- Diminished third
diminished third Inverse augmented sixth Name Other names - Abbreviation d3[1] Size Semitones 2 Interval class 2 Just interval 144:125[2], 256:225[3], 8:7 Cents Equal temperament 200 24 equal temperament 200 Just intonation 245, 223, 231 In classical music from Western culture, a diminished third (
Play (help·info)) is the musical interval produced by narrowing a minor third by a chromatic semitone[1][4]. For instance, the interval from A to C is a minor third, three semitones wide, and both the intervals from A♯ to C, and from A to C♭ are diminished thirds, two semitones wide. Being diminished, it is considered a dissonant interval[5].
In equal temperament a diminished third is enharmonic with the major second, both having a value of 200 cents. However in meantone tunings with fifths flatter than the 700 cents of equal temperament, the diminished third is wider than the major second. In 19 equal temperament it is in fact enharmonically equivalent to an augmented second, both having a value of 262.6 cents. In 31 equal temperament it has a more typical value of 232.3 cents. In a twelve-note keyboard tuned in a meantone tuning from E♭ to G♯, the dimininished third appears between C♯ and E♭, and again between G♯ and B♭.
In septimal meantone temperament the diminished third is considered to approximate the interval of a septimal major second (
play (help·info)), with ratio 8/7, and in any meantone tuning in the vicinity of quarter-comma meantone, such as 31-equal temperament, it will come close to that value; for instance in 31-equal temperament the diminished third is a cent sharp of 8/7.
The complementary interval to the diminished third is the augmented sixth, and the numerous chords of common practice music described as augmented sixth chords thereby contain the diminished third as well. For example, a German sixth chord E♭-G-B♭-C♯-E♭' exhibits a diminished third between C♯ and E♭' which complements the augmented sixth between E♭ and C♯.
See also
- ^ a b Benward & Saker (2003). Music: In Theory and Practice, Vol. I, p.54. ISBN 978-0-07-294262-0.
- ^ Haluska, Jan (2003). The Mathematical Theory of Tone Systems, p.xxvi. ISBN 0824747143. Classic diminished third.
- ^ Haluska, ibid. Diminished third.
- ^ Hoffmann, F.A. (1881). Music: Its Theory & Practice, p.89-90. Thurgate & Sons. Digitized Aug 16, 2007.
- ^ Benward & Saker (2003), p.92.
Intervals (list) Numbers in brackets are the number of semitones in the interval.
Fractional semitones are approximate.Twelve-semitone
(Western)PerfectMajorMinorAugmentedDiminishedCompoundOther systems SupermajorNeutralSubminor7-limitchromatic semitone (⅔) · diatonic semitone (1⅙) · whole tone (2⅓) · subminor third (2⅔) · supermajor third (4⅓) · harmonic (subminor) seventh (9⅔)Other intervals GroupsPythagorean comma · Pythagorean apotome · Pythagorean limma · Diesis · Septimal diesis · Septimal comma · Syntonic comma · Schisma · Diaschisma · Major limma · Ragisma · Breedsma · Kleisma · Septimal kleisma · Septimal semicomma · Orwell comma · Semicomma · Septimal sixth-tone · Septimal quarter tone · Septimal third-tone
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