
* Jacuzzi – whirlpool bath
* Jeep – offroad vehicle
* Junkers – gas heater
* Ksero – photocopying machine from Xerox (kserować means 'to photocopy'); also 'a photocopy'
* Linoleum - floor covering
* Maggi
* Magnetofon - a tape recorder, from Magnetophon
* Neska – instant coffee, from Nescafe, particularly when it was considered a luxury foreign product
* Nylon
* Pampers – a diaper, plural: 'pampersy' - diapers; from 'Pampers'
* Pianola
* Ping-pongtable tennis (informal)
* Pleksi – clear acrylic plastic sheets, from Plexiglas
* Prymuskerosene stove, from Primus
* Rowerbicycle, after James Starley's Rover bicycle (James' son, John Kemp Starley was a co-founder of the Rover car company)
* Skocz – a transparent adhesive tape (from Scotch)
* Styropianpolystyrene (Partial translation of Styrofoampiana means 'foam')
* Teflon – non-stick surface
* Termosthermos
* Walkman – used in common language for any personal stereo
* WazelinaVaseline
* Woda kolońska - Eau de Cologne, where woda means 'water'
* Żyletka – razor blade (from Gillette)
* koreks - lightsafe film processing tank; from Correx

= Portuguese =

= Romanian =

* Adidas – sport shoe
* AspirinăAspirin
* Bancomat - Originally Affärsbankernas trademark for their Automated Teller Machines (ATM), but is used for any type of ATM.
* CelofanCellophane
* Deltaplan – Hang-glider
* Diplomat – a rigid briefcase with a combination lock, from Diplomat brand
* Frigider – refrigerator, from Frigidaire home appliances trade mark
* Gramofon – sound playback device, from Gramophone
* Inbus (or misspelled imbus) – hexagon-section key ("hex key"). The German name INBUS was a trademark of the Schraubenfabrik Bauer & Schaurte, Neuss, Germany. It is short for "Innensechskantschraube Bauer und Schaurte".
* Jacuzzi – whirlpool bath, from Jacuzzi
* Jeep – off-road vehicle (old use), from Jeep
* Linoleum – floor covering, from Linoleum
* NailonNylon
* Ness (or nes) – any instant coffee, from Nestlé's Nescafé
* Pampersdiapers (nappies), from Procter & Gamble's Pampers
* Ping-pongtable tennis (informal)
* Plexiglas – clear acrylic plastic sheets, from Plexiglas
* Protex – Condom (old use)
* Rigipsdrywall
* Rimelmascara, from Rimmel
* Scotch (often misspelled "scoci") – transparent adhesive tape, from 3M's Scotch Tape
* Teflon – non-stick surface
* Termopan – aluminum or PVC window frame (from Thermo Pan, a registered TM of Thermo Manufacturing Inc.)
* Termos – vacuum flask, from Thermos
* Vaselinăpetroleum jelly
* Walkman – used in common language for any portable personal stereo (may include CD players as well)
* Xerox – copy machine; a photocopied copy - from Rank Xerox Company (both noun and verb)

= Russian =

* Акваланг (Akvalang) – open-circuit scuba set, from Aqualung
* "'Аспирин (Aspirin) - acetylsalicylic acid
* Вазелин (Vaseline) - petroleum jelly
* Граммофон (Grammofon) – sound playback device, from Gramophone
* Диктофон (Diktofon) – a speech recording device, from Dictaphone
* Дипломат (Diplomat) – a rigid briefcase with a combination lock, from Diplomat brand
* Джакузи (Dzhakuzi) – whirlpool bath, from Jacuzzi
* Джип (Dzhip) – off-road vehicle of certain proportions, Jeep (note: the name was in use as a generic noun in English before trademarking)
* Кеды (Kedy) from Keds training shoe. The same type of shoe known as Vans in the US
* Ксерокс (Xerox) – copy machine, also used as a verb "ксерить" or "ксерокопировать"
* Лейкопластырь -
* Линолеум (Linoleum) - floor covering
* Магнитофон (Magnitofon) - a tape recorder, probably from Magnetophon
* Памперсы (Pampersy)diapers (nappies), from Procter & Gamble's 'Pampers'
* Пинг-понг (Ping-pong) – table tennis (note: the name was in use as a generic noun in other languages before trademarking)
* Плексиглас (Pleksiglas) – clear acrylic plastic sheets, from Plexiglas
* Примус (Primus)kerosene stove
* Скотч (Skotch) – a transparent adhesive tape
* Термос (Termos) – vacuum flask, from Thermos
* Тефлон (Teflon) – non-stick surface
* Унитаз (Unitaz)toilet fixture, from Finnish brand Unitas (Unity)
* Фломастер (Flomaster)felt-tip pen, from Flo-Master brand
* Фреон (Freon) – refrigerant
* Фрисби (Frisbi) – a flying disc, from Frisbee
* Целлофан (Tcellofan) – a types of polyethylene, from Cellophane
* Эскимо (Èskimo) – an ice-cream type, from Eskimo Pie


* "'Aспирин (Aspirin), a trademark of Bayer.
* Банкомат (Bankomat) - Originally Affärsbankernas trademark for their Automated Teller Machines (ATM), but is used for any type of ATM.
* Вазелин (Vaseline) - petroleum jelly
* Виндјакна (Vindjakna) - Windbreaker
* "'Вијагра (Viagra), a trademark of Pfizer.
* Вокмен (Walkman), a trademark of Sony.
* Гедора кључ (Gedora ključ) - a type of repair key, Retchet wrench
* Грамофон (Grammofon) – sound playback device, from Gramophone
* Дигитрон (Digitron)calculator, a former Croatian factory
* Диктaфон (Diktofon) – a speech recording device, from Dictaphone
* Дискмен (Discman) – portable CD player
* Ђакузи (Jacuzzi) – hot tub with bubbles
* Жилет (Gillette)razor blade
* Каладонт (Kaladont)toothpaste
* Линолеум (Linoleum) - floor covering
* Ликра (Lycra), Invista's brand name for spandex
* Магнeтофон (Magnetofon) - a tape recorder, probably from Magnetophon
* Најлон (Nylon)
* Нес/Нескафе (Nescafé), a trademark of Nestlé
* Памперс пелене (Pampers), a trademark of Procter & Gamble.
* Пинг-понг (Ping-pong) – table tennis (note: the name was in use as a generic noun in other languages before trademarking)
* Плексиглас (Pleksiglas) – clear acrylic plastic sheets, from Plexiglas
* Примус (Primus)kerosene stove
* Селотејп (Selotejp) - Sellotape
* Термос (Termos) (Thermos) – vacuum flask
* Тефлон (Teflon) – non-stick surface
* Фломастер (Flomaster) - Marker pen
* Фрижидер (Frigidaire)refrigerator
* Фризби Frisbee
* Ханзапласт (Hanzaplast) –
* Џип (Jeep) – off-road vehicle, SUV

= Slovak =

* Kofola – soft drink of brown colour trademarked after the fall of communism by one company
* Jar - dishwashing liquid


* adidaske - athletic shoes - obviously from Adidas, the German company producing sneakers
* džip - SUV - from jeep
* flomaster - a marker pen or a felt-tip pen - from Flowmaster, an early felt tipped pen
* frizbi - frisbee
* frižider - a refrigerator - from Frigidaire, a major US appliance company
* globin - shoe polish - an early product of the company Ilirija, Ljubljana
* hilti - a hammer drill - from hilti
* kahla - a vase for urinating - from Kahla, a Czech company producing porcelain
* kahlca - a floor or wall tile - from Kahla, a Czech company producing porcelain
* kalodonttoothpaste
* knauf - any plasterboard (gypsum board) - from Knauf, a manufacturer of building materials
* kseroks - a photocopy or a photocopy machine - from xerox
* mobitel - a cellular phone - from
* selotejp - scotch tape - from sellotape
* stiropor - Styropor, an expandable polystyrene (EPS), invented by BASF in 1952
* superge - athletic shoes - from Superga, the Italian company producing sneakers
* tetrapak - a plastic and aluminium coated paperboard food container, initially of tetrahedronal shape - from Tetra Pak company
* varikina - a bleach (sodium hypochlorite) - from
* žiletka - a razor - term introduced at the beginning of the 20th century after an inventor of a safety razor King C. Gillette and a brand name Gillette, see Gillette Safety Razor Company

= Spanish =

= Swedish =

* Bankomat - Originally Affärsbankernas trademark for their Automated Teller Machines (ATM), but is used for any type of ATM.
* Gasol - Propane (liquified petroleum gas)
* Frigolit - Originally a brand name for Polystyrene, but is now commonly used
* O'boy - Chocolate milk Cocoa powder, a brand name of Kraft foods, but in common use to describe any producers powder, as well as the finished beverage.
* Termos - vacuum flask

= Turkish =

* Atari – Any video game console or arcade machine, from Atari brand
* Aygaz – Gas oven
* Bankamatik – Any type of Automated Teller Machine originally used by Türkiye İş Bankası
* Borcam - oven-safe kitchen glassware
* Cemse – pronounced approximately "jam-say", comes from GMC, used for a kind of truck and military carrier
* Cip – Any type of sport utility vehicle, after U.S. "Jeep"
* Çiklet or Ciklet – Chewing gum, from Chiclets brand
* Fotoşop - manipulate an image, after Photoshop
* Frigo - a chocolate fudge ice-cream bar
* Frijider – refrigerator (old use), after Frigidaire
* Geym Boy - any kind of handheld gaming device, after Game Boy
* Hilti – Any brand of breaker hammer
* IBM - a standalone computer system (old use)
* Jilet – a safe razor, from Gillette brand
* Kolonya - light scented perfumes after Eau de Cologne
* Kot – Turkish blue jean brand which first produced denim in Turkey
* Neskafe - Any type of instant coffee, from Nescafé
* Oralet - a soft drink with orange flavour
* Orkid - any type of sanitary napkins
* Payreks - shock resistant kitchen glassware, from Pyrex brand
* Permatik – generally used for all shaving blades.
* Pilot - any type of rollerball or needle point pen
* Pimapen – PVC windows
* Rimel - mascara, after Rimmel
* Sana - margarine
* Seloteyp - any type of adhesive tape, after Sellotape
* Selpak – paper tissue
* Şveps (also Fanta) - any type of fruit flavored carbonated soft drink, after Schweppes (brand)
* Teflon - a trademark of DuPont referring to any non-stick surface (mostly pots and pans as in "teflon tava" meaning a non-stick pan)
* Termos - a vacuum flask
* Tipp-ex – white out, correcting fluid
* Uhu – Paper glue, from the German UHU brand
* Zodyak - after Zodiac, inflatable boat


* Datsun - used in frontier regions mostly.
* Hiace
* Hi-Lux
* Jeep'
* Pajero - An SUV
* Parasetamol
* Sunny Plast - Pakistani version of Band Aid
* Suzuki - may be mini car or pickup truck

By country


* Colaless, a term for thong
* Aspirina, Bayer's Aspirin
* Cinta Scotch, used to refer to any adhesive tape
* Coca, genericized form of Coca-Cola
* (la) Gotita, a brand of super glue
* Curita, band-aid
* Plasticola, glue
* Telgopor, expanded polystyrene
* Poxi-ran, contact cement
* Carilinas, a brand of "tissue" (like kleenex)
* Táper, Tupperware, any plastic food container.
* Yilé - Gillette, Gillette, any kind of disposable/safety razor.
* Maizena, Cornstarch.
* Vaselina, Petroleum Jelly.
* Fósforos, a brand of matches
* Combi - Public transportation (originally based on VolksWagen's Model)


* Alpargatas - simple running shoes
* Aspirina (from Aspirin) - acetylsalicylic acid
* BIC – a disposable ballpoint pen
* Bandeide (from Band-Aid)- adhesive bandage
* Belina - break (car)
* Bombril - wire sponge
* Chiclete (from Chiclets) - chewing gum
* Combi - van
* Durex - adhesive tape
* Havaianas - thongs
* Isopor - polystyrene foam
* Jacuzzi - hot tub with massaging jets
* Jipe (from Jeep) – SUV
* Lambreta (from Lambretta) - scooter
* Linóleo (from Linoleum) - floor covering
* Martinivermouth
* Maizena - corn flour
* Mertiolate - strong antiseptic
* Pirex (from Pyrex) - heat-resistant glass
* Post-it - self-adhering notepaper
* Tupperware - plastic food container
* Vaselina (from Vaseline) – petroleum jelly
* Vitrola (from Victrola) - hand-cranked phonograph
* Walkmanpersonal stereo
* Winchester - hard drive
* Xeroxphotocopy


* Aspirina, Bayer's Aspirin
* Colaless, a term for thong
* Confort, a brand of toilet paper
* Fósforos, a brand of matches
* (la) Gotita, a brand of super glue
* Parche Curita, band-aid
* Scotch, used to refer to any adhesive tape
* Toalla Nova, a brand of paper towels

Dominican Republic

* Colaless, a term for thong
* Aspirina, Bayer's Aspirin
* Pampers, a brand of baby diapers
* Ace, a brand of detergent.
* Gillette, a brand of razor for shave.
* Curita, band-aid


* Bajajauto rickshaws, synonymous with Scooters and Auto-rickshaws besides other famous products
* Band-Aid – Adhesive bandage.
* Coke - soft drink
* Dalda – hydrogenated vegetable fat, comes from the manufacturer of the Vanaspati (hydrogenated vegetable fat). A member of the business family, HUL (Hindustan Unilever Limited )
* Fevicol - multi purpose adhesive
* Godrej – steel cupboard. Named after the multi-product business house of India that once was synonymous with steel cupboards
* iPod - mp3 player
* Jeep – Off road vehicle, SUV.
* Maggi - increasingly synonymous with instant noodles
* Prestige and Hawkins - pressure cookers
* Sellotape - adhesive tape
* Surf - detergent powder
* Tempo – A light truck. Derived from an automobile manufacturer Bajaj Tempo, now called Force motors.
* Thermos - Vacuum flask
* Tortoise – A mosquito repellent in the form of a coil which when lit produces light smoke which drives away mosquitoes.
* V.I.P.- underwear brand
* Walkman – Personal audio player
* Xerox – Photocopy. It's common to see photocopying businesses display Xerox on large yellow name boards. Ex: Star Xerox, Gemini Xerox etc.


* bibsi – from Pepsi:any cola drink.
* kliniks – from Kleenex: tissue.
* taied – from Tide:powder detergint.
* turmus – from Thermos: vacuum flask.
* soni – from Sony: Betamax tape.
* ji vi si – from JVC: VHS tape.
* lux – from Lux: toilet soap.
* caterbil – from Caterpillar: bulldozer.
* atari – from Atari brand: Any video game console or arcade machine (now dated).
* shel – from Shell: gasolin station.
* samsonait – from Samsonite: briefcase.
* nescafe – from Nescafe: instant coffee.
* brimus – from Primus AB: gas stove.
* wibli – from Webley and Scott: revolver handgun.
* vesba from Vespa: motor scooter.


* Automobile Association of Malaysia (or AAM) - insurance for vehicles
* Coca-Cola, sometimes referred to as just Coke - soft drink
* Colgate - toothpaste
* Corn Flakes - breakfast cereal
* Escalator
* Kotex - feminine hygiene
* Liquid Paper - correction fluid
* Maggi - instant noodles
* McDonald's (KFC is occasionally used) - fast food restaurant
* Milo - malted chocolate milk powder
* Nescafé - instant coffee
* Pampers - disposable diapers
* Tupperware - plastic food containers


* Alka-seltzer
* Ariel - washing powder
* Aspirina
* Bimbo - sliced bread loaf
* Brassiere
* Celuloide
* Celofán
* ChocoMilk - instant chocolate.
* Coca – genericized form of Coca-Cola
* Cola locasuper glue (crazy glue)
* Combi - Public transportation (originally based on VolksWagen's Model)
* Corn flakes and zucaritascorn flakes and sugar frosted flakes
* Cotonetes, Ear's tissues
* Curitaband-aid
* Diurex – any adhesive tape
* Granola
* Kleenex – a tissue
* Kool aid
* Kotex
* Levi's
* Nylon
* Pampers
* Philadelphia – cream cheese
* Pritt - Solid glue in a stick
* Q-tips
* Querosenokerosene
* Resistol - White liquid glue
* Rimel - any mascara
* Sabritas – a snack
* Scotch tape – any adhesive tape
* Tampax
* Termosthermos
* Tupper (from Tupperware)
* Valium
* Vactor - any truck mounted sewer cleaning machine
* Vaselinavaseline
* Windex
* Ziperzipper


*Ace - detergent
*BividíBVD, men's underwear, but used only for the sleeveless T-shirt
*Curitas – adhesive bandage - Band-Aids
* Frigider IPA| [friː.hiː.deə] Frigidaire, any refrigerator
*Kolynos - toothpaste
*Nintendo - video game console
*Quáker IPA| [kwaː.kə] Quaker Oats
*Táper IPA| [taː.pə] - Tupperware, any plastic food container with a sealed lid
*RímelRimmel, cosmetics, particularly mascara


* Água-de-colónia (lit. Eau de Cologne) - type of light perfume
* Aspirina (from Aspirin) - acetylsalicylic acid
* Black & Decker – electric drill
* Chiclete (from Chiclets, derivative: chicla) - chewing gum
* Corneto (from Cornetto) - frozen ice cream cone
* Discman – portable CD player
* Fecho Éclair - zipper
* Gilete (or gilette, from Gillette) – razor blade
* Jacuzzi - hot tub with massaging jets
* Jipe (from Jeep) – SUV
* Kispo - anorak
* Linóleo (from Linoleum) - floor covering
* Martinivermouth
* Mercurocromo (from Mercurochrome, derivative: mercúrio) - strong antiseptic
* Multibanco - automated teller machine
* Papel cavalinho (from Cavalinho) - drawing and sketching paper
* Pirex (from Pyrex) - heat-resistant glass for cooking and chemistry
* Post-it - self-adhering notepaper
* Radex - correction fluid
* Rimel (or rímel, from Rimmel) - mascara
* Sumol - orange soda
* Super-cola (from Super Cola 3, lit. Superglue) - cyanoacrylate adhesive
* Tabopan - medium-density fibreboard
* Termos (from Thermos, derivative: termo) - vacuum flask
* Tulicreme - chocolate spread
* Tupperware - plastic food container
* Valvolina (from Valvoline) - car transmission oil
* Vaselina (from Vaseline) – petroleum jelly
* Vespa - motor scooter
* Vitrola (from Victrola) - hand-cranked phonograph
* Walkmanpersonal stereo
* X-acto (derivative: xis-ato) – utility knife


* Celo – adhesive tape
* Cola Cao – milk chocolate-flavoring mix
*Kleenex - paper tissues


* Natelmobile phone (the name that the incumbent operator Swisscom, gave its mobile network from the full name of this, Nationales Autotelefon)

The migrating monkeys are coming!!!!!

At the request of the rightholder:
PAMPERS/ПАМЕРС is a registered trademark of The Procter & Gamble Company for baby diapers and baby wipes.

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