- Neutral second
Neutral second Inverse neutral seventh Name Other names Abbreviation n2 Size Semitones ~1½ Interval class ~1½ Just interval 11:10 or 12:11[1] Cents Equal temperament 100 or 200 24 equal temperament 150 Just intonation 165 or 151 A neutral second or medium second is a musical interval wider than a minor second and narrower than a major second. Three distinct intervals may be termed neutral seconds:
- The intermediate neutral second, called the lesser undecimal neutral second
play (help·info), has a ratio between the higher-frequency tone to the lower-frequency tone of 12:11 and is about 150.64 cents wide, while the larger one,
- the greater undecimal neutral second
play (help·info), has a ratio of 11:10 between the two tones and is about 165.00 cents wide. The lesser undecimal neutral second may be derived from the harmonic series as the interval between the eleventh and twelfth harmonics. The greater undecimal neutral second may be derived from the harmonic series as the interval between the tenth and eleventh harmonics.
- An equal-tempered neutral second
play (help·info) is characterized by a difference in 150 cents between the two tones, a hair smaller than a ratio of frequencies between the two tones of 12:11, and exactly half of an equal-tempered minor third.
Roughly speaking, then, neutral seconds are a quarter tone sharp from minor seconds and a quarter tone flat from major seconds. The equal-tempered neutral second may be found in the quarter tone scale and in some traditional Arab music (see also Arab tone system). Because neutral seconds are essentially a semitone (minor second) plus a quarter-tone, they may be considered three-quarter tones.
In equal temperament
Approximations to the 12:11 and 11:10 neutral seconds can be found in a number of equally-tempered tuning systems. 11:10 is very closely matched by 22-ET, whereas 12:11 is matched by 24-ET, 31-ET and 41-ET. 72-ET matches both intervals closely and is also the smallest widely used equal temperament that uniquely matches both intervals. Tuning systems that temper out the comma of 121:120 do not distinguish between the two intervals.
See also
- ^ Haluska, Jan (2003). The Mathematical Theory of Tone Systems, p.xxiii. ISBN 0824747143. 3/4-tone, undecimal neutral second.
Intervals (list) Numbers in brackets are the number of semitones in the interval.
Fractional semitones are approximate.Twelve-semitone
(Western)PerfectMajorMinorAugmentedDiminishedCompoundOther systems SupermajorNeutralSubminor7-limitchromatic semitone (⅔) · diatonic semitone (1⅙) · whole tone (2⅓) · subminor third (2⅔) · supermajor third (4⅓) · harmonic (subminor) seventh (9⅔)Other intervals GroupsPythagorean comma · Pythagorean apotome · Pythagorean limma · Diesis · Septimal diesis · Septimal comma · Syntonic comma · Schisma · Diaschisma · Major limma · Ragisma · Breedsma · Kleisma · Septimal kleisma · Septimal semicomma · Orwell comma · Semicomma · Septimal sixth-tone · Septimal quarter tone · Septimal third-tone
MeasurementOthersCategories:- Intervals
- Music stubs
- The intermediate neutral second, called the lesser undecimal neutral second
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