- Neutral seventh
Neutral seventh Inverse neutral second Name Other names - Abbreviation n7 Size Semitones ~10½ Interval class ~1½ Just interval 11:6[1], 64:35[2], or 24:13 Cents Equal temperament 1000 or 1100 24 equal temperament 1050 Just intonation 1049, 1045, or 1061 A neutral seventh is a musical interval wider than a minor seventh
play (help·info) but narrower than a major seventh
play (help·info). Four distinct intervals may be termed neutral sevenths:
- The just undecimal neutral seventh has a ratio of 11:6 between the frequencies of the two tones[3], or about 1049 cents
play (help·info). Alternately, 13:7[3] or about 1071.7 cents.
- A tridecimal neutral seventh
play (help·info) has a ratio of 24:13 between the frequencies of the two tones, or about 1061 cents. This is the largest neutral seventh, and occurs infrequently in music, as little music utilizes the 13th harmonic.
- An equal-tempered neutral seventh
play (help·info) is characterized by a difference in 1050 cents between the two tones, a hair larger than the 11:6 ratio, and exactly half of an equal-tempered major thirteenth (octave plus major sixth).
These intervals are all within about 12 cents and are difficult for most people to distinguish. Neutral sevenths are roughly a quarter tone sharp from 12 equal temperament minor sevenths and a quarter tone flat from 12-ET major sevenths. In just intonation, as well as in tunings such as 31-ET, 41-ET, or 72-ET, which more closely approximate just intonation, the intervals are closer together.
A neutral seventh can be formed by stacking a neutral third together with a perfect fifth. Based on its positioning in the harmonic series, the undecimal neutral third implies a root one perfect fifth below the lower of the two notes.
See also
- ^ Haluska, Jan (2003). The Mathematical Theory of Tone Systems, p.xxiii. ISBN 0824747143. 21/4-tone, undecimal neutral seventh.
- ^ Haluska (2003), p.?. Septimal neutral seventh.
- ^ a b Andrew Horner, Lydia Ayres (2002). Cooking with Csound: Woodwind and Brass Recipes, p.131. ISBN 0895795078.
Intervals (list) Numbers in brackets are the number of semitones in the interval.
Fractional semitones are approximate.Twelve-semitone
(Western)PerfectMajorMinorAugmentedDiminishedCompoundOther systems SupermajorNeutralSubminor7-limitchromatic semitone (⅔) · diatonic semitone (1⅙) · whole tone (2⅓) · subminor third (2⅔) · supermajor third (4⅓) · harmonic (subminor) seventh (9⅔)Other intervals GroupsPythagorean comma · Pythagorean apotome · Pythagorean limma · Diesis · Septimal diesis · Septimal comma · Syntonic comma · Schisma · Diaschisma · Major limma · Ragisma · Breedsma · Kleisma · Septimal kleisma · Septimal semicomma · Orwell comma · Semicomma · Septimal sixth-tone · Septimal quarter tone · Septimal third-tone
MeasurementOthersCategories:- Intervals
- The just undecimal neutral seventh has a ratio of 11:6 between the frequencies of the two tones[3], or about 1049 cents
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